
294 lines
10 KiB

// @flow
/* eslint-disable react/jsx-no-bind, no-return-assign */
import Spinner from '@atlaskit/spinner';
import { jitsiLocalStorage } from '@jitsi/js-utils/jitsi-local-storage';
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import uuid from 'uuid';
import { Dialog, hideDialog } from '../../base/dialog';
import { translate } from '../../base/i18n';
import { Icon, IconCloseSmall, IconPlusCircle, IconShareDesktop } from '../../base/icons';
import { connect } from '../../base/redux';
import { getLocalVideoTrack } from '../../base/tracks';
import { toggleBackgroundEffect } from '../actions';
import { resizeImage, toDataURL } from '../functions';
import logger from '../logger';
import VirtualBackgroundPreview from './VirtualBackgroundPreview';
// The limit of virtual background uploads is 24. When the number
// of uploads is 25 we trigger the deleteStoredImage function to delete
// the first/oldest uploaded background.
const backgroundsLimit = 25;
const images = [
id: '1',
src: 'images/virtual-background/background-1.jpg'
id: '2',
src: 'images/virtual-background/background-2.jpg'
id: '3',
src: 'images/virtual-background/background-3.jpg'
id: '4',
src: 'images/virtual-background/background-4.jpg'
id: '5',
src: 'images/virtual-background/background-5.jpg'
id: '6',
src: 'images/virtual-background/background-6.jpg'
id: '7',
src: 'images/virtual-background/background-7.jpg'
type Props = {
* Returns the jitsi track that will have backgraund effect applied.
_jitsiTrack: Object,
* Returns the selected thumbnail identifier.
_selectedThumbnail: string,
* The redux {@code dispatch} function.
dispatch: Function,
* Invoked to obtain translated strings.
t: Function
* Renders virtual background dialog.
* @returns {ReactElement}
function VirtualBackground({ _jitsiTrack, _selectedThumbnail, dispatch, t }: Props) {
const [ options, setOptions ] = useState({});
const localImages = jitsiLocalStorage.getItem('virtualBackgrounds');
const [ storedImages, setStoredImages ] = useState((localImages && JSON.parse(localImages)) || []);
const [ loading, isloading ] = useState(false);
const deleteStoredImage = image => {
setStoredImages(storedImages.filter(item => item !== image));
* Updates stored images on local storage.
useEffect(() => {
try {
jitsiLocalStorage.setItem('virtualBackgrounds', JSON.stringify(storedImages));
} catch (err) {
// Preventing localStorage QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR
err && deleteStoredImage(storedImages[0]);
if (storedImages.length === backgroundsLimit) {
}, [ storedImages ]);
const enableBlur = async (blurValue, selection) => {
backgroundType: 'blur',
enabled: true,
selectedThumbnail: selection
const removeBackground = async () => {
enabled: false,
selectedThumbnail: 'none'
const shareDesktop = async selection => {
backgroundType: 'desktop-share',
enabled: true,
selectedThumbnail: selection
const setUploadedImageBackground = async image => {
backgroundType: 'image',
enabled: true,
url: image.src,
selectedThumbnail: image.id
const setImageBackground = async image => {
const url = await toDataURL(image.src);
backgroundType: 'image',
enabled: true,
selectedThumbnail: image.id
const uploadImage = async imageFile => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = async () => {
const url = await resizeImage(reader.result);
const uuId = uuid.v4();
id: uuId,
src: url
backgroundType: 'image',
enabled: true,
selectedThumbnail: uuId
reader.onerror = () => {
logger.error('Failed to upload virtual image!');
const applyVirtualBackground = async () => {
await dispatch(toggleBackgroundEffect(options, _jitsiTrack));
await isloading(false);
return (
hideCancelButton = { false }
okKey = { 'virtualBackground.apply' }
onSubmit = { applyVirtualBackground }
submitDisabled = { !options || loading }
titleKey = { 'virtualBackground.title' } >
<VirtualBackgroundPreview options = { options } />
{loading ? (
<div className = 'virtual-background-loading'>
isCompleting = { false }
size = 'medium' />
) : (
className = 'file-upload-label'
htmlFor = 'file-upload'>
className = { 'add-background' }
size = { 20 }
src = { IconPlusCircle } />
accept = 'image/*'
className = 'file-upload-btn'
id = 'file-upload'
onChange = { e => uploadImage(e.target.files) }
type = 'file' />
<div className = 'virtual-background-dialog'>
className = { _selectedThumbnail === 'none' ? 'none-selected' : 'virtual-background-none' }
onClick = { removeBackground }>
className = { _selectedThumbnail === 'slight-blur'
? 'slight-blur-selected' : 'slight-blur' }
onClick = { () => enableBlur(8, 'slight-blur') }>
className = { _selectedThumbnail === 'blur' ? 'blur-selected' : 'blur' }
onClick = { () => enableBlur(25, 'blur') }>
className = { _selectedThumbnail === 'desktop-share'
? 'desktop-share-selected'
: 'desktop-share' }
onClick = { () => shareDesktop('desktop-share') }>
className = 'share-desktop-icon'
size = { 30 }
src = { IconShareDesktop } />
{images.map((image, index) => (
className = {
options.selectedThumbnail === image.id || _selectedThumbnail === image.id
? 'thumbnail-selected'
: 'thumbnail'
key = { index }
onClick = { () => setImageBackground(image) }
onError = { event => event.target.style.display = 'none' }
src = { image.src } />
{storedImages.map((image, index) => (
className = { 'thumbnail-container' }
key = { index }>
className = { _selectedThumbnail === image.id ? 'thumbnail-selected' : 'thumbnail' }
onClick = { () => setUploadedImageBackground(image) }
onError = { event => event.target.style.display = 'none' }
src = { image.src } />
className = { 'delete-image-icon' }
onClick = { () => deleteStoredImage(image) }
size = { 15 }
src = { IconCloseSmall } />
* Maps (parts of) the redux state to the associated props for the
* {@code VirtualBackground} component.
* @param {Object} state - The Redux state.
* @private
* @returns {{Props}}
function _mapStateToProps(state): Object {
return {
_selectedThumbnail: state['features/virtual-background'].selectedThumbnail,
_jitsiTrack: getLocalVideoTrack(state['features/base/tracks'])?.jitsiTrack
export default translate(connect(_mapStateToProps)(VirtualBackground));