461 lines
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461 lines
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/* eslint-disable import/order */
import _ from 'lodash';
import { CONFERENCE_INFO } from '../../conference/components/constants';
import { equals } from '../redux/functions';
import ReducerRegistry from '../redux/ReducerRegistry';
import {
} from './actionTypes';
import { IConfig } from './configType';
// @ts-ignore
import { _cleanupConfig } from './functions';
declare let interfaceConfig: any;
* The initial state of the feature base/config when executing in a
* non-React Native environment. The mandatory configuration to be passed to
* JitsiMeetJS#init(). The app will download config.js from the Jitsi Meet
* deployment and take its values into account but the values below will be
* enforced (because they are essential to the correct execution of the
* application).
* @type {Object}
const INITIAL_NON_RN_STATE: IConfig = {
* The initial state of the feature base/config when executing in a React Native
* environment. The mandatory configuration to be passed to JitsiMeetJS#init().
* The app will download config.js from the Jitsi Meet deployment and take its
* values into account but the values below will be enforced (because they are
* essential to the correct execution of the application).
* @type {Object}
const INITIAL_RN_STATE: IConfig = {
analytics: {},
// FIXME The support for audio levels in lib-jitsi-meet polls the statistics
// of WebRTC at a short interval multiple times a second. Unfortunately,
// React Native is slow to fetch these statistics from the native WebRTC
// API, through the React Native bridge and eventually to JavaScript.
// Because the audio levels are of no interest to the mobile app, it is
// fastest to merely disable them.
disableAudioLevels: true,
p2p: {
disabledCodec: '',
disableH264: false, // deprecated
preferredCodec: 'H264',
preferH264: true // deprecated
* Mapping between old configs controlling the conference info headers visibility and the
* new configs. Needed in order to keep backwards compatibility.
hideConferenceTimer: [ 'conference-timer' ],
hideConferenceSubject: [ 'subject' ],
hideParticipantsStats: [ 'participants-count' ],
hideRecordingLabel: [ 'recording' ]
ReducerRegistry.register('features/base/config', (state: IConfig = _getInitialState(), action: any) => {
switch (action.type) {
return _updateConfig(state, action);
return {
error: undefined,
* The URL of the location associated with/configured by this
* configuration.
* @type URL
locationURL: action.locationURL
// XXX LOAD_CONFIG_ERROR is one of the settlement execution paths of
// the asynchronous "loadConfig procedure/process" started with
// CONFIG_WILL_LOAD. Due to the asynchronous nature of it, whoever
// is settling the process needs to provide proof that they have
// started it and that the iteration of the process being completed
// now is still of interest to the app.
if (state.locationURL === action.locationURL) {
return {
* The {@link Error} which prevented the loading of the
* configuration of the associated {@code locationURL}.
* @type Error
error: action.error
return _setConfig(state, action);
return {
return state;
* Gets the initial state of the feature base/config. The mandatory
* configuration to be passed to JitsiMeetJS#init(). The app will download
* config.js from the Jitsi Meet deployment and take its values into account but
* the values below will be enforced (because they are essential to the correct
* execution of the application).
* @returns {Object}
function _getInitialState() {
return (
navigator.product === 'ReactNative'
* Reduces a specific Redux action SET_CONFIG of the feature
* base/lib-jitsi-meet.
* @param {IConfig} state - The Redux state of the feature base/config.
* @param {Action} action - The Redux action SET_CONFIG to reduce.
* @private
* @returns {Object} The new state after the reduction of the specified action.
function _setConfig(state: IConfig, { config }: {config: IConfig}) {
// The mobile app bundles jitsi-meet and lib-jitsi-meet at build time and
// does not download them at runtime from the deployment on which it will
// join a conference. The downloading is planned for implementation in the
// future (later rather than sooner) but is not implemented yet at the time
// of this writing and, consequently, we must provide legacy support in the
// meantime.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
config = _translateLegacyConfig(config);
const { audioQuality } = config;
const hdAudioOptions = {};
if (audioQuality?.stereo) {
Object.assign(hdAudioOptions, {
disableAP: true,
enableNoAudioDetection: false,
enableNoisyMicDetection: false,
enableTalkWhileMuted: false
const newState = _.merge(
{ error: undefined },
// The config of _getInitialState() is meant to override the config
// downloaded from the Jitsi Meet deployment because the former contains
// values that are mandatory.
return equals(state, newState) ? state : newState;
* Processes the conferenceInfo object against the defaults.
* @param {IConfig} config - The old config.
* @returns {Object} The processed conferenceInfo object.
function _getConferenceInfo(config: IConfig) {
const { conferenceInfo } = config;
if (conferenceInfo) {
return {
alwaysVisible: conferenceInfo.alwaysVisible ?? [ ...CONFERENCE_INFO.alwaysVisible ],
autoHide: conferenceInfo.autoHide ?? [ ...CONFERENCE_INFO.autoHide ]
return {
* Constructs a new config {@code Object}, if necessary, out of a specific
* interface_config {@code Object} which is in the latest format supported by jitsi-meet.
* @param {Object} oldValue - The config {@code Object} which may or may not be
* in the latest form supported by jitsi-meet and from which a new config
* {@code Object} is to be constructed if necessary.
* @returns {Object} A config {@code Object} which is in the latest format
* supported by jitsi-meet.
function _translateInterfaceConfig(oldValue: IConfig) {
const newValue = oldValue;
if (!Array.isArray(oldValue.toolbarButtons)
&& typeof interfaceConfig === 'object' && Array.isArray(interfaceConfig.TOOLBAR_BUTTONS)) {
newValue.toolbarButtons = interfaceConfig.TOOLBAR_BUTTONS;
if (!oldValue.toolbarConfig) {
oldValue.toolbarConfig = {};
newValue.toolbarConfig = oldValue.toolbarConfig || {};
if (typeof oldValue.toolbarConfig.alwaysVisible !== 'boolean'
&& typeof interfaceConfig === 'object'
&& typeof interfaceConfig.TOOLBAR_ALWAYS_VISIBLE === 'boolean') {
newValue.toolbarConfig.alwaysVisible = interfaceConfig.TOOLBAR_ALWAYS_VISIBLE;
if (typeof oldValue.toolbarConfig.initialTimeout !== 'number'
&& typeof interfaceConfig === 'object'
&& typeof interfaceConfig.INITIAL_TOOLBAR_TIMEOUT === 'number') {
newValue.toolbarConfig.initialTimeout = interfaceConfig.INITIAL_TOOLBAR_TIMEOUT;
if (typeof oldValue.toolbarConfig.timeout !== 'number'
&& typeof interfaceConfig === 'object'
&& typeof interfaceConfig.TOOLBAR_TIMEOUT === 'number') {
newValue.toolbarConfig.timeout = interfaceConfig.TOOLBAR_TIMEOUT;
if (!oldValue.connectionIndicators
&& typeof interfaceConfig === 'object'
&& (interfaceConfig.hasOwnProperty('CONNECTION_INDICATOR_DISABLED')
|| interfaceConfig.hasOwnProperty('CONNECTION_INDICATOR_AUTO_HIDE_ENABLED')
|| interfaceConfig.hasOwnProperty('CONNECTION_INDICATOR_AUTO_HIDE_TIMEOUT'))) {
newValue.connectionIndicators = {
disabled: interfaceConfig.CONNECTION_INDICATOR_DISABLED,
if (oldValue.disableModeratorIndicator === undefined
&& typeof interfaceConfig === 'object'
&& interfaceConfig.hasOwnProperty('DISABLE_FOCUS_INDICATOR')) {
newValue.disableModeratorIndicator = interfaceConfig.DISABLE_FOCUS_INDICATOR;
if (oldValue.defaultLocalDisplayName === undefined
&& typeof interfaceConfig === 'object'
&& interfaceConfig.hasOwnProperty('DEFAULT_LOCAL_DISPLAY_NAME')) {
newValue.defaultLocalDisplayName = interfaceConfig.DEFAULT_LOCAL_DISPLAY_NAME;
if (oldValue.defaultRemoteDisplayName === undefined
&& typeof interfaceConfig === 'object'
&& interfaceConfig.hasOwnProperty('DEFAULT_REMOTE_DISPLAY_NAME')) {
newValue.defaultRemoteDisplayName = interfaceConfig.DEFAULT_REMOTE_DISPLAY_NAME;
return newValue;
* Constructs a new config {@code Object}, if necessary, out of a specific
* config {@code Object} which is in the latest format supported by jitsi-meet.
* Such a translation from an old config format to a new/the latest config
* format is necessary because the mobile app bundles jitsi-meet and
* lib-jitsi-meet at build time and does not download them at runtime from the
* deployment on which it will join a conference.
* @param {Object} oldValue - The config {@code Object} which may or may not be
* in the latest form supported by jitsi-meet and from which a new config
* {@code Object} is to be constructed if necessary.
* @returns {Object} A config {@code Object} which is in the latest format
* supported by jitsi-meet.
function _translateLegacyConfig(oldValue: IConfig) {
const newValue = _translateInterfaceConfig(oldValue);
// Translate deprecated config values to new config values.
const filteredConferenceInfo = Object.keys(CONFERENCE_HEADER_MAPPING).filter(key => oldValue[key as keyof IConfig]);
if (filteredConferenceInfo.length) {
newValue.conferenceInfo = _getConferenceInfo(oldValue);
filteredConferenceInfo.forEach(key => {
newValue.conferenceInfo = oldValue.conferenceInfo ?? {};
// hideRecordingLabel does not mean not render it at all, but autoHide it
if (key === 'hideRecordingLabel') {
= (newValue.conferenceInfo?.alwaysVisible ?? [])
.filter(c => !CONFERENCE_HEADER_MAPPING[key].includes(c));
= _.union(newValue.conferenceInfo.autoHide, CONFERENCE_HEADER_MAPPING[key]);
} else {
= (newValue.conferenceInfo.alwaysVisible ?? [])
.filter(c => !CONFERENCE_HEADER_MAPPING[key].includes(c));
= (newValue.conferenceInfo.autoHide ?? []).filter(c => !CONFERENCE_HEADER_MAPPING[key].includes(c));
newValue.prejoinConfig = oldValue.prejoinConfig || {};
if (oldValue.hasOwnProperty('prejoinPageEnabled')
&& !newValue.prejoinConfig.hasOwnProperty('enabled')
) {
newValue.prejoinConfig.enabled = oldValue.prejoinPageEnabled;
newValue.disabledSounds = newValue.disabledSounds || [];
if (oldValue.disableJoinLeaveSounds) {
if (oldValue.disableRecordAudioNotification) {
if (oldValue.disableIncomingMessageSound) {
if (oldValue.stereo || oldValue.opusMaxAverageBitrate) {
newValue.audioQuality = {
opusMaxAverageBitrate: oldValue.audioQuality?.opusMaxAverageBitrate ?? oldValue.opusMaxAverageBitrate,
stereo: oldValue.audioQuality?.stereo ?? oldValue.stereo
newValue.e2ee = newValue.e2ee || {};
if (oldValue.e2eeLabels) {
newValue.e2ee.e2eeLabels = oldValue.e2eeLabels;
= newValue.defaultLocalDisplayName || 'me';
if (oldValue.hideAddRoomButton) {
newValue.breakoutRooms = {
/* eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens */
...(newValue.breakoutRooms || {}),
hideAddRoomButton: oldValue.hideAddRoomButton
= newValue.defaultRemoteDisplayName || 'Fellow Jitster';
newValue.transcription = newValue.transcription || {};
if (oldValue.transcribingEnabled !== undefined) {
newValue.transcription = {
enabled: oldValue.transcribingEnabled
if (oldValue.transcribeWithAppLanguage !== undefined) {
newValue.transcription = {
useAppLanguage: oldValue.transcribeWithAppLanguage
if (oldValue.preferredTranscribeLanguage !== undefined) {
newValue.transcription = {
preferredLanguage: oldValue.preferredTranscribeLanguage
if (oldValue.autoCaptionOnRecord !== undefined) {
newValue.transcription = {
autoCaptionOnRecord: oldValue.autoCaptionOnRecord
newValue.recordingService = newValue.recordingService || {};
if (oldValue.fileRecordingsServiceEnabled !== undefined) {
newValue.recordingService = {
enabled: oldValue.fileRecordingsServiceEnabled
if (oldValue.fileRecordingsServiceSharingEnabled !== undefined) {
newValue.recordingService = {
sharingEnabled: oldValue.fileRecordingsServiceSharingEnabled
newValue.liveStreaming = newValue.liveStreaming || {};
// Migrate config.liveStreamingEnabled
if (oldValue.liveStreamingEnabled !== undefined) {
newValue.liveStreaming = {
enabled: oldValue.liveStreamingEnabled
// Migrate interfaceConfig.LIVE_STREAMING_HELP_LINK
if (oldValue.liveStreaming === undefined
&& typeof interfaceConfig === 'object'
&& interfaceConfig.hasOwnProperty('LIVE_STREAMING_HELP_LINK')) {
newValue.liveStreaming = {
helpLink: interfaceConfig.LIVE_STREAMING_HELP_LINK
return newValue;
* Updates the stored configuration with the given extra options.
* @param {Object} state - The Redux state of the feature base/config.
* @param {Action} action - The Redux action to reduce.
* @private
* @returns {Object} The new state after the reduction of the specified action.
function _updateConfig(state: IConfig, { config }: {config: IConfig}) {
const newState = _.merge({}, state, config);
return equals(state, newState) ? state : newState;