
293 lines
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/* global $, APP, jQuery, toastr, Impromptu */
/* jshint -W101 */
import UIUtil from './UIUtil';
* Flag for enable/disable of the notifications.
* @type {boolean}
let notificationsEnabled = true;
* Flag for enabling/disabling popups.
* @type {boolean}
let popupEnabled = true;
* Currently displayed two button dialog.
* @type {null}
let twoButtonDialog = null;
var messageHandler = {
OK: "dialog.OK",
CANCEL: "dialog.Cancel",
* Shows a message to the user.
* @param titleKey the key used to find the translation of the title of the
* message, if a message title is not provided.
* @param messageKey the key used to find the translation of the message,
* if a message is not provided.
* @param title the title of the message. If a falsy value is provided,
* titleKey will be used to get a title via the translation API.
* @param message the message to show. If a falsy value is provided,
* messageKey will be used to get a message via the translation API.
openMessageDialog: function(titleKey, messageKey, title, message) {
if (!popupEnabled)
if (!title) {
title = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML(titleKey);
if (!message) {
message = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML(messageKey);
{title: title, persistent: false}
* Shows a message to the user with two buttons: first is given as a
* parameter and the second is Cancel.
* @param titleString the title of the message
* @param msgString the text of the message
* @param persistent boolean value which determines whether the message is
* persistent or not
* @param leftButton the fist button's text
* @param submitFunction function to be called on submit
* @param loadedFunction function to be called after the prompt is fully
* loaded
* @param closeFunction function to be called after the prompt is closed
* @param focus optional focus selector or button index to be focused after
* the dialog is opened
* @param defaultButton index of default button which will be activated when
* the user press 'enter'. Indexed from 0.
openTwoButtonDialog: function(titleKey, titleString, msgKey, msgString,
persistent, leftButtonKey, submitFunction, loadedFunction,
closeFunction, focus, defaultButton) {
if (!popupEnabled || twoButtonDialog)
var buttons = [];
var leftButton = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML(leftButtonKey);
buttons.push({ title: leftButton, value: true});
var cancelButton
= APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML("dialog.Cancel");
buttons.push({title: cancelButton, value: false});
var message = msgString, title = titleString;
if (titleKey) {
title = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML(titleKey);
if (msgKey) {
message = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML(msgKey);
twoButtonDialog = $.prompt(message, {
title: title,
persistent: false,
buttons: buttons,
defaultButton: defaultButton,
focus: focus,
loaded: loadedFunction,
submit: function (e, v, m, f) {
twoButtonDialog = null;
if (submitFunction)
submitFunction(e, v, m, f);
close: function () {
twoButtonDialog = null;
if (closeFunction)
* Shows a message to the user with two buttons: first is given as a
* parameter and the second is Cancel.
* @param titleString the title of the message
* @param msgString the text of the message
* @param persistent boolean value which determines whether the message is
* persistent or not
* @param buttons object with the buttons. The keys must be the name of the
* button and value is the value that will be passed to
* submitFunction
* @param submitFunction function to be called on submit
* @param loadedFunction function to be called after the prompt is fully
* loaded
* @param closeFunction function to be called on dialog close
openDialog: function (titleString, msgString, persistent, buttons,
submitFunction, loadedFunction, closeFunction) {
if (!popupEnabled)
var args = {
title: titleString,
persistent: persistent,
buttons: buttons,
defaultButton: 1,
loaded: loadedFunction,
submit: submitFunction,
close: closeFunction
if (persistent) {
args.closeText = '';
return new Impromptu(msgString, args);
* Closes currently opened dialog.
closeDialog: function () {
* Shows a dialog with different states to the user.
* @param statesObject object containing all the states of the dialog.
openDialogWithStates: function (statesObject, options) {
if (!popupEnabled)
return new Impromptu(statesObject, options);
* Opens new popup window for given <tt>url</tt> centered over current
* window.
* @param url the URL to be displayed in the popup window
* @param w the width of the popup window
* @param h the height of the popup window
* @param onPopupClosed optional callback function called when popup window
* has been closed.
* @returns {object} popup window object if opened successfully or undefined
* in case we failed to open it(popup blocked)
openCenteredPopup: function (url, w, h, onPopupClosed) {
if (!popupEnabled)
var l = window.screenX + (window.innerWidth / 2) - (w / 2);
var t = window.screenY + (window.innerHeight / 2) - (h / 2);
var popup = window.open(
url, '_blank',
'top=' + t + ', left=' + l + ', width=' + w + ', height=' + h + '');
if (popup && onPopupClosed) {
var pollTimer = window.setInterval(function () {
if (popup.closed !== false) {
}, 200);
return popup;
* Shows a dialog prompting the user to send an error report.
* @param titleKey the title of the message
* @param msgKey the text of the message
* @param error the error that is being reported
openReportDialog: function(titleKey, msgKey, error) {
this.openMessageDialog(titleKey, msgKey);
//FIXME send the error to the server
* Shows an error dialog to the user.
* @param titleKey the title of the message.
* @param msgKey the text of the message.
showError: function(titleKey, msgKey) {
if (!titleKey) {
titleKey = "dialog.oops";
if (!msgKey) {
msgKey = "dialog.defaultError";
messageHandler.openMessageDialog(titleKey, msgKey);
* Displays a notification.
* @param displayName the display name of the participant that is
* associated with the notification.
* @param displayNameKey the key from the language file for the display
* name. Only used if displayName i not provided.
* @param cls css class for the notification
* @param messageKey the key from the language file for the text of the
* message.
* @param messageArguments object with the arguments for the message.
* @param options object with language options.
notify: function(displayName, displayNameKey, cls, messageKey,
messageArguments, options) {
var displayNameSpan = '<span class="nickname" ';
if (displayName) {
displayNameSpan += ">" + UIUtil.escapeHtml(displayName);
} else {
displayNameSpan += "data-i18n='" + displayNameKey +
"'>" + APP.translation.translateString(displayNameKey);
displayNameSpan += "</span>";
return toastr.info(
displayNameSpan + '<br>' +
'<span class=' + cls + ' data-i18n="' + messageKey + '"' +
" data-i18n-options='" + JSON.stringify(messageArguments) + "'"
: "") + ">" +
messageArguments) +
'</span>', null, options);
* Removes the toaster.
* @param toasterElement
remove: function(toasterElement) {
* Enables / disables notifications.
enableNotifications: function (enable) {
notificationsEnabled = enable;
enablePopups: function (enable) {
popupEnabled = enable;
module.exports = messageHandler;