183 lines
6.8 KiB
183 lines
6.8 KiB
// @flow
import React, { useCallback, useRef, useState } from 'react';
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { rejectParticipantAudio } from '../../../av-moderation/actions';
import { isToolbarButtonEnabled } from '../../../base/config/functions.web';
import { MEDIA_TYPE } from '../../../base/media';
import {
} from '../../../base/participants';
import { connect } from '../../../base/redux';
import { showOverflowDrawer } from '../../../toolbox/functions';
import { muteRemote } from '../../../video-menu/actions.any';
import { findStyledAncestor, shouldRenderInviteButton } from '../../functions';
import { useParticipantDrawer } from '../../hooks';
import { InviteButton } from './InviteButton';
import MeetingParticipantContextMenu from './MeetingParticipantContextMenu';
import MeetingParticipantItems from './MeetingParticipantItems';
import { Heading, ParticipantContainer } from './styled';
type NullProto = {
[key: string]: any,
__proto__: null
type RaiseContext = NullProto | {|
* Target elements against which positioning calculations are made.
offsetTarget?: HTMLElement,
* The ID of the participant.
participantID ?: string,
const initialState = Object.freeze(Object.create(null));
* Renders the MeetingParticipantList component.
* NOTE: This component is not using useSelector on purpose. The child components MeetingParticipantItem
* and MeetingParticipantContextMenu are using connect. Having those mixed leads to problems.
* When this one was using useSelector and the other two were not -the other two were re-rendered before this one was
* re-rendered, so when participant is leaving, we first re-render the item and menu components,
* throwing errors (closing the page) before removing those components for the participant that left.
* @returns {ReactNode} - The component.
function MeetingParticipants({ participantsCount, showInviteButton, overflowDrawer, sortedParticipantIds = [] }) {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const isMouseOverMenu = useRef(false);
const [ raiseContext, setRaiseContext ] = useState < RaiseContext >(initialState);
const { t } = useTranslation();
const lowerMenu = useCallback(() => {
* We are tracking mouse movement over the active participant item and
* the context menu. Due to the order of enter/leave events, we need to
* defer checking if the mouse is over the context menu with
* queueMicrotask
window.queueMicrotask(() => {
if (isMouseOverMenu.current) {
if (raiseContext !== initialState) {
}, [ raiseContext ]);
const raiseMenu = useCallback((participantID, target) => {
offsetTarget: findStyledAncestor(target, ParticipantContainer)
}, [ raiseContext ]);
const toggleMenu = useCallback(participantID => e => {
const { participantID: raisedParticipant } = raiseContext;
if (raisedParticipant && raisedParticipant === participantID) {
} else {
raiseMenu(participantID, e.target);
}, [ raiseContext ]);
const menuEnter = useCallback(() => {
isMouseOverMenu.current = true;
}, []);
const menuLeave = useCallback(() => {
isMouseOverMenu.current = false;
}, [ lowerMenu ]);
const muteAudio = useCallback(id => () => {
dispatch(muteRemote(id, MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO));
}, [ dispatch ]);
const [ drawerParticipant, closeDrawer, openDrawerForParticipant ] = useParticipantDrawer();
// It seems that useTranslation is not very scallable. Unmount 500 components that have the useTranslation hook is
// taking more than 10s. To workaround the issue we need to pass the texts as props. This is temporary and dirty
// solution!!!
// One potential proper fix would be to use react-window component in order to lower the number of components
// mounted.
const participantActionEllipsisLabel = t('MeetingParticipantItem.ParticipantActionEllipsis.options');
const youText = t('chat.you');
const askUnmuteText = t('participantsPane.actions.askUnmute');
const muteParticipantButtonText = t('dialog.muteParticipantButton');
return (
<Heading>{t('participantsPane.headings.participantsList', { count: participantsCount })}</Heading>
{showInviteButton && <InviteButton />}
askUnmuteText = { askUnmuteText }
lowerMenu = { lowerMenu }
muteAudio = { muteAudio }
muteParticipantButtonText = { muteParticipantButtonText }
openDrawerForParticipant = { openDrawerForParticipant }
overflowDrawer = { overflowDrawer }
participantActionEllipsisLabel = { participantActionEllipsisLabel }
participantIds = { sortedParticipantIds }
participantsCount = { participantsCount }
raiseContextId = { raiseContext.participantID }
toggleMenu = { toggleMenu }
youText = { youText } />
closeDrawer = { closeDrawer }
drawerParticipant = { drawerParticipant }
muteAudio = { muteAudio }
onEnter = { menuEnter }
onLeave = { menuLeave }
onSelect = { lowerMenu }
overflowDrawer = { overflowDrawer }
{ ...raiseContext } />
* Maps (parts of) the redux state to the associated props for this component.
* @param {Object} state - The Redux state.
* @param {Object} ownProps - The own props of the component.
* @private
* @returns {Props}
function _mapStateToProps(state): Object {
const sortedParticipantIds = getSortedParticipantIds(state);
// This is very important as getRemoteParticipants is not changing its reference object
// and we will not re-render on change, but if count changes we will do
const participantsCount = getParticipantCountWithFake(state);
const showInviteButton = shouldRenderInviteButton(state) && isToolbarButtonEnabled('invite', state);
const overflowDrawer = showOverflowDrawer(state);
return {
export default connect(_mapStateToProps)(MeetingParticipants);