* fix(welcome-page): css tweaks in prep for branded welcome page
- Watermarks should no longer depend on toolbar size. The left watermark made
room for the toolbar when the toolbar was on the left side of the screen, but
the toolbar has been moved to the bottom. The right watermark...well it'll
clash with the vertical filmstrip but at least the margins will be consistent
with the left watermark.
- Apply new font-family so fonts are more likely to be consistent across the
app. Design likes SF UI and keeps requesting it so use it by default.
- Change sizings of welcome page header to be more responsive. This will help
the header be scrollable when there is no additional content and the header
- Change colors of the welcome page header and remove background image that
was in the header. Leave in the dom for the background image in case other
deployments need to continue showing an image.
- Add a period to the title of the welcome page.
- Move watermarks dom location as it is not part of the header; it's part of the
whole page.
* [squash] Size and font adjustments. Renaming.
* feat(Deeplinking): Implement for web.
* ref(unsupported_browser): Move the mobile version to deeplinking feature
* feat(deeplinking_mobile): Redesign.
* fix(deeplinking): Use interface.NATIVE_APP_NAME.
* feat(dial_in_summary): Add the PIN to the number link.
* fix(deep_linking): Handle use case when there isn't deep linking image.
* fix(deep_linking): css
* fix(deep_linking): deeplink -> "deep linking"
* fix(deeplinking_css): Remove position: fixed
* docs(deeplinking): Add comment for the openWebApp action.
* feat(recording): use google api to get stream key
* squash: renaming pass
* squash: return full load promise
* sqush: use google api state enum
* squash: workaround for lib not loading
* another new design...
* increase timeout workaround for gapi load issue
* styling pass
* tweak copy
* squash: auto select first broadcast
* feat(invite): be able to call numbers from the invite dialog
The major changes:
- Remove DialOutDialog, its views, redux hooks, css, and images.
Its main functionality has been moved into AddPeopleDialog.
- Modify the AppPeopleDialog styling a bit so it is wider.
- Add phone numbers to AddPeopleDialog search results. Phone
numbers are validated in parallel with the request for people
and then appended to the result. The validation includes
an ajax to validate the number is recognized as dialable by
the server. The trigger for the validation is essentially if
the entered input is numbers only.
- AddPeopleDialog holds onto the full object representation of
an item selected in MultiSelectAutocomplete. This is so
selected items can be removed on successful invite, leaving
only unsuccessful items.
- More granular error handling on invite so individual invitees
can be removed from the selected items list.
* squash: change load state, new regex for numbers
* squash: change strings, auto prepend 1 if no country code, add reminders