* ref: Restructures the pinned/unpinned events.
* ref: Refactors the "audio only disabled" event.
* ref: Refactors the "stream switch delay" event.
* ref: Refactors the "select participant failed" event.
* ref: Refactors the "initially muted" events.
* ref: Refactors the screen sharing started/stopped events.
* ref: Restructures the "device list changed" events.
* ref: Restructures the "shared video" events.
* ref: Restructures the "start muted" events.
* ref: Restructures the "start audio only" event.
* ref: Restructures the "sync track state" event.
* ref: Restructures the "callkit" events.
* ref: Restructures the "replace track".
* ref: Restructures keyboard shortcuts events.
* ref: Restructures most of the toolbar events.
* ref: Refactors the API events.
* ref: Restructures the video quality, profile button and invite dialog events.
* ref: Refactors the "device changed" events.
* ref: Refactors the page reload event.
* ref: Removes an unused function.
* ref: Removes a method which is needlessly exposed under a different name.
* ref: Refactors the events from the remote video menu.
* ref: Refactors the events from the profile pane.
* ref: Restructures the recording-related events.
Removes events fired when recording with something other than jibri
(which isn't currently supported anyway).
* ref: Cleans up AnalyticsEvents.js.
* ref: Removes an unused function and adds documentation.
* feat: Adds events for all API calls.
* fix: Addresses feedback.
* fix: Brings back mistakenly removed code.
* fix: Simplifies code and fixes a bug in toggleFilmstrip
when the 'visible' parameter is defined.
* feat: Removes the resolution change application log.
* ref: Uses consistent naming for events' attributes.
Uses "_" as a separator instead of camel case or ".".
* ref: Don't add the user agent and conference name
as permanent properties. The library does this on its own now.
* ref: Adapts the GA handler to changes in lib-jitsi-meet.
* ref: Removes unused fields from the analytics handler initializaiton.
* ref: Renames the google analytics file and add docs.
* fix: Fixes the push-to-talk events and logs.
* npm: Updates lib-jitsi-meet to 515374c8d383cb17df8ed76427e6f0fb5ea6ff1e.
* fix: Fixes a recently introduced bug in the google analytics handler.
* ref: Uses "value" instead of "delay" since this is friendlier to GA.
* ref(recording): convert recording label to react
- Create a RecordingLabel component for displaying the current
recording state, as reflected in the redux store. This is
needed for 1-on-1 mode to be completely in redux.
- Update the store with the recording state so RecordingLabel
can update itself.
- Remove previous logic for updating the non-react label, which
includes event emitting for filmstrip visibility changes,
as RecordingLabel is hooked into redux updates.
* ref(recording): use status and type constants from lib
* make label really dumb, move logic back to Recording
* fix(vertical-filmstrip): different label animations for filmstrip states
Instead of one timing for sliding the video status label left and right,
have different timings depending on the filmstrip state. To facilitate
triggering the different animations, add more classes to the labels
that need to move that specify the filmstrip state.
- Faster transition if focusing on self-view with videos present so
the label does not overlap videos transitioning from 0 opacity.
- Transition delay when de-focusing on self-view with videos present
so videos have time to go away before the label moves over them.
- Maintain no movement if there are no videos, regardless of
filmstrip toggle state.
- Different delays for when the filmstrip is being toggled visible
and hidden if there are remote videos visible.
* SQUASH: remove remote videos count
* SQUASH: add docs to scss
The video status labels, which include recording and hd status,
have been moved back to the top left while in vertical filmstrip
mode. The following had to be done:
- Remove styling to move the labels to the bottom left
- For VideoStatusLabel, move filmstrip remote video count, toggle
state, and 1:1 state into redux.
- Use middleware to emit out to the Recording label when the
filmstrip changes.
- Create an empty Filmstrip file for web and identify the existing
Filmstrip component as native.