
316 lines
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import throttle from 'lodash/throttle';
import React, { RefObject } from 'react';
import { scrollIntoView } from 'seamless-scroll-polyfill';
import { MESSAGE_TYPE_REMOTE } from '../../constants';
import AbstractMessageContainer, { IProps } from '../AbstractMessageContainer';
// @ts-ignore
import ChatMessageGroup from './ChatMessageGroup';
import NewMessagesButton from './NewMessagesButton';
interface IState {
* Whether or not message container has received new messages.
hasNewMessages: boolean;
* Whether or not scroll position is at the bottom of container.
isScrolledToBottom: boolean;
* The id of the last read message.
lastReadMessageId: string;
* Displays all received chat messages, grouped by sender.
* @augments AbstractMessageContainer
export default class MessageContainer extends AbstractMessageContainer<IProps, IState> {
* Component state used to decide when the hasNewMessages button to appear
* and where to scroll when click on hasNewMessages button.
state: IState = {
hasNewMessages: false,
isScrolledToBottom: true,
lastReadMessageId: ''
* Reference to the HTML element at the end of the list of displayed chat
* messages. Used for scrolling to the end of the chat messages.
_messagesListEndRef: RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
* A React ref to the HTML element containing all {@code ChatMessageGroup}
* instances.
_messageListRef: RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
* Intersection observer used to detect intersections of messages with the bottom of the message container.
_bottomListObserver: IntersectionObserver;
* Initializes a new {@code MessageContainer} instance.
* @param {IProps} props - The React {@code Component} props to initialize
* the new {@code MessageContainer} instance with.
constructor(props: IProps) {
this._messageListRef = React.createRef<HTMLDivElement>();
this._messagesListEndRef = React.createRef<HTMLDivElement>();
// Bind event handlers so they are only bound once for every instance.
this._handleIntersectBottomList = this._handleIntersectBottomList.bind(this);
this._findFirstUnreadMessage = this._findFirstUnreadMessage.bind(this);
this._isMessageVisible = this._isMessageVisible.bind(this);
this._onChatScroll = throttle(this._onChatScroll.bind(this), 300, { leading: true });
this._onGoToFirstUnreadMessage = this._onGoToFirstUnreadMessage.bind(this);
* Implements {@code Component#render}.
* @inheritdoc
render() {
const groupedMessages = this._getMessagesGroupedBySender();
const messages = groupedMessages.map((group, index) => {
const messageType = group[0]?.messageType;
return (
className = { messageType || MESSAGE_TYPE_REMOTE }
key = { index }
messages = { group } />
return (
<div id = 'chat-conversation-container'>
aria-labelledby = 'chat-header'
id = 'chatconversation'
onScroll = { this._onChatScroll }
ref = { this._messageListRef }
role = 'log'
tabIndex = { 0 }>
{ messages }
{ !this.state.isScrolledToBottom && this.state.hasNewMessages
&& <NewMessagesButton
onGoToFirstUnreadMessage = { this._onGoToFirstUnreadMessage } /> }
id = 'messagesListEnd'
ref = { this._messagesListEndRef } />
* Implements {@code Component#componentDidMount}.
* When Component mount scroll message container to bottom.
* Create observer to react when scroll position is at bottom or leave the bottom.
* @inheritdoc
componentDidMount() {
this.scrollToElement(false, null);
* Implements {@code Component#componentDidUpdate}.
* If the user receive a new message scroll automatically to the bottom if scroll position was at the bottom.
* Otherwise update hasNewMessages from component state.
* @inheritdoc
* @returns {void}
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: IProps) {
const hasNewMessages = this.props.messages.length !== prevProps.messages.length;
if (hasNewMessages) {
if (this.state.isScrolledToBottom) {
this.scrollToElement(false, null);
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line react/no-did-update-set-state
this.setState({ hasNewMessages: true });
* Implements React's {@link Component#componentWillUnmount()}. Invoked
* immediately before this component is unmounted and destroyed.
* @inheritdoc
componentWillUnmount() {
const target = document.querySelector('#messagesListEnd');
this._bottomListObserver.unobserve(target as Element);
* Automatically scrolls the displayed chat messages to bottom or to a specific element if it is provided.
* @param {boolean} withAnimation - Whether or not to show a scrolling.
* @param {TMLElement} element - Where to scroll.
* Animation.
* @returns {void}
scrollToElement(withAnimation: boolean, element: Element | null) {
const scrollTo = element ? element : this._messagesListEndRef.current;
const block = element ? 'center' : 'nearest';
scrollIntoView(scrollTo as Element, {
behavior: withAnimation ? 'smooth' : 'auto',
* Callback invoked to listen to current scroll position and update next unread message.
* The callback is invoked inside a throttle with 300 ms to decrease the number of function calls.
* @private
* @returns {void}
_onChatScroll() {
const firstUnreadMessage = this._findFirstUnreadMessage();
if (firstUnreadMessage && firstUnreadMessage.id !== this.state.lastReadMessageId) {
this.setState({ lastReadMessageId: firstUnreadMessage?.id });
* Find the first unread message.
* Update component state and scroll to element.
* @private
* @returns {void}
_onGoToFirstUnreadMessage() {
const firstUnreadMessage = this._findFirstUnreadMessage();
this.setState({ lastReadMessageId: firstUnreadMessage?.id || null });
this.scrollToElement(true, firstUnreadMessage as Element);
* Create observer to react when scroll position is at bottom or leave the bottom.
* @private
* @returns {void}
_createBottomListObserver() {
const options = {
root: document.querySelector('#chatconversation'),
rootMargin: '35px',
threshold: 0.5
const target = document.querySelector('#messagesListEnd');
if (target) {
this._bottomListObserver = new IntersectionObserver(this._handleIntersectBottomList, options);
/** .
* _HandleIntersectBottomList.
* When entry is intersecting with bottom of container set last message as last read message.
* When entry is not intersecting update only isScrolledToBottom with false value.
* @param {Array} entries - List of entries.
* @private
* @returns {void}
_handleIntersectBottomList(entries: IntersectionObserverEntry[]) {
entries.forEach((entry: IntersectionObserverEntry) => {
if (entry.isIntersecting && this.props.messages.length) {
const lastMessageIndex = this.props.messages.length - 1;
const lastMessage = this.props.messages[lastMessageIndex];
const lastReadMessageId = lastMessage.messageId;
isScrolledToBottom: true,
hasNewMessages: false,
if (!entry.isIntersecting) {
isScrolledToBottom: false
* Find first unread message.
* MessageIsAfterLastSeenMessage filter elements which are not visible but are before the last read message.
* @private
* @returns {Element}
_findFirstUnreadMessage() {
const messagesNodeList = document.querySelectorAll('.chatmessage-wrapper');
// @ts-ignore
const messagesToArray = [ ...messagesNodeList ];
const previousIndex = messagesToArray.findIndex((message: Element) =>
message.id === this.state.lastReadMessageId);
if (previousIndex !== -1) {
for (let i = previousIndex; i < messagesToArray.length; i++) {
if (!this._isMessageVisible(messagesToArray[i])) {
return messagesToArray[i];
* Check if a message is visible in view.
* @param {Element} message -
* @returns {boolean}
_isMessageVisible(message: Element): boolean {
const { bottom, height, top } = message.getBoundingClientRect();
if (this._messageListRef.current) {
const containerRect = this._messageListRef.current.getBoundingClientRect();
return top <= containerRect.top
? containerRect.top - top <= height : bottom - containerRect.bottom <= height;
return false;