
616 lines
19 KiB

// @flow
import { Checkbox } from '@atlaskit/checkbox';
import DropdownMenu, {
} from '@atlaskit/dropdown-menu';
import React from 'react';
import keyboardShortcut from '../../../../../modules/keyboardshortcut/keyboardshortcut';
import { AbstractDialogTab } from '../../../base/dialog';
import type { Props as AbstractDialogTabProps } from '../../../base/dialog';
import { translate } from '../../../base/i18n';
import TouchmoveHack from '../../../chat/components/web/TouchmoveHack';
import { MAX_ACTIVE_PARTICIPANTS } from '../../../filmstrip';
import { SS_DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE } from '../../constants';
* The type of the React {@code Component} props of {@link MoreTab}.
export type Props = {
* The currently selected desktop share frame rate in the frame rate select dropdown.
currentFramerate: string,
* The currently selected language to display in the language select
* dropdown.
currentLanguage: string,
* All available desktop capture frame rates.
desktopShareFramerates: Array<number>,
* Whether to show hide self view setting.
disableHideSelfView: boolean,
* Whether or not follow me is currently active (enabled by some other participant).
followMeActive: boolean,
* All available languages to display in the language select dropdown.
languages: Array<string>,
* The types of enabled notifications that can be configured and their specific visibility.
enabledNotifications: Object,
* Whether or not to display the language select dropdown.
showLanguageSettings: boolean,
* Whether or not to display moderator-only settings.
showModeratorSettings: boolean,
* Whether or not to display notifications settings.
showNotificationsSettings: boolean,
* Whether or not to display the prejoin settings section.
showPrejoinSettings: boolean,
* Whether or not to show prejoin screen.
showPrejoinPage: boolean,
* Whether or not to hide self-view screen.
hideSelfView: boolean,
* Invoked to obtain translated strings.
t: Function
* The type of the React {@code Component} state of {@link MoreTab}.
type State = {
* Whether or not the desktop share frame rate select dropdown is open.
isFramerateSelectOpen: boolean,
* Whether or not the language select dropdown is open.
isLanguageSelectOpen: boolean
* React {@code Component} for modifying language and moderator settings.
* @augments Component
class MoreTab extends AbstractDialogTab<Props, State> {
* Initializes a new {@code MoreTab} instance.
* @param {Object} props - The read-only properties with which the new
* instance is to be initialized.
constructor(props: Props) {
this.state = {
isFramerateSelectOpen: false,
isLanguageSelectOpen: false,
isMaxStageParticipantsOpen: false
// Bind event handler so it is only bound once for every instance.
this._onFramerateDropdownOpenChange = this._onFramerateDropdownOpenChange.bind(this);
this._onFramerateItemSelect = this._onFramerateItemSelect.bind(this);
this._onLanguageDropdownOpenChange = this._onLanguageDropdownOpenChange.bind(this);
this._onLanguageItemSelect = this._onLanguageItemSelect.bind(this);
this._onEnabledNotificationsChanged = this._onEnabledNotificationsChanged.bind(this);
this._onShowPrejoinPageChanged = this._onShowPrejoinPageChanged.bind(this);
this._onKeyboardShortcutEnableChanged = this._onKeyboardShortcutEnableChanged.bind(this);
this._onHideSelfViewChanged = this._onHideSelfViewChanged.bind(this);
this._renderMaxStageParticipantsSelect = this._renderMaxStageParticipantsSelect.bind(this);
this._onMaxStageParticipantsSelect = this._onMaxStageParticipantsSelect.bind(this);
this._onMaxStageParticipantsOpenChange = this._onMaxStageParticipantsOpenChange.bind(this);
* Implements React's {@link Component#render()}.
* @inheritdoc
* @returns {ReactElement}
render() {
const content = [];
return (
className = 'more-tab box'
key = 'more'>
{ content }
_onFramerateDropdownOpenChange: (Object) => void;
* Callback invoked to toggle display of the desktop share framerate select dropdown.
* @param {Object} event - The event for opening or closing the dropdown.
* @private
* @returns {void}
_onFramerateDropdownOpenChange({ isOpen }) {
this.setState({ isFramerateSelectOpen: isOpen });
_onFramerateItemSelect: (Object) => void;
* Callback invoked to select a frame rate from the select dropdown.
* @param {Object} e - The key event to handle.
* @private
* @returns {void}
_onFramerateItemSelect(e) {
const frameRate = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-framerate');
super._onChange({ currentFramerate: frameRate });
_onLanguageDropdownOpenChange: (Object) => void;
* Callback invoked to toggle display of the language select dropdown.
* @param {Object} event - The event for opening or closing the dropdown.
* @private
* @returns {void}
_onLanguageDropdownOpenChange({ isOpen }) {
this.setState({ isLanguageSelectOpen: isOpen });
_onLanguageItemSelect: (Object) => void;
* Callback invoked to select a language from select dropdown.
* @param {Object} e - The key event to handle.
* @returns {void}
_onLanguageItemSelect(e) {
const language = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-language');
super._onChange({ currentLanguage: language });
_onShowPrejoinPageChanged: (Object) => void;
* Callback invoked to select if the lobby
* should be shown.
* @param {Object} e - The key event to handle.
* @returns {void}
_onShowPrejoinPageChanged({ target: { checked } }) {
super._onChange({ showPrejoinPage: checked });
_onKeyboardShortcutEnableChanged: (Object) => void;
* Callback invoked to select if the given type of
* notifications should be shown.
* @param {Object} e - The key event to handle.
* @param {string} type - The type of the notification.
* @returns {void}
_onEnabledNotificationsChanged({ target: { checked } }, type) {
enabledNotifications: {
[type]: checked
_onEnabledNotificationsChanged: (Object, string) => void;
* Callback invoked to select if global keyboard shortcuts
* should be enabled.
* @param {Object} e - The key event to handle.
* @returns {void}
_onKeyboardShortcutEnableChanged({ target: { checked } }) {
super._onChange({ keyboardShortcutEnable: checked });
_onHideSelfViewChanged: (Object) => void;
* Callback invoked to select if hide self view should be enabled.
* @param {Object} e - The key event to handle.
* @returns {void}
_onHideSelfViewChanged({ target: { checked } }) {
super._onChange({ hideSelfView: checked });
_onMaxStageParticipantsOpenChange: (Object) => void;
* Callback invoked to toggle display of the max stage participants select dropdown.
* @param {Object} event - The event for opening or closing the dropdown.
* @private
* @returns {void}
_onMaxStageParticipantsOpenChange({ isOpen }) {
this.setState({ isMaxStageParticipantsOpen: isOpen });
_onMaxStageParticipantsSelect: (Object) => void;
* Callback invoked to select a max number of stage participants from the select dropdown.
* @param {Object} e - The key event to handle.
* @private
* @returns {void}
_onMaxStageParticipantsSelect(e) {
const maxParticipants = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-maxparticipants');
super._onChange({ maxStageParticipants: maxParticipants });
* Returns the React Element for the desktop share frame rate dropdown.
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderFramerateSelect() {
const { currentFramerate, desktopShareFramerates, t } = this.props;
const frameRateItems = desktopShareFramerates.map(frameRate => (
data-framerate = { frameRate }
key = { frameRate }
onClick = { this._onFramerateItemSelect }>
{ `${frameRate} ${t('settings.framesPerSecond')}` }
return (
className = 'settings-sub-pane-element'
key = 'frameRate'>
<h2 className = 'mock-atlaskit-label'>
{ t('settings.desktopShareFramerate') }
<div className = 'dropdown-menu'>
flex = { true }
isModal = { true }>
isOpen = { this.state.isFramerateSelectOpen }
onOpenChange = { this._onFramerateDropdownOpenChange }
shouldFitContainer = { true }
trigger = { currentFramerate
? `${currentFramerate} ${t('settings.framesPerSecond')}`
: '' }
triggerButtonProps = {{
shouldFitContainer: true
triggerType = 'button'>
{ frameRateItems }
className = 'mock-atlaskit-label'>
{ parseInt(currentFramerate, 10) > SS_DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE
? t('settings.desktopShareHighFpsWarning')
: t('settings.desktopShareWarning') }
* Returns the React Element for keyboardShortcut settings.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderKeyboardShortcutCheckbox() {
const { t } = this.props;
return (
className = 'settings-sub-pane-element'
key = 'keyboard-shortcut'>
<h2 className = 'mock-atlaskit-label'>
{ t('keyboardShortcuts.keyboardShortcuts') }
isChecked = { keyboardShortcut.getEnabled() }
label = { t('prejoin.keyboardShortcuts') }
name = 'enable-keyboard-shortcuts'
onChange = { this._onKeyboardShortcutEnableChanged } />
* Returns the React Element for self view setting.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderSelfViewCheckbox() {
const { hideSelfView, t } = this.props;
return (
className = 'settings-sub-pane-element'
key = 'selfview'>
<h2 className = 'mock-atlaskit-label'>
{ t('settings.selfView') }
isChecked = { hideSelfView }
label = { t('videothumbnail.hideSelfView') }
name = 'hide-self-view'
onChange = { this._onHideSelfViewChanged } />
* Returns the menu item for changing displayed language.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderLanguageSelect() {
const {
} = this.props;
const languageItems
= languages.map(language => (
data-language = { language }
key = { language }
onClick = { this._onLanguageItemSelect }>
{ t(`languages:${language}`) }
return (
className = 'settings-sub-pane-element'
key = 'language'>
<h2 className = 'mock-atlaskit-label'>
{ t('settings.language') }
<div className = 'dropdown-menu'>
flex = { true }
isModal = { true }>
isOpen = { this.state.isLanguageSelectOpen }
onOpenChange = { this._onLanguageDropdownOpenChange }
shouldFitContainer = { true }
trigger = { currentLanguage
? t(`languages:${currentLanguage}`)
: '' }
triggerButtonProps = {{
shouldFitContainer: true
triggerType = 'button'>
{ languageItems }
* Returns the React Element for modifying prejoin screen settings.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderPrejoinScreenSettings() {
const { t, showPrejoinPage } = this.props;
return (
className = 'settings-sub-pane-element'
key = 'prejoin-screen'>
<h2 className = 'mock-atlaskit-label'>
{ t('prejoin.premeeting') }
isChecked = { showPrejoinPage }
label = { t('prejoin.showScreen') }
name = 'show-prejoin-page'
onChange = { this._onShowPrejoinPageChanged } />
* Returns the React Element for modifying the enabled notifications settings.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderNotificationsSettings() {
const { t, enabledNotifications } = this.props;
return (
className = 'settings-sub-pane-element'
key = 'notifications'>
<h2 className = 'mock-atlaskit-label'>
{ t('notify.displayNotifications') }
Object.keys(enabledNotifications).map(key => (
isChecked = { enabledNotifications[key] }
key = { key }
label = { t(key) }
name = { `show-${key}` }
/* eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-bind */
onChange = { e => this._onEnabledNotificationsChanged(e, key) } />
_renderMaxStageParticipantsSelect: () => void;
* Returns the React Element for the max stage participants dropdown.
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderMaxStageParticipantsSelect() {
const { maxStageParticipants, t } = this.props;
const maxParticipantsItems = Array(MAX_ACTIVE_PARTICIPANTS).fill(0)
.map((no, index) => (
data-maxparticipants = { index + 1 }
key = { index + 1 }
onClick = { this._onMaxStageParticipantsSelect }>
{index + 1}
return (
className = 'settings-sub-pane-element'
key = 'maxStageParticipants'>
<h2 className = 'mock-atlaskit-label'>
{ t('settings.maxStageParticipants') }
<div className = 'dropdown-menu'>
flex = { true }
isModal = { true }>
isOpen = { this.state.isMaxStageParticipantsOpen }
onOpenChange = { this._onMaxStageParticipantsOpenChange }
shouldFitContainer = { true }
trigger = { maxStageParticipants }
triggerButtonProps = {{
shouldFitContainer: true
triggerType = 'button'>
{ maxParticipantsItems }
* Returns the React element that needs to be displayed on the right half of the more tabs.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderSettingsRight() {
const { showLanguageSettings } = this.props;
return (
className = 'settings-sub-pane right'
key = 'settings-sub-pane-right'>
{ showLanguageSettings && this._renderLanguageSelect() }
{ this._renderFramerateSelect() }
{ this._renderMaxStageParticipantsSelect() }
* Returns the React element that needs to be displayed on the left half of the more tabs.
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderSettingsLeft() {
const { disableHideSelfView, showNotificationsSettings, showPrejoinSettings } = this.props;
return (
className = 'settings-sub-pane left'
key = 'settings-sub-pane-left'>
{ showPrejoinSettings && this._renderPrejoinScreenSettings() }
{ showNotificationsSettings && this._renderNotificationsSettings() }
{ this._renderKeyboardShortcutCheckbox() }
{ !disableHideSelfView && this._renderSelfViewCheckbox() }
export default translate(MoreTab);