526 lines
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526 lines
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/* jshint -W117 */
/* a simple MUC connection plugin
* can only handle a single MUC room
Strophe.addConnectionPlugin('emuc', {
connection: null,
roomjid: null,
myroomjid: null,
members: {},
list_members: [], // so we can elect a new focus
presMap: {},
preziMap: {},
joined: false,
isOwner: false,
role: null,
init: function (conn) {
this.connection = conn;
initPresenceMap: function (myroomjid) {
this.presMap['to'] = myroomjid;
this.presMap['xns'] = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc';
doJoin: function (jid, password) {
this.myroomjid = jid;
console.info("Joined MUC as " + this.myroomjid);
if (!this.roomjid) {
this.roomjid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid);
// add handlers (just once)
this.connection.addHandler(this.onPresence.bind(this), null, 'presence', null, null, this.roomjid, {matchBare: true});
this.connection.addHandler(this.onPresenceUnavailable.bind(this), null, 'presence', 'unavailable', null, this.roomjid, {matchBare: true});
this.connection.addHandler(this.onPresenceError.bind(this), null, 'presence', 'error', null, this.roomjid, {matchBare: true});
this.connection.addHandler(this.onMessage.bind(this), null, 'message', null, null, this.roomjid, {matchBare: true});
if (password !== undefined) {
this.presMap['password'] = password;
doLeave: function() {
console.log("do leave", this.myroomjid);
var pres = $pres({to: this.myroomjid, type: 'unavailable' });
this.presMap.length = 0;
onPresence: function (pres) {
var from = pres.getAttribute('from');
var type = pres.getAttribute('type');
console.debug("Presence " + from + " - " + type);
if (type != null) {
return true;
// Parse etherpad tag.
var etherpad = $(pres).find('>etherpad');
if (etherpad.length) {
if (config.etherpad_base && !Moderator.isModerator()) {
// Parse prezi tag.
var presentation = $(pres).find('>prezi');
if (presentation.length)
var url = presentation.attr('url');
var current = presentation.find('>current').text();
console.log('presentation info received from', from, url);
if (this.preziMap[from] == null) {
this.preziMap[from] = url;
$(document).trigger('presentationadded.muc', [from, url, current]);
else {
$(document).trigger('gotoslide.muc', [from, url, current]);
else if (this.preziMap[from] != null) {
var url = this.preziMap[from];
delete this.preziMap[from];
$(document).trigger('presentationremoved.muc', [from, url]);
// Parse audio info tag.
var audioMuted = $(pres).find('>audiomuted');
if (audioMuted.length) {
$(document).trigger('audiomuted.muc', [from, audioMuted.text()]);
// Parse video info tag.
var videoMuted = $(pres).find('>videomuted');
if (videoMuted.length) {
$(document).trigger('videomuted.muc', [from, videoMuted.text()]);
var stats = $(pres).find('>stats');
var statsObj = {};
Strophe.forEachChild(stats[0], "stat", function (el) {
statsObj[el.getAttribute("name")] = el.getAttribute("value");
ConnectionQuality.updateRemoteStats(from, statsObj);
// Parse status.
if ($(pres).find('>x[xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"]>status[code="201"]').length) {
// http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#createroom-instant
this.isOwner = true;
var create = $iq({type: 'set', to: this.roomjid})
.c('query', {xmlns: 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner'})
.c('x', {xmlns: 'jabber:x:data', type: 'submit'});
this.connection.sendIQ(create); // fire away
// Parse roles.
var member = {};
member.show = $(pres).find('>show').text();
member.status = $(pres).find('>status').text();
var tmp = $(pres).find('>x[xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"]>item');
member.affiliation = tmp.attr('affiliation');
member.role = tmp.attr('role');
// Focus recognition
member.jid = tmp.attr('jid');
member.isFocus = false;
if (member.jid
&& member.jid.indexOf(Moderator.getFocusUserJid() + "/") == 0) {
member.isFocus = true;
var nicktag = $(pres).find('>nick[xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/nick"]');
member.displayName = (nicktag.length > 0 ? nicktag.html() : null);
if (from == this.myroomjid) {
if (member.affiliation == 'owner') this.isOwner = true;
if (this.role !== member.role) {
this.role = member.role;
Moderator.onLocalRoleChange(from, member, pres);
UI.onLocalRoleChange(from, member, pres);
if (!this.joined) {
this.joined = true;
$(document).trigger('joined.muc', [from, member]);
UI.onMucJoined(from, member);
} else if (this.members[from] === undefined) {
// new participant
this.members[from] = member;
console.log('entered', from, member);
if (member.isFocus)
focusMucJid = from;
console.info("Ignore focus: " + from +", real JID: " + member.jid);
else {
var id = $(pres).find('>userID').text();
var email = $(pres).find('>email');
if (email.length > 0) {
id = email.text();
UI.onMucEntered(from, id, member.displayName);
} else {
// Presence update for existing participant
// Watch role change:
if (this.members[from].role != member.role) {
this.members[from].role = member.role;
UI.onMucRoleChanged(member.role, member.displayName);
// Always trigger presence to update bindings
console.log('presence change from', from, pres);
$(document).trigger('presence.muc', [from, member, pres]);
// Trigger status message update
if (member.status) {
UI.onMucPresenceStatus(from, member);
return true;
onPresenceUnavailable: function (pres) {
var from = pres.getAttribute('from');
// Status code 110 indicates that this notification is "self-presence".
if (!$(pres).find('>x[xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"]>status[code="110"]').length) {
delete this.members[from];
this.list_members.splice(this.list_members.indexOf(from), 1);
// If the status code is 110 this means we're leaving and we would like
// to remove everyone else from our view, so we trigger the event.
else if (this.list_members.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.list_members.length; i++) {
var member = this.list_members[i];
delete this.members[i];
this.list_members.splice(i, 1);
if ($(pres).find('>x[xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"]>status[code="307"]').length) {
$(document).trigger('kicked.muc', [from]);
return true;
onPresenceError: function (pres) {
var from = pres.getAttribute('from');
if ($(pres).find('>error[type="auth"]>not-authorized[xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"]').length) {
console.log('on password required', from);
UI.onPasswordReqiured(function (value) {
connection.emuc.doJoin(from, value);
} else if ($(pres).find(
'>error[type="cancel"]>not-allowed[xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"]').length) {
var toDomain = Strophe.getDomainFromJid(pres.getAttribute('to'));
if(toDomain === config.hosts.anonymousdomain) {
// we are connected with anonymous domain and only non anonymous users can create rooms
// we must authorize the user
} else {
console.warn('onPresError ', pres);
'Oops! Something went wrong and we couldn`t connect to the conference.',
} else {
console.warn('onPresError ', pres);
'Oops! Something went wrong and we couldn`t connect to the conference.',
return true;
sendMessage: function (body, nickname) {
var msg = $msg({to: this.roomjid, type: 'groupchat'});
msg.c('body', body).up();
if (nickname) {
msg.c('nick', {xmlns: 'http://jabber.org/protocol/nick'}).t(nickname).up().up();
if(APIConnector.isEnabled() && APIConnector.isEventEnabled("outgoingMessage"))
APIConnector.triggerEvent("outgoingMessage", {"message": body});
setSubject: function (subject){
var msg = $msg({to: this.roomjid, type: 'groupchat'});
msg.c('subject', subject);
console.log("topic changed to " + subject);
onMessage: function (msg) {
// FIXME: this is a hack. but jingle on muc makes nickchanges hard
var from = msg.getAttribute('from');
var nick = $(msg).find('>nick[xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/nick"]').text() || Strophe.getResourceFromJid(from);
var txt = $(msg).find('>body').text();
var type = msg.getAttribute("type");
if(type == "error")
UI.chatAddError($(msg).find('>text').text(), txt);
return true;
var subject = $(msg).find('>subject');
var subjectText = subject.text();
if(subjectText || subjectText == "") {
console.log("Subject is changed to " + subjectText);
if (txt) {
console.log('chat', nick, txt);
UI.updateChatConversation(from, nick, txt);
if(APIConnector.isEnabled() && APIConnector.isEventEnabled("incomingMessage"))
if(from != this.myroomjid)
{"from": from, "nick": nick, "message": txt});
return true;
lockRoom: function (key, onSuccess, onError, onNotSupported) {
var ob = this;
this.connection.sendIQ($iq({to: this.roomjid, type: 'get'}).c('query', {xmlns: 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner'}),
function (res) {
if ($(res).find('>query>x[xmlns="jabber:x:data"]>field[var="muc#roomconfig_roomsecret"]').length) {
var formsubmit = $iq({to: ob.roomjid, type: 'set'}).c('query', {xmlns: 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#owner'});
formsubmit.c('x', {xmlns: 'jabber:x:data', type: 'submit'});
formsubmit.c('field', {'var': 'FORM_TYPE'}).c('value').t('http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roomconfig').up().up();
formsubmit.c('field', {'var': 'muc#roomconfig_roomsecret'}).c('value').t(key).up().up();
// Fixes a bug in prosody 0.9.+ https://code.google.com/p/lxmppd/issues/detail?id=373
formsubmit.c('field', {'var': 'muc#roomconfig_whois'}).c('value').t('anyone').up().up();
// FIXME: is muc#roomconfig_passwordprotectedroom required?
} else {
}, onError);
kick: function (jid) {
var kickIQ = $iq({to: this.roomjid, type: 'set'})
.c('query', {xmlns: 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin'})
.c('item', {nick: Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid), role: 'none'})
.c('reason').t('You have been kicked.').up().up().up();
function (result) {
console.log('Kick participant with jid: ', jid, result);
function (error) {
console.log('Kick participant error: ', error);
sendPresence: function () {
var pres = $pres({to: this.presMap['to'] });
pres.c('x', {xmlns: this.presMap['xns']});
if (this.presMap['password']) {
// Send XEP-0115 'c' stanza that contains our capabilities info
if (connection.caps) {
connection.caps.node = config.clientNode;
pres.c('c', connection.caps.generateCapsAttrs()).up();
pres.c('user-agent', {xmlns: 'http://jitsi.org/jitmeet/user-agent'})
if(this.presMap['bridgeIsDown']) {
if(this.presMap['email']) {
if(this.presMap['userId']) {
if (this.presMap['displayName']) {
// XEP-0172
pres.c('nick', {xmlns: 'http://jabber.org/protocol/nick'})
if (this.presMap['audions']) {
pres.c('audiomuted', {xmlns: this.presMap['audions']})
if (this.presMap['videons']) {
pres.c('videomuted', {xmlns: this.presMap['videons']})
var stats = pres.c('stats', {xmlns: this.presMap['statsns']});
for(var stat in this.presMap["stats"])
if(this.presMap["stats"][stat] != null)
stats.c("stat",{name: stat, value: this.presMap["stats"][stat]}).up();
if (this.presMap['prezins']) {
{xmlns: this.presMap['prezins'],
'url': this.presMap['preziurl']})
if (this.presMap['etherpadns']) {
pres.c('etherpad', {xmlns: this.presMap['etherpadns']})
if (this.presMap['medians'])
pres.c('media', {xmlns: this.presMap['medians']});
var sourceNumber = 0;
Object.keys(this.presMap).forEach(function (key) {
if (key.indexOf('source') >= 0) {
if (sourceNumber > 0)
for (var i = 1; i <= sourceNumber/3; i ++) {
{type: this.presMap['source' + i + '_type'],
ssrc: this.presMap['source' + i + '_ssrc'],
direction: this.presMap['source'+ i + '_direction']
|| 'sendrecv' }
// console.debug(pres.toString());
addDisplayNameToPresence: function (displayName) {
this.presMap['displayName'] = displayName;
addMediaToPresence: function (sourceNumber, mtype, ssrcs, direction) {
if (!this.presMap['medians'])
this.presMap['medians'] = 'http://estos.de/ns/mjs';
this.presMap['source' + sourceNumber + '_type'] = mtype;
this.presMap['source' + sourceNumber + '_ssrc'] = ssrcs;
this.presMap['source' + sourceNumber + '_direction'] = direction;
clearPresenceMedia: function () {
var self = this;
Object.keys(this.presMap).forEach( function(key) {
if(key.indexOf('source') != -1) {
delete self.presMap[key];
addPreziToPresence: function (url, currentSlide) {
this.presMap['prezins'] = 'http://jitsi.org/jitmeet/prezi';
this.presMap['preziurl'] = url;
this.presMap['prezicurrent'] = currentSlide;
removePreziFromPresence: function () {
delete this.presMap['prezins'];
delete this.presMap['preziurl'];
delete this.presMap['prezicurrent'];
addCurrentSlideToPresence: function (currentSlide) {
this.presMap['prezicurrent'] = currentSlide;
getPrezi: function (roomjid) {
return this.preziMap[roomjid];
addEtherpadToPresence: function(etherpadName) {
this.presMap['etherpadns'] = 'http://jitsi.org/jitmeet/etherpad';
this.presMap['etherpadname'] = etherpadName;
addAudioInfoToPresence: function(isMuted) {
this.presMap['audions'] = 'http://jitsi.org/jitmeet/audio';
this.presMap['audiomuted'] = isMuted.toString();
addVideoInfoToPresence: function(isMuted) {
this.presMap['videons'] = 'http://jitsi.org/jitmeet/video';
this.presMap['videomuted'] = isMuted.toString();
addConnectionInfoToPresence: function(stats) {
this.presMap['statsns'] = 'http://jitsi.org/jitmeet/stats';
this.presMap['stats'] = stats;
findJidFromResource: function(resourceJid) {
if(resourceJid &&
resourceJid === Strophe.getResourceFromJid(connection.emuc.myroomjid)) {
return connection.emuc.myroomjid;
var peerJid = null;
Object.keys(this.members).some(function (jid) {
peerJid = jid;
return Strophe.getResourceFromJid(jid) === resourceJid;
return peerJid;
addBridgeIsDownToPresence: function() {
this.presMap['bridgeIsDown'] = true;
addEmailToPresence: function(email) {
this.presMap['email'] = email;
addUserIdToPresence: function(userId) {
this.presMap['userId'] = userId;
isModerator: function() {
return this.role === 'moderator';
getMemberRole: function(peerJid) {
if (this.members[peerJid]) {
return this.members[peerJid].role;
return null;
onParticipantLeft: function (jid) {
if(APIConnector.isEnabled() && APIConnector.isEventEnabled("participantLeft"))
APIConnector.triggerEvent("participantLeft",{jid: jid});
delete jid2Ssrc[jid];
if (connection.emuc.getPrezi(jid)) {
[jid, connection.emuc.getPrezi(jid)]);