* feat(recording): frontend logic can support live streaming and recording
Instead of either live streaming or recording, now both can live together. The
changes to facilitate such include the following:
- Killing the state storing in Recording.js. Instead state is stored in the lib
and updated in redux for labels to display the necessary state updates.
- Creating a new container, Labels, for recording labels. Previously labels were
manually created and positioned. The container can create a reasonable number
of labels and only the container itself needs to be positioned with CSS. The
VideoQualityLabel has been shoved into the container as well because it moves
along with the recording labels.
- The action for updating recording state has been modified to enable updating
an array of recording sessions to support having multiple sessions.
- Confirmation dialogs for stopping and starting a file recording session have
been created, as they previously were jquery modals opened by Recording.js.
- Toolbox.web displays live streaming and recording buttons based on
configuration instead of recording availability.
- VideoQualityLabel and RecordingLabel have been simplified to remove any
positioning logic, as the Labels container handles such.
- Previous recording state update logic has been moved into the RecordingLabel
component. Each RecordingLabel is in charge of displaying state for a
recording session. The display UX has been left alone.
- Sipgw availability is no longer broadcast so remove logic depending on its
state. Some moving around of code was necessary to get around linting errors
about the existing code being too deeply nested (even though I didn't touch
* work around lib-jitsi-meet circular dependency issues
* refactor labels to use html base
* pass in translation keys to video quality label
* add video quality classnames for torture tests
* break up, rearrange recorder session update listener
* add comment about disabling startup resize animation
* rename session to sessionData
* chore(deps): update to latest lib for recording changes
On Android the files will be copied to the assets/sounds directory of
the SDK bundle on build time. To play the "asset:/" prefix has to be
used to locate the files correctly.
On iOS each sound file must be added to the SDK's Xcode project in order
to be bundled correctly. To playback we need to know the path of the SDK
bundle which is now exposed by the AppInfo iOS module.
Update RNFetchBlob to use a commit that fixes issues with calling UI API
on a background thread. Note: The commit used is from a forked repo that
is not yet merged on the new source for this RN component, eventually we
should be consuming from this repo instead
Adds base/sounds feature which allows other features to register a sound
source under specified id. A new SoundsCollection component will then
render corresponding HTMLAudioElement for each such sound. Once "setRef"
callback is called by the HTMLAudioElement, this element will be added
to the Redux store. When that happens sound can be played through the
new 'playSound' action which will call play() method on the stored
HTMLAudioElement instance.
WebRTC used to report createAnswer (and createOffer) NSError with key
"error". But now the key's called "NSLocalizedDescription".
Additionally, NSMutableDictionary doesn't accept nil.
* deps: update jquery version
* squash: resize thumbnails after appending shared thumb
This forces jquery animate to show the thumbnail somehow...
Remote thumbnails basically work this way (append to filmstrip
and then resize filmstrip thumbnails) so I just copied that
implementation. ... So I admit I lost this fight because
even after looking at jquery I couldn't understand why
it doesn't work on the first resize but does on the second.
Plus I'm being put on a strict timebox to update jquery.
* squash: getJSON no longer supports .success
Bumps lib-jitsi-meet to latest. There was a problem that jitsi-meet build fail if anybody touches package.json (including PR testing), this happen after start using custom strophe.js from github:jitsi/strophejs.
The error:
ERROR in ../strophejs-plugin-disco/lib/strophe.disco.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'strophe.js' in '/Users/dminkov/dev/jitsi-meet/node_modules/strophejs-plugin-disco/lib'
@ ../strophejs-plugin-disco/lib/strophe.disco.js 4:126-147 4:196-227
@ ./modules/xmpp/xmpp.js
@ ./JitsiConnection.js
@ ./JitsiMeetJS.js
@ ./index.js
Without strophejs-plugin-disco jitsi-meet builds but on runtime loading fail with:
Error: Missing strophe-plugins (disco plugin is required)!
FIXME: We should remove this once strophe.js releases new version and we are back to the official one inside lib-jitsi-meet.