
459 lines
15 KiB

/* global APP */
import JitsiMeetJS, { JitsiTrackErrors, browser } from '../lib-jitsi-meet';
import { MEDIA_TYPE, VIDEO_TYPE, setAudioMuted } from '../media';
import {
} from '../settings';
import loadEffects from './loadEffects';
import logger from './logger';
* Creates a local video track for presenter. The constraints are computed based
* on the height of the desktop that is being shared.
* @param {Object} options - The options with which the local presenter track
* is to be created.
* @param {string|null} [options.cameraDeviceId] - Camera device id or
* {@code undefined} to use app's settings.
* @param {number} desktopHeight - The height of the desktop that is being
* shared.
* @returns {Promise<JitsiLocalTrack>}
export async function createLocalPresenterTrack(options, desktopHeight) {
const { cameraDeviceId } = options;
// compute the constraints of the camera track based on the resolution
// of the desktop screen that is being shared.
const cameraHeights = [ 180, 270, 360, 540, 720 ];
const proportion = 5;
const result = cameraHeights.find(
height => (desktopHeight / proportion) < height);
const constraints = {
video: {
aspectRatio: 4 / 3,
height: {
ideal: result
const [ videoTrack ] = await JitsiMeetJS.createLocalTracks(
devices: [ 'video' ]
videoTrack.type = MEDIA_TYPE.PRESENTER;
return videoTrack;
* Create local tracks of specific types.
* @param {Object} options - The options with which the local tracks are to be
* created.
* @param {string|null} [options.cameraDeviceId] - Camera device id or
* {@code undefined} to use app's settings.
* @param {string[]} options.devices - Required track types such as 'audio'
* and/or 'video'.
* @param {string|null} [options.micDeviceId] - Microphone device id or
* {@code undefined} to use app's settings.
* @param {number|undefined} [oprions.timeout] - A timeout for JitsiMeetJS.createLocalTracks used to create the tracks.
* @param {boolean} [firePermissionPromptIsShownEvent] - Whether lib-jitsi-meet
* should check for a {@code getUserMedia} permission prompt and fire a
* corresponding event.
* @param {Object} store - The redux store in the context of which the function
* is to execute and from which state such as {@code config} is to be retrieved.
* @returns {Promise<JitsiLocalTrack[]>}
export function createLocalTracksF(options = {}, firePermissionPromptIsShownEvent, store) {
let { cameraDeviceId, micDeviceId } = options;
const { desktopSharingSourceDevice, desktopSharingSources, timeout } = options;
if (typeof APP !== 'undefined') {
// TODO The app's settings should go in the redux store and then the
// reliance on the global variable APP will go away.
store || (store = APP.store); // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
const state = store.getState();
if (typeof cameraDeviceId === 'undefined' || cameraDeviceId === null) {
cameraDeviceId = getUserSelectedCameraDeviceId(state);
if (typeof micDeviceId === 'undefined' || micDeviceId === null) {
micDeviceId = getUserSelectedMicDeviceId(state);
const state = store.getState();
const {
firefox_fake_device, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
} = state['features/base/config'];
const constraints = options.constraints ?? state['features/base/config'].constraints;
return (
loadEffects(store).then(effectsArray => {
// Filter any undefined values returned by Promise.resolve().
const effects = effectsArray.filter(effect => Boolean(effect));
return JitsiMeetJS.createLocalTracks(
// Copy array to avoid mutations inside library.
devices: options.devices.slice(0),
firefox_fake_device, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
.catch(err => {
logger.error('Failed to create local tracks', options.devices, err);
return Promise.reject(err);
* Returns an object containing a promise which resolves with the created tracks &
* the errors resulting from that process.
* @returns {Promise<JitsiLocalTrack>}
* @todo Refactor to not use APP
export function createPrejoinTracks() {
const errors = {};
const initialDevices = [ 'audio' ];
const requestedAudio = true;
let requestedVideo = false;
const { startAudioOnly, startWithAudioMuted, startWithVideoMuted } = APP.store.getState()['features/base/settings'];
// Always get a handle on the audio input device so that we have statistics even if the user joins the
// conference muted. Previous implementation would only acquire the handle when the user first unmuted,
// which would results in statistics ( such as "No audio input" or "Are you trying to speak?") being available
// only after that point.
if (startWithAudioMuted) {
if (!startWithVideoMuted && !startAudioOnly) {
requestedVideo = true;
let tryCreateLocalTracks;
if (!requestedAudio && !requestedVideo) {
// Resolve with no tracks
tryCreateLocalTracks = Promise.resolve([]);
} else {
tryCreateLocalTracks = createLocalTracksF({ devices: initialDevices }, true)
.catch(err => {
if (requestedAudio && requestedVideo) {
// Try audio only...
errors.audioAndVideoError = err;
return (
createLocalTracksF({ devices: [ 'audio' ] }, true));
} else if (requestedAudio && !requestedVideo) {
errors.audioOnlyError = err;
return [];
} else if (requestedVideo && !requestedAudio) {
errors.videoOnlyError = err;
return [];
logger.error('Should never happen');
.catch(err => {
// Log this just in case...
if (!requestedAudio) {
logger.error('The impossible just happened', err);
errors.audioOnlyError = err;
// Try video only...
return requestedVideo
? createLocalTracksF({ devices: [ 'video' ] }, true)
: [];
.catch(err => {
// Log this just in case...
if (!requestedVideo) {
logger.error('The impossible just happened', err);
errors.videoOnlyError = err;
return [];
return {
* Returns local audio track.
* @param {Track[]} tracks - List of all tracks.
* @returns {(Track|undefined)}
export function getLocalAudioTrack(tracks) {
return getLocalTrack(tracks, MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO);
* Returns local track by media type.
* @param {Track[]} tracks - List of all tracks.
* @param {MEDIA_TYPE} mediaType - Media type.
* @param {boolean} [includePending] - Indicates whether a local track is to be
* returned if it is still pending. A local track is pending if
* {@code getUserMedia} is still executing to create it and, consequently, its
* {@code jitsiTrack} property is {@code undefined}. By default a pending local
* track is not returned.
* @returns {(Track|undefined)}
export function getLocalTrack(tracks, mediaType, includePending = false) {
return (
getLocalTracks(tracks, includePending)
.find(t => t.mediaType === mediaType));
* Returns an array containing the local tracks with or without a (valid)
* {@code JitsiTrack}.
* @param {Track[]} tracks - An array containing all local tracks.
* @param {boolean} [includePending] - Indicates whether a local track is to be
* returned if it is still pending. A local track is pending if
* {@code getUserMedia} is still executing to create it and, consequently, its
* {@code jitsiTrack} property is {@code undefined}. By default a pending local
* track is not returned.
* @returns {Track[]}
export function getLocalTracks(tracks, includePending = false) {
// XXX A local track is considered ready only once it has its `jitsiTrack`
// property set by the `TRACK_ADDED` action. Until then there is a stub
// added just before the `getUserMedia` call with a cancellable
// `gumInProgress` property which then can be used to destroy the track that
// has not yet been added to the redux store. Once GUM is cancelled, it will
// never make it to the store nor there will be any
// `TRACK_ADDED`/`TRACK_REMOVED` actions dispatched for it.
return tracks.filter(t => t.local && (t.jitsiTrack || includePending));
* Returns local video track.
* @param {Track[]} tracks - List of all tracks.
* @returns {(Track|undefined)}
export function getLocalVideoTrack(tracks) {
return getLocalTrack(tracks, MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO);
* Returns the media type of the local video, presenter or video.
* @param {Track[]} tracks - List of all tracks.
* @returns {MEDIA_TYPE}
export function getLocalVideoType(tracks) {
const presenterTrack = getLocalTrack(tracks, MEDIA_TYPE.PRESENTER);
* Returns the stored local video track.
* @param {Object} state - The redux state.
* @returns {Object}
export function getLocalJitsiVideoTrack(state) {
const track = getLocalVideoTrack(state['features/base/tracks']);
return track?.jitsiTrack;
* Returns the stored local audio track.
* @param {Object} state - The redux state.
* @returns {Object}
export function getLocalJitsiAudioTrack(state) {
const track = getLocalAudioTrack(state['features/base/tracks']);
return track?.jitsiTrack;
* Returns track of specified media type for specified participant id.
* @param {Track[]} tracks - List of all tracks.
* @param {MEDIA_TYPE} mediaType - Media type.
* @param {string} participantId - Participant ID.
* @returns {(Track|undefined)}
export function getTrackByMediaTypeAndParticipant(
participantId) {
return tracks.find(
t => t.participantId === participantId && t.mediaType === mediaType
* Returns the track if any which corresponds to a specific instance
* of JitsiLocalTrack or JitsiRemoteTrack.
* @param {Track[]} tracks - List of all tracks.
* @param {(JitsiLocalTrack|JitsiRemoteTrack)} jitsiTrack - JitsiTrack instance.
* @returns {(Track|undefined)}
export function getTrackByJitsiTrack(tracks, jitsiTrack) {
return tracks.find(t => t.jitsiTrack === jitsiTrack);
* Returns tracks of specified media type.
* @param {Track[]} tracks - List of all tracks.
* @param {MEDIA_TYPE} mediaType - Media type.
* @returns {Track[]}
export function getTracksByMediaType(tracks, mediaType) {
return tracks.filter(t => t.mediaType === mediaType);
* Checks if the local video camera track in the given set of tracks is muted.
* @param {Track[]} tracks - List of all tracks.
* @returns {Track[]}
export function isLocalCameraTrackMuted(tracks) {
const presenterTrack = getLocalTrack(tracks, MEDIA_TYPE.PRESENTER);
const videoTrack = getLocalTrack(tracks, MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO);
// Make sure we check the mute status of only camera tracks, i.e.,
// presenter track when it exists, camera track when the presenter
// track doesn't exist.
if (presenterTrack) {
return isLocalTrackMuted(tracks, MEDIA_TYPE.PRESENTER);
} else if (videoTrack) {
return videoTrack.videoType === 'camera'
? isLocalTrackMuted(tracks, MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO) : true;
return true;
* Checks if the first local track in the given tracks set is muted.
* @param {Track[]} tracks - List of all tracks.
* @param {MEDIA_TYPE} mediaType - The media type of tracks to be checked.
* @returns {boolean} True if local track is muted or false if the track is
* unmuted or if there are no local tracks of the given media type in the given
* set of tracks.
export function isLocalTrackMuted(tracks, mediaType) {
const track = getLocalTrack(tracks, mediaType);
return !track || track.muted;
* Checks if the local video track is of type DESKtOP.
* @param {Object} state - The redux state.
* @returns {boolean}
export function isLocalVideoTrackDesktop(state) {
const videoTrack = getLocalVideoTrack(state['features/base/tracks']);
return videoTrack && videoTrack.videoType === VIDEO_TYPE.DESKTOP;
* Returns true if the remote track of the given media type and the given
* participant is muted, false otherwise.
* @param {Track[]} tracks - List of all tracks.
* @param {MEDIA_TYPE} mediaType - The media type of tracks to be checked.
* @param {*} participantId - Participant ID.
* @returns {boolean}
export function isRemoteTrackMuted(tracks, mediaType, participantId) {
const track = getTrackByMediaTypeAndParticipant(
tracks, mediaType, participantId);
return !track || track.muted;
* Returns whether or not the current environment needs a user interaction with
* the page before any unmute can occur.
* @param {Object} state - The redux state.
* @returns {boolean}
export function isUserInteractionRequiredForUnmute(state) {
return browser.isUserInteractionRequiredForUnmute()
&& window
&& window.self !== window.top
&& !state['features/base/user-interaction'].interacted;
* Mutes or unmutes a specific {@code JitsiLocalTrack}. If the muted state of
* the specified {@code track} is already in accord with the specified
* {@code muted} value, then does nothing.
* @param {JitsiLocalTrack} track - The {@code JitsiLocalTrack} to mute or
* unmute.
* @param {boolean} muted - If the specified {@code track} is to be muted, then
* {@code true}; otherwise, {@code false}.
* @returns {Promise}
export function setTrackMuted(track, muted) {
muted = Boolean(muted); // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
if (track.isMuted() === muted) {
return Promise.resolve();
const f = muted ? 'mute' : 'unmute';
return track[f]().catch(error => {
// Track might be already disposed so ignore such an error.
if (error.name !== JitsiTrackErrors.TRACK_IS_DISPOSED) {
// FIXME Emit mute failed, so that the app can show error dialog.
logger.error(`set track ${f} failed`, error);