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# KiCad python module for interpreting generic netlists which can be used
# to generate Bills of materials, etc.
# Remember these files use UTF8 encoding
# No string formatting is used on purpose as the only string formatting that
# is current compatible with python 2.4+ to 3.0+ is the '%' method, and that
# is due to be deprecated in 3.0+ soon
Helper module for interpreting generic netlist and build custom
bom generators or netlists in foreign format
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import xml.sax as sax
import re
import pdb
# excluded_fields is a list of regular expressions. If any one matches a field
# from either a component or a libpart, then that will not be included as a
# column in the BOM. Otherwise all columns from all used libparts and components
# will be unionized and will appear. Some fields are impossible to blacklist, such
# as Ref, Value, Footprint, and Datasheet. Additionally Qty and Item are supplied
# unconditionally as columns, and may not be removed.
excluded_fields = [
# You may exlude components from the BOM by either:
# 1) adding a custom field named "Installed" to your components and filling it
# with a value of "NU" (Normally Uninstalled).
# See netlist.getInterestingComponents(), or
# 2) blacklisting it in any of the three following lists:
# regular expressions which match component 'Reference' fields of components that
# are to be excluded from the BOM.
excluded_references = [
'TP[0-9]+' # all test points
# regular expressions which match component 'Value' fields of components that
# are to be excluded from the BOM.
excluded_values = [
# regular expressions which match component 'Footprint' fields of components that
# are to be excluded from the BOM.
excluded_footprints = [
class xmlElement():
"""xml element which can represent all nodes of the netlist tree. It can be
used to easily generate various output formats by propogating format
requests to children recursively.
def __init__(self, name, parent=None): = name
self.attributes = {}
self.parent = parent
self.chars = ""
self.children = []
def __str__(self):
"""String representation of this netlist element
return + "[" + self.chars + "]" + " attr_count:" + str(len(self.attributes))
def formatXML(self, nestLevel=0, amChild=False):
"""Return this element formatted as XML
nestLevel -- increases by one for each level of nesting.
amChild -- If set to True, the start of document is not returned.
s = ""
indent = ""
for i in range(nestLevel):
indent += " "
if not amChild:
s = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"
s += indent + "<" +
for a in self.attributes:
s += " " + a + "=\"" + self.attributes[a] + "\""
if (len(self.chars) == 0) and (len(self.children) == 0):
s += "/>"
s += ">" + self.chars
for c in self.children:
s += "\n"
s += c.formatXML(nestLevel+1, True)
if (len(self.children) > 0):
s += "\n" + indent
if (len(self.children) > 0) or (len(self.chars) > 0):
s += "</" + + ">"
return s
def formatHTML(self, amChild=False):
"""Return this element formatted as HTML
amChild -- If set to True, the start of document is not returned
s = ""
if not amChild:
s = """<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
s += "<tr><td><b>" + + "</b><br>" + self.chars + "</td><td><ul>"
for a in self.attributes:
s += "<li>" + a + " = " + self.attributes[a] + "</li>"
s += "</ul></td></tr>\n"
for c in self.children:
s += c.formatHTML(True)
if not amChild:
s += """</table>
return s
def addAttribute(self, attr, value):
"""Add an attribute to this element"""
if type(value) != str: value = value.encode('utf-8')
self.attributes[attr] = value
def setAttribute(self, attr, value):
"""Set an attributes value - in fact does the same thing as add
self.attributes[attr] = value
def setChars(self, chars):
"""Set the characters for this element"""
self.chars = chars
def addChars(self, chars):
"""Add characters (textual value) to this element"""
self.chars += chars
def addChild(self, child):
"""Add a child element to this element"""
return self.children[len(self.children) - 1]
def getParent(self):
"""Get the parent of this element (Could be None)"""
return self.parent
def getChild(self, name):
"""Returns the first child element named 'name'
name -- The name of the child element to return"""
for child in self.children:
if == name:
return child
return None
def getChildren(self, name=None):
if name:
# return _all_ children named "name"
ret = []
for child in self.children:
if == name:
return ret
return self.children
def get(self, elemName, attribute="", attrmatch=""):
"""Return the text data for either an attribute or an xmlElement
if ( == elemName):
if attribute != "":
if attrmatch != "":
if self.attributes[attribute] == attrmatch:
ret = self.chars
if type(ret) != str: ret = ret.encode('utf-8')
return ret
ret = self.attributes[attribute]
if type(ret) != str: ret = ret.encode('utf-8')
return ret
except AttributeError:
ret = ""
if type(ret) != str: ret = ret.encode('utf-8')
return ret
ret = self.chars
if type(ret) != str: ret = ret.encode('utf-8')
return ret
for child in self.children:
ret = child.get(elemName, attribute, attrmatch)
if ret != "":
if type(ret) != str: ret = ret.encode('utf-8')
return ret
ret = ""
if type(ret) != str: ret = ret.encode('utf-8')
return ret
class libpart():
"""Class for a library part, aka 'libpart' in the xml netlist file.
(Components in eeschema are instantiated from library parts.)
This part class is implemented by wrapping an xmlElement with accessors.
This xmlElement instance is held in field 'element'.
def __init__(self, xml_element):
self.element = xml_element
#def __str__(self):
# simply print the xmlElement associated with this part
#return str(self.element)
def getLibName(self):
return self.element.get("libpart", "lib")
def getPartName(self):
return self.element.get("libpart", "part")
def getDescription(self):
return self.element.get("description")
def getField(self, name):
return self.element.get("field", "name", name)
def getFieldNames(self):
"""Return a list of field names in play for this libpart.
fieldNames = []
fields = self.element.getChild('fields')
if fields:
for f in fields.getChildren():
fieldNames.append( f.get('field','name') )
return fieldNames
def getDatasheet(self):
return self.getField("Datasheet")
def getFootprint(self):
return self.getField("Footprint")
def getAliases(self):
"""Return a list of aliases or None"""
aliases = self.element.getChild("aliases")
if aliases:
ret = []
children = aliases.getChildren()
# grab the text out of each child:
for child in children:
ret.append( child.get("alias") )
return ret
return None
class comp():
"""Class for a component, aka 'comp' in the xml netlist file.
This component class is implemented by wrapping an xmlElement instance
with accessors. The xmlElement is held in field 'element'.
def __init__(self, xml_element):
self.element = xml_element
self.libpart = None
# Set to true when this component is included in a component group
self.grouped = False
def __eq__(self, other):
""" Equivalency operator, remember this can be easily overloaded
2 components are equivalent ( i.e. can be grouped
if they have same value and same footprint
Override the component equivalence operator must be done before
loading the netlist, otherwise all components will have the original
equivalency operator.
You have to define a comparison module (for instance named myEqu)
and add the line;
kicad_netlist_reader.comp.__eq__ = myEqu
in your bom generator script before calling the netliste reader by something like:
net = kicad_netlist_reader.netlist(sys.argv[1])
result = False
if self.getValue() == other.getValue():
if self.getFootprint() == other.getFootprint():
result = True
return result
def setLibPart(self, part):
self.libpart = part
def getLibPart(self):
return self.libpart
def getPartName(self):
return self.element.get("libsource", "part")
def getLibName(self):
return self.element.get("libsource", "lib")
def setValue(self, value):
"""Set the value of this component"""
v = self.element.getChild("value")
if v:
def getValue(self):
return self.element.get("value")
def getField(self, name, libraryToo=True):
"""Return the value of a field named name. The component is first
checked for the field, and then the components library part is checked
for the field. If the field doesn't exist in either, an empty string is
name -- The name of the field to return the value for
libraryToo -- look in the libpart's fields for the same name if not found
in component itself
field = self.element.get("field", "name", name)
if field == "" and libraryToo:
field = self.libpart.getField(name)
return field
def getFieldNames(self):
"""Return a list of field names in play for this component. Mandatory
fields are not included, and they are: Value, Footprint, Datasheet, Ref.
The netlist format only includes fields with non-empty values. So if a field
is empty, it will not be present in the returned list.
fieldNames = []
fields = self.element.getChild('fields')
if fields:
for f in fields.getChildren():
fieldNames.append( f.get('field','name') )
return fieldNames
def getRef(self):
return self.element.get("comp", "ref")
def getFootprint(self, libraryToo=True):
ret = self.element.get("footprint")
if ret =="" and libraryToo:
ret = self.libpart.getFootprint()
return ret
def getDatasheet(self, libraryToo=True):
ret = self.element.get("datasheet")
if ret == '' and libraryToo:
ret = self.libpart.getDatasheet()
return ret
def getTimestamp(self):
return self.element.get("tstamp")
def getDescription(self):
return self.libpart.getDescription()
class netlist():
""" Kicad generic netlist class. Generally loaded from a kicad generic
netlist file. Includes several helper functions to ease BOM creating
def __init__(self, fname=""):
"""Initialiser for the genericNetlist class
fname -- The name of the generic netlist file to open (Optional)
""" = None
self.components = []
self.libparts = []
self.libraries = []
self.nets = []
# The entire tree is loaded into self.tree
self.tree = []
self._curr_element = None
# component blacklist regexs, made from exluded_* above.
self.excluded_references = []
self.excluded_values = []
self.excluded_footprints = []
if fname != "":
def addChars(self, content):
"""Add characters to the current element"""
def addElement(self, name):
"""Add a new kicad generic element to the list"""
if self._curr_element == None:
self.tree = xmlElement(name)
self._curr_element = self.tree
self._curr_element = self._curr_element.addChild(
xmlElement(name, self._curr_element))
# If this element is a component, add it to the components list
if == "comp":
# Assign the design element
if == "design": = self._curr_element
# If this element is a library part, add it to the parts list
if == "libpart":
# If this element is a net, add it to the nets list
if == "net":
# If this element is a library, add it to the libraries list
if == "library":
return self._curr_element
def endDocument(self):
"""Called when the netlist document has been fully parsed"""
# When the document is complete, the library parts must be linked to
# the components as they are seperate in the tree so as not to
# duplicate library part information for every component
for c in self.components:
for p in self.libparts:
if p.getLibName() == c.getLibName():
if p.getPartName() == c.getPartName():
aliases = p.getAliases()
if aliases and self.aliasMatch( c.getPartName(), aliases ):
if not c.getLibPart():
print( 'missing libpart for ref:', c.getRef(), c.getPartName(), c.getLibName() )
def aliasMatch(self, partName, aliasList):
for alias in aliasList:
if partName == alias:
return True
return False
def endElement(self):
"""End the current element and switch to its parent"""
self._curr_element = self._curr_element.getParent()
def getDate(self):
"""Return the date + time string generated by the tree creation tool"""
def getSource(self):
"""Return the source string for the design"""
def getTool(self):
"""Return the tool string which was used to create the netlist tree"""
def gatherComponentFieldUnion(self, components=None):
"""Gather the complete 'set' of unique component fields, fields found in any component.
if not components:
s = set()
for c in components:
s.update( c.getFieldNames() )
# omit anything matching any regex in excluded_fields
ret = set()
for field in s:
exclude = False
for rex in excluded_fields:
if re.match( rex, field ):
exclude = True
if not exclude:
return ret # this is a python 'set'
def gatherLibPartFieldUnion(self):
"""Gather the complete 'set' of part fields, fields found in any part.
s = set()
for p in self.libparts:
s.update( p.getFieldNames() )
# omit anything matching any regex in excluded_fields
ret = set()
for field in s:
exclude = False
for rex in excluded_fields:
if re.match( rex, field ):
exclude = True
if not exclude:
return ret # this is a python 'set'
def getInterestingComponents(self):
"""Return a subset of all components, those that should show up in the BOM.
Omit those that should not, by consulting the blacklists:
excluded_values, excluded_refs, and excluded_footprints, which hold one
or more regular expressions. If any of the the regular expressions match
the corresponding field's value in a component, then the component is exluded.
# pre-compile all the regex expressions:
del self.excluded_references[:]
del self.excluded_values[:]
del self.excluded_footprints[:]
for rex in excluded_references:
self.excluded_references.append( re.compile( rex ) )
for rex in excluded_values:
self.excluded_values.append( re.compile( rex ) )
for rex in excluded_footprints:
self.excluded_footprints.append( re.compile( rex ) )
# the subset of components to return, considered as "interesting".
ret = []
# run each component thru a series of tests, if it passes all, then add it
# to the interesting list 'ret'.
for c in self.components:
exclude = False
if not exclude:
for refs in self.excluded_references:
if refs.match(c.getRef()):
exclude = True
if not exclude:
for vals in self.excluded_values:
if vals.match(c.getValue()):
exclude = True
if not exclude:
for mods in self.excluded_footprints:
if mods.match(c.getFootprint()):
exclude = True
if not exclude:
# This is a fairly personal way to flag DNS (Do Not Stuff). NU for
# me means Normally Uninstalled. You can 'or in' another expression here.
if c.getField( "Installed" ) == 'NU':
exclude = True
if not exclude:
# Sort first by ref as this makes for easier to read BOM's
def f(v):
return re.sub(r'([A-z]+)[0-9]+', r'\1', v) + '%08i' % int(re.sub(r'[A-z]+([0-9]+)', r'\1', v))
ret.sort(key=lambda g: f(g.getRef()))
return ret
def groupComponents(self, components = None):
"""Return a list of component lists. Components are grouped together
when the value, library and part identifiers match.
components -- is a list of components, typically an interesting subset
of all components, or None. If None, then all components are looked at.
if not components:
components = self.components
groups = []
# Make sure to start off will all components ungrouped to begin with
for c in components:
c.grouped = False
# Group components based on the value, library and part identifiers
for c in components:
if c.grouped == False:
c.grouped = True
newgroup = []
# Check every other ungrouped component against this component
# and add to the group as necessary
for ci in components:
if ci.grouped == False and ci == c:
ci.grouped = True
# Add the new component group to the groups list
# Each group is a list of components, we need to sort each list first
# to get them in order as this makes for easier to read BOM's
def f(v):
return re.sub(r'([A-z]+)[0-9]+', r'\1', v) + '%08i' % int(re.sub(r'[A-z]+([0-9]+)', r'\1', v))
for g in groups:
g = sorted(g, key=lambda g: f(g.getRef()))
# Finally, sort the groups to order the references alphabetically
groups = sorted(groups, key=lambda group: f(group[0].getRef()))
return groups
def getGroupField(self, group, field):
"""Return the whatever is known about the given field by consulting each
component in the group. If any of them know something about the property/field,
then return that first non-blank value.
for c in group:
ret = c.getField(field, False)
if ret != '':
return ret
return group[0].getLibPart().getField(field)
def getGroupFootprint(self, group):
"""Return the whatever is known about the Footprint by consulting each
component in the group. If any of them know something about the Footprint,
then return that first non-blank value.
for c in group:
ret = c.getFootprint()
if ret != "":
return ret
return group[0].getLibPart().getFootprint()
def getGroupDatasheet(self, group):
"""Return the whatever is known about the Datasheet by consulting each
component in the group. If any of them know something about the Datasheet,
then return that first non-blank value.
for c in group:
ret = c.getDatasheet()
if ret != "":
return ret
if len(group) > 0:
return group[0].getLibPart().getDatasheet()
return ''
def formatXML(self):
"""Return the whole netlist formatted in XML"""
return self.tree.formatXML()
def formatHTML(self):
"""Return the whole netlist formatted in HTML"""
return self.tree.formatHTML()
def load(self, fname):
"""Load a kicad generic netlist
fname -- The name of the generic netlist file to open
self._reader = sax.make_parser()
except IOError as e:
print( __file__, ":", e, file=sys.stderr )
class _gNetReader(sax.handler.ContentHandler):
"""SAX kicad generic netlist content handler - passes most of the work back
to the 'netlist' class which builds a complete tree in RAM for the design
def __init__(self, aParent):
self.parent = aParent
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
"""Start of a new XML element event"""
element = self.parent.addElement(name)
for name in attrs.getNames():
element.addAttribute(name, attrs.getValue(name))
def endElement(self, name):
def characters(self, content):
# Ignore erroneous white space - ignoreableWhitespace does not get rid
# of the need for this!
if not content.isspace():
def endDocument(self):
"""End of the XML document event"""