
97 lines
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import { getName } from '../app/functions.web';
import { isSuboptimalBrowser } from '../base/environment';
import { translateToHTML } from '../base/i18n';
import { getLocalParticipant } from '../base/participants';
import { toState } from '../base/redux';
import { getBackendSafePath, getJitsiMeetGlobalNS } from '../base/util';
import { showWarningNotification } from '../notifications';
import { createRnnoiseProcessorPromise } from '../rnnoise';
export * from './functions.any';
* Returns the result of getWiFiStats from the global NS or does nothing
(returns empty result).
* Fixes a concurrency problem where we need to pass a function when creating
* a JitsiConference, but that method is added to the context later.
* @returns {Promise}
* @private
const getWiFiStatsMethod = () => {
const gloabalNS = getJitsiMeetGlobalNS();
return gloabalNS.getWiFiStats ? gloabalNS.getWiFiStats() : Promise.resolve('{}');
* Shows the suboptimal experience notification if needed.
* @param {Function} dispatch - The dispatch method.
* @param {Function} t - The translation function.
* @returns {void}
export function maybeShowSuboptimalExperienceNotification(dispatch, t) {
if (isSuboptimalBrowser()) {
titleKey: 'notify.suboptimalExperienceTitle',
description: translateToHTML(
recommendedBrowserPageLink: `${window.location.origin}/static/recommendedBrowsers.html`
* Returns an object aggregating the conference options.
* @param {Object|Function} stateful - The redux store state.
* @returns {Object} - Options object.
export function getConferenceOptions(stateful) {
const state = toState(stateful);
const options = state['features/base/config'];
const { locationURL } = state['features/base/connection'];
const { tenant } = state['features/base/jwt'];
const { email, name: nick } = getLocalParticipant(state);
if (tenant) {
options.siteID = tenant;
if (options.enableDisplayNameInStats && nick) {
options.statisticsDisplayName = nick;
if (options.enableEmailInStats && email) {
options.statisticsId = email;
if (locationURL) {
options.confID = `${locationURL.host}${getBackendSafePath(locationURL.pathname)}`;
options.applicationName = getName();
options.getWiFiStatsMethod = getWiFiStatsMethod;
options.createVADProcessor = createRnnoiseProcessorPromise;
// Disable CallStats, if requessted.
if (options.disableThirdPartyRequests) {
delete options.callStatsID;
delete options.callStatsSecret;
delete options.getWiFiStatsMethod;
return options;