
248 lines
7.6 KiB

/* @flow */
import JSSHA from 'jssha';
import parseURLParams from './parseURLParams';
declare var $: Object;
* The config keys to ignore because, for example, their values identify scripts
* and it is not desireable to inject these through URL params.
* @private
* @type Array
const _KEYS_TO_IGNORE = [
const logger = require('jitsi-meet-logger').getLogger(__filename);
// XXX The functions getRoomName and parseURLParams are split out of
// functions.js because they are bundled in both app.bundle and
// do_external_connect, webpack 1 does not support tree shaking, and we don't
// want all functions to be bundled in do_external_connect.
export { default as getRoomName } from './getRoomName';
export { parseURLParams };
/* eslint-disable no-shadow */
* Looks for a list of possible BOSH addresses in {@code config.boshList} and
* sets the value of {@code config.bosh} based on that list and
* {@code roomName}.
* @param {Object} config - The configuration object.
* @param {string} roomName - The name of the room/conference.
* @returns {void}
export function chooseBOSHAddress(config: Object, roomName: string) {
if (!roomName) {
const { boshList } = config;
if (!boshList || !Array.isArray(boshList) || !boshList.length) {
// This implements the actual choice of an entry in the list based on
// roomName. Please consider the implications for existing deployments
// before introducing changes.
const hash = (new JSSHA(roomName, 'TEXT')).getHash('SHA-1', 'HEX');
const n = parseInt(hash.substr(-6), 16);
let idx = n % boshList.length;
config.bosh = boshList[idx];
logger.log(`Setting config.bosh to ${config.bosh} (idx=${idx})`);
const { boshAttemptFirstList } = config;
if (boshAttemptFirstList
&& Array.isArray(boshAttemptFirstList)
&& boshAttemptFirstList.length > 0) {
idx = n % boshAttemptFirstList.length;
const attemptFirstAddress = boshAttemptFirstList[idx];
if (attemptFirstAddress === config.bosh) {
logger.log('Not setting config.boshAttemptFirst, address matches.');
} else {
config.boshAttemptFirst = attemptFirstAddress;
`Setting config.boshAttemptFirst=${attemptFirstAddress} (idx=${
/* eslint-enable no-shadow */
* Sends HTTP POST request to specified <tt>endpoint</tt>. In request the name
* of the room is included in JSON format:
* {
* "rooomName": "someroom12345"
* }.
* @param {string} endpoint - The name of HTTP endpoint to which to send
* the HTTP POST request.
* @param {string} roomName - The name of the conference room for which config
* is requested.
* @param {Function} complete - The callback to invoke upon success or failure.
* @returns {void}
export function obtainConfig(
endpoint: string,
roomName: string,
complete: Function) {
logger.info(`Send config request to ${endpoint} for room: ${roomName}`);
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify({ roomName }),
dataType: 'json',
method: 'POST',
error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
logger.error('Get config error: ', jqXHR, errorThrown);
complete(false, `Get config response status: ${textStatus}`);
success(data) {
const { config, interfaceConfig, loggingConfig } = window;
try {
config, interfaceConfig, loggingConfig,
} catch (e) {
logger.error('Parse config error: ', e);
complete(false, e);
/* eslint-disable max-params, no-shadow */
* Overrides JSON properties in {@code config} and
* {@code interfaceConfig} Objects with the values from {@code newConfig}.
* @param {Object} config - The config Object in which we'll be overriding
* properties.
* @param {Object} interfaceConfig - The interfaceConfig Object in which we'll
* be overriding properties.
* @param {Object} loggingConfig - The loggingConfig Object in which we'll be
* overriding properties.
* @param {Object} json - Object containing configuration properties.
* Destination object is selected based on root property name:
* {
* config: {
* // config.js properties here
* },
* interfaceConfig: {
* // interface_config.js properties here
* },
* loggingConfig: {
* // logging_config.js properties here
* }
* }.
* @returns {void}
export function overrideConfigJSON(
config: Object, interfaceConfig: Object, loggingConfig: Object,
json: Object) {
for (const configName of Object.keys(json)) {
let configObj;
if (configName === 'config') {
configObj = config;
} else if (configName === 'interfaceConfig') {
configObj = interfaceConfig;
} else if (configName === 'loggingConfig') {
configObj = loggingConfig;
if (configObj) {
const configJSON = json[configName];
for (const key of Object.keys(configJSON)) {
const oldValue = configObj[key];
const newValue = configJSON[key];
if (oldValue && typeof oldValue !== typeof newValue) {
`Overriding a ${configName
} property with a property of different type.`);
logger.info(`Overriding ${key} with: ${newValue}`);
configObj[key] = newValue;
/* eslint-enable max-params, no-shadow */
* Converts 'URL_PARAMS' to JSON object.
* We have:
* {
* "config.disableAudioLevels": false,
* "config.channelLastN": -1,
* "interfaceConfig.APP_NAME": "Jitsi Meet"
* }.
* We want to have:
* {
* "config": {
* "disableAudioLevels": false,
* "channelLastN": -1
* },
* interfaceConfig: {
* "APP_NAME": "Jitsi Meet"
* }
* }.
* @returns {void}
export function setConfigFromURLParams() {
const params = parseURLParams(window.location);
const { config, interfaceConfig, loggingConfig } = window;
const json = {};
// TODO We're still in the middle ground between old Web with config,
// interfaceConfig, and loggingConfig used via global variables and new Web
// and mobile reading the respective values from the redux store. On React
// Native there's no interfaceConfig at all yet and loggingConfig is not
// loaded but there's a default value in the redux store.
config && (json.config = {});
interfaceConfig && (json.interfaceConfig = {});
loggingConfig && (json.loggingConfig = {});
for (const param of Object.keys(params)) {
const objEnd = param.indexOf('.');
if (objEnd !== -1) {
const obj = param.substring(0, objEnd);
if (json.hasOwnProperty(obj)) {
const key = param.substring(objEnd + 1);
// Prevent passing some parameters which can inject scripts.
if (key && _KEYS_TO_IGNORE.indexOf(key) === -1) {
json[obj][key] = params[param];
overrideConfigJSON(config, interfaceConfig, loggingConfig, json);