
1053 lines
31 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* PCBNEW: traitement des netlistes */
/* Fichier NETLIST.CPP */
* Fonction de lecture de la netliste pour:
* - Chargement modules et nouvelles connexions
* - Test des modules (modules manquants ou en trop
* - Recalcul du chevelu
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
* Remarque importante:
* Lors de la lecture de la netliste pour Chargement modules
* et nouvelles connexions, l'identification des modules peut se faire selon
* 2 criteres:
* - la reference (U2, R5 ..): c'est le mode normal
* - le Time Stamp (Signature Temporelle), a utiliser apres reannotation
* d'un schema, donc apres modification des references sans pourtant
* avoir reellement modifie le schema
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "pcbnew.h"
#include "autorout.h"
#include "protos.h"
#define TESTONLY 1 /* ctes utilisees lors de l'appel a */
#define READMODULE 0 /* ReadNetModuleORCADPCB */
/* Structures locales */
class MODULEtoLOAD : public EDA_BaseStruct
wxString m_LibName;
wxString m_CmpName;
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
wxString m_Path;
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
MODULEtoLOAD( const wxString& libname,
const wxString& cmpname,
int timestamp,
const wxString& path);
2007-09-01 12:00:30 +00:00
~MODULEtoLOAD() { };
MODULEtoLOAD* Next() { return (MODULEtoLOAD*) Pnext; }
/* Fonctions locales : */
static void SortListModulesToLoadByLibname( int NbModules );
/* Variables locales */
static int s_NbNewModules;
static MODULEtoLOAD* s_ModuleToLoad_List;
FILE* source;
static bool ChangeExistantModule;
static bool DisplayWarning = TRUE;
static int DisplayWarningCount;
/* class WinEDA_NetlistFrame */
#include "dialog_netlist.cpp"
void WinEDA_PcbFrame::InstallNetlistFrame( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& pos )
WinEDA_NetlistFrame* frame = new WinEDA_NetlistFrame( this, DC );
frame->ShowModal(); frame->Destroy();
bool WinEDA_NetlistFrame::OpenNetlistFile( wxCommandEvent& event )
* routine de selection et d'ouverture du fichier Netlist
wxString FullFileName;
wxString msg;
if( NetNameBuffer.IsEmpty() ) /* Pas de nom specifie */
Set_NetlisteName( event );
if( NetNameBuffer.IsEmpty() )
return FALSE; /* toujours Pas de nom specifie */
FullFileName = NetNameBuffer;
source = wxFopen( FullFileName, wxT( "rt" ) );
if( source == 0 )
msg.Printf( _( "Netlist file %s not found" ), FullFileName.GetData() );
DisplayError( this, msg );
return FALSE;
msg = wxT( "Netlist " ); msg << FullFileName;
SetTitle( msg );
return TRUE;
void WinEDA_NetlistFrame::ReadPcbNetlist( wxCommandEvent& event )
/* mise a jour des empreintes :
* corrige les Net Names, les textes, les "TIME STAMP"
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
* Analyse les lignes:
# EESchema Netlist Version 1.0 generee le 18/5/2005-12:30:22
* (
* ( 40C08647 $noname R20 4,7K {Lib=R}
* ( 1 VCC )
* ( 2 MODB_1 )
* )
* ( 40C0863F $noname R18 4,7_k {Lib=R}
* ( 1 VCC )
* ( 2 MODA_1 )
* )
* }
int LineNum, State, Comment;
MODULE* Module = NULL;
D_PAD* PtPad;
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
char Line[256];
char* Text;
int UseFichCmp = 1;
wxString msg;
ChangeExistantModule = m_ChangeExistantModuleCtrl->GetSelection() == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE;
DisplayWarning = m_DisplayWarningCtrl->GetValue();
if( DisplayWarning )
DisplayWarningCount = 8;
DisplayWarningCount = 0;
if( !OpenNetlistFile( event ) )
msg = _( "Read Netlist " ) + NetNameBuffer;
m_MessageWindow->AppendText( msg );
m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0; State = 0; LineNum = 0; Comment = 0;
s_NbNewModules = 0;
/* Premiere lecture de la netliste: etablissement de la liste
* des modules a charger
while( GetLine( source, Line, &LineNum ) )
Text = StrPurge( Line );
if( Comment ) /* Commentaires en cours */
if( ( Text = strchr( Text, '}' ) ) == NULL )
Comment = 0;
if( *Text == '{' ) /* Commentaires */
Comment = 1;
if( ( Text = strchr( Text, '}' ) ) == NULL )
if( *Text == '(' )
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
if( *Text == ')' )
if( State == 2 )
Module = ReadNetModule( Text, &UseFichCmp, TESTONLY );
if( State >= 3 ) /* la ligne de description d'un pad est ici non analysee */
/* Chargement des nouveaux modules */
if( s_NbNewModules )
LoadListeModules( m_DC );
// Free module list:
MODULEtoLOAD* item, * next_item;
for( item = s_ModuleToLoad_List; item != NULL; item = next_item )
next_item = item->Next();
delete item;
s_ModuleToLoad_List = NULL;
/* Relecture de la netliste, tous les modules sont ici charges */
fseek( source, 0, SEEK_SET ); LineNum = 0;
while( GetLine( source, Line, &LineNum ) )
Text = StrPurge( Line );
if( Comment ) /* Commentaires en cours */
if( ( Text = strchr( Text, '}' ) ) == NULL )
Comment = 0;
if( *Text == '{' ) /* Commentaires */
Comment = 1;
if( ( Text = strchr( Text, '}' ) ) == NULL )
if( *Text == '(' )
if( *Text == ')' )
if( State == 2 )
Module = ReadNetModule( Text, &UseFichCmp, READMODULE );
if( Module == NULL )
{ /* empreinte non trouvee dans la netliste */
else /* Raz netnames sur pads */
PtPad = Module->m_Pads;
for( ; PtPad != NULL; PtPad = (D_PAD*) PtPad->Pnext )
PtPad->m_Netname = wxEmptyString;
if( State >= 3 )
if( Module )
SetPadNetName( Text, Module );
fclose( source );
/* Mise a jour et Cleanup du circuit imprime: */
m_Parent->Compile_Ratsnest( m_DC, TRUE );
if( m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_Track )
if( m_DeleteBadTracks->GetSelection() == 1 )
Netliste_Controle_piste( m_Parent, m_DC, TRUE );
m_Parent->Compile_Ratsnest( m_DC, TRUE );
m_Parent->m_Pcb->Display_Infos( m_Parent );
MODULE* WinEDA_NetlistFrame::ReadNetModule( char* Text, int* UseFichCmp,
int TstOnly )
/* charge la description d'une empreinte ,netliste type PCBNEW
* et met a jour le module correspondant
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
* Si TstOnly == 0 si le module n'existe pas, il est charge
* Si TstOnly != 0 si le module n'existe pas, il est ajoute a la liste des
* modules a charger
* Text contient la premiere ligne de la description
* UseFichCmp est un flag
* si != 0, le fichier des composants .CMP sera utilise
* est remis a 0 si le fichier n'existe pas
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
* Analyse les lignes type:
* ( 40C08647 $noname R20 4,7K {Lib=R}
* ( 1 VCC )
* ( 2 MODB_1 )
MODULE* Module;
char* text;
wxString TextTimeStamp;
wxString TextNameLibMod;
wxString TextValeur;
wxString TextCmpName;
wxString NameLibCmp;
unsigned long TimeStamp = 0;
int Error = 0;
char Line[1024];
bool Found;
strcpy( Line, Text );
TextValeur = wxT( "~" );
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
if( ( text = strtok( Line, " ()\t\n" ) ) == NULL )
Error = 1;
TextTimeStamp = CONV_FROM_UTF8( text );
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
if( ( text = strtok( NULL, " ()\t\n" ) ) == NULL )
Error = 1;
TextNameLibMod = CONV_FROM_UTF8( text );
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
if( ( text = strtok( NULL, " ()\t\n" ) ) == NULL )
Error = 1;
TextCmpName = CONV_FROM_UTF8( text );
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
if( ( text = strtok( NULL, " ()\t\n" ) ) == NULL )
Error = -1;
TextValeur = CONV_FROM_UTF8( text );
if( Error > 0 )
return NULL;
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
wxString LocalTimeStamp = TextTimeStamp.AfterLast('/');
LocalTimeStamp.ToULong( &TimeStamp, 16 );
/* Tst si composant deja charge */
Module = (MODULE*) m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_Modules;
MODULE* NextModule;
for( Found = FALSE; Module != NULL; Module = NextModule )
NextModule = (MODULE*) Module->Pnext;
if( m_Select_By_Timestamp->GetSelection() == 1 ) /* Reconnaissance par signature temporelle */
//if( TimeStamp == Module->m_TimeStamp )
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
Found = TRUE;
else /* Reconnaissance par Reference */
if( TextCmpName.CmpNoCase( Module->m_Reference->m_Text ) == 0 )
Found = TRUE;
if( Found ) // Test si module (m_LibRef) et module specifie en netlist concordent
if( TstOnly != TESTONLY )
NameLibCmp = TextNameLibMod;
if( *UseFichCmp )
if( m_Select_By_Timestamp->GetSelection() == 1 )
{ /* Reconnaissance par signature temporelle */
*UseFichCmp = ReadListeModules( NULL, TimeStamp, NameLibCmp );
else /* Reconnaissance par Reference */
*UseFichCmp = ReadListeModules( &TextCmpName, 0l, NameLibCmp );
if( Module->m_LibRef.CmpNoCase( NameLibCmp ) != 0 )
{ // Module Mismatch: Current module and module specified in netlist are diff.
if( ChangeExistantModule )
MODULE* NewModule =
m_Parent->Get_Librairie_Module( this, wxEmptyString, NameLibCmp, TRUE );
if( NewModule ) /* Nouveau module trouve : changement de module */
Module = m_Parent->Exchange_Module( this, Module, NewModule );
wxString msg;
_( "Cmp %s: Mismatch! module is [%s] and netlist said [%s]\n" ),
TextCmpName.GetData(), Module->m_LibRef.GetData(),
NameLibCmp.GetData() );
m_MessageWindow->AppendText( msg );
if( DisplayWarningCount > 0 )
DisplayError( this, msg, 2 );
if( Module == NULL ) /* Module a charger */
NameLibCmp = TextNameLibMod;
if( *UseFichCmp )
if( m_Select_By_Timestamp->GetSelection() == 1 )
{ /* Reconnaissance par signature temporelle */
*UseFichCmp = ReadListeModules( NULL, TimeStamp, NameLibCmp );
else /* Reconnaissance par Reference */
*UseFichCmp = ReadListeModules( &TextCmpName, 0l, NameLibCmp );
if( TstOnly == TESTONLY )
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
AddToList( NameLibCmp, TextCmpName, TimeStamp, TextTimeStamp );
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( _( "Component [%s] not found" ), TextCmpName.GetData() );
m_MessageWindow->AppendText( msg + wxT( "\n" ) );
if( DisplayWarningCount> 0 )
DisplayError( this, msg, 2 );
return NULL; /* Le module n'avait pas pu etre charge */
/* mise a jour des reperes ( nom et ref "Time Stamp") si module charge */
Module->m_Reference->m_Text = TextCmpName;
Module->m_Value->m_Text = TextValeur;
Module->m_TimeStamp = TimeStamp;
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
Module->m_Path = TextTimeStamp;
#if defined(DEBUG)
printf("in ReadNetModule() m_Path = %s\n",
CONV_TO_UTF8(Module->m_Path) );
return Module; /* composant trouve */
int WinEDA_NetlistFrame::SetPadNetName( char* Text, MODULE* Module )
* Met a jour le netname de 1 pastille, Netliste ORCADPCB
* entree :
* Text = ligne de netliste lue ( (pad = net) )
* Module = adresse de la structure MODULE a qui appartient les pads
D_PAD* pad;
char* TextPinName, * TextNetName;
int Error = 0;
bool trouve;
char Line[256];
wxString Msg;
if( Module == NULL )
return 0;
strcpy( Line, Text );
if( ( TextPinName = strtok( Line, " ()\t\n" ) ) == NULL )
Error = 1;
if( ( TextNetName = strtok( NULL, " ()\t\n" ) ) == NULL )
Error = 1;
if( Error )
return 0;
/* recherche du pad */
pad = Module->m_Pads; trouve = FALSE;
for( ; pad != NULL; pad = (D_PAD*) pad->Pnext )
if( strnicmp( TextPinName, pad->m_Padname, 4 ) == 0 )
{ /* trouve */
trouve = TRUE;
if( *TextNetName != '?' )
pad->m_Netname = CONV_FROM_UTF8( TextNetName );
if( !trouve && (DisplayWarningCount > 0) )
wxString pin_name = CONV_FROM_UTF8( TextPinName );
Msg.Printf( _( "Module [%s]: Pad [%s] not found" ),
Module->m_Reference->m_Text.GetData(), pin_name.GetData() );
DisplayError( this, Msg, 1 );
return trouve;
2007-09-01 12:00:30 +00:00
MODULE* WinEDA_PcbFrame::ListAndSelectModuleName()
/* liste les noms des modules du PCB
* Retourne:
* un pointeur sur le module selectionne
* NULL si pas de selection
int ii, jj, nb_empr;
MODULE* Module;
WinEDAListBox* ListBox;
const wxChar** ListNames = NULL;
if( m_Pcb->m_Modules == NULL )
DisplayError( this, _( "No Modules" ) ); return 0;
/* Calcul du nombre des modules */
nb_empr = 0; Module = (MODULE*) m_Pcb->m_Modules;
for( ; Module != NULL; Module = (MODULE*) Module->Pnext )
ListNames = (const wxChar**) MyZMalloc( (nb_empr + 1) * sizeof(wxChar *) );
Module = (MODULE*) m_Pcb->m_Modules;
for( ii = 0; Module != NULL; Module = (MODULE*) Module->Pnext, ii++ )
ListNames[ii] = Module->m_Reference->m_Text.GetData();
ListBox = new WinEDAListBox( this, _( "Components" ),
ListNames, wxEmptyString );
ii = ListBox->ShowModal(); ListBox->Destroy();
if( ii < 0 ) /* Pas de selection */
Module = NULL;
else /* Recherche du module selectionne */
Module = (MODULE*) m_Pcb->m_Modules;
for( jj = 0; Module != NULL; Module = (MODULE*) Module->Pnext, jj++ )
if( Module->m_Reference->m_Text.Cmp( ListNames[ii] ) == 0 )
free( ListNames );
return Module;
void WinEDA_NetlistFrame::ModulesControle( wxCommandEvent& event )
/* donne la liste :
* 1 - des empreintes doubl<EFBFBD>es sur le PCB
* 2 - des empreintes manquantes par rapport a la netliste
* 3 - des empreintes suppl<EFBFBD>mentaires par rapport a la netliste
#define MAX_LEN_TXT 32
int ii, NbModulesPcb;
MODULE* Module, * pt_aux;
int NbModulesNetListe, nberr = 0;
WinEDA_TextFrame* List;
wxArrayString ModuleListFromNetlist;
/* determination du nombre des modules du PCB*/
NbModulesPcb = 0; Module = (MODULE*) m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_Modules;
for( ; Module != NULL; Module = (MODULE*) Module->Pnext )
if( NbModulesPcb == 0 )
DisplayError( this, _( "No modules" ), 10 ); return;
/* Construction de la liste des references des modules de la netliste */
NbModulesNetListe = BuildListeNetModules( event, ModuleListFromNetlist );
if( NbModulesNetListe < 0 )
return; /* fichier non trouve */
if( NbModulesNetListe == 0 )
DisplayError( this, _( "No modules in NetList" ), 10 ); return;
List = new WinEDA_TextFrame( this, _( "Check Modules" ) );
/* recherche des doubles */
List->Append( _( "Duplicates" ) );
Module = (MODULE*) m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_Modules;
for( ; Module != NULL; Module = (MODULE*) Module->Pnext )
pt_aux = (MODULE*) Module->Pnext;
for( ; pt_aux != NULL; pt_aux = (MODULE*) pt_aux->Pnext )
if( Module->m_Reference->m_Text.CmpNoCase( pt_aux->m_Reference->m_Text ) == 0 )
List->Append( Module->m_Reference->m_Text );
/* recherche des manquants par rapport a la netliste*/
List->Append( _( "Lack:" ) );
for( ii = 0; ii < NbModulesNetListe; ii++ )
Module = (MODULE*) m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_Modules;
for( ; Module != NULL; Module = (MODULE*) Module->Pnext )
if( Module->m_Reference->m_Text.CmpNoCase(
ModuleListFromNetlist[ii] ) == 0 )
if( Module == NULL ) // Module missing, not found in board
List->Append( ModuleListFromNetlist[ii] );
/* recherche des modules supplementaires (i.e. Non en Netliste) */
List->Append( _( "Not in Netlist:" ) );
Module = (MODULE*) m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_Modules;
for( ; Module != NULL; Module = Module->Next() )
for( ii = 0; ii < NbModulesNetListe; ii++ )
if( Module->m_Reference->m_Text.CmpNoCase(
ModuleListFromNetlist[ii] ) == 0 )
break;/* Module trouve en netliste */
if( ii == NbModulesNetListe ) /* Module not found in netlist */
List->Append( Module->m_Reference->m_Text );
List->ShowModal(); List->Destroy();
int WinEDA_NetlistFrame::BuildListeNetModules( wxCommandEvent& event, wxArrayString& BufName )
* charge en BufName la liste des noms des modules de la netliste,
* retourne le nombre des modules cit<EFBFBD>s dans la netliste
int textlen;
int nb_modules_lus;
int State, LineNum, Comment;
char Line[1024], * Text, * LibModName;
if( !OpenNetlistFile( event ) )
return -1;
State = 0; LineNum = 0; Comment = 0;
nb_modules_lus = 0;
textlen = MAX_LEN_TXT;
while( GetLine( source, Line, &LineNum ) )
Text = StrPurge( Line );
if( Comment ) /* Commentaires en cours */
if( ( Text = strchr( Text, '}' ) ) == NULL )
Comment = 0;
if( *Text == '{' ) /* Commentaires */
Comment = 1;
if( ( Text = strchr( Text, '}' ) ) == NULL )
if( *Text == '(' )
if( *Text == ')' )
if( State == 2 )
int Error = 0;
if( strtok( Line, " ()\t\n" ) == NULL )
Error = 1; /* TimeStamp */
if( ( LibModName = strtok( NULL, " ()\t\n" ) ) == NULL )
Error = 1; /* nom Lib */
/* Lecture du nom (reference) du composant: */
if( ( Text = strtok( NULL, " ()\t\n" ) ) == NULL )
Error = 1;
BufName.Add( CONV_FROM_UTF8( Text ) );
if( State >= 3 )
State--; /* Lecture 1 ligne relative au Pad */
fclose( source );
return nb_modules_lus;
int WinEDA_NetlistFrame::ReadListeModules( const wxString* RefCmp, long TimeStamp,
wxString& NameModule )
* Lit le fichier .CMP donnant l'equivalence Modules / Composants
* Retourne:
* Si ce fichier existe:
* 1 et le nom module dans NameModule
* -1 si module non trouve en fichier
* sinon 0;
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
* parametres d'appel:
* RefCmp (NULL si selection par TimeStamp)
* TimeStamp (signature temporelle si elle existe, NULL sinon)
* pointeur sur le buffer recevant le nom du module
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
* Exemple de fichier:
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
* Cmp-Mod V01 Genere par PcbNew le 29/10/2003-13:11:6
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
* BeginCmp
* TimeStamp = 322D3011;
* Reference = BUS1;
* ValeurCmp = BUSPC;
* IdModule = BUS_PC;
* EndCmp
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
* BeginCmp
* TimeStamp = 32307DE2;
* Reference = C1;
* ValeurCmp = 47uF;
* IdModule = CP6;
* EndCmp
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
wxString CmpFullFileName;
wxString refcurrcmp, idmod;
char ia[1024];
int timestamp;
char* ptcar;
FILE* FichCmp;
if( (RefCmp == NULL) && (TimeStamp == 0) )
return 0;
CmpFullFileName = NetNameBuffer;
ChangeFileNameExt( CmpFullFileName, NetCmpExtBuffer );
FichCmp = wxFopen( CmpFullFileName, wxT( "rt" ) );
if( FichCmp == NULL )
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( _( "File <%s> not found, use Netlist for lib module selection" ),
CmpFullFileName.GetData() );
DisplayError( this, msg, 20 );
return 0;
while( fgets( ia, sizeof(ia), FichCmp ) != NULL )
if( strnicmp( ia, "BeginCmp", 8 ) != 0 )
/* Ici une description de 1 composant commence */
timestamp = -1;
while( fgets( ia, sizeof(ia), FichCmp ) != NULL )
if( strnicmp( ia, "EndCmp", 6 ) == 0 )
if( strnicmp( ia, "Reference =", 11 ) == 0 )
ptcar = ia + 11;
ptcar = strtok( ptcar, " =;\t\n" );
if( ptcar )
refcurrcmp = CONV_FROM_UTF8( ptcar );
if( strnicmp( ia, "IdModule =", 11 ) == 0 )
ptcar = ia + 11;
ptcar = strtok( ptcar, " =;\t\n" );
if( ptcar )
idmod = CONV_FROM_UTF8( ptcar );
if( strnicmp( ia, "TimeStamp =", 11 ) == 0 )
ptcar = ia + 11;
ptcar = strtok( ptcar, " =;\t\n" );
if( ptcar )
sscanf( ptcar, "%X", &timestamp );
/* Fin lecture 1 descr composant */
/* Test du Composant lu en fichier: est-il le bon */
if( RefCmp )
if( RefCmp->CmpNoCase( refcurrcmp ) == 0 )
fclose( FichCmp );
NameModule = idmod;
return 1;
else if( TimeStamp != -1 )
if( TimeStamp == timestamp )
fclose( FichCmp );
NameModule = idmod;
return 1;
fclose( FichCmp );
return -1;
void WinEDA_NetlistFrame::Set_NetlisteName( wxCommandEvent& event )
/* Selection un nouveau nom de netliste
* Affiche la liste des fichiers netlistes pour selection sur liste
wxString fullfilename, mask( wxT( "*" ) );
mask += NetExtBuffer;
fullfilename = EDA_FileSelector( _( "Netlist Selection:" ),
wxEmptyString, /* Chemin par defaut */
NetNameBuffer, /* nom fichier par defaut */
NetExtBuffer, /* extension par defaut */
mask, /* Masque d'affichage */
if( fullfilename.IsEmpty() )
NetNameBuffer = fullfilename;
SetTitle( fullfilename );
void WinEDA_NetlistFrame::AddToList( const wxString& NameLibCmp, const wxString& CmpName,
int TimeStamp, const wxString& path)
/* Fontion copiant en memoire de travail les caracteristiques
* des nouveaux modules
NewMod = new MODULEtoLOAD( NameLibCmp, CmpName, TimeStamp, path );
NewMod->Pnext = s_ModuleToLoad_List;
s_ModuleToLoad_List = NewMod;
void WinEDA_NetlistFrame::LoadListeModules( wxDC* DC )
/* Routine de chargement des nouveaux modules en une seule lecture des
* librairies
* Si un module vient d'etre charge il est duplique, ce qui evite une lecture
* inutile de la librairie
MODULEtoLOAD* ref, * cmp;
int ii;
MODULE* Module = NULL;
wxPoint OldPos = m_Parent->m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur;
if( s_NbNewModules == 0 )
SortListModulesToLoadByLibname( s_NbNewModules );
ref = cmp = s_ModuleToLoad_List;
// Calcul de la coordonn<6E>e de placement des modules:
if( m_Parent->SetBoardBoundaryBoxFromEdgesOnly() )
m_Parent->m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur.x = m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.GetRight() + 5000;
m_Parent->m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur.y = m_Parent->m_Pcb->m_BoundaryBox.GetBottom() +
m_Parent->m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur = wxPoint( 0, 0 );
for( ii = 0; ii < s_NbNewModules; ii++, cmp = cmp->Next() )
if( (ii == 0) || ( ref->m_LibName != cmp->m_LibName) )
{ /* Nouveau Module a charger */
Module = m_Parent->Get_Librairie_Module( this, wxEmptyString, cmp->m_LibName, FALSE );
ref = cmp;
if( Module == NULL )
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( _( "Component [%s]: footprint <%s> not found" ),
cmp->m_CmpName.GetData(), cmp->m_LibName.GetData() );
DisplayError( this, msg );
m_Parent->Place_Module( Module, DC );
/* mise a jour des reperes ( nom et ref "Time Stamp")
* si module charge */
Module->m_Reference->m_Text = cmp->m_CmpName;
Module->m_TimeStamp = cmp->m_TimeStamp;
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
Module->m_Path = cmp->m_Path;
/* module deja charge, on peut le dupliquer */
MODULE* newmodule;
if( Module == NULL )
continue; /* module non existant en libr */
newmodule = new MODULE( m_Parent->m_Pcb );
newmodule->Copy( Module );
newmodule->AddToChain( Module );
Module = newmodule;
Module->m_Reference->m_Text = cmp->m_CmpName;
Module->m_TimeStamp = cmp->m_TimeStamp;
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
Module->m_Path = cmp->m_Path;
m_Parent->m_CurrentScreen->m_Curseur = OldPos;
/* Routine utilisee par qsort pour le tri des modules a charger
static int SortByLibName( MODULEtoLOAD** ref, MODULEtoLOAD** cmp )
int ii = (*ref)->m_LibName.CmpNoCase( (*cmp)->m_LibName );
return ii;
void SortListModulesToLoadByLibname( int NbModules )
/* Rearrage la liste des modules List par ordre alphabetique des noms lib des modules
MODULEtoLOAD** base_list, * item;
int ii;
base_list = (MODULEtoLOAD**) MyMalloc( NbModules * sizeof(MODULEtoLOAD *) );
for( ii = 0, item = s_ModuleToLoad_List; ii < NbModules; ii++ )
base_list[ii] = item;
item = item->Next();
qsort( base_list, NbModules, sizeof(MODULEtoLOAD *),
( int( * ) ( const void*, const void* ) )SortByLibName );
// Reconstruction du chainage:
s_ModuleToLoad_List = *base_list;
for( ii = 0; ii < NbModules - 1; ii++ )
item = base_list[ii];
item->Pnext = base_list[ii + 1];
// Dernier item: Pnext = NULL:
item = base_list[ii];
item->Pnext = NULL;
free( base_list );
MODULEtoLOAD::MODULEtoLOAD( const wxString& libname, const wxString& cmpname,
int timestamp, const wxString& path ) : EDA_BaseStruct( TYPE_NOT_INIT )
m_LibName = libname;
m_CmpName = cmpname;
m_TimeStamp = timestamp;
2008-02-19 00:28:42 +00:00
m_Path = path;