
186 lines
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/* @flow */
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { shouldComponentUpdate } from 'react-window';
import { getPinnedParticipant } from '../../../base/participants';
import { connect } from '../../../base/redux';
import { shouldHideSelfView } from '../../../base/settings/functions.any';
import { getCurrentLayout, LAYOUTS } from '../../../video-layout';
import { showGridInVerticalView } from '../../functions';
import Thumbnail from './Thumbnail';
* The type of the React {@code Component} props of {@link ThumbnailWrapper}.
type Props = {
* Whether or not to hide the self view.
_disableSelfView: boolean,
* The horizontal offset in px for the thumbnail. Used to center the thumbnails in the last row in tile view.
_horizontalOffset: number,
* Whether or not there is a pinned participant.
_isAnyParticipantPinned: boolean,
* The ID of the participant associated with the Thumbnail.
_participantID: ?string,
* The index of the column in tile view.
columnIndex?: number,
* The index of the ThumbnailWrapper in stage view.
index?: number,
* The index of the row in tile view.
rowIndex?: number,
* The styles comming from react-window.
style: Object
* A wrapper Component for the Thumbnail that translates the react-window specific props
* to the Thumbnail Component's props.
class ThumbnailWrapper extends Component<Props> {
* Creates new ThumbnailWrapper instance.
* @param {Props} props - The props of the component.
constructor(props: Props) {
this.shouldComponentUpdate = shouldComponentUpdate.bind(this);
shouldComponentUpdate: Props => boolean;
* Implements React's {@link Component#render()}.
* @inheritdoc
* @returns {ReactElement}
render() {
const { _participantID, style, _horizontalOffset = 0, _isAnyParticipantPinned, _disableSelfView } = this.props;
if (typeof _participantID !== 'string') {
return null;
if (_participantID === 'local') {
return _disableSelfView ? null : (
_isAnyParticipantPinned = { _isAnyParticipantPinned }
horizontalOffset = { _horizontalOffset }
key = 'local'
style = { style } />);
return (
_isAnyParticipantPinned = { _isAnyParticipantPinned }
horizontalOffset = { _horizontalOffset }
key = { `remote_${_participantID}` }
participantID = { _participantID }
style = { style } />);
* Maps (parts of) the Redux state to the associated {@code ThumbnailWrapper}'s props.
* @param {Object} state - The Redux state.
* @param {Object} ownProps - The props passed to the component.
* @private
* @returns {Props}
function _mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
const _currentLayout = getCurrentLayout(state);
const { remoteParticipants } = state['features/filmstrip'];
const remoteParticipantsLength = remoteParticipants.length;
const { testing = {} } = state['features/base/config'];
const disableSelfView = shouldHideSelfView(state);
const enableThumbnailReordering = testing.enableThumbnailReordering ?? true;
const _verticalViewGrid = showGridInVerticalView(state);
const _isAnyParticipantPinned = Boolean(getPinnedParticipant(state));
if (_currentLayout === LAYOUTS.TILE_VIEW || _verticalViewGrid) {
const { columnIndex, rowIndex } = ownProps;
const { gridDimensions: dimensions = {}, thumbnailSize: size } = state['features/filmstrip'].tileViewDimensions;
const { gridView } = state['features/filmstrip'].verticalViewDimensions;
const gridDimensions = _verticalViewGrid ? gridView.gridDimensions : dimensions;
const thumbnailSize = _verticalViewGrid ? gridView.thumbnailSize : size;
const { columns, rows } = gridDimensions;
const index = (rowIndex * columns) + columnIndex;
let horizontalOffset;
const { iAmRecorder } = state['features/base/config'];
const participantsLenght = remoteParticipantsLength + (iAmRecorder ? 0 : 1) - (disableSelfView ? 1 : 0);
if (rowIndex === rows - 1) { // center the last row
const { width: thumbnailWidth } = thumbnailSize;
const partialLastRowParticipantsNumber = participantsLenght % columns;
if (partialLastRowParticipantsNumber > 0) {
horizontalOffset = Math.floor((columns - partialLastRowParticipantsNumber) * (thumbnailWidth + 4) / 2);
if (index > participantsLenght - 1) {
return {};
// When the thumbnails are reordered, local participant is inserted at index 0.
const localIndex = enableThumbnailReordering && !disableSelfView ? 0 : remoteParticipantsLength;
const remoteIndex = enableThumbnailReordering && !iAmRecorder && !disableSelfView ? index - 1 : index;
if (!iAmRecorder && index === localIndex) {
return {
_disableSelfView: disableSelfView,
_participantID: 'local',
_horizontalOffset: horizontalOffset,
_isAnyParticipantPinned: _verticalViewGrid && _isAnyParticipantPinned
return {
_participantID: remoteParticipants[remoteIndex],
_horizontalOffset: horizontalOffset,
_isAnyParticipantPinned: _verticalViewGrid && _isAnyParticipantPinned
const { index } = ownProps;
if (typeof index !== 'number' || remoteParticipantsLength <= index) {
return {};
return {
_participantID: remoteParticipants[index],
export default connect(_mapStateToProps)(ThumbnailWrapper);