
249 lines
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// @flow
import clsx from 'clsx';
import React from 'react';
import { translate } from '../../../base/i18n';
import { connect } from '../../../base/redux';
import { PollsPane } from '../../../polls/components';
import { toggleChat } from '../../actions.web';
import AbstractChat, {
type Props
} from '../AbstractChat';
import ChatHeader from './ChatHeader';
import ChatInput from './ChatInput';
import DisplayNameForm from './DisplayNameForm';
import KeyboardAvoider from './KeyboardAvoider';
import MessageContainer from './MessageContainer';
import MessageRecipient from './MessageRecipient';
* React Component for holding the chat feature in a side panel that slides in
* and out of view.
class Chat extends AbstractChat<Props> {
* Reference to the React Component for displaying chat messages. Used for
* scrolling to the end of the chat messages.
_messageContainerRef: Object;
* Initializes a new {@code Chat} instance.
* @param {Object} props - The read-only properties with which the new
* instance is to be initialized.
constructor(props: Props) {
this._messageContainerRef = React.createRef();
// Bind event handlers so they are only bound once for every instance.
this._onChatTabKeyDown = this._onChatTabKeyDown.bind(this);
this._onEscClick = this._onEscClick.bind(this);
this._onPollsTabKeyDown = this._onPollsTabKeyDown.bind(this);
this._onToggleChat = this._onToggleChat.bind(this);
* Implements React's {@link Component#render()}.
* @inheritdoc
* @returns {ReactElement}
render() {
const { _isOpen, _isPollsEnabled, _showNamePrompt } = this.props;
return (
_isOpen ? <div
className = 'sideToolbarContainer'
id = 'sideToolbarContainer'
onKeyDown = { this._onEscClick } >
className = 'chat-header'
id = 'chat-header'
isPollsEnabled = { _isPollsEnabled }
onCancel = { this._onToggleChat } />
{ _showNamePrompt
? <DisplayNameForm isPollsEnabled = { _isPollsEnabled } />
: this._renderChat() }
</div> : null
_onChatTabKeyDown: (KeyboardEvent) => void;
* Key press handler for the chat tab.
* @param {KeyboardEvent} event - The event.
* @returns {void}
_onChatTabKeyDown(event) {
if (event.key === 'Enter' || event.key === ' ') {
_onEscClick: (KeyboardEvent) => void;
* Click handler for the chat sidenav.
* @param {KeyboardEvent} event - Esc key click to close the popup.
* @returns {void}
_onEscClick(event) {
if (event.key === 'Escape' && this.props._isOpen) {
_onPollsTabKeyDown: (KeyboardEvent) => void;
* Key press handler for the polls tab.
* @param {KeyboardEvent} event - The event.
* @returns {void}
_onPollsTabKeyDown(event) {
if (event.key === 'Enter' || event.key === ' ') {
* Returns a React Element for showing chat messages and a form to send new
* chat messages.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderChat() {
const { _isPollsEnabled, _isPollsTabFocused } = this.props;
if (_isPollsTabFocused) {
return (
{ _isPollsEnabled && this._renderTabs() }
aria-labelledby = 'polls-tab'
id = 'polls-panel'
role = 'tabpanel'>
<PollsPane />
<KeyboardAvoider />
return (
{ _isPollsEnabled && this._renderTabs() }
aria-labelledby = 'chat-tab'
className = { clsx('chat-panel', !_isPollsEnabled && 'chat-panel-no-tabs') }
id = 'chat-panel'
role = 'tabpanel'>
messages = { this.props._messages } />
<MessageRecipient />
onResize = { this._onChatInputResize }
onSend = { this._onSendMessage } />
* Returns a React Element showing the Chat and Polls tab.
* @private
* @returns {ReactElement}
_renderTabs() {
const { _isPollsEnabled, _isPollsTabFocused, _nbUnreadMessages, _nbUnreadPolls, t } = this.props;
return (
aria-label = { t(_isPollsEnabled ? 'chat.titleWithPolls' : 'chat.title') }
className = { 'chat-tabs-container' }
role = 'tablist'>
aria-controls = 'chat-panel'
aria-label = { t('chat.tabs.chat') }
aria-selected = { !_isPollsTabFocused }
className = { `chat-tab ${_isPollsTabFocused ? '' : 'chat-tab-focus'
}` }
id = 'chat-tab'
onClick = { this._onToggleChatTab }
onKeyDown = { this._onChatTabKeyDown }
role = 'tab'
tabIndex = '0'>
className = { 'chat-tab-title' }>
{ t('chat.tabs.chat') }
{ this.props._isPollsTabFocused
&& _nbUnreadMessages > 0 && (
<span className = { 'chat-tab-badge' }>
{ _nbUnreadMessages }
) }
aria-controls = 'polls-panel'
aria-label = { t('chat.tabs.polls') }
aria-selected = { _isPollsTabFocused }
className = { `chat-tab ${_isPollsTabFocused ? 'chat-tab-focus' : ''
}` }
id = 'polls-tab'
onClick = { this._onTogglePollsTab }
onKeyDown = { this._onPollsTabKeyDown }
role = 'tab'
tabIndex = '0'>
<span className = { 'chat-tab-title' }>
{ t('chat.tabs.polls') }
{ !_isPollsTabFocused
&& this.props._nbUnreadPolls > 0 && (
<span className = { 'chat-tab-badge' }>
{ _nbUnreadPolls }
) }
_onSendMessage: (string) => void;
_onToggleChat: () => void;
* Toggles the chat window.
* @returns {Function}
_onToggleChat() {
_onTogglePollsTab: () => void;
_onToggleChatTab: () => void;
export default translate(connect(_mapStateToProps)(Chat));