
269 lines
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// @flow
import type { Dispatch } from 'redux';
import { setRoom } from '../base/conference';
import {
} from '../base/config';
import { setLocationURL } from '../base/connection';
import { loadConfig } from '../base/lib-jitsi-meet';
import { parseURIString, toURLString } from '../base/util';
import { setFatalError } from '../overlay';
import { getDefaultURL } from './functions';
const logger = require('jitsi-meet-logger').getLogger(__filename);
declare var APP: Object;
* Triggers an in-app navigation to a specific route. Allows navigation to be
* abstracted between the mobile/React Native and Web/React applications.
* @param {string|undefined} uri - The URI to which to navigate. It may be a
* full URL with an HTTP(S) scheme, a full or partial URI with the app-specific
* scheme, or a mere room name.
* @returns {Function}
export function appNavigate(uri: ?string) {
return (dispatch: Dispatch<*>, getState: Function) =>
_appNavigateToOptionalLocation(dispatch, getState, parseURIString(uri));
* Triggers an in-app navigation to a specific location URI.
* @param {Dispatch} dispatch - The redux {@code dispatch} function.
* @param {Function} getState - The redux function that gets/retrieves the redux
* state.
* @param {Object} newLocation - The location URI to navigate to. The value
* cannot be undefined and is assumed to have all properties such as
* {@code host}, {@code contextRoot}, and {@code room} defined. Depending on the
* property, it may have a value equal to {@code undefined} and that may be
* acceptable.
* @private
* @returns {Promise<void>}
function _appNavigateToMandatoryLocation(
dispatch: Dispatch<*>, getState: Function,
newLocation: Object
): Promise<void> {
const { room } = newLocation;
const locationURL = new URL(newLocation.toString());
return (
_loadConfig(dispatch, getState, newLocation)
config => loadConfigSettled(/* error */ undefined, config),
error => loadConfigSettled(error, /* config */ undefined))
.then(() => dispatch(setRoom(room))));
* Notifies that an attempt to load a configuration has completed. Due to
* the asynchronous nature of the loading, the specified {@code config} may
* or may not be required by the time the notification arrives.
* @param {string|undefined} error - If the loading has failed, the error
* detailing the cause of the failure.
* @param {Object|undefined} config - If the loading has succeeded, the
* loaded configuration.
* @returns {void}
function loadConfigSettled(error, config) {
// Due to the asynchronous nature of the loading, the specified config
// may or may not be required by the time the notification arrives. If
// we receive the config for a location we are no longer interested in,
// "ignore" it - deliver it to the external API, for example, but do not
// proceed with the appNavigate procedure/process.
if (getState()['features/base/config'].locationURL === locationURL) {
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
error || (error = new Error('Config no longer needed!'));
// XXX The failure could be, for example, because of a
// certificate-related error. In which case the connection will fail
// later in Strophe anyway.
dispatch(loadConfigError(error, locationURL));
throw error;
* Triggers an in-app navigation to a specific or undefined location (URI).
* @param {Dispatch} dispatch - The redux {@code dispatch} function.
* @param {Function} getState - The redux function that gets/retrieves the redux
* state.
* @param {Object} location - The location (URI) to navigate to. The value may
* be undefined.
* @private
* @returns {void}
function _appNavigateToOptionalLocation(
dispatch: Dispatch<*>, getState: Function,
location: Object) {
// If the specified location (URI) does not identify a host, use the app's
// default.
if (!location || !location.host) {
const defaultLocation = parseURIString(getDefaultURL(getState));
if (location) {
location.host = defaultLocation.host;
// FIXME Turn location's host, hostname, and port properties into
// setters in order to reduce the risks of inconsistent state.
location.hostname = defaultLocation.hostname;
= defaultLocation.pathname + location.pathname.substr(1);
location.port = defaultLocation.port;
location.protocol = defaultLocation.protocol;
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
location = defaultLocation;
location.protocol || (location.protocol = 'https:');
return _appNavigateToMandatoryLocation(dispatch, getState, location);
* Loads config.js from a specific host.
* @param {Dispatch} dispatch - The redux {@code dispatch} function.
* @param {Function} getState - The redux {@code getState} function.
* @param {Object} location - The location URI which specifies the host to load
* the config.js from.
* @private
* @returns {Promise<Object>}
function _loadConfig(
dispatch: Dispatch<*>,
getState: Function,
{ contextRoot, host, protocol, room }) {
// XXX As the mobile/React Native app does not employ config on the
// WelcomePage, do not download config.js from the deployment when
// navigating to the WelcomePage - the perceived/visible navigation will be
// faster.
if (!room && typeof APP === 'undefined') {
return Promise.resolve();
/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
protocol = protocol.toLowerCase();
// The React Native app supports an app-specific scheme which is sure to not
// be supported by fetch (or whatever loadConfig utilizes).
protocol !== 'http:' && protocol !== 'https:' && (protocol = 'https:');
// TDOO userinfo
const baseURL = `${protocol}//${host}${contextRoot || '/'}`;
let url = `${baseURL}config.js`;
// XXX In order to support multiple shards, tell the room to the deployment.
room && (url += `?room=${room.toLowerCase()}`);
/* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */
return loadConfig(url).then(
/* onFulfilled */ config => {
// FIXME If the config is no longer needed (in the terms of
// _loadConfig) and that happened because of an intervening
// _loadConfig for the same baseURL, then the unneeded config may be
// stored after the needed config. Anyway.
dispatch(storeConfig(baseURL, config));
return config;
/* onRejected */ error => {
// XXX The (down)loading of config failed. Try to use the last
// successfully fetched for that deployment. It may not match the
// shard.
const config = restoreConfig(baseURL);
if (config) {
return config;
throw error;
* Redirects to another page generated by replacing the path in the original URL
* with the given path.
* @param {(string)} pathname - The path to navigate to.
* @returns {Function}
export function redirectWithStoredParams(pathname: string) {
return (dispatch: Dispatch<*>, getState: Function) => {
const { locationURL } = getState()['features/base/connection'];
const newLocationURL = new URL(locationURL.href);
newLocationURL.pathname = pathname;
* Reloads the page.
* @protected
* @returns {Function}
export function reloadNow() {
return (dispatch: Dispatch<Function>, getState: Function) => {
const { locationURL } = getState()['features/base/connection'];
logger.info(`Reloading the conference using URL: ${locationURL}`);
if (navigator.product === 'ReactNative') {
} else {
* Reloads the page by restoring the original URL.
* @returns {Function}
export function reloadWithStoredParams() {
return (dispatch: Dispatch<*>, getState: Function) => {
const { locationURL } = getState()['features/base/connection'];
const windowLocation = window.location;
const oldSearchString = windowLocation.search;
if (window.self !== window.top
&& locationURL.search === oldSearchString) {
// NOTE: Assuming that only the hash or search part of the URL will
// be changed!
// location.reload will not trigger redirect/reload for iframe when
// only the hash params are changed. That's why we need to call
// reload in addition to replace.