It's possible a CallKit event arrives when the React Bridge has been torn down
and there is an assert that checks this. In order to avoid a crash, just skip
the event.
Replace the Swift array with an Objective-C one, since it's going to store
Objective-C objects and not Swift objects (or Swift objects which inherit from
NSObject, which is equivalent).
This avoids the need for JMCallKitEventListenerWrapper entirely, since an
NSArray can store NSObjectProtocol objects, unlike a Swift array, which prompted
the creation of the wrapper in the first place.
The SDK will now search for an asset called "CallKitIcon" on the main bundle,
and fallback to a built-in asset it it's not there, allowing SDK users to
customize it by just adding asset with that name.
Ever since we switched to handling track events instead of mute actions this has
been dead code. It was also added in the wrong place, since it's responsibility
of the JS code to solve the ping-pong problem.
Fix the "mute ping pong" for once and for all. This patch takes a new approach
to the problem: it keeps track of the user generated CallKit transaction ations
and avoids calling the delegate method in those cases.
This results in a much cleaner and easier to understand handling of the flow: if
the delegate method is called it means the user tapped on the mute button. When
we sync the muted state in JS with CallKit the delegate method won't be called
at all, thus avoiding the ping-pong altogether.
In addition, make sure all CallKit methods run in the UI thread. CallKit will
call our delegate methods in the UI thread too, thsu there is no need to
synchronize access to the listener / pending action sets.
With this the RN component and the consumer app can share same CallKit
provider, configuration, and enable to be part of multiple listeners of
the CallKit flow events. The main driver of this is to enable the
consumer app to be able to report an incoming call to the OS before
loading the JitsiMeetView. Once the user answers the call, the app can
instantiate a JitsiMeetView, pass the CallKit call UUIID, and the Jitsi
Meet components will handle the connection and report back to CallKit
that the call has been established.