Set our own audio device manager so we can tweak it if need be (enabling /
disabling the HW AEC on specific devices).
Switch to using the software video encoder / decoder. This may feel like a
downgrade, but it has advantages:
- simulcast is now working (on par with iOS)
- certain devices have broken VP8 HW encoders (I'm looking at you Samsung Galaxy
S7) so this fixes that
After calling startService we are supposed to have a bit of time before turning
the service into a foreground service, but certain devices seem to be more
spartan and we've seen the following failure:
Caused by java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent { act=JitsiMeetOngoingConferenceService:START }: app is in background uid UidRecord{f6778d5 u0a220 CAC bg:+1m1s417ms idle change:idle procs:1 proclist:15604, seq(0,0,0)}
at + 1600(
at + 1546(
at android.content.ContextWrapper.startService + 669(
at + 50(
Be expliocit and call startForegroundService, on supported platforms.
The app is about to crash at that stage so it was a moot point to try to leave
the conference anyway.
Stopping ConnectionServers is still a good idea though, since a crash may leave
the device in a bad state otherwise.
Fixes this issue:
at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextNode(
at java.util.HashMap$
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.facebook.react.bridge.JavaMethodWrapper.invoke(
at com.facebook.react.bridge.JavaModuleWrapper.invoke(
at Method)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadHandler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadImpl$
This helper method gets the current Activity attached to React Native (via the
ReactContext). This is useful for modules which need access to it, without being
actual React Native modules.
Its main task is to cleanup conferences (specially the connection services
stuff) to make sure the system is left in a working state even when the
unexpected happens.
Entering PiP mode while the permissions dialog is display will not only
fail, but also mess up the Activity lifecycle on some OS versions.
We may end up with two activity/fragment instances and a situation where
the onStop callback was not called yet on the instance #1 while
the onResume has been already called on instance #2.
On some Samsung devices the call done with the ConnectionService end up
in the native call history which we don't want. That's fixable by
marking the Connection as "external" just before the call is
Another issue specific to Samsung devices about the audio focus not
always being release when that call ends. That's fixable by marking
the call as holding just before disconnecting it.
They greatly simplify starting a JitsiMeetActivity by encapsulating the creation
of the Intent adn extras placement.
In order to make this possible JitsiMeetConferenceOptions now implements
Parcelable so it can be serialized and passed around when creating an Intent.
Now that we have both a Fragment and an Activity there are lifecycle methods
that overlap. If a Fragment requests permission by calling requestPermissions
then the result handler will be called on itself. React Native's permissions
module, however, calls ActivityCompat.requestPermissions on the Activity, thus
we need to handle the results at the Activity level and not at the Fragment
Turns out that on Samsung phones the calls placed with
the ConnectionService appear in the calls log as weird long numbers.
The system mangles the address we give it ("")
into this weird long number and the call to request.getAddress() returns
that. Turn off the presentation as neither this number nor our address
makes sense. This way the call appears as from "Unknown" caller in call
history which is still not perfect, but better than the random number.
Note that other phones will preserve the originally passed address value
(tested on One Plus 5).
Turns out the microphone will not work on some devices when starting in
"audio only", because the audio mode is not set to the MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION,
but to the MODE_IN_CALL. Calling setAudioModeIsVoip(true) makes
the system adjust to MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION and the mic works fine.
It's enabled by default, but marked as experimental (uh?!). It creates trouble
as sometimes the packager goes bananas. Disable them until further notice, our
bundle is not that large anyway.
Consolidate all failure cases into a single one: CONFERENCE_TERMINATED. If the
conference ended gracefully no error indicator will be present, otherwise there
will be.
In practice, we are never going to be in a position where we don't have a
ReactContext but we do have some React Native code running. So let's not expect
the impossible.
It was never used and typicallt the Activity / Fragment holding the
JitsiMeetView object will be the listener.
In addition, once we refactor the events they will be reduced into far fewer.