
993 lines
26 KiB

import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
import clsx from 'clsx';
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { WithTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
import ContextMenu from '../../base/components/context-menu/ContextMenu';
import { isMobileBrowser } from '../../base/environment/utils';
import { translate } from '../../base/i18n/functions';
type DownloadUpload = {
download: number;
upload: number;
* The type of the React {@code Component} props of
* {@link ConnectionStatsTable}.
interface Props extends WithTranslation {
* The audio SSRC of this client.
audioSsrc: number,
* Statistics related to bandwidth.
* {{
* download: Number,
* upload: Number
* }}.
bandwidth: DownloadUpload,
* Statistics related to bitrate.
* {{
* download: Number,
* upload: Number
* }}.
bitrate: DownloadUpload,
* The number of bridges (aka media servers) currently used in the
* conference.
bridgeCount: number,
* An object containing the CSS classes.
classes: any,
* Audio/video codecs in use for the connection.
codec: {
[key: string]: {
audio: string;
video: string;
* A message describing the connection quality.
connectionSummary: string,
* Whether or not should display the "Show More" link.
disableShowMoreStats: boolean,
* The end-to-end round-trip-time.
e2eRtt: number,
* Whether or not should display the "Save Logs" link.
enableSaveLogs: boolean,
* Statistics related to frame rates for each ssrc.
* {{
* [ ssrc ]: Number
* }}.
framerate: Object,
* Whether or not the statistics are for local video.
isLocalVideo: boolean,
* Whether or not the statistics are for screen share.
isVirtualScreenshareParticipant: boolean,
* The send-side max enabled resolution (aka the highest layer that is not
* suspended on the send-side).
maxEnabledResolution: number,
* Callback to invoke when the user clicks on the download logs link.
onSaveLogs: () => void,
* Callback to invoke when the show additional stats link is clicked.
onShowMore: (e?: React.MouseEvent) => void,
* Statistics related to packet loss.
* {{
* download: Number,
* upload: Number
* }}.
packetLoss: DownloadUpload,
* The endpoint id of this client.
participantId: string,
* The region that we think the client is in.
region: string,
* Statistics related to display resolutions for each ssrc.
* {{
* [ ssrc ]: {
* height: Number,
* width: Number
* }
* }}.
resolution: {
[ssrc: string]: {
height: number;
width: number;
* The region of the media server that we are connected to.
serverRegion: string,
* Whether or not additional stats about bandwidth and transport should be
* displayed. Will not display even if true for remote participants.
shouldShowMore: boolean,
* Whether source name signaling is enabled.
sourceNameSignalingEnabled: boolean,
* Statistics related to transports.
transport: Array<{
ip: string;
localCandidateType: string;
localip: string;
p2p: boolean;
remoteCandidateType: string;
transportType: string;
type: string;
* The video SSRC of this client.
videoSsrc: number
* Click handler.
* @param {SyntheticEvent} event - The click event.
* @returns {void}
function onClick(event: React.MouseEvent) {
// If the event is propagated to the thumbnail container the participant will be pinned. That's why the propagation
// needs to be stopped.
const styles = (theme: any) => {
return {
actions: {
margin: '10px auto',
textAlign: 'center'
connectionStatsTable: {
'&, & > table': {
fontSize: '12px',
fontWeight: '400',
'& td': {
padding: '2px 0'
'& > table': {
whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
'& td:nth-child(n-1)': {
paddingLeft: '5px'
'& $upload, & $download': {
marginRight: '2px'
contextMenu: {
position: 'relative',
marginTop: 0,
right: 'auto',
padding: `${theme.spacing(2)}px ${theme.spacing(1)}px`,
marginLeft: `${theme.spacing(1)}px`,
marginRight: `${theme.spacing(1)}px`,
marginBottom: `${theme.spacing(1)}px`
download: {},
mobile: {
margin: `${theme.spacing(3)}px`
status: {
fontWeight: 'bold'
upload: {}
* React {@code Component} for displaying connection statistics.
* @augments Component
class ConnectionStatsTable extends Component<Props> {
* Implements React's {@link Component#render()}.
* @inheritdoc
* @returns {ReactElement}
render() {
const {
} = this.props;
const className = clsx(classes.connectionStatsTable, { [classes.mobile]: isMobileBrowser() });
if (isVirtualScreenshareParticipant) {
return this._renderScreenShareStatus();
return (
className = { classes.contextMenu }
hidden = { false }
inDrawer = { true }>
className = { className }
onClick = { onClick }>
{ this._renderStatistics() }
<div className = { classes.actions }>
{ isLocalVideo && enableSaveLogs ? this._renderSaveLogs() : null}
{ !disableShowMoreStats && this._renderShowMoreLink() }
{ this.props.shouldShowMore ? this._renderAdditionalStats() : null }
* Creates a ReactElement that will display connection statistics for a screen share thumbnail.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderScreenShareStatus() {
const { classes } = this.props;
const className = clsx(classes.connectionStatsTable, { [classes.mobile]: isMobileBrowser() });
return (<ContextMenu
className = { classes.contextMenu }
hidden = { false }
inDrawer = { true }>
className = { className }
onClick = { onClick }>
{ this._renderResolution() }
{ this._renderFrameRate() }
* Creates a table as ReactElement that will display additional statistics
* related to bandwidth and transport for the local user.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderAdditionalStats() {
const { isLocalVideo } = this.props;
return (
{ isLocalVideo ? this._renderBandwidth() : null }
{ isLocalVideo ? this._renderTransport() : null }
{ isLocalVideo ? this._renderRegion() : null }
{ this._renderAudioSsrc() }
{ this._renderVideoSsrc() }
{ this._renderParticipantId() }
* Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying bandwidth related
* statistics.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderBandwidth() {
const { classes } = this.props;
const { download, upload } = this.props.bandwidth || {};
return (
{ this.props.t('connectionindicator.bandwidth') }
<span className = { classes.download }>
{ download ? `${download} Kbps` : 'N/A' }
<span className = { classes.upload }>
{ upload ? `${upload} Kbps` : 'N/A' }
* Creates a a table row as a ReactElement for displaying bitrate related
* statistics.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderBitrate() {
const { classes } = this.props;
const { download, upload } = this.props.bitrate || {};
return (
{ this.props.t('connectionindicator.bitrate') }
<span className = { classes.download }>
{ download ? `${download} Kbps` : 'N/A' }
<span className = { classes.upload }>
{ upload ? `${upload} Kbps` : 'N/A' }
* Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying the audio ssrc.
* This will typically be something like "Audio SSRC: 12345".
* @returns {JSX.Element}
* @private
_renderAudioSsrc() {
const { audioSsrc, t } = this.props;
return (
<span>{ t('connectionindicator.audio_ssrc') }</span>
<td>{ audioSsrc || 'N/A' }</td>
* Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying the video ssrc.
* This will typically be something like "Video SSRC: 12345".
* @returns {JSX.Element}
* @private
_renderVideoSsrc() {
const { videoSsrc, t } = this.props;
return (
<span>{ t('connectionindicator.video_ssrc') }</span>
<td>{ videoSsrc || 'N/A' }</td>
* Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying the endpoint id.
* This will typically be something like "Endpoint id: 1e8fbg".
* @returns {JSX.Element}
* @private
_renderParticipantId() {
const { participantId, t } = this.props;
return (
<span>{ t('connectionindicator.participant_id') }</span>
<td>{ participantId || 'N/A' }</td>
* Creates a a table row as a ReactElement for displaying codec, if present.
* This will typically be something like "Codecs (A/V): Opus, vp8".
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderCodecs() {
const { codec, t, sourceNameSignalingEnabled } = this.props;
if (!codec) {
let codecString;
if (sourceNameSignalingEnabled) {
codecString = `${codec.audio}, ${codec.video}`;
} else {
// Only report one codec, in case there are multiple for a user.
Object.keys(codec || {})
.forEach(ssrc => {
const { audio, video } = codec[ssrc];
codecString = `${audio}, ${video}`;
if (!codecString) {
codecString = 'N/A';
return (
<span>{ t('connectionindicator.codecs') }</span>
<td>{ codecString }</td>
* Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying a summary message
* about the current connection status.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderConnectionSummary() {
const { classes } = this.props;
return (
<tr className = { classes.status }>
<span>{ this.props.t('connectionindicator.status') }</span>
<td>{ this.props.connectionSummary }</td>
* Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying end-to-end RTT and
* the region.
* @returns {ReactElement}
* @private
_renderE2eRtt() {
const { e2eRtt, t } = this.props;
const str = e2eRtt ? `${e2eRtt.toFixed(0)}ms` : 'N/A';
return (
<span>{ t('connectionindicator.e2e_rtt') }</span>
<td>{ str }</td>
* Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying the "connected to"
* information.
* @returns {ReactElement}
* @private
_renderRegion() {
const { region, serverRegion, t } = this.props;
let str = serverRegion;
if (!serverRegion) {
if (region && serverRegion && region !== serverRegion) {
str += ` from ${region}`;
return (
<span>{ t('connectionindicator.connectedTo') }</span>
<td>{ str }</td>
* Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying the "bridge count"
* information.
* @returns {*}
* @private
_renderBridgeCount() {
const { bridgeCount, t } = this.props;
// 0 is valid, but undefined/null/NaN aren't.
if (!bridgeCount && bridgeCount !== 0) {
return (
<span>{ t('connectionindicator.bridgeCount') }</span>
<td>{ bridgeCount }</td>
* Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying frame rate related
* statistics.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderFrameRate() {
const { framerate, t, sourceNameSignalingEnabled } = this.props;
let frameRateString;
if (sourceNameSignalingEnabled) {
frameRateString = framerate || 'N/A';
} else {
frameRateString = Object.keys(framerate || {})
.map(ssrc => framerate[ssrc as keyof typeof framerate])
.join(', ') || 'N/A';
return (
<span>{ t('connectionindicator.framerate') }</span>
<td>{ frameRateString }</td>
* Creates a tables row as a ReactElement for displaying packet loss related
* statistics.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderPacketLoss() {
const { classes, packetLoss, t } = this.props;
let packetLossTableData;
if (packetLoss) {
const { download, upload } = packetLoss;
packetLossTableData = (
<span className = { classes.download }>
{ download === null ? 'N/A' : `${download}%` }
<span className = { classes.upload }>
{ upload === null ? 'N/A' : `${upload}%` }
} else {
packetLossTableData = <td>N/A</td>;
return (
{ t('connectionindicator.packetloss') }
{ packetLossTableData }
* Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying resolution related
* statistics.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderResolution() {
const { resolution, maxEnabledResolution, t, sourceNameSignalingEnabled } = this.props;
let resolutionString;
if (sourceNameSignalingEnabled) {
resolutionString = resolution ? `${resolution.width}x${resolution.height}` : 'N/A';
} else {
resolutionString = Object.keys(resolution || {})
.map(ssrc => {
const { width, height } = resolution[ssrc];
return `${width}x${height}`;
.join(', ') || 'N/A';
if (maxEnabledResolution && maxEnabledResolution < 720) {
const maxEnabledResolutionTitle = t('connectionindicator.maxEnabledResolution');
resolutionString += ` (${maxEnabledResolutionTitle} ${maxEnabledResolution}p)`;
return (
<span>{ t('connectionindicator.resolution') }</span>
<td>{ resolutionString }</td>
* Creates a ReactElement for display a link to save the logs.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderSaveLogs() {
return (
className = 'savelogs link'
onClick = { this.props.onSaveLogs }
role = 'button'
tabIndex = { 0 }>
{ this.props.t('connectionindicator.savelogs') }
<span> | </span>
* Creates a ReactElement for display a link to toggle showing additional
* statistics.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderShowMoreLink() {
const translationKey
= this.props.shouldShowMore
? 'connectionindicator.less'
: 'connectionindicator.more';
return (
className = 'showmore link'
onClick = { this.props.onShowMore }
role = 'button'
tabIndex = { 0 }>
{ this.props.t(translationKey) }
* Creates a table as a ReactElement for displaying connection statistics.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderStatistics() {
const isRemoteVideo = !this.props.isLocalVideo;
return (
{ this._renderConnectionSummary() }
{ this._renderBitrate() }
{ this._renderPacketLoss() }
{ isRemoteVideo ? this._renderE2eRtt() : null }
{ isRemoteVideo ? this._renderRegion() : null }
{ this._renderResolution() }
{ this._renderFrameRate() }
{ this._renderCodecs() }
{ isRemoteVideo ? null : this._renderBridgeCount() }
* Creates table rows as ReactElements for displaying transport related
* statistics.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement[]}
_renderTransport() {
const { t, transport } = this.props;
if (!transport || transport.length === 0) {
const NA = (
<tr key = 'address'>
<span>{ t('connectionindicator.address') }</span>
return [ NA ];
const data: {
localIP: string[],
localPort: string[],
remoteIP: string[],
remotePort: string[],
transportType: string[]
} = {
localIP: [],
localPort: [],
remoteIP: [],
remotePort: [],
transportType: []
for (let i = 0; i < transport.length; i++) {
const ip = getIP(transport[i].ip);
const localIP = getIP(transport[i].localip);
const localPort = getPort(transport[i].localip);
const port = getPort(transport[i].ip);
if (!data.remoteIP.includes(ip)) {
if (!data.localIP.includes(localIP)) {
if (!data.localPort.includes(localPort)) {
if (!data.remotePort.includes(port)) {
if (!data.transportType.includes(transport[i].type)) {
// All of the transports should be either P2P or JVB
let isP2P = false, isTURN = false;
if (transport.length) {
isP2P = transport[0].p2p;
isTURN = transport[0].localCandidateType === 'relay'
|| transport[0].remoteCandidateType === 'relay';
const additionalData = [];
if (isP2P) {
<span> (p2p)</span>);
if (isTURN) {
additionalData.push(<span> (turn)</span>);
// First show remote statistics, then local, and then transport type.
const tableRowConfigurations = [
data: data.remoteIP,
key: 'remoteaddress',
label: t('connectionindicator.remoteaddress',
{ count: data.remoteIP.length })
data: data.remotePort,
key: 'remoteport',
label: t('connectionindicator.remoteport',
{ count: transport.length })
data: data.localIP,
key: 'localaddress',
label: t('connectionindicator.localaddress',
{ count: data.localIP.length })
data: data.localPort,
key: 'localport',
label: t('connectionindicator.localport',
{ count: transport.length })
data: data.transportType,
key: 'transport',
label: t('connectionindicator.transport',
{ count: data.transportType.length })
return tableRowConfigurations.map(this._renderTransportTableRow);
* Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying a transport related
* statistic.
* @param {Object} config - Describes the contents of the row.
* @param {ReactElement} config.additionalData - Extra data to display next
* to the passed in config.data.
* @param {Array} config.data - The transport statistics to display.
* @param {string} config.key - The ReactElement's key. Must be unique for
* iterating over multiple child rows.
* @param {string} config.label - The text to display describing the data.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderTransportTableRow(config: any) {
const { additionalData, data, key, label } = config;
return (
<tr key = { key }>
{ label }
{ getStringFromArray(data) }
{ additionalData || null }
* Utility for getting the IP from a transport statistics object's
* representation of an IP.
* @param {string} value - The transport's IP to parse.
* @private
* @returns {string}
function getIP(value: string) {
if (!value) {
return '';
return value.substring(0, value.lastIndexOf(':'));
* Utility for getting the port from a transport statistics object's
* representation of an IP.
* @param {string} value - The transport's IP to parse.
* @private
* @returns {string}
function getPort(value: string) {
if (!value) {
return '';
return value.substring(value.lastIndexOf(':') + 1, value.length);
* Utility for concatenating values in an array into a comma separated string.
* @param {Array} array - Transport statistics to concatenate.
* @private
* @returns {string}
function getStringFromArray(array: string[]) {
let res = '';
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
res += (i === 0 ? '' : ', ') + array[i];
return res;
// @ts-ignore
export default translate(withStyles(styles)(ConnectionStatsTable));