
1327 lines
40 KiB

/* eslint-disable lines-around-comment */
import { Theme } from '@mui/material';
import { withStyles } from '@mui/styles';
import clsx from 'clsx';
import debounce from 'lodash/debounce';
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { createScreenSharingIssueEvent } from '../../../analytics/AnalyticsEvents';
import { sendAnalytics } from '../../../analytics/functions';
import { IReduxState } from '../../../app/types';
// @ts-ignore
import { Avatar } from '../../../base/avatar';
import {
} from '../../../base/config/functions.web';
import { isMobileBrowser } from '../../../base/environment/utils';
import { JitsiTrackEvents } from '../../../base/lib-jitsi-meet';
// @ts-ignore
import { VideoTrack } from '../../../base/media';
import { MEDIA_TYPE } from '../../../base/media/constants';
import { pinParticipant } from '../../../base/participants/actions';
import {
} from '../../../base/participants/functions';
import { IParticipant } from '../../../base/participants/types';
import { ASPECT_RATIO_NARROW } from '../../../base/responsive-ui/constants';
import { isTestModeEnabled } from '../../../base/testing/functions';
import { trackStreamingStatusChanged, updateLastTrackVideoMediaEvent } from '../../../base/tracks/actions';
import {
} from '../../../base/tracks/functions';
import { getVideoObjectPosition } from '../../../face-landmarks/functions';
import { hideGif, showGif } from '../../../gifs/actions';
import { getGifDisplayMode, getGifForParticipant } from '../../../gifs/functions';
// @ts-ignore
import { PresenceLabel } from '../../../presence-status';
// @ts-ignore
import { getCurrentLayout } from '../../../video-layout';
import { LAYOUTS } from '../../../video-layout/constants';
// @ts-ignore
import { togglePinStageParticipant } from '../../actions';
import {
} from '../../constants';
import {
// @ts-ignore
} from '../../functions';
// @ts-ignore
import ThumbnailAudioIndicator from './ThumbnailAudioIndicator';
import ThumbnailBottomIndicators from './ThumbnailBottomIndicators';
import ThumbnailTopIndicators from './ThumbnailTopIndicators';
// @ts-ignore
import VirtualScreenshareParticipant from './VirtualScreenshareParticipant';
declare let interfaceConfig: any;
* The type of the React {@code Component} state of {@link Thumbnail}.
export type State = {
* Indicates that the canplay event has been received.
canPlayEventReceived: boolean;
* The current display mode of the thumbnail.
displayMode: number;
* Indicates whether the thumbnail is hovered or not.
isHovered: boolean;
* Whether popover is visible or not.
popoverVisible: boolean;
* The type of the React {@code Component} props of {@link Thumbnail}.
export type Props = {
* The audio track related to the participant.
_audioTrack?: Object;
* Indicates whether the local video flip feature is disabled or not.
_disableLocalVideoFlip: boolean;
* Indicates whether enlargement of tiles to fill the available space is disabled.
_disableTileEnlargement: boolean;
* URL of GIF sent by this participant, null if there's none.
_gifSrc?: string;
* The height of the Thumbnail.
_height: number;
* Whether or not the participant is displayed on the stage filmstrip.
* Used to hide the video from the vertical filmstrip.
_isActiveParticipant: boolean;
* Indicates whether audio only mode is enabled.
_isAudioOnly: boolean;
* Indicates whether the participant associated with the thumbnail is displayed on the large video.
_isCurrentlyOnLargeVideo: boolean;
* Disable/enable the dominant speaker indicator.
_isDominantSpeakerDisabled: boolean;
* Indicates whether the thumbnail should be hidden or not.
_isHidden: boolean;
* Whether we are currently running in a mobile browser.
_isMobile: boolean;
* Whether we are currently running in a mobile browser in portrait orientation.
_isMobilePortrait: boolean;
* Indicates whether the participant is screen sharing.
_isScreenSharing: boolean;
* Indicates whether testing mode is enabled.
_isTestModeEnabled: boolean;
* Indicates whether the video associated with the thumbnail is playable.
_isVideoPlayable: boolean;
* Indicates whether the participant is a virtual screen share participant. This prop is behind the
* sourceNameSignaling feature flag.
_isVirtualScreenshareParticipant: boolean;
* The current local video flip setting.
_localFlipX: boolean;
* An object with information about the participant related to the thumbnail.
_participant: IParticipant;
* Whether or not the participant has the hand raised.
_raisedHand: boolean;
* Whether source name signaling is enabled.
_sourceNameSignalingEnabled: boolean;
* Whether or not the current layout is stage filmstrip layout.
_stageFilmstripLayout: boolean;
* Whether or not the participants are displayed on stage.
* (and not screensharing or shared video; used to determine
* whether or not the display the participant video in the vertical filmstrip).
_stageParticipantsVisible: boolean;
* The type of thumbnail to display.
_thumbnailType: string;
* The video object position for the participant.
_videoObjectPosition: string;
* The video track that will be displayed in the thumbnail.
_videoTrack?: any;
* The width of the thumbnail.
_width: number;
* An object containing CSS classes.
classes: any;
* The redux dispatch function.
dispatch: Function;
* The type of filmstrip the tile is displayed in.
filmstripType: string;
* The horizontal offset in px for the thumbnail. Used to center the thumbnails from the last row in tile view.
horizontalOffset: number;
* The ID of the participant related to the thumbnail.
participantID?: string;
* Styles that will be set to the Thumbnail's main span element.
style?: any;
* The width of the thumbnail. Used for expanding the width of the thumbnails on last row in case
* there is empty space.
width?: number;
const defaultStyles = (theme: Theme) => {
return {
indicatorsContainer: {
position: 'absolute' as const,
padding: theme.spacing(1),
zIndex: 10,
width: '100%',
boxSizing: 'border-box' as const,
display: 'flex',
left: 0,
'&.tile-view-mode': {
padding: theme.spacing(2)
indicatorsTopContainer: {
top: 0,
justifyContent: 'space-between'
indicatorsBottomContainer: {
bottom: 0
indicatorsBackground: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)',
borderRadius: '4px',
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
maxWidth: '100%',
overflow: 'hidden',
'&:not(:empty)': {
padding: '2px'
'& > *:not(:last-child)': {
marginRight: '4px'
'&:not(.top-indicators) > span:last-child': {
marginRight: '6px'
containerBackground: {
position: 'absolute' as const,
top: 0,
left: 0,
height: '100%',
width: '100%',
borderRadius: '4px',
backgroundColor: theme.palette.ui02
borderIndicator: {
position: 'absolute' as const,
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
zIndex: 9,
borderRadius: '4px'
borderIndicatorOnTop: {
zIndex: 11
activeSpeaker: {
'& .active-speaker-indicator': {
boxShadow: `inset 0px 0px 0px 4px ${theme.palette.link01Active} !important`
raisedHand: {
'& .raised-hand-border': {
boxShadow: `inset 0px 0px 0px 2px ${theme.palette.warning02} !important`
gif: {
position: 'absolute' as const,
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
zIndex: 11,
display: 'flex',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
overflow: 'hidden',
backgroundColor: theme.palette.ui02,
'& img': {
maxWidth: '100%',
maxHeight: '100%',
objectFit: 'contain',
flexGrow: '1'
* Implements a thumbnail.
* @augments Component
class Thumbnail extends Component<Props, State> {
* The long touch setTimeout handler.
timeoutHandle?: number;
* Timeout used to detect double tapping.
* It is active while user has tapped once.
_firstTap?: number;
* Initializes a new Thumbnail instance.
* @param {Object} props - The read-only React Component props with which
* the new instance is to be initialized.
constructor(props: Props) {
const state = {
canPlayEventReceived: false,
displayMode: DISPLAY_VIDEO,
popoverVisible: false,
isHovered: false
this.state = {
displayMode: computeDisplayModeFromInput(getDisplayModeInput(props, state))
this.timeoutHandle = undefined;
this._clearDoubleClickTimeout = this._clearDoubleClickTimeout.bind(this);
this._onCanPlay = this._onCanPlay.bind(this);
this._onClick = this._onClick.bind(this);
this._onMouseEnter = this._onMouseEnter.bind(this);
this._onMouseMove = debounce(this._onMouseMove.bind(this), 100, {
leading: true,
trailing: false
this._onMouseLeave = this._onMouseLeave.bind(this);
this._onTestingEvent = this._onTestingEvent.bind(this);
this._onTouchStart = this._onTouchStart.bind(this);
this._onTouchEnd = this._onTouchEnd.bind(this);
this._onTouchMove = this._onTouchMove.bind(this);
this._showPopover = this._showPopover.bind(this);
this._hidePopover = this._hidePopover.bind(this);
this._onGifMouseEnter = this._onGifMouseEnter.bind(this);
this._onGifMouseLeave = this._onGifMouseLeave.bind(this);
this.handleTrackStreamingStatusChanged = this.handleTrackStreamingStatusChanged.bind(this);
* Starts listening for track streaming status updates after the initial render.
* @inheritdoc
* @returns {void}
componentDidMount() {
// Listen to track streaming status changed event to keep it updated.
// TODO: after converting this component to a react function component,
// use a custom hook to update local track streaming status.
const { _videoTrack, dispatch, _sourceNameSignalingEnabled } = this.props;
if (_sourceNameSignalingEnabled && _videoTrack && !_videoTrack.local) {
* Remove listeners for track streaming status update.
* @inheritdoc
* @returns {void}
componentWillUnmount() {
// TODO: after converting this component to a react function component,
// use a custom hook to update local track streaming status.
const { _videoTrack, dispatch, _sourceNameSignalingEnabled } = this.props;
if (_sourceNameSignalingEnabled && _videoTrack && !_videoTrack.local) {
* Stops listening for track streaming status updates on the old track and starts
* listening instead on the new track.
* @inheritdoc
* @returns {void}
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props, prevState: State) {
if (prevState.displayMode !== this.state.displayMode) {
// TODO: after converting this component to a react function component,
// use a custom hook to update local track streaming status.
const { _videoTrack, dispatch, _sourceNameSignalingEnabled } = this.props;
if (_sourceNameSignalingEnabled
&& prevProps._videoTrack?.jitsiTrack?.getSourceName() !== _videoTrack?.jitsiTrack?.getSourceName()) {
if (prevProps._videoTrack && !prevProps._videoTrack.local) {
if (_videoTrack && !_videoTrack.local) {
* Handle track streaming status change event by
* by dispatching an action to update track streaming status for the given track in app state.
* @param {JitsiTrack} jitsiTrack - The track with streaming status updated.
* @param {JitsiTrackStreamingStatus} streamingStatus - The updated track streaming status.
* @returns {void}
handleTrackStreamingStatusChanged(jitsiTrack: any, streamingStatus: any) {
this.props.dispatch(trackStreamingStatusChanged(jitsiTrack, streamingStatus));
* Handles display mode changes.
* @returns {void}
_onDisplayModeChanged() {
const input = getDisplayModeInput(this.props, this.state);
* Sends screen sharing issue event if an issue is detected.
* @param {Object} input - The input used to compute the thumbnail display mode.
* @returns {void}
_maybeSendScreenSharingIssueEvents(input: any) {
const {
} = this.props;
const { displayMode } = this.state;
const isTileType = _thumbnailType === THUMBNAIL_TYPE.TILE;
if (!(DISPLAY_VIDEO === displayMode)
&& isTileType
&& _isScreenSharing
&& !_isAudioOnly) {
source: 'thumbnail',
* Implements React's {@link Component#getDerivedStateFromProps()}.
* @inheritdoc
static getDerivedStateFromProps(props: Props, prevState: State) {
if (!props._videoTrack && prevState.canPlayEventReceived) {
const newState = {
canPlayEventReceived: false
return {
displayMode: computeDisplayModeFromInput(getDisplayModeInput(props, newState))
const newDisplayMode = computeDisplayModeFromInput(getDisplayModeInput(props, prevState));
if (newDisplayMode !== prevState.displayMode) {
return {
displayMode: newDisplayMode
return null;
* Clears the first click timeout.
* @returns {void}
_clearDoubleClickTimeout() {
this._firstTap = undefined;
* Shows popover.
* @private
* @returns {void}
_showPopover() {
popoverVisible: true
* Hides popover.
* @private
* @returns {void}
_hidePopover() {
const { _thumbnailType } = this.props;
if (_thumbnailType === THUMBNAIL_TYPE.VERTICAL) {
isHovered: false
popoverVisible: false
* Returns an object with the styles for thumbnail.
* @returns {Object} - The styles for the thumbnail.
_getStyles(): any {
const { canPlayEventReceived } = this.state;
const {
} = this.props;
const isTileType = _thumbnailType === THUMBNAIL_TYPE.TILE;
const jitsiVideoTrack = _videoTrack?.jitsiTrack;
const track = jitsiVideoTrack?.track;
const isPortraitVideo = (track?.getSettings()?.aspectRatio || 1) < 1;
let styles: {
avatar: Object;
thumbnail: any;
video: Object;
} = {
thumbnail: {},
avatar: {},
video: {}
const avatarSize = Math.min(_height / 2, _width - 30);
let { left } = style || {};
if (typeof left === 'number' && horizontalOffset) {
left += horizontalOffset;
let videoStyles: any = null;
const doNotStretchVideo = (isPortraitVideo && isTileType)
|| _disableTileEnlargement
|| _isScreenSharing;
if (canPlayEventReceived || _participant.local || _isVirtualScreenshareParticipant) {
videoStyles = {
objectFit: doNotStretchVideo ? 'contain' : 'cover'
} else {
videoStyles = {
display: 'none'
if (videoStyles.objectFit === 'cover') {
videoStyles.objectPosition = _videoObjectPosition;
styles = {
thumbnail: {
height: `${_height}px`,
minHeight: `${_height}px`,
minWidth: `${_width}px`,
width: `${_width}px`
avatar: {
height: `${avatarSize}px`,
width: `${avatarSize}px`
video: videoStyles
if (_isHidden) {
styles.thumbnail.display = 'none';
return styles;
* On click handler.
* @returns {void}
_onClick() {
const { _participant, dispatch, _stageFilmstripLayout } = this.props;
const { id, pinned } = _participant;
if (_stageFilmstripLayout) {
} else {
dispatch(pinParticipant(pinned ? null : id));
* Mouse enter handler.
* @returns {void}
_onMouseEnter() {
this.setState({ isHovered: true });
* Mouse move handler.
* @returns {void}
_onMouseMove() {
if (!this.state.isHovered) {
// Workaround for the use case where the layout changes (for example the participant pane is closed)
// and as a result the mouse appears on top of the thumbnail. In these use cases the mouse enter
// event on the thumbnail is not triggered in Chrome.
this.setState({ isHovered: true });
* Mouse leave handler.
* @returns {void}
_onMouseLeave() {
this.setState({ isHovered: false });
* Handler for touch start.
* @returns {void}
_onTouchStart() {
this.timeoutHandle = window.setTimeout(this._showPopover, SHOW_TOOLBAR_CONTEXT_MENU_AFTER);
if (this._firstTap) {
this._firstTap = window.setTimeout(this._clearDoubleClickTimeout, 300);
* Cancel showing popover context menu after x milliseconds if the no. Of milliseconds is not reached yet,
* or just clears the timeout.
* @returns {void}
_onTouchEnd() {
* Cancel showing Context menu after x milliseconds if the number of milliseconds is not reached
* before a touch move(drag), or just clears the timeout.
* @returns {void}
_onTouchMove() {
* Renders a fake participant (youtube video) thumbnail.
* @param {string} id - The id of the participant.
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderFakeParticipant() {
const { _isMobile, _participant: { avatarURL } } = this.props;
const styles = this._getStyles();
const containerClassName = this._getContainerClassName();
return (
className = { containerClassName }
id = 'sharedVideoContainer'
onClick = { this._onClick }
{ ...(_isMobile ? {} : {
onMouseEnter: this._onMouseEnter,
onMouseMove: this._onMouseMove,
onMouseLeave: this._onMouseLeave
}) }
style = { styles.thumbnail }>
{avatarURL ? (
className = 'sharedVideoAvatar'
src = { avatarURL } />
: this._renderAvatar(styles.avatar)}
* Renders the avatar.
* @param {Object} styles - The styles that will be applied to the avatar.
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderAvatar(styles: Object) {
const { _participant } = this.props;
const { id } = _participant;
return (
className = 'avatar-container'
style = { styles }>
className = 'userAvatar'
participantId = { id } />
* Returns the container class name.
* @returns {string} - The class name that will be used for the container.
_getContainerClassName() {
let className = 'videocontainer';
const { displayMode } = this.state;
const {
} = this.props;
className += ` ${DISPLAY_MODE_TO_CLASS_NAME[displayMode]}`;
if (_raisedHand) {
className += ` ${classes.raisedHand}`;
if (!_isDominantSpeakerDisabled && _participant?.dominantSpeaker) {
className += ` ${classes.activeSpeaker} dominant-speaker`;
if (_thumbnailType !== THUMBNAIL_TYPE.TILE && _participant?.pinned) {
className += ' videoContainerFocused';
return className;
* Keep showing the GIF for the current participant.
* @returns {void}
_onGifMouseEnter() {
const { dispatch, _participant: { id } } = this.props;
* Keep showing the GIF for the current participant.
* @returns {void}
_onGifMouseLeave() {
const { dispatch, _participant: { id } } = this.props;
* Renders GIF.
* @returns {Component}
_renderGif() {
const { _gifSrc, classes } = this.props;
return _gifSrc && (
<div className = { classes.gif }>
alt = 'GIF'
src = { _gifSrc } />
* Canplay event listener.
* @param {SyntheticEvent} event - The event.
* @returns {void}
_onCanPlay(event: any) {
this.setState({ canPlayEventReceived: true });
const {
} = this.props;
if (_videoTrack && _isTestModeEnabled) {
* Event handler for testing events.
* @param {SyntheticEvent} event - The event.
* @returns {void}
_onTestingEvent(event: any) {
const {
} = this.props;
const jitsiVideoTrack = _videoTrack?.jitsiTrack;
dispatch(updateLastTrackVideoMediaEvent(jitsiVideoTrack, event.type));
* Renders a remote participant's 'thumbnail.
* @param {boolean} local - Whether or not it's the local participant.
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderParticipant(local = false) {
const {
} = this.props;
const { id } = _participant || {};
const { isHovered, popoverVisible } = this.state;
const styles = this._getStyles();
let containerClassName = this._getContainerClassName();
const videoTrackClassName
= !_disableLocalVideoFlip && _videoTrack && !_isScreenSharing && _localFlipX ? 'flipVideoX' : '';
const jitsiVideoTrack = _videoTrack?.jitsiTrack;
const videoTrackId = jitsiVideoTrack?.getId();
const videoEventListeners: any = {};
if (local) {
if (_isMobilePortrait) {
styles.thumbnail.height = styles.thumbnail.width;
containerClassName = `${containerClassName} self-view-mobile-portrait`;
} else {
if (_videoTrack && _isTestModeEnabled) {
VIDEO_TEST_EVENTS.forEach(attribute => {
videoEventListeners[attribute] = this._onTestingEvent;
videoEventListeners.onCanPlay = this._onCanPlay;
const video = _videoTrack && <VideoTrack
className = { local ? videoTrackClassName : '' }
eventHandlers = { videoEventListeners }
id = { local ? 'localVideo_container' : `remoteVideo_${videoTrackId || ''}` }
muted = { local ? undefined : true }
style = { styles.video }
videoTrack = { _videoTrack } />;
return (
className = { containerClassName }
id = { local
? `localVideoContainer${filmstripType === FILMSTRIP_TYPE.MAIN ? '' : `_${filmstripType}`}`
: `participant_${id}${filmstripType === FILMSTRIP_TYPE.MAIN ? '' : `_${filmstripType}`}`
{ ...(_isMobile
? {
onTouchEnd: this._onTouchEnd,
onTouchMove: this._onTouchMove,
onTouchStart: this._onTouchStart
: {
onClick: this._onClick,
onMouseEnter: this._onMouseEnter,
onMouseMove: this._onMouseMove,
onMouseLeave: this._onMouseLeave
) }
style = { styles.thumbnail }>
{!_gifSrc && (local
? <span id = 'localVideoWrapper'>{video}</span>
: video)}
<div className = { classes.containerBackground } />
className = { clsx(classes.indicatorsContainer,
_thumbnailType === THUMBNAIL_TYPE.TILE && 'tile-view-mode'
) }>
disableConnectionIndicator = { isWhiteboardParticipant(_participant) }
hidePopover = { this._hidePopover }
indicatorsClassName = { classes.indicatorsBackground }
isHovered = { isHovered }
local = { local }
participantId = { id }
popoverVisible = { popoverVisible }
showPopover = { this._showPopover }
thumbnailType = { _thumbnailType } />
className = { clsx(classes.indicatorsContainer,
_thumbnailType === THUMBNAIL_TYPE.TILE && 'tile-view-mode'
) }>
className = { classes.indicatorsBackground }
local = { local }
participantId = { id }
showStatusIndicators = { !isWhiteboardParticipant(_participant) }
thumbnailType = { _thumbnailType } />
{!_gifSrc && this._renderAvatar(styles.avatar) }
{ !local && (
<div className = 'presence-label-container'>
className = 'presence-label'
participantID = { id } />
<ThumbnailAudioIndicator _audioTrack = { _audioTrack } />
className = { clsx(classes.borderIndicator,
_gifSrc && classes.borderIndicatorOnTop,
'raised-hand-border') } />
className = { clsx(classes.borderIndicator,
_gifSrc && classes.borderIndicatorOnTop,
'active-speaker-indicator') } />
{_gifSrc && (
className = { clsx(classes.borderIndicator, classes.borderIndicatorOnTop) }
onMouseEnter = { this._onGifMouseEnter }
onMouseLeave = { this._onGifMouseLeave } />
* Implements React's {@link Component#render()}.
* @inheritdoc
* @returns {ReactElement}
render() {
const { _participant, _isTestModeEnabled, _isVirtualScreenshareParticipant } = this.props;
const videoEventListeners: any = {};
if (!_participant) {
return null;
const { fakeParticipant, local } = _participant;
if (local) {
return this._renderParticipant(true);
if (fakeParticipant
&& !isWhiteboardParticipant(_participant)
&& !_isVirtualScreenshareParticipant
) {
return this._renderFakeParticipant();
if (_isVirtualScreenshareParticipant) {
const { isHovered } = this.state;
const { _videoTrack, _isMobile, classes, _thumbnailType } = this.props;
if (_isTestModeEnabled) {
VIDEO_TEST_EVENTS.forEach(attribute => {
videoEventListeners[attribute] = this._onTestingEvent;
videoEventListeners.onCanPlay = this._onCanPlay;
return (
classes = { classes }
containerClassName = { this._getContainerClassName() }
isHovered = { isHovered }
isLocal = { isLocalScreenshareParticipant(_participant) }
isMobile = { _isMobile }
onClick = { this._onClick }
onMouseEnter = { this._onMouseEnter }
onMouseLeave = { this._onMouseLeave }
onMouseMove = { this._onMouseMove }
onTouchEnd = { this._onTouchEnd }
onTouchMove = { this._onTouchMove }
onTouchStart = { this._onTouchStart }
participantId = { _participant.id }
styles = { this._getStyles() }
thumbnailType = { _thumbnailType }
videoTrack = { _videoTrack } />
return this._renderParticipant();
* Maps (parts of) the redux state to the associated props for this component.
* @param {Object} state - The Redux state.
* @param {Object} ownProps - The own props of the component.
* @private
* @returns {Props}
function _mapStateToProps(state: IReduxState, ownProps: any): Object {
const { participantID, filmstripType = FILMSTRIP_TYPE.MAIN } = ownProps;
const participant = getParticipantByIdOrUndefined(state, participantID);
const id = participant?.id ?? '';
const isLocal = participant?.local ?? true;
const multipleVideoSupportEnabled = getMultipleVideoSupportFeatureFlag(state);
const sourceNameSignalingEnabled = getSourceNameSignalingFeatureFlag(state);
const _isVirtualScreenshareParticipant = multipleVideoSupportEnabled && isScreenShareParticipant(participant);
const tracks = state['features/base/tracks'];
let _videoTrack;
if (_isVirtualScreenshareParticipant) {
_videoTrack = getVirtualScreenshareParticipantTrack(tracks, id);
} else {
_videoTrack = isLocal
? getLocalVideoTrack(tracks) : getTrackByMediaTypeAndParticipant(tracks, MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO, participantID);
const _audioTrack = isLocal
? getLocalAudioTrack(tracks) : getTrackByMediaTypeAndParticipant(tracks, MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO, participantID);
const _currentLayout = getCurrentLayout(state);
let size: any = {};
let _isMobilePortrait = false;
const {
} = state['features/base/config'];
const { localFlipX } = state['features/base/settings'];
const _isMobile = isMobileBrowser();
const activeParticipants = getActiveParticipantsIds(state);
const tileType = getThumbnailTypeFromLayout(_currentLayout, filmstripType);
switch (tileType) {
const {
horizontalViewDimensions = {
local: {},
remote: {}
verticalViewDimensions = {
local: {},
remote: {},
gridView: {}
} = state['features/filmstrip'];
const _verticalViewGrid = showGridInVerticalView(state);
const { local, remote }
? verticalViewDimensions : horizontalViewDimensions;
// @ts-ignore
const { width, height } = (isLocal ? local : remote) ?? {};
size = {
_width: width,
_height: height
if (_verticalViewGrid) {
// @ts-ignore
const { width: _width, height: _height } = verticalViewDimensions.gridView.thumbnailSize;
size = {
_isMobilePortrait = _isMobile && state['features/base/responsive-ui'].aspectRatio === ASPECT_RATIO_NARROW;
// @ts-ignore
const { thumbnailSize } = state['features/filmstrip'].tileViewDimensions;
const {
stageFilmstripDimensions = {
thumbnailSize: {}
} = state['features/filmstrip'];
size = {
_width: thumbnailSize?.width,
_height: thumbnailSize?.height
if (filmstripType === FILMSTRIP_TYPE.STAGE) {
// @ts-ignore
const { width: _width, height: _height } = stageFilmstripDimensions.thumbnailSize;
size = {
} else if (filmstripType === FILMSTRIP_TYPE.SCREENSHARE) {
// @ts-ignore
const { width: _width, height: _height } = screenshareFilmstripDimensions.thumbnailSize;
size = {
if (ownProps.width) {
size._width = ownProps.width;
const { gifUrl: gifSrc } = getGifForParticipant(state, id ?? '');
const mode = getGifDisplayMode(state);
const participantId = isLocal ? getLocalParticipant(state)?.id : participantID;
return {
_defaultLocalDisplayName: defaultLocalDisplayName,
_disableLocalVideoFlip: Boolean(disableLocalVideoFlip),
_disableTileEnlargement: Boolean(disableTileEnlargement),
_isActiveParticipant: activeParticipants.find((pId: string) => pId === participantId),
_isHidden: isLocal && iAmRecorder && !iAmSipGateway,
_isAudioOnly: Boolean(state['features/base/audio-only'].enabled),
_isCurrentlyOnLargeVideo: state['features/large-video']?.participantId === id,
_isDominantSpeakerDisabled: interfaceConfig.DISABLE_DOMINANT_SPEAKER_INDICATOR,
_isScreenSharing: _videoTrack?.videoType === 'desktop',
_isTestModeEnabled: isTestModeEnabled(state),
_isVideoPlayable: id && isVideoPlayable(state, id),
_localFlipX: Boolean(localFlipX),
_multipleVideoSupport: multipleVideoSupportEnabled,
_participant: participant,
_raisedHand: hasRaisedHand(participant),
_sourceNameSignalingEnabled: sourceNameSignalingEnabled,
_stageFilmstripLayout: isStageFilmstripAvailable(state),
_stageParticipantsVisible: _currentLayout === LAYOUTS.STAGE_FILMSTRIP_VIEW,
_thumbnailType: tileType,
_videoObjectPosition: getVideoObjectPosition(state, participant?.id),
_gifSrc: mode === 'chat' ? null : gifSrc
export default connect(_mapStateToProps)(withStyles(defaultStyles)(Thumbnail));