599 lines
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599 lines
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// @flow
import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { approveParticipant } from '../../../av-moderation/actions';
import { Avatar } from '../../../base/avatar';
import { isToolbarButtonEnabled } from '../../../base/config/functions.web';
import { openDialog } from '../../../base/dialog';
import { isIosMobileBrowser } from '../../../base/environment/utils';
import { translate } from '../../../base/i18n';
import {
} from '../../../base/icons';
import { MEDIA_TYPE } from '../../../base/media';
import {
} from '../../../base/participants';
import { connect } from '../../../base/redux';
import { withPixelLineHeight } from '../../../base/styles/functions.web';
import { isParticipantAudioMuted, isParticipantVideoMuted } from '../../../base/tracks';
import { openChatById } from '../../../chat/actions';
import { setVolume } from '../../../filmstrip/actions.web';
import { Drawer, DrawerPortal } from '../../../toolbox/components/web';
import { GrantModeratorDialog, KickRemoteParticipantDialog, MuteEveryoneDialog } from '../../../video-menu';
import { VolumeSlider } from '../../../video-menu/components/web';
import MuteRemoteParticipantsVideoDialog from '../../../video-menu/components/web/MuteRemoteParticipantsVideoDialog';
import { getComputedOuterHeight, isForceMuted } from '../../functions';
import {
} from './styled';
type Props = {
* Whether or not the participant is audio force muted.
_isAudioForceMuted: boolean,
* True if the local participant is moderator and false otherwise.
_isLocalModerator: boolean,
* True if the chat button is enabled and false otherwise.
_isChatButtonEnabled: boolean,
* True if the participant is moderator and false otherwise.
_isParticipantModerator: boolean,
* True if the participant is video muted and false otherwise.
_isParticipantVideoMuted: boolean,
* True if the participant is audio muted and false otherwise.
_isParticipantAudioMuted: boolean,
* Whether or not the participant is video force muted.
_isVideoForceMuted: boolean,
* Shared video local participant owner.
_localVideoOwner: boolean,
* Participant reference
_participant: Object,
* A value between 0 and 1 indicating the volume of the participant's
* audio element.
_volume: ?number,
* Closes a drawer if open.
closeDrawer: Function,
* An object containing the CSS classes.
classes?: {[ key: string]: string},
* The dispatch function from redux.
dispatch: Function,
* The participant for which the drawer is open.
* It contains the displayName & participantID.
drawerParticipant: Object,
* Callback used to open a confirmation dialog for audio muting.
muteAudio: Function,
* Target elements against which positioning calculations are made
offsetTarget: HTMLElement,
* Callback for the mouse entering the component
onEnter: Function,
* Callback for the mouse leaving the component
onLeave: Function,
* Callback for making a selection in the menu
onSelect: Function,
* The ID of the participant.
participantID: string,
* True if an overflow drawer should be displayed.
overflowDrawer: boolean,
* The translate function.
t: Function
type State = {
* If true the context menu will be hidden.
isHidden: boolean
const styles = theme => {
return {
drawer: {
'& > div': {
lineHeight: '32px',
'& svg': {
fill: theme.palette.icon01
'&:first-child': {
marginTop: 15
* Implements the MeetingParticipantContextMenu component.
class MeetingParticipantContextMenu extends Component<Props, State> {
* Reference to the context menu container div.
_containerRef: Object;
* Creates new instance of MeetingParticipantContextMenu.
* @param {Props} props - The props.
constructor(props: Props) {
this.state = {
isHidden: true
this._containerRef = React.createRef();
this._getCurrentParticipantId = this._getCurrentParticipantId.bind(this);
this._onGrantModerator = this._onGrantModerator.bind(this);
this._onKick = this._onKick.bind(this);
this._onMuteEveryoneElse = this._onMuteEveryoneElse.bind(this);
this._onMuteVideo = this._onMuteVideo.bind(this);
this._onSendPrivateMessage = this._onSendPrivateMessage.bind(this);
this._position = this._position.bind(this);
this._onVolumeChange = this._onVolumeChange.bind(this);
this._onAskToUnmute = this._onAskToUnmute.bind(this);
_getCurrentParticipantId: () => string;
* Returns the participant id for the item we want to operate.
* @returns {void}
_getCurrentParticipantId() {
const { _participant, drawerParticipant, overflowDrawer } = this.props;
return overflowDrawer ? drawerParticipant?.participantID : _participant?.id;
_onGrantModerator: () => void;
* Grant moderator permissions.
* @returns {void}
_onGrantModerator() {
this.props.dispatch(openDialog(GrantModeratorDialog, {
participantID: this._getCurrentParticipantId()
_onKick: () => void;
* Kicks the participant.
* @returns {void}
_onKick() {
this.props.dispatch(openDialog(KickRemoteParticipantDialog, {
participantID: this._getCurrentParticipantId()
_onStopSharedVideo: () => void;
* Stops shared video.
* @returns {void}
_onStopSharedVideo() {
const { dispatch } = this.props;
_onMuteEveryoneElse: () => void;
* Mutes everyone else.
* @returns {void}
_onMuteEveryoneElse() {
this.props.dispatch(openDialog(MuteEveryoneDialog, {
exclude: [ this._getCurrentParticipantId() ]
_onMuteVideo: () => void;
* Mutes the video of the selected participant.
* @returns {void}
_onMuteVideo() {
this.props.dispatch(openDialog(MuteRemoteParticipantsVideoDialog, {
participantID: this._getCurrentParticipantId()
_onSendPrivateMessage: () => void;
* Sends private message.
* @returns {void}
_onSendPrivateMessage() {
const { closeDrawer, dispatch, overflowDrawer } = this.props;
overflowDrawer && closeDrawer();
_position: () => void;
* Positions the context menu.
* @returns {void}
_position() {
const { _participant, offsetTarget } = this.props;
if (_participant
&& this._containerRef.current
&& offsetTarget?.offsetParent
&& offsetTarget.offsetParent instanceof HTMLElement
) {
const { current: container } = this._containerRef;
const { offsetTop, offsetParent: { offsetHeight, scrollTop } } = offsetTarget;
const outerHeight = getComputedOuterHeight(container);
container.style.top = offsetTop + outerHeight > offsetHeight + scrollTop
? offsetTop - outerHeight
: offsetTop;
this.setState({ isHidden: false });
} else {
this.setState({ isHidden: true });
_onVolumeChange: (number) => void;
* Handles volume changes.
* @param {number} value - The new value for the volume.
* @returns {void}
_onVolumeChange(value) {
const { _participant, dispatch } = this.props;
const { id } = _participant;
dispatch(setVolume(id, value));
_onAskToUnmute: () => void;
* Handles click on ask to unmute.
* @returns {void}
_onAskToUnmute() {
const { _participant, dispatch } = this.props;
const { id } = _participant;
* Implements React Component's componentDidMount.
* @inheritdoc
* @returns {void}
componentDidMount() {
* Implements React Component's componentDidUpdate.
* @inheritdoc
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) {
if (prevProps.offsetTarget !== this.props.offsetTarget || prevProps._participant !== this.props._participant) {
* Implements React's {@link Component#render()}.
* @inheritdoc
* @returns {ReactElement}
render() {
const {
_volume = 1,
} = this.props;
if (!_participant) {
return null;
const showVolumeSlider = !isIosMobileBrowser()
&& overflowDrawer
&& typeof _volume === 'number'
&& !isNaN(_volume);
const actions
= _participant?.isFakeParticipant ? (
{_localVideoOwner && (
<ContextMenuItem onClick = { this._onStopSharedVideo }>
<ContextMenuIcon src = { IconShareVideo } />
) : (
{_isLocalModerator && (
{overflowDrawer && (_isAudioForceMuted || _isVideoForceMuted)
&& <ContextMenuItem onClick = { this._onAskToUnmute }>
<ContextMenuIcon src = { IconMicrophone } />
? 'participantsPane.actions.askUnmute'
: 'participantsPane.actions.allowVideo')}
!_isParticipantAudioMuted && overflowDrawer
&& <ContextMenuItem onClick = { muteAudio(_participant) }>
<ContextMenuIcon src = { IconMicDisabled } />
<ContextMenuItem onClick = { this._onMuteEveryoneElse }>
<ContextMenuIcon src = { IconMuteEveryoneElse } />
_isParticipantVideoMuted || (
<ContextMenuItem onClick = { this._onMuteVideo }>
<ContextMenuIcon src = { IconVideoOff } />
_isLocalModerator && (
!_isParticipantModerator && (
<ContextMenuItem onClick = { this._onGrantModerator }>
<ContextMenuIcon src = { IconCrown } />
<ContextMenuItem onClick = { this._onKick }>
<ContextMenuIcon src = { IconCloseCircle } />
<span>{ t('videothumbnail.kick') }</span>
_isChatButtonEnabled && (
<ContextMenuItem onClick = { this._onSendPrivateMessage }>
<ContextMenuIcon src = { IconMessage } />
{ showVolumeSlider
&& <ContextMenuItemGroup>
initialValue = { _volume }
key = 'volume-slider'
onChange = { this._onVolumeChange } />
return (
{ !overflowDrawer
&& <ContextMenu
className = { ignoredChildClassName }
innerRef = { this._containerRef }
isHidden = { this.state.isHidden }
onClick = { onSelect }
onMouseEnter = { onEnter }
onMouseLeave = { onLeave }>
{ actions }
isOpen = { drawerParticipant && overflowDrawer }
onClose = { closeDrawer }>
<div className = { classes && classes.drawer }>
participantId = { drawerParticipant && drawerParticipant.participantID }
size = { 20 } />
<span>{ drawerParticipant && drawerParticipant.displayName }</span>
{ actions }
* Maps (parts of) the redux state to the associated props for this component.
* @param {Object} state - The Redux state.
* @param {Object} ownProps - The own props of the component.
* @private
* @returns {Props}
function _mapStateToProps(state, ownProps): Object {
const { participantID, overflowDrawer, drawerParticipant } = ownProps;
const { ownerId } = state['features/shared-video'];
const localParticipantId = getLocalParticipant(state).id;
const participant = getParticipantByIdOrUndefined(state,
overflowDrawer ? drawerParticipant?.participantID : participantID);
const _isLocalModerator = isLocalParticipantModerator(state);
const _isChatButtonEnabled = isToolbarButtonEnabled('chat', state);
const _isParticipantVideoMuted = isParticipantVideoMuted(participant, state);
const _isParticipantAudioMuted = isParticipantAudioMuted(participant, state);
const _isParticipantModerator = isParticipantModerator(participant);
const { participantsVolume } = state['features/filmstrip'];
const id = participant?.id;
const isLocal = participant?.local ?? true;
return {
_isAudioForceMuted: isForceMuted(participant, MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO, state),
_isVideoForceMuted: isForceMuted(participant, MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO, state),
_localVideoOwner: Boolean(ownerId === localParticipantId),
_participant: participant,
_volume: isLocal ? undefined : id ? participantsVolume[id] : undefined
export default withStyles(styles)(translate(connect(_mapStateToProps)(MeetingParticipantContextMenu)));