267 lines
8.4 KiB
267 lines
8.4 KiB
var SimulcastLogger = require("./SimulcastLogger");
var SimulcastUtils = require("./SimulcastUtils");
function SimulcastReceiver() {
this.simulcastUtils = new SimulcastUtils();
this.logger = new SimulcastLogger('SimulcastReceiver', 1);
SimulcastReceiver.prototype._remoteVideoSourceCache = '';
SimulcastReceiver.prototype._remoteMaps = {
msid2Quality: {},
ssrc2Msid: {},
msid2ssrc: {},
receivingVideoStreams: {}
SimulcastReceiver.prototype._cacheRemoteVideoSources = function (lines) {
this._remoteVideoSourceCache = this.simulcastUtils._getVideoSources(lines);
SimulcastReceiver.prototype._restoreRemoteVideoSources = function (lines) {
this.simulcastUtils._replaceVideoSources(lines, this._remoteVideoSourceCache);
SimulcastReceiver.prototype._ensureGoogConference = function (lines) {
var sb;
this.logger.info('Ensuring x-google-conference flag...')
if (this.simulcastUtils._indexOfArray('a=x-google-flag:conference', lines) === this.simulcastUtils._emptyCompoundIndex) {
// TODO(gp) do that for the audio as well as suggested by fippo.
// Add the google conference flag
sb = this.simulcastUtils._getVideoSources(lines);
sb = ['a=x-google-flag:conference'].concat(sb);
this.simulcastUtils._replaceVideoSources(lines, sb);
SimulcastReceiver.prototype._restoreSimulcastGroups = function (sb) {
* Restores the simulcast groups of the remote description. In
* transformRemoteDescription we remove those in order for the set remote
* description to succeed. The focus needs the signal the groups to new
* participants.
* @param desc
* @returns {*}
SimulcastReceiver.prototype.reverseTransformRemoteDescription = function (desc) {
var sb;
if (!this.simulcastUtils.isValidDescription(desc)) {
return desc;
if (config.enableSimulcast) {
sb = desc.sdp.split('\r\n');
desc = new RTCSessionDescription({
type: desc.type,
sdp: sb.join('\r\n')
return desc;
SimulcastUtils.prototype._ensureOrder = function (lines) {
var videoSources, sb;
videoSources = this.parseMedia(lines, ['video'])[0];
sb = this._compileVideoSources(videoSources);
this._replaceVideoSources(lines, sb);
SimulcastReceiver.prototype._updateRemoteMaps = function (lines) {
var remoteVideoSources = this.simulcastUtils.parseMedia(lines, ['video'])[0],
videoSource, quality;
// (re) initialize the remote maps.
this._remoteMaps.msid2Quality = {};
this._remoteMaps.ssrc2Msid = {};
this._remoteMaps.msid2ssrc = {};
var self = this;
if (remoteVideoSources.groups && remoteVideoSources.groups.length !== 0) {
remoteVideoSources.groups.forEach(function (group) {
if (group.semantics === 'SIM' && group.ssrcs && group.ssrcs.length !== 0) {
quality = 0;
group.ssrcs.forEach(function (ssrc) {
videoSource = remoteVideoSources.sources[ssrc];
self._remoteMaps.msid2Quality[videoSource.msid] = quality++;
self._remoteMaps.ssrc2Msid[videoSource.ssrc] = videoSource.msid;
self._remoteMaps.msid2ssrc[videoSource.msid] = videoSource.ssrc;
SimulcastReceiver.prototype._setReceivingVideoStream = function (resource, ssrc) {
this._remoteMaps.receivingVideoStreams[resource] = ssrc;
* Returns a stream with single video track, the one currently being
* received by this endpoint.
* @param stream the remote simulcast stream.
* @returns {webkitMediaStream}
SimulcastReceiver.prototype.getReceivingVideoStream = function (stream) {
var tracks, i, electedTrack, msid, quality = 0, receivingTrackId;
var self = this;
if (config.enableSimulcast) {
stream.getVideoTracks().some(function (track) {
return Object.keys(self._remoteMaps.receivingVideoStreams).some(function (resource) {
var ssrc = self._remoteMaps.receivingVideoStreams[resource];
var msid = self._remoteMaps.ssrc2Msid[ssrc];
if (msid == [stream.id, track.id].join(' ')) {
electedTrack = track;
return true;
if (!electedTrack) {
// we don't have an elected track, choose by initial quality.
tracks = stream.getVideoTracks();
for (i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) {
msid = [stream.id, tracks[i].id].join(' ');
if (this._remoteMaps.msid2Quality[msid] === quality) {
electedTrack = tracks[i];
// TODO(gp) if the initialQuality could not be satisfied, lower
// the requirement and try again.
return (electedTrack)
? new webkitMediaStream([electedTrack])
: stream;
SimulcastReceiver.prototype.getReceivingSSRC = function (jid) {
var resource = Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid);
var ssrc = this._remoteMaps.receivingVideoStreams[resource];
// If we haven't receiving a "changed" event yet, then we must be receiving
// low quality (that the sender always streams).
var remoteStreamObject = RTC.remoteStreams[jid][MediaStreamType.VIDEO_TYPE];
var remoteStream = remoteStreamObject.getOriginalStream();
var tracks = remoteStream.getVideoTracks();
if (tracks) {
for (var k = 0; k < tracks.length; k++) {
var track = tracks[k];
var msid = [remoteStream.id, track.id].join(' ');
var _ssrc = this._remoteMaps.msid2ssrc[msid];
var quality = this._remoteMaps.msid2Quality[msid];
if (quality == 0) {
ssrc = _ssrc;
return ssrc;
SimulcastReceiver.prototype.getReceivingVideoStreamBySSRC = function (ssrc)
var sid, electedStream;
var i, j, k;
var jid = ssrc2jid[ssrc];
if(jid && RTC.remoteStreams[jid])
var remoteStreamObject = RTC.remoteStreams[jid][MediaStreamType.VIDEO_TYPE];
var remoteStream = remoteStreamObject.getOriginalStream();
var tracks = remoteStream.getVideoTracks();
if (tracks) {
for (k = 0; k < tracks.length; k++) {
var track = tracks[k];
var msid = [remoteStream.id, track.id].join(' ');
var tmp = this._remoteMaps.msid2ssrc[msid];
if (tmp == ssrc) {
electedStream = new webkitMediaStream([track]);
sid = remoteStreamObject.sid;
// stream found, stop.
console.debug(RTC.remoteStreams, jid, ssrc);
return {
sid: sid,
stream: electedStream
* Gets the fully qualified msid (stream.id + track.id) associated to the
* @param ssrc
* @returns {*}
SimulcastReceiver.prototype.getRemoteVideoStreamIdBySSRC = function (ssrc) {
return this._remoteMaps.ssrc2Msid[ssrc];
* Removes the ssrc-group:SIM from the remote description bacause Chrome
* either gets confused and thinks this is an FID group or, if an FID group
* is already present, it fails to set the remote description.
* @param desc
* @returns {*}
SimulcastReceiver.prototype.transformRemoteDescription = function (desc) {
if (desc && desc.sdp) {
var sb = desc.sdp.split('\r\n');
// NOTE(gp) this needs to be called after updateRemoteMaps because we
// need the simulcast group in the _updateRemoteMaps() method.
if (desc.sdp.indexOf('a=ssrc-group:SIM') !== -1) {
// We don't need the goog conference flag if we're not doing
// simulcast.
desc = new RTCSessionDescription({
type: desc.type,
sdp: sb.join('\r\n')
this.logger.fine(['Transformed remote description', desc.sdp].join(' '));
return desc;
module.exports = SimulcastReceiver; |