402 lines
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402 lines
12 KiB
// @flow
import { DrawerActions } from '@react-navigation/native';
import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import { getName } from '../../app/functions';
import { ColorSchemeRegistry } from '../../base/color-scheme';
import { translate } from '../../base/i18n';
import { Icon, IconMenu, IconWarning } from '../../base/icons';
import JitsiStatusBar from '../../base/modal/components/JitsiStatusBar';
import { LoadingIndicator, Text } from '../../base/react';
import { connect } from '../../base/redux';
import BaseTheme from '../../base/ui/components/BaseTheme.native';
import {
_mapStateToProps as _abstractMapStateToProps,
type Props as AbstractProps
} from './AbstractWelcomePage';
import VideoSwitch from './VideoSwitch';
import WelcomePageTabs from './WelcomePageTabs';
import styles, { PLACEHOLDER_TEXT_COLOR } from './styles';
type Props = AbstractProps & {
* The color schemed style of the Header component.
_headerStyles: Object,
* Default prop for navigating between screen components(React Navigation).
navigation: Object,
* Default prop for navigating between screen components(React Navigation).
route: Object,
* The translate function.
t: Function
* The native container rendering the welcome page.
* @augments AbstractWelcomePage
class WelcomePage extends AbstractWelcomePage<*> {
* Constructor of the Component.
* @inheritdoc
constructor(props: Props) {
// $FlowExpectedError
this.state._fieldFocused = false;
// $FlowExpectedError
this.state.hintBoxAnimation = new Animated.Value(0);
// Bind event handlers so they are only bound once per instance.
this._onFieldFocusChange = this._onFieldFocusChange.bind(this);
this._renderHintBox = this._renderHintBox.bind(this);
// Specially bind functions to avoid function definition on render.
this._onFieldBlur = this._onFieldFocusChange.bind(this, false);
this._onFieldFocus = this._onFieldFocusChange.bind(this, true);
_onFieldBlur: () => void;
_onFieldFocus: () => void;
_onJoin: () => void;
_onRoomChange: (string) => void;
_updateRoomname: () => void;
* Implements React's {@link Component#componentDidMount()}. Invoked
* immediately after mounting occurs. Creates a local video track if none
* is available and the camera permission was already granted.
* @inheritdoc
* @returns {void}
componentDidMount() {
const {
} = this.props;
headerLeft: () => (
/* eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-bind */
onPress = { () =>
navigation.dispatch(DrawerActions.openDrawer()) }
style = { styles.drawerNavigationIcon }>
size = { 20 }
src = { IconMenu }
style = { _headerStyles.headerButtonIcon } />
// eslint-disable-next-line react/no-multi-comp
headerRight: () =>
<VideoSwitch />
* Implements React's {@link Component#render()}. Renders a prompt for
* entering a room name.
* @inheritdoc
* @returns {ReactElement}
render() {
// We want to have the welcome page support the reduced UI layout,
// but we ran into serious issues enabling it so we disable it
// until we have a proper fix in place. We leave the code here though, because
// this part should be fine when the bug is fixed.
// NOTE: when re-enabling, don't forget to uncomment the respective _mapStateToProps line too
const { _reducedUI } = this.props;
if (_reducedUI) {
return this._renderReducedUI();
return this._renderFullUI();
* Renders the insecure room name warning.
* @inheritdoc
_doRenderInsecureRoomNameWarning() {
return (
style = { [
] }>
src = { IconWarning }
style = { styles.insecureRoomNameWarningIcon } />
<Text style = { styles.insecureRoomNameWarningText }>
{ this.props.t('security.insecureRoomNameWarning') }
* Constructs a style array to handle the hint box animation.
* @private
* @returns {Array<Object>}
_getHintBoxStyle() {
return [
// $FlowExpectedError
opacity: this.state.hintBoxAnimation
_onFieldFocusChange: (boolean) => void;
* Callback for when the room field's focus changes so the hint box
* must be rendered or removed.
* @private
* @param {boolean} focused - The focused state of the field.
* @returns {void}
_onFieldFocusChange(focused) {
if (focused) {
// Stop placeholder animation.
// $FlowExpectedError
_fieldFocused: true,
roomPlaceholder: ''
} else {
// Restart room placeholder animation.
// $FlowExpectedError
// $FlowExpectedError
duration: 300,
toValue: focused ? 1 : 0
.start(animationState =>
// $FlowExpectedError
// $FlowExpectedError
&& !focused
&& this.setState({
_fieldFocused: false
_renderHintBox: () => React$Element<any>;
* Renders the hint box if necessary.
* @private
* @returns {React$Node}
_renderHintBox() {
const { t } = this.props;
// $FlowExpectedError
if (this.state._fieldFocused) {
return (
<Animated.View style = { this._getHintBoxStyle() }>
<View style = { styles.hintTextContainer } >
<Text style = { styles.hintText }>
{ t('welcomepage.roomnameHint') }
<View style = { styles.hintButtonContainer } >
{ this._renderJoinButton() }
return null;
* Renders the join button.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderJoinButton() {
const { t } = this.props;
let children;
if (this.state.joining) {
// TouchableHighlight is picky about what its children can be, so
// wrap it in a native component, i.e. View to avoid having to
// modify non-native children.
children = (
color = { styles.buttonText.color }
size = 'small' />
} else {
children = (
<Text style = { styles.buttonText }>
{ this.props.t('welcomepage.join') }
return (
accessibilityLabel =
{ t('welcomepage.accessibilityLabel.join') }
onPress = { this._onJoin }
style = { styles.button }
underlayColor = { BaseTheme.palette.ui12 }>
{ children }
* Renders the full welcome page.
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderFullUI() {
const roomnameAccLabel = 'welcomepage.accessibilityLabel.roomname';
const { t } = this.props;
return (
<JitsiStatusBar />
<View style = { styles.welcomePage }>
<SafeAreaView style = { styles.roomContainer } >
<View style = { styles.joinControls } >
<Text style = { styles.enterRoomText }>
{ t('welcomepage.roomname') }
{/* // $FlowExpectedError*/}
accessibilityLabel = { t(roomnameAccLabel) }
autoCapitalize = { 'none' }
autoComplete = { 'off' }
autoCorrect = { false }
autoFocus = { false }
onBlur = { this._onFieldBlur }
onChangeText = { this._onRoomChange }
onFocus = { this._onFieldFocus }
onSubmitEditing = { this._onJoin }
placeholder = { this.state.roomPlaceholder }
placeholderTextColor = { PLACEHOLDER_TEXT_COLOR }
returnKeyType = { 'go' }
spellCheck = { false }
style = { styles.textInput }
underlineColorAndroid = 'transparent'
value = { this.state.room } />
// $FlowExpectedError
{/* // $FlowExpectedError*/}
<WelcomePageTabs disabled = { this.state._fieldFocused } />
* Renders a "reduced" version of the welcome page.
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderReducedUI() {
const { t } = this.props;
return (
<View style = { styles.reducedUIContainer }>
<Text style = { styles.reducedUIText }>
{ t('welcomepage.reducedUIText', { app: getName() }) }
* Maps part of the Redux state to the props of this component.
* @param {Object} state - The Redux state.
* @returns {Object}
function _mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
_headerStyles: ColorSchemeRegistry.get(state, 'Header')
// _reducedUI: state['features/base/responsive-ui'].reducedUI
export default translate(connect(_mapStateToProps)(WelcomePage));