284 lines
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284 lines
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// @flow
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import { FlatList } from 'react-native';
import { translate } from '../../../base/i18n';
import { Icon, IconInviteMore } from '../../../base/icons';
import { getLocalParticipant, getParticipantCountWithFake, getRemoteParticipants } from '../../../base/participants';
import { connect } from '../../../base/redux';
import Button from '../../../base/ui/components/native/Button';
import Input from '../../../base/ui/components/native/Input';
import { BUTTON_TYPES } from '../../../base/ui/constants';
import { getBreakoutRooms, getCurrentRoomId } from '../../../breakout-rooms/functions';
import { doInvitePeople } from '../../../invite/actions.native';
import { participantMatchesSearch, shouldRenderInviteButton } from '../../functions';
import CollapsibleList from './CollapsibleList';
import MeetingParticipantItem from './MeetingParticipantItem';
import styles from './styles';
type Props = {
* Current breakout room, if we are in one.
_currentRoom: ?Object,
* The local participant.
_localParticipant: Object,
* The number of participants in the conference.
_participantsCount: number,
* The remote participants.
_remoteParticipants: Map<string, Object>,
* Whether or not to show the invite button.
_showInviteButton: boolean,
* The remote participants.
_sortedRemoteParticipants: Map<string, string>,
* List of breakout rooms that were created.
breakoutRooms: Array,
* The redux dispatch function.
dispatch: Function,
* Is the local participant moderator?
isLocalModerator: boolean,
* List of participants waiting in lobby.
lobbyParticipants: Array,
* Participants search string.
searchString: string,
* Function to update the search string.
setSearchString: Function,
* Translation function.
t: Function
* The meeting participant list component.
class MeetingParticipantList extends PureComponent<Props> {
* Creates new MeetingParticipantList instance.
* @param {Props} props - The props of the component.
constructor(props: Props) {
this._keyExtractor = this._keyExtractor.bind(this);
this._onInvite = this._onInvite.bind(this);
this._renderParticipant = this._renderParticipant.bind(this);
this._onSearchStringChange = this._onSearchStringChange.bind(this);
_keyExtractor: Function;
* Returns a key for a passed item of the list.
* @param {string} item - The user ID.
* @returns {string} - The user ID.
_keyExtractor(item) {
return item;
_onInvite: () => void;
* Handles ivite button presses.
* @returns {void}
_onInvite() {
* Renders the "invite more" icon.
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderInviteMoreIcon() {
return (
size = { 20 }
src = { IconInviteMore } />
_renderParticipant: Object => Object;
* Renders a participant.
* @param {Object} flatListItem - Information about the item to be rendered.
* @param {string} flatListItem.item - The ID of the participant.
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderParticipant({ item/* , index, separators */ }) {
const { _localParticipant, _remoteParticipants, searchString } = this.props;
const participant = item === _localParticipant?.id ? _localParticipant : _remoteParticipants.get(item);
if (participantMatchesSearch(participant, searchString)) {
return (
key = { item }
participant = { participant } />
return null;
_onSearchStringChange: (text: string) => void;
* Handles search string changes.
* @param {string} text - New value of the search string.
* @returns {void}
_onSearchStringChange(text: string) {
* Implements React's {@link Component#render()}.
* @inheritdoc
* @returns {ReactElement}
render() {
const {
} = this.props;
const title = _currentRoom?.name
// $FlowExpectedError
? `${_currentRoom.name} (${_participantsCount})`
: t('participantsPane.headings.participantsList',
{ count: _participantsCount });
// Regarding the fact that we have 3 sections, we apply
// a certain height percentage for every section in order for all to fit
// inside the participants pane container
// If there are only meeting participants available,
// we take the full container height
const onlyMeetingParticipants
= breakoutRooms?.length === 0 && lobbyParticipants?.length === 0;
const containerStyleModerator
= onlyMeetingParticipants
? styles.meetingListFullContainer : styles.meetingListContainer;
const containerStyle
= isLocalModerator
? containerStyleModerator : styles.notLocalModeratorContainer;
const finalContainerStyle
= _participantsCount > 6 && containerStyle;
return (
containerStyle = { finalContainerStyle }
title = { title } >
&& <Button
accessibilityLabel = 'participantsPane.actions.invite'
icon = { this._renderInviteMoreIcon }
label = 'participantsPane.actions.invite'
onPress = { this._onInvite }
style = { styles.inviteButton }
clearable = { true }
customStyles = {{ container: styles.inputContainer,
input: styles.centerInput }}
onChange = { this._onSearchStringChange }
placeholder = { t('participantsPane.search') }
value = { this.props.searchString } />
bounces = { false }
data = { [ _localParticipant?.id, ..._sortedRemoteParticipants ] }
horizontal = { false }
keyExtractor = { this._keyExtractor }
renderItem = { this._renderParticipant }
scrollEnabled = { true }
showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = { false }
windowSize = { 2 } />
* Maps (parts of) the redux state to the associated props for this component.
* @param {Object} state - The Redux state.
* @private
* @returns {Props}
function _mapStateToProps(state): Object {
const _participantsCount = getParticipantCountWithFake(state);
const { remoteParticipants } = state['features/filmstrip'];
const _showInviteButton = shouldRenderInviteButton(state);
const _remoteParticipants = getRemoteParticipants(state);
const currentRoomId = getCurrentRoomId(state);
const _currentRoom = getBreakoutRooms(state)[currentRoomId];
return {
_sortedRemoteParticipants: remoteParticipants,
_localParticipant: getLocalParticipant(state)
export default translate(connect(_mapStateToProps)(MeetingParticipantList));