
144 lines
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/* eslint-disable lines-around-comment */
import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles';
import React, { useCallback, useState, useRef } from 'react';
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import ContextMenu from '../../../base/components/context-menu/ContextMenu';
import ContextMenuItemGroup from '../../../base/components/context-menu/ContextMenuItemGroup';
import { IconChat, IconCloseCircle, IconHorizontalPoints } from '../../../base/icons/svg';
import { hasRaisedHand } from '../../../base/participants/functions';
import { Participant } from '../../../base/participants/types';
import Button from '../../../base/ui/components/web/Button';
import { BUTTON_TYPES } from '../../../base/ui/constants';
// @ts-ignore
import { showLobbyChatButton } from '../../../lobby/functions';
import { ACTION_TRIGGER, MEDIA_STATE } from '../../constants';
// @ts-ignore
import { useLobbyActions } from '../../hooks';
import ParticipantItem from './ParticipantItem';
type Props = {
* Callback used to open a drawer with admit/reject actions.
openDrawerForParticipant: Function,
* If an overflow drawer should be displayed.
overflowDrawer: boolean,
* Participant reference.
participant: Participant
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme: any) => {
return {
button: {
marginRight: `${theme.spacing(2)}px`
moreButton: {
paddingRight: '6px',
paddingLeft: '6px',
marginRight: `${theme.spacing(2)}px`
contextMenu: {
position: 'fixed',
top: 'auto',
marginRight: '8px'
export const LobbyParticipantItem = ({
participant: p,
}: Props) => {
const { id } = p;
const [ admit, reject, chat ] = useLobbyActions({ participantID: id });
const { t } = useTranslation();
const [ isOpen, setIsOpen ] = useState(false);
const styles = useStyles();
const showChat = useSelector(showLobbyChatButton(p));
const moreButtonRef = useRef();
const openContextMenu = useCallback(() => setIsOpen(true), []);
const closeContextMenu = useCallback(() => setIsOpen(false), []);
const renderAdmitButton = () => (
accessibilityLabel = { `${t('lobby.admit')} ${p.name}` }
className = { styles.button }
labelKey = { 'lobby.admit' }
onClick = { admit }
size = 'small'
testId = { `admit-${id}` } />);
return (
audioMediaState = { MEDIA_STATE.NONE }
displayName = { p.name }
local = { p.local }
openDrawerForParticipant = { openDrawerForParticipant }
overflowDrawer = { overflowDrawer }
participantID = { id }
raisedHand = { hasRaisedHand(p) }
videoMediaState = { MEDIA_STATE.NONE }
youText = { t('chat.you') }>
{showChat ? <>
accessibilityLabel = { `${t('participantsPane.actions.moreModerationActions')} ${p.name}` }
className = { styles.moreButton }
icon = { IconHorizontalPoints }
onClick = { openContextMenu }
ref = { moreButtonRef }
size = 'small' />
className = { styles.contextMenu }
hidden = { !isOpen }
offsetTarget = { moreButtonRef.current }
onMouseLeave = { closeContextMenu }>
actions = { [ {
accessibilityLabel: `${t('lobby.chat')} ${p.name}`,
onClick: chat,
testId: `lobby-chat-${id}`,
icon: IconChat,
text: t('lobby.chat')
} ] } />
actions = { [ {
accessibilityLabel: `${t('lobby.reject')} ${p.name}`,
onClick: reject,
testId: `reject-${id}`,
icon: IconCloseCircle,
text: t('lobby.reject')
} ] } />
</> : <>
accessibilityLabel = { `${t('lobby.reject')} ${p.name}` }
className = { styles.button }
labelKey = { 'lobby.reject' }
onClick = { reject }
size = 'small'
testId = { `reject-${id}` }