Previously gravatars (external resources) were preloaded even if
disableThirdPartyRequests was set to true in the config, as the
config may be empty at the time of preloading.
Closes: #5670
Signed-off-by: Christoph Settgast <>
* i18n: zhTW: new translation
* Fixed the proper semantic of toolbar.hangup
* i18n: zhTW: new translation
* Fixed the proper semantic of speaker related strings
* i18n: zhTW: new translation
* Added startupoverlay.genericTitle
* fix(LocalSdpMunger): Fix unit test.
* fix(CodecSelection): Call RTCRtpTransceiver#setCodecPreferences before renegotiation. Call RTCRtpTransceiver#setCodecPreferences with the preferrred codec order before every createOffer/createAnswer. This ensures that the codec preference is enforced even when there is no local description available yet while the preferred codec is being set immediately after media session creation.
* fix(JingleSessionPC): Add a workaround for chrome issue. The 'signalingstatechange' event for 'stable' is fired after the 'iceconnectionstatechange' event for 'completed' is fired on chrome in Unified plan. This prevents the client from switching the media connection to the p2p connection once the ice connection for p2p gets established.
* fix(Logging): Log enhancements. Add a preifx to logs for idenitifying the type of TPC/jingleSessionPC.
* feat(TPC): Enable unified-plan support for Chromium based browsers. This can be controlled through the config.js option 'enableUnifiedOnChrome'.
* fix(TPC): Do not configure encodings on Safari until reneg. Avoid configuring the encodings on Chromium/Safari until simulcast is configured for the newly added track using SDP munging which happens during the renegotiation.
* fix(TPC): Do not configure encodings on chromium immediately after replace track. Avoid configuring the encodings on chromium immediately after replace track since the encoding params are read-only until the renegotation is done.
* fix: send json message (#1180)
* fix(SDP): Add missing msid for p2p sources.
* fix(TPC): Don't convert plan-b<->unified-plan SDPs for p2p.
* squash: Implement review comments.
* fix(JingleSessionPC): Do not try to re-use inactive mid for new remote ssrcs. The direction was marked as 'inactive' only on Firefox as Safari had audio issues when an inactive mid is re-used. Chrome (in unified-plan) needs the direction of the mid in remote desc to be set to 'inactive' for a 'removetrack' to be fired on the associated media stream whenever a remote source is removed.
* fix(SDP): Drop SSRCs whenever the transceiver direction is 'inactive' or 'recvonly'. This is needed only for JVB connections. Add unit tests for LocalSdpMunger.
* fix: Ignore startAudioMuted/startVideoMuted for p2p. The tracks will not be added when the call switches from jvb to p2p for an endpoint that joins muted by focus.
* fix(RTC): Do not suppress the source updates on Firefox. If the msid attribute is missing, then remove the ssrc from the transformed description so that a source-remove is signaled to Jicofo. This happens when the direction of the transceiver (or m-line) is set to 'inactive' or 'recvonly' on Firefox. Not signaling these source updates creates issues with remote track handling on the other endpoints in the call.
* fix(RTC): Set transceiver direction after RTCRtpSender#replaceTrack. This fixes the issue where TRACK_REMOVED event is not fired when a remote track is removed from the peerconnection. Fixes and
In case limited those connection will be whitelisted and unlimited. Updates existing configurations to make sure prosody update will not break it by limiting too much.
Uses 28c16c93d79a version of the module:
Will be available in prosody 0.12.
* fix(caps): Disable TCC on Firefox. There is a known issue with Firefox where the BWE gets halved on every renegotiation causing the low upload bitrates from the Firefox clients.
* fix: Drops unused config, fixesjitsi/lib-jitsi-meet#1620.
* fix(e2ee): destroys olm session on disabling e2ee