Sometimes conflicting or wrong configuration can leave the package in broken state and users cannot even uninstall/purge the packages, and it also breaks any other package installation.
Room name verification crashes when we have a configured anonymousdomain as it doesn't have any token extracted data. It is safe to skip this check as room creation is verified by jicofo and we have the option restrict_room_creation to admin users.
Removes obsolete print when updating jitsi-meet-tokens.
Now the web app can be installed separately from jicofo and jitsi-videobridge, or can be installed on machine running nginx or apache. Currently only nginx will be configured and apache config is left to user. Later we can add and the apache config. Renames jitsi-meet to jitsi-meet-web (just the web content) and jitsi-meet-web-config (configuring jetty, nginx or apache). A new jitsi-meet package will be introduced, a meta package depending on jicofo, jvb and the current packages.