203 lines
5.7 KiB
203 lines
5.7 KiB
/*jslint plusplus: true */
/*jslint nomen: true*/
var SimulcastSender = require("./SimulcastSender");
var NoSimulcastSender = SimulcastSender["no"];
var NativeSimulcastSender = SimulcastSender["native"];
var SimulcastReceiver = require("./SimulcastReceiver");
var SimulcastUtils = require("./SimulcastUtils");
* @constructor
function SimulcastManager() {
// Create the simulcast utilities.
this.simulcastUtils = new SimulcastUtils();
// Create remote simulcast.
this.simulcastReceiver = new SimulcastReceiver();
// Initialize local simulcast.
// TODO(gp) move into SimulcastManager.prototype.getUserMedia and take into
// account constraints.
if (!config.enableSimulcast) {
this.simulcastSender = new NoSimulcastSender();
} else {
var isChromium = window.chrome,
vendorName = window.navigator.vendor;
if(isChromium !== null && isChromium !== undefined
/* skip opera */
&& vendorName === "Google Inc."
/* skip Chromium as suggested by fippo */
&& !window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chromium\//) ) {
var ver = parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10);
if (ver > 37) {
this.simulcastSender = new NativeSimulcastSender();
} else {
this.simulcastSender = new NoSimulcastSender();
} else {
this.simulcastSender = new NoSimulcastSender();
* Restores the simulcast groups of the remote description. In
* transformRemoteDescription we remove those in order for the set remote
* description to succeed. The focus needs the signal the groups to new
* participants.
* @param desc
* @returns {*}
SimulcastManager.prototype.reverseTransformRemoteDescription = function (desc) {
return this.simulcastReceiver.reverseTransformRemoteDescription(desc);
* Removes the ssrc-group:SIM from the remote description bacause Chrome
* either gets confused and thinks this is an FID group or, if an FID group
* is already present, it fails to set the remote description.
* @param desc
* @returns {*}
SimulcastManager.prototype.transformRemoteDescription = function (desc) {
return this.simulcastReceiver.transformRemoteDescription(desc);
* Gets the fully qualified msid (stream.id + track.id) associated to the
* @param ssrc
* @returns {*}
SimulcastManager.prototype.getRemoteVideoStreamIdBySSRC = function (ssrc) {
return this.simulcastReceiver.getRemoteVideoStreamIdBySSRC(ssrc);
* Returns a stream with single video track, the one currently being
* received by this endpoint.
* @param stream the remote simulcast stream.
* @returns {webkitMediaStream}
SimulcastManager.prototype.getReceivingVideoStream = function (stream) {
return this.simulcastReceiver.getReceivingVideoStream(stream);
* @param desc
* @returns {*}
SimulcastManager.prototype.transformLocalDescription = function (desc) {
return this.simulcastSender.transformLocalDescription(desc);
* @returns {*}
SimulcastManager.prototype.getLocalVideoStream = function() {
return this.simulcastSender.getLocalVideoStream();
* GUM for simulcast.
* @param constraints
* @param success
* @param err
SimulcastManager.prototype.getUserMedia = function (constraints, success, err) {
this.simulcastSender.getUserMedia(constraints, success, err);
* Prepares the local description for public usage (i.e. to be signaled
* through Jingle to the focus).
* @param desc
* @returns {RTCSessionDescription}
SimulcastManager.prototype.reverseTransformLocalDescription = function (desc) {
return this.simulcastSender.reverseTransformLocalDescription(desc);
* Ensures that the simulcast group is present in the answer, _if_ native
* simulcast is enabled,
* @param desc
* @returns {*}
SimulcastManager.prototype.transformAnswer = function (desc) {
return this.simulcastSender.transformAnswer(desc);
SimulcastManager.prototype.getReceivingSSRC = function (jid) {
return this.simulcastReceiver.getReceivingSSRC(jid);
SimulcastManager.prototype.getReceivingVideoStreamBySSRC = function (msid) {
return this.simulcastReceiver.getReceivingVideoStreamBySSRC(msid);
* @param lines
* @param mediatypes
* @returns {*}
SimulcastManager.prototype.parseMedia = function(lines, mediatypes) {
var sb = lines.sdp.split('\r\n');
return this.simulcastUtils.parseMedia(sb, mediatypes);
SimulcastManager.prototype._setReceivingVideoStream = function(resource, ssrc) {
this.simulcastReceiver._setReceivingVideoStream(resource, ssrc);
SimulcastManager.prototype._setLocalVideoStreamEnabled = function(ssrc, enabled) {
this.simulcastSender._setLocalVideoStreamEnabled(ssrc, enabled);
SimulcastManager.prototype.resetSender = function() {
if (typeof this.simulcastSender.reset === 'function'){
$(document).bind('simulcastlayerschanged', function (event, endpointSimulcastLayers) {
endpointSimulcastLayers.forEach(function (esl) {
var ssrc = esl.simulcastLayer.primarySSRC;
simulcast._setReceivingVideoStream(esl.endpoint, ssrc);
$(document).bind('startsimulcastlayer', function (event, simulcastLayer) {
var ssrc = simulcastLayer.primarySSRC;
simulcast._setLocalVideoStreamEnabled(ssrc, true);
$(document).bind('stopsimulcastlayer', function (event, simulcastLayer) {
var ssrc = simulcastLayer.primarySSRC;
simulcast._setLocalVideoStreamEnabled(ssrc, false);
var simulcast = new SimulcastManager();
module.exports = simulcast; |