1128 lines
41 KiB
1128 lines
41 KiB
/* jshint -W117 */
function SDP(sdp) {
this.media = sdp.split('\r\nm=');
for (var i = 1; i < this.media.length; i++) {
this.media[i] = 'm=' + this.media[i];
if (i != this.media.length - 1) {
this.media[i] += '\r\n';
this.session = this.media.shift() + '\r\n';
this.raw = this.session + this.media.join('');
* Returns map of MediaChannel mapped per channel idx.
SDP.prototype.getMediaSsrcMap = function() {
var self = this;
var media_ssrcs = {};
var tmp;
for (var mediaindex = 0; mediaindex < self.media.length; mediaindex++) {
tmp = SDPUtil.find_lines(self.media[mediaindex], 'a=ssrc:');
var mid = SDPUtil.parse_mid(SDPUtil.find_line(self.media[mediaindex], 'a=mid:'));
var media = {
mediaindex: mediaindex,
mid: mid,
ssrcs: {},
ssrcGroups: []
media_ssrcs[mediaindex] = media;
tmp.forEach(function (line) {
var linessrc = line.substring(7).split(' ')[0];
// allocate new ChannelSsrc
if(!media.ssrcs[linessrc]) {
media.ssrcs[linessrc] = {
ssrc: linessrc,
lines: []
tmp = SDPUtil.find_lines(self.media[mediaindex], 'a=ssrc-group:');
var semantics = line.substr(0, idx).substr(13);
var ssrcs = line.substr(14 + semantics.length).split(' ');
if (ssrcs.length != 0) {
semantics: semantics,
ssrcs: ssrcs
return media_ssrcs;
* Returns <tt>true</tt> if this SDP contains given SSRC.
* @param ssrc the ssrc to check.
* @returns {boolean} <tt>true</tt> if this SDP contains given SSRC.
SDP.prototype.containsSSRC = function(ssrc) {
var medias = this.getMediaSsrcMap();
var contains = false;
var media = medias[mediaindex];
//console.log("Check", channel, ssrc);
if(Object.keys(media.ssrcs).indexOf(ssrc) != -1){
contains = true;
return contains;
function SDPDiffer(mySDP, otherSDP) {
this.mySDP = mySDP;
this.otherSDP = otherSDP;
* Returns map of MediaChannel that contains only media not contained in <tt>otherSdp</tt>. Mapped by channel idx.
* @param otherSdp the other SDP to check ssrc with.
SDPDiffer.prototype.getNewMedia = function() {
// this could be useful in Array.prototype.
function arrayEquals(array) {
// if the other array is a falsy value, return
if (!array)
return false;
// compare lengths - can save a lot of time
if (this.length != array.length)
return false;
for (var i = 0, l=this.length; i < l; i++) {
// Check if we have nested arrays
if (this[i] instanceof Array && array[i] instanceof Array) {
// recurse into the nested arrays
if (!this[i].equals(array[i]))
return false;
else if (this[i] != array[i]) {
// Warning - two different object instances will never be equal: {x:20} != {x:20}
return false;
return true;
var myMedias = this.mySDP.getMediaSsrcMap();
var othersMedias = this.otherSDP.getMediaSsrcMap();
var newMedia = {};
Object.keys(othersMedias).forEach(function(othersMediaIdx) {
var myMedia = myMedias[othersMediaIdx];
var othersMedia = othersMedias[othersMediaIdx];
if(!myMedia && othersMedia) {
// Add whole channel
newMedia[othersMediaIdx] = othersMedia;
// Look for new ssrcs accross the channel
Object.keys(othersMedia.ssrcs).forEach(function(ssrc) {
if(Object.keys(myMedia.ssrcs).indexOf(ssrc) === -1) {
// Allocate channel if we've found ssrc that doesn't exist in our channel
newMedia[othersMediaIdx] = {
mediaindex: othersMedia.mediaindex,
mid: othersMedia.mid,
ssrcs: {},
ssrcGroups: []
newMedia[othersMediaIdx].ssrcs[ssrc] = othersMedia.ssrcs[ssrc];
// Look for new ssrc groups across the channels
// try to match the other ssrc-group with an ssrc-group of ours
var matched = false;
for (var i = 0; i < myMedia.ssrcGroups.length; i++) {
var mySsrcGroup = myMedia.ssrcGroups[i];
if (otherSsrcGroup.semantics == mySsrcGroup.semantics
&& arrayEquals.apply(otherSsrcGroup.ssrcs, [mySsrcGroup.ssrcs])) {
matched = true;
if (!matched) {
// Allocate channel if we've found an ssrc-group that doesn't
// exist in our channel
newMedia[othersMediaIdx] = {
mediaindex: othersMedia.mediaindex,
mid: othersMedia.mid,
ssrcs: {},
ssrcGroups: []
return newMedia;
* Sends SSRC update IQ.
* @param sdpMediaSsrcs SSRCs map obtained from SDP.getNewMedia. Cntains SSRCs to add/remove.
* @param sid session identifier that will be put into the IQ.
* @param initiator initiator identifier.
* @param toJid destination Jid
* @param isAdd indicates if this is remove or add operation.
SDPDiffer.prototype.toJingle = function(modify) {
var sdpMediaSsrcs = this.getNewMedia();
var self = this;
// FIXME: only announce video ssrcs since we mix audio and dont need
// the audio ssrcs therefore
var modified = false;
modified = true;
var media = sdpMediaSsrcs[mediaindex];
modify.c('content', {name: media.mid});
modify.c('description', {xmlns:'urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:1', media: media.mid});
// FIXME: not completly sure this operates on blocks and / or handles different ssrcs correctly
// generate sources from lines
Object.keys(media.ssrcs).forEach(function(ssrcNum) {
var mediaSsrc = media.ssrcs[ssrcNum];
modify.c('source', { xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0' });
modify.attrs({ssrc: mediaSsrc.ssrc});
// iterate over ssrc lines
mediaSsrc.lines.forEach(function (line) {
var idx = line.indexOf(' ');
var kv = line.substr(idx + 1);
if (kv.indexOf(':') == -1) {
modify.attrs({ name: kv });
} else {
modify.attrs({ name: kv.split(':', 2)[0] });
modify.attrs({ value: kv.split(':', 2)[1] });
modify.up(); // end of parameter
modify.up(); // end of source
// generate source groups from lines
media.ssrcGroups.forEach(function(ssrcGroup) {
if (ssrcGroup.ssrcs.length != 0) {
modify.c('ssrc-group', {
semantics: ssrcGroup.semantics,
xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0'
ssrcGroup.ssrcs.forEach(function (ssrc) {
modify.c('source', { ssrc: ssrc })
.up(); // end of source
modify.up(); // end of ssrc-group
modify.up(); // end of description
modify.up(); // end of content
return modified;
// remove iSAC and CN from SDP
SDP.prototype.mangle = function () {
var i, j, mline, lines, rtpmap, newdesc;
for (i = 0; i < this.media.length; i++) {
lines = this.media[i].split('\r\n');
lines.pop(); // remove empty last element
mline = SDPUtil.parse_mline(lines.shift());
if (mline.media != 'audio')
newdesc = '';
mline.fmt.length = 0;
for (j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) {
if (lines[j].substr(0, 9) == 'a=rtpmap:') {
rtpmap = SDPUtil.parse_rtpmap(lines[j]);
if (rtpmap.name == 'CN' || rtpmap.name == 'ISAC')
newdesc += lines[j] + '\r\n';
} else {
newdesc += lines[j] + '\r\n';
this.media[i] = SDPUtil.build_mline(mline) + '\r\n';
this.media[i] += newdesc;
this.raw = this.session + this.media.join('');
// remove lines matching prefix from session section
SDP.prototype.removeSessionLines = function(prefix) {
var self = this;
var lines = SDPUtil.find_lines(this.session, prefix);
lines.forEach(function(line) {
self.session = self.session.replace(line + '\r\n', '');
this.raw = this.session + this.media.join('');
return lines;
// remove lines matching prefix from a media section specified by mediaindex
// TODO: non-numeric mediaindex could match mid
SDP.prototype.removeMediaLines = function(mediaindex, prefix) {
var self = this;
var lines = SDPUtil.find_lines(this.media[mediaindex], prefix);
lines.forEach(function(line) {
self.media[mediaindex] = self.media[mediaindex].replace(line + '\r\n', '');
this.raw = this.session + this.media.join('');
return lines;
// add content's to a jingle element
SDP.prototype.toJingle = function (elem, thecreator, ssrcs) {
// console.log("SSRC" + ssrcs["audio"] + " - " + ssrcs["video"]);
var i, j, k, mline, ssrc, rtpmap, tmp, line, lines;
var self = this;
// new bundle plan
if (SDPUtil.find_line(this.session, 'a=group:')) {
lines = SDPUtil.find_lines(this.session, 'a=group:');
for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
tmp = lines[i].split(' ');
var semantics = tmp.shift().substr(8);
elem.c('group', {xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:grouping:0', semantics:semantics});
for (j = 0; j < tmp.length; j++) {
elem.c('content', {name: tmp[j]}).up();
for (i = 0; i < this.media.length; i++) {
mline = SDPUtil.parse_mline(this.media[i].split('\r\n')[0]);
if (!(mline.media === 'audio' ||
mline.media === 'video' ||
mline.media === 'application'))
if (SDPUtil.find_line(this.media[i], 'a=ssrc:')) {
ssrc = SDPUtil.find_line(this.media[i], 'a=ssrc:').substring(7).split(' ')[0]; // take the first
} else {
if(ssrcs && ssrcs[mline.media])
ssrc = ssrcs[mline.media];
ssrc = false;
elem.c('content', {creator: thecreator, name: mline.media});
if (SDPUtil.find_line(this.media[i], 'a=mid:')) {
// prefer identifier from a=mid if present
var mid = SDPUtil.parse_mid(SDPUtil.find_line(this.media[i], 'a=mid:'));
elem.attrs({ name: mid });
if (SDPUtil.find_line(this.media[i], 'a=rtpmap:').length)
{xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:1',
media: mline.media });
if (ssrc) {
elem.attrs({ssrc: ssrc});
for (j = 0; j < mline.fmt.length; j++) {
rtpmap = SDPUtil.find_line(this.media[i], 'a=rtpmap:' + mline.fmt[j]);
elem.c('payload-type', SDPUtil.parse_rtpmap(rtpmap));
// put any 'a=fmtp:' + mline.fmt[j] lines into <param name=foo value=bar/>
if (SDPUtil.find_line(this.media[i], 'a=fmtp:' + mline.fmt[j])) {
tmp = SDPUtil.parse_fmtp(SDPUtil.find_line(this.media[i], 'a=fmtp:' + mline.fmt[j]));
for (k = 0; k < tmp.length; k++) {
elem.c('parameter', tmp[k]).up();
this.RtcpFbToJingle(i, elem, mline.fmt[j]); // XEP-0293 -- map a=rtcp-fb
if (SDPUtil.find_line(this.media[i], 'a=crypto:', this.session)) {
elem.c('encryption', {required: 1});
var crypto = SDPUtil.find_lines(this.media[i], 'a=crypto:', this.session);
crypto.forEach(function(line) {
elem.c('crypto', SDPUtil.parse_crypto(line)).up();
elem.up(); // end of encryption
if (ssrc) {
// new style mapping
elem.c('source', { ssrc: ssrc, xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0' });
// FIXME: group by ssrc and support multiple different ssrcs
var ssrclines = SDPUtil.find_lines(this.media[i], 'a=ssrc:');
if(ssrclines.length > 0) {
ssrclines.forEach(function (line) {
idx = line.indexOf(' ');
var linessrc = line.substr(0, idx).substr(7);
if (linessrc != ssrc) {
ssrc = linessrc;
elem.c('source', { ssrc: ssrc, xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0' });
var kv = line.substr(idx + 1);
if (kv.indexOf(':') == -1) {
elem.attrs({ name: kv });
} else {
elem.attrs({ name: kv.split(':', 2)[0] });
elem.attrs({ value: kv.split(':', 2)[1] });
elem.c('source', { ssrc: ssrc, xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0' });
elem.attrs({name: "cname", value:Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)});
var msid = null;
if(mline.media == "audio")
msid = connection.jingle.localAudio.getAudioTracks()[0].id;
msid = connection.jingle.localVideo.getVideoTracks()[0].id;
if(msid != null)
msid = msid.replace(/[\{,\}]/g,"");
elem.attrs({name: "msid", value:msid});
elem.attrs({name: "mslabel", value:msid});
elem.attrs({name: "label", value:msid});
// XEP-0339 handle ssrc-group attributes
var ssrc_group_lines = SDPUtil.find_lines(this.media[i], 'a=ssrc-group:');
ssrc_group_lines.forEach(function(line) {
idx = line.indexOf(' ');
var semantics = line.substr(0, idx).substr(13);
var ssrcs = line.substr(14 + semantics.length).split(' ');
if (ssrcs.length != 0) {
elem.c('ssrc-group', { semantics: semantics, xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0' });
ssrcs.forEach(function(ssrc) {
elem.c('source', { ssrc: ssrc })
if (SDPUtil.find_line(this.media[i], 'a=rtcp-mux')) {
// XEP-0293 -- map a=rtcp-fb:*
this.RtcpFbToJingle(i, elem, '*');
// XEP-0294
if (SDPUtil.find_line(this.media[i], 'a=extmap:')) {
lines = SDPUtil.find_lines(this.media[i], 'a=extmap:');
for (j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) {
tmp = SDPUtil.parse_extmap(lines[j]);
elem.c('rtp-hdrext', { xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:rtp-hdrext:0',
uri: tmp.uri,
id: tmp.value });
if (tmp.hasOwnProperty('direction')) {
switch (tmp.direction) {
case 'sendonly':
elem.attrs({senders: 'responder'});
case 'recvonly':
elem.attrs({senders: 'initiator'});
case 'sendrecv':
elem.attrs({senders: 'both'});
case 'inactive':
elem.attrs({senders: 'none'});
// TODO: handle params
elem.up(); // end of description
// map ice-ufrag/pwd, dtls fingerprint, candidates
this.TransportToJingle(i, elem);
if (SDPUtil.find_line(this.media[i], 'a=sendrecv', this.session)) {
elem.attrs({senders: 'both'});
} else if (SDPUtil.find_line(this.media[i], 'a=sendonly', this.session)) {
elem.attrs({senders: 'initiator'});
} else if (SDPUtil.find_line(this.media[i], 'a=recvonly', this.session)) {
elem.attrs({senders: 'responder'});
} else if (SDPUtil.find_line(this.media[i], 'a=inactive', this.session)) {
elem.attrs({senders: 'none'});
if (mline.port == '0') {
// estos hack to reject an m-line
elem.attrs({senders: 'rejected'});
elem.up(); // end of content
return elem;
SDP.prototype.TransportToJingle = function (mediaindex, elem) {
var i = mediaindex;
var tmp;
var self = this;
if (SDPUtil.find_line(this.media[mediaindex], 'a=sctpmap:').length)
var sctpmap = SDPUtil.find_line(
this.media[i], 'a=sctpmap:', self.session);
if (sctpmap)
var sctpAttrs = SDPUtil.parse_sctpmap(sctpmap);
xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:dtls-sctp:1',
number: sctpAttrs[0], /* SCTP port */
protocol: sctpAttrs[1], /* protocol */
// Optional stream count attribute
if (sctpAttrs.length > 2)
elem.attrs({ streams: sctpAttrs[2]});
// XEP-0320
var fingerprints = SDPUtil.find_lines(this.media[mediaindex], 'a=fingerprint:', this.session);
fingerprints.forEach(function(line) {
tmp = SDPUtil.parse_fingerprint(line);
tmp.xmlns = 'urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:dtls:0';
delete tmp.fingerprint;
line = SDPUtil.find_line(self.media[mediaindex], 'a=setup:', self.session);
if (line) {
tmp.setup = line.substr(8);
elem.up(); // end of fingerprint
tmp = SDPUtil.iceparams(this.media[mediaindex], this.session);
if (tmp) {
tmp.xmlns = 'urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1';
// XEP-0176
if (SDPUtil.find_line(this.media[mediaindex], 'a=candidate:', this.session)) { // add any a=candidate lines
var lines = SDPUtil.find_lines(this.media[mediaindex], 'a=candidate:', this.session);
lines.forEach(function (line) {
elem.c('candidate', SDPUtil.candidateToJingle(line)).up();
elem.up(); // end of transport
SDP.prototype.RtcpFbToJingle = function (mediaindex, elem, payloadtype) { // XEP-0293
var lines = SDPUtil.find_lines(this.media[mediaindex], 'a=rtcp-fb:' + payloadtype);
lines.forEach(function (line) {
var tmp = SDPUtil.parse_rtcpfb(line);
if (tmp.type == 'trr-int') {
elem.c('rtcp-fb-trr-int', {xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:rtcp-fb:0', value: tmp.params[0]});
} else {
elem.c('rtcp-fb', {xmlns: 'urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:rtcp-fb:0', type: tmp.type});
if (tmp.params.length > 0) {
elem.attrs({'subtype': tmp.params[0]});
SDP.prototype.RtcpFbFromJingle = function (elem, payloadtype) { // XEP-0293
var media = '';
var tmp = elem.find('>rtcp-fb-trr-int[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:rtcp-fb:0"]');
if (tmp.length) {
media += 'a=rtcp-fb:' + '*' + ' ' + 'trr-int' + ' ';
if (tmp.attr('value')) {
media += tmp.attr('value');
} else {
media += '0';
media += '\r\n';
tmp = elem.find('>rtcp-fb[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:rtcp-fb:0"]');
tmp.each(function () {
media += 'a=rtcp-fb:' + payloadtype + ' ' + $(this).attr('type');
if ($(this).attr('subtype')) {
media += ' ' + $(this).attr('subtype');
media += '\r\n';
return media;
// construct an SDP from a jingle stanza
SDP.prototype.fromJingle = function (jingle) {
var self = this;
this.raw = 'v=0\r\n' +
'o=- ' + '1923518516' + ' 2 IN IP4\r\n' +// FIXME
's=-\r\n' +
't=0 0\r\n';
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-bundle-negotiation-04#section-8
if ($(jingle).find('>group[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:grouping:0"]').length) {
$(jingle).find('>group[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:grouping:0"]').each(function (idx, group) {
var contents = $(group).find('>content').map(function (idx, content) {
return content.getAttribute('name');
if (contents.length > 0) {
self.raw += 'a=group:' + (group.getAttribute('semantics') || group.getAttribute('type')) + ' ' + contents.join(' ') + '\r\n';
this.session = this.raw;
jingle.find('>content').each(function () {
var m = self.jingle2media($(this));
// reconstruct msid-semantic -- apparently not necessary
var msid = SDPUtil.parse_ssrc(this.raw);
if (msid.hasOwnProperty('mslabel')) {
this.session += "a=msid-semantic: WMS " + msid.mslabel + "\r\n";
this.raw = this.session + this.media.join('');
// translate a jingle content element into an an SDP media part
SDP.prototype.jingle2media = function (content) {
var media = '',
desc = content.find('description'),
ssrc = desc.attr('ssrc'),
self = this,
var sctp = content.find(
tmp = { media: desc.attr('media') };
tmp.port = '1';
if (content.attr('senders') == 'rejected') {
// estos hack to reject an m-line.
tmp.port = '0';
if (content.find('>transport>fingerprint').length || desc.find('encryption').length) {
if (sctp.length)
tmp.proto = 'DTLS/SCTP';
tmp.proto = 'RTP/SAVPF';
} else {
tmp.proto = 'RTP/AVPF';
if (!sctp.length)
tmp.fmt = desc.find('payload-type').map(
function () { return this.getAttribute('id'); }).get();
media += SDPUtil.build_mline(tmp) + '\r\n';
media += 'm=application 1 DTLS/SCTP ' + sctp.attr('number') + '\r\n';
media += 'a=sctpmap:' + sctp.attr('number') +
' ' + sctp.attr('protocol');
var streamCount = sctp.attr('streams');
if (streamCount)
media += ' ' + streamCount + '\r\n';
media += '\r\n';
media += 'c=IN IP4\r\n';
if (!sctp.length)
media += 'a=rtcp:1 IN IP4\r\n';
tmp = content.find('>transport[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1"]');
if (tmp.length) {
if (tmp.attr('ufrag')) {
media += SDPUtil.build_iceufrag(tmp.attr('ufrag')) + '\r\n';
if (tmp.attr('pwd')) {
media += SDPUtil.build_icepwd(tmp.attr('pwd')) + '\r\n';
tmp.find('>fingerprint').each(function () {
// FIXME: check namespace at some point
media += 'a=fingerprint:' + this.getAttribute('hash');
media += ' ' + $(this).text();
media += '\r\n';
if (this.getAttribute('setup')) {
media += 'a=setup:' + this.getAttribute('setup') + '\r\n';
switch (content.attr('senders')) {
case 'initiator':
media += 'a=sendonly\r\n';
case 'responder':
media += 'a=recvonly\r\n';
case 'none':
media += 'a=inactive\r\n';
case 'both':
media += 'a=sendrecv\r\n';
media += 'a=mid:' + content.attr('name') + '\r\n';
// <description><rtcp-mux/></description>
// see http://code.google.com/p/libjingle/issues/detail?id=309 -- no spec though
// and http://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/jingle/2011-December/001761.html
if (desc.find('rtcp-mux').length) {
media += 'a=rtcp-mux\r\n';
if (desc.find('encryption').length) {
desc.find('encryption>crypto').each(function () {
media += 'a=crypto:' + this.getAttribute('tag');
media += ' ' + this.getAttribute('crypto-suite');
media += ' ' + this.getAttribute('key-params');
if (this.getAttribute('session-params')) {
media += ' ' + this.getAttribute('session-params');
media += '\r\n';
desc.find('payload-type').each(function () {
media += SDPUtil.build_rtpmap(this) + '\r\n';
if ($(this).find('>parameter').length) {
media += 'a=fmtp:' + this.getAttribute('id') + ' ';
media += $(this).find('parameter').map(function () { return (this.getAttribute('name') ? (this.getAttribute('name') + '=') : '') + this.getAttribute('value'); }).get().join('; ');
media += '\r\n';
// xep-0293
media += self.RtcpFbFromJingle($(this), this.getAttribute('id'));
// xep-0293
media += self.RtcpFbFromJingle(desc, '*');
// xep-0294
tmp = desc.find('>rtp-hdrext[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:rtp-hdrext:0"]');
tmp.each(function () {
media += 'a=extmap:' + this.getAttribute('id') + ' ' + this.getAttribute('uri') + '\r\n';
content.find('>transport[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1"]>candidate').each(function () {
media += SDPUtil.candidateFromJingle(this);
// XEP-0339 handle ssrc-group attributes
tmp = content.find('description>ssrc-group[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0"]').each(function() {
var semantics = this.getAttribute('semantics');
var ssrcs = $(this).find('>source').map(function() {
return this.getAttribute('ssrc');
if (ssrcs.length != 0) {
media += 'a=ssrc-group:' + semantics + ' ' + ssrcs.join(' ') + '\r\n';
tmp = content.find('description>source[xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:ssma:0"]');
tmp.each(function () {
var ssrc = this.getAttribute('ssrc');
$(this).find('>parameter').each(function () {
media += 'a=ssrc:' + ssrc + ' ' + this.getAttribute('name');
if (this.getAttribute('value') && this.getAttribute('value').length)
media += ':' + this.getAttribute('value');
media += '\r\n';
return media;
SDPUtil = {
iceparams: function (mediadesc, sessiondesc) {
var data = null;
if (SDPUtil.find_line(mediadesc, 'a=ice-ufrag:', sessiondesc) &&
SDPUtil.find_line(mediadesc, 'a=ice-pwd:', sessiondesc)) {
data = {
ufrag: SDPUtil.parse_iceufrag(SDPUtil.find_line(mediadesc, 'a=ice-ufrag:', sessiondesc)),
pwd: SDPUtil.parse_icepwd(SDPUtil.find_line(mediadesc, 'a=ice-pwd:', sessiondesc))
return data;
parse_iceufrag: function (line) {
return line.substring(12);
build_iceufrag: function (frag) {
return 'a=ice-ufrag:' + frag;
parse_icepwd: function (line) {
return line.substring(10);
build_icepwd: function (pwd) {
return 'a=ice-pwd:' + pwd;
parse_mid: function (line) {
return line.substring(6);
parse_mline: function (line) {
var parts = line.substring(2).split(' '),
data = {};
data.media = parts.shift();
data.port = parts.shift();
data.proto = parts.shift();
if (parts[parts.length - 1] === '') { // trailing whitespace
data.fmt = parts;
return data;
build_mline: function (mline) {
return 'm=' + mline.media + ' ' + mline.port + ' ' + mline.proto + ' ' + mline.fmt.join(' ');
parse_rtpmap: function (line) {
var parts = line.substring(9).split(' '),
data = {};
data.id = parts.shift();
parts = parts[0].split('/');
data.name = parts.shift();
data.clockrate = parts.shift();
data.channels = parts.length ? parts.shift() : '1';
return data;
* Parses SDP line "a=sctpmap:..." and extracts SCTP port from it.
* @param line eg. "a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel"
* @returns [SCTP port number, protocol, streams]
parse_sctpmap: function (line)
var parts = line.substring(10).split(' ');
var sctpPort = parts[0];
var protocol = parts[1];
// Stream count is optional
var streamCount = parts.length > 2 ? parts[2] : null;
return [sctpPort, protocol, streamCount];// SCTP port
build_rtpmap: function (el) {
var line = 'a=rtpmap:' + el.getAttribute('id') + ' ' + el.getAttribute('name') + '/' + el.getAttribute('clockrate');
if (el.getAttribute('channels') && el.getAttribute('channels') != '1') {
line += '/' + el.getAttribute('channels');
return line;
parse_crypto: function (line) {
var parts = line.substring(9).split(' '),
data = {};
data.tag = parts.shift();
data['crypto-suite'] = parts.shift();
data['key-params'] = parts.shift();
if (parts.length) {
data['session-params'] = parts.join(' ');
return data;
parse_fingerprint: function (line) { // RFC 4572
var parts = line.substring(14).split(' '),
data = {};
data.hash = parts.shift();
data.fingerprint = parts.shift();
// TODO assert that fingerprint satisfies 2UHEX *(":" 2UHEX) ?
return data;
parse_fmtp: function (line) {
var parts = line.split(' '),
i, key, value,
data = [];
parts = parts.join(' ').split(';');
for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
key = parts[i].split('=')[0];
while (key.length && key[0] == ' ') {
key = key.substring(1);
value = parts[i].split('=')[1];
if (key && value) {
data.push({name: key, value: value});
} else if (key) {
// rfc 4733 (DTMF) style stuff
data.push({name: '', value: key});
return data;
parse_icecandidate: function (line) {
var candidate = {},
elems = line.split(' ');
candidate.foundation = elems[0].substring(12);
candidate.component = elems[1];
candidate.protocol = elems[2].toLowerCase();
candidate.priority = elems[3];
candidate.ip = elems[4];
candidate.port = elems[5];
// elems[6] => "typ"
candidate.type = elems[7];
candidate.generation = 0; // default value, may be overwritten below
for (var i = 8; i < elems.length; i += 2) {
switch (elems[i]) {
case 'raddr':
candidate['rel-addr'] = elems[i + 1];
case 'rport':
candidate['rel-port'] = elems[i + 1];
case 'generation':
candidate.generation = elems[i + 1];
case 'tcptype':
candidate.tcptype = elems[i + 1];
default: // TODO
console.log('parse_icecandidate not translating "' + elems[i] + '" = "' + elems[i + 1] + '"');
candidate.network = '1';
candidate.id = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 10); // not applicable to SDP -- FIXME: should be unique, not just random
return candidate;
build_icecandidate: function (cand) {
var line = ['a=candidate:' + cand.foundation, cand.component, cand.protocol, cand.priority, cand.ip, cand.port, 'typ', cand.type].join(' ');
line += ' ';
switch (cand.type) {
case 'srflx':
case 'prflx':
case 'relay':
if (cand.hasOwnAttribute('rel-addr') && cand.hasOwnAttribute('rel-port')) {
line += 'raddr';
line += ' ';
line += cand['rel-addr'];
line += ' ';
line += 'rport';
line += ' ';
line += cand['rel-port'];
line += ' ';
if (cand.hasOwnAttribute('tcptype')) {
line += 'tcptype';
line += ' ';
line += cand.tcptype;
line += ' ';
line += 'generation';
line += ' ';
line += cand.hasOwnAttribute('generation') ? cand.generation : '0';
return line;
parse_ssrc: function (desc) {
// proprietary mapping of a=ssrc lines
// TODO: see "Jingle RTP Source Description" by Juberti and P. Thatcher on google docs
// and parse according to that
var lines = desc.split('\r\n'),
data = {};
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (lines[i].substring(0, 7) == 'a=ssrc:') {
var idx = lines[i].indexOf(' ');
data[lines[i].substr(idx + 1).split(':', 2)[0]] = lines[i].substr(idx + 1).split(':', 2)[1];
return data;
parse_rtcpfb: function (line) {
var parts = line.substr(10).split(' ');
var data = {};
data.pt = parts.shift();
data.type = parts.shift();
data.params = parts;
return data;
parse_extmap: function (line) {
var parts = line.substr(9).split(' ');
var data = {};
data.value = parts.shift();
if (data.value.indexOf('/') != -1) {
data.direction = data.value.substr(data.value.indexOf('/') + 1);
data.value = data.value.substr(0, data.value.indexOf('/'));
} else {
data.direction = 'both';
data.uri = parts.shift();
data.params = parts;
return data;
find_line: function (haystack, needle, sessionpart) {
var lines = haystack.split('\r\n');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (lines[i].substring(0, needle.length) == needle) {
return lines[i];
if (!sessionpart) {
return false;
// search session part
lines = sessionpart.split('\r\n');
for (var j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) {
if (lines[j].substring(0, needle.length) == needle) {
return lines[j];
return false;
find_lines: function (haystack, needle, sessionpart) {
var lines = haystack.split('\r\n'),
needles = [];
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (lines[i].substring(0, needle.length) == needle)
if (needles.length || !sessionpart) {
return needles;
// search session part
lines = sessionpart.split('\r\n');
for (var j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) {
if (lines[j].substring(0, needle.length) == needle) {
return needles;
candidateToJingle: function (line) {
// a=candidate:2979166662 1 udp 2113937151 57698 typ host generation 0
// <candidate component=... foundation=... generation=... id=... ip=... network=... port=... priority=... protocol=... type=.../>
if (line.indexOf('candidate:') === 0) {
line = 'a=' + line;
} else if (line.substring(0, 12) != 'a=candidate:') {
console.log('parseCandidate called with a line that is not a candidate line');
return null;
if (line.substring(line.length - 2) == '\r\n') // chomp it
line = line.substring(0, line.length - 2);
var candidate = {},
elems = line.split(' '),
if (elems[6] != 'typ') {
console.log('did not find typ in the right place');
return null;
candidate.foundation = elems[0].substring(12);
candidate.component = elems[1];
candidate.protocol = elems[2].toLowerCase();
candidate.priority = elems[3];
candidate.ip = elems[4];
candidate.port = elems[5];
// elems[6] => "typ"
candidate.type = elems[7];
candidate.generation = '0'; // default, may be overwritten below
for (i = 8; i < elems.length; i += 2) {
switch (elems[i]) {
case 'raddr':
candidate['rel-addr'] = elems[i + 1];
case 'rport':
candidate['rel-port'] = elems[i + 1];
case 'generation':
candidate.generation = elems[i + 1];
case 'tcptype':
candidate.tcptype = elems[i + 1];
default: // TODO
console.log('not translating "' + elems[i] + '" = "' + elems[i + 1] + '"');
candidate.network = '1';
candidate.id = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 10); // not applicable to SDP -- FIXME: should be unique, not just random
return candidate;
candidateFromJingle: function (cand) {
var line = 'a=candidate:';
line += cand.getAttribute('foundation');
line += ' ';
line += cand.getAttribute('component');
line += ' ';
line += cand.getAttribute('protocol'); //.toUpperCase(); // chrome M23 doesn't like this
line += ' ';
line += cand.getAttribute('priority');
line += ' ';
line += cand.getAttribute('ip');
line += ' ';
line += cand.getAttribute('port');
line += ' ';
line += 'typ';
line += ' ' + cand.getAttribute('type');
line += ' ';
switch (cand.getAttribute('type')) {
case 'srflx':
case 'prflx':
case 'relay':
if (cand.getAttribute('rel-addr') && cand.getAttribute('rel-port')) {
line += 'raddr';
line += ' ';
line += cand.getAttribute('rel-addr');
line += ' ';
line += 'rport';
line += ' ';
line += cand.getAttribute('rel-port');
line += ' ';
if (cand.getAttribute('protocol').toLowerCase() == 'tcp') {
line += 'tcptype';
line += ' ';
line += cand.getAttribute('tcptype');
line += ' ';
line += 'generation';
line += ' ';
line += cand.getAttribute('generation') || '0';
return line + '\r\n';