* Javadoc introduced @code as a replacement of <code> and <tt> which is better aligned with other javadoc tags such as @link. Use it in the Java source code. If we switch to Kotlin, then we'll definitely use Markdown. * There are more uses of @code in the JavaScript source code than <tt> so use @code for the sake of consistency. Eventually, I'd rather we switch to Markdown because it's easier on my eyes. * Xcode is plain confused by @code and @link. The Internet says that Xcode supports the backquote character to denote the beginning and end of a string of characters which should be formatted for display as code but it doesn't work for me. <tt> is not rendered at all. So use the backquote which is rendered itself. Hopefully, if we switch to Markdown, then it'll be common between JavaScript and Objective-C source code. |
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java/org/jitsi/meet/sdk | ||
res/values | ||
AndroidManifest.xml |