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// @flow
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { translate } from '../../../../base/i18n';
import { Icon, IconSip } from '../../../../base/icons';
type Props = {
* Whether or not numbers should include links with the telephone protocol.
clickableNumbers: boolean,
* The conference ID for dialing in.
conferenceID: number,
* The phone numbers to display. Can be an array of number Objects or an
* object with countries as keys and an array of numbers as values.
numbers: { [string]: Array<string> } | Array<Object>,
* Invoked to obtain translated strings.
t: Function
* Displays a table with phone numbers to dial in to a conference.
* @extends Component
class NumbersList extends Component<Props> {
* Implements React's {@link Component#render()}.
* @inheritdoc
* @returns {ReactElement}
render() {
const { numbers } = this.props;
return this._renderWithCountries(numbers);
* Renders rows of countries and associated phone numbers.
* @param {Object|Array<Object>} numbersMapping - An object with country
* names as keys and values as arrays of phone numbers.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement[]}
numbersMapping: { numbers: Array<string> } | Array<Object>) {
const { t } = this.props;
let hasFlags = false, numbers;
if (Array.isArray(numbersMapping)) {
hasFlags = true;
numbers = numbersMapping.reduce(
(resultNumbers, number) => {
// The i18n-iso-countries package insists on upper case.
const countryCode = number.countryCode.toUpperCase();
let countryName;
if (countryCode === 'SIP') {
countryName = t('info.sip');
} else {
countryName = t(`countries:countries.${countryCode}`);
// Some countries have multiple names as US ['United States of America', 'USA']
// choose the first one if that is the case
if (!countryName) {
countryName = t(`countries:countries.${countryCode}.0`);
if (resultNumbers[countryName]) {
} else {
resultNumbers[countryName] = [ number ];
return resultNumbers;
}, {});
} else {
numbers = {};
for (const [ country, numbersArray ]
of Object.entries(numbersMapping.numbers)) {
if (Array.isArray(numbersArray)) {
/* eslint-disable arrow-body-style */
const formattedNumbers = numbersArray.map(number => ({
formattedNumber: number
/* eslint-enable arrow-body-style */
numbers[country] = formattedNumbers;
const rows = [];
Object.keys(numbers).forEach((countryName: string) => {
const numbersArray = numbers[countryName];
className = 'number-group'
key = { countryName }>
{ this._renderFlag(numbersArray[0].countryCode) }
<td className = 'country' >{ countryName }</td>
<td className = 'numbers-list-column'>
{ this._renderNumbersList(numbersArray) }
<td className = 'toll-free-list-column' >
{ this._renderNumbersTollFreeList(numbersArray) }
return (
<table className = 'dial-in-numbers-list'>
{ hasFlags ? <th /> : null}
<th>{ t('info.country') }</th>
<th>{ t('info.numbers') }</th>
<th />
<tbody className = 'dial-in-numbers-body'>
{ rows }
* Renders a div container for a flag for the country of the phone number.
* @param {string} countryCode - The country code flag to display.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderFlag(countryCode) {
if (countryCode) {
return (
<td className = 'flag-cell'>
{countryCode === 'SIP'
? <Icon src = { IconSip } />
: <i className = { `flag iti-flag ${countryCode}` } />
return null;
* Renders a div container for a phone number.
* @param {Array} numbers - The phone number to display.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement[]}
_renderNumbersList(numbers) {
const numbersListItems = numbers.map(number =>
className = 'dial-in-number'
key = { number.formattedNumber }>
{ this._renderNumberLink(number.formattedNumber) }
return (
<ul className = 'numbers-list'>
{ numbersListItems }
* Renders list with a toll free text on the position where there is a
* number marked as toll free.
* @param {Array} numbers - The phone number that are displayed.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement[]}
_renderNumbersTollFreeList(numbers) {
const { t } = this.props;
const tollNumbersListItems = numbers.map(number =>
className = 'toll-free'
key = { number.formattedNumber }>
{ number.tollFree ? t('info.dialInTollFree') : '' }
return (
<ul className = 'toll-free-list'>
{ tollNumbersListItems }
* Renders a ReactElement for displaying a telephone number. If the
* component prop {@code clickableNumbers} is true, then the number will
* have a link with the telephone protocol.
* @param {string} number - The phone number to display.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderNumberLink(number) {
if (this.props.clickableNumbers) {
// Url encode # to %23, Android phone was cutting the # after
// clicking it.
// Seems that using ',' and '%23' works on iOS and Android.
return (
href = { `tel:${number},${this.props.conferenceID}%23` }
key = { number } >
{ number }
return number;
export default translate(NumbersList);