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/* EESchema: find.cpp (functions for seraching a schematic item */
2007-08-20 10:55:09 +00:00
* Search a text (text, value, reference) within a component or
* search a component in libraries, a marker ...,
* in current sheet or whole the project
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "program.h"
#include "libcmp.h"
#include "general.h"
/* Variables Locales */
static int s_ItemsCount, s_MarkerCount;
static wxString s_OldStringFound;
#include "dialog_find.cpp"
#include "protos.h"
void WinEDA_FindFrame::FindMarker( wxCommandEvent& event )
2007-08-20 10:55:09 +00:00
/* Search markers in whole hierarchy.
* Mouse cursor is put on the marker
* search the first marker, or next marker
int id = event.GetId();
if( id != FIND_NEXT_MARKER )
m_Parent->FindMarker( 0 );
m_Parent->FindMarker( 1 );
SCH_ITEM * WinEDA_SchematicFrame::FindComponentAndItem(
const wxString& component_reference, bool Find_in_hierarchy,
int SearchType,
const wxString& text_to_find,
bool mouseWarp )
* Function FindComponentAndItem
* finds a Component in the schematic, and an item in this component.
* @param component_reference The component reference to find.
* @param text_to_find The text to search for, either in value, reference or elsewhere.
* @param Find_in_hierarchy: false => Search is made in current sheet
* true => the whole hierarchy
* @param SearchType: 0 => find component
* 1 => find pin
* 2 => find ref
* 3 => find value
* >= 4 => unused (same as 0)
* @param mouseWarp If true, then move the mouse cursor to the item.
DrawSheetPath* sheet, * SheetWithComponentFound = NULL;
SCH_ITEM* DrawList = NULL;
2008-03-20 01:50:21 +00:00
wxSize DrawAreaSize = DrawPanel->GetClientSize();
wxPoint pos, curpos;
bool DoCenterAndRedraw = FALSE;
bool NotFound = true;
wxString msg;
LibDrawPin* pin;
EDA_SheetList SheetList;
sheet = SheetList.GetFirst();
if( !Find_in_hierarchy )
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
sheet = m_CurrentSheet;
for( ; sheet != NULL; sheet = SheetList.GetNext() )
DrawList = (SCH_ITEM*) sheet->LastDrawList();
for( ; (DrawList != NULL) && (NotFound == true); DrawList = DrawList->Next() )
2008-03-20 01:50:21 +00:00
if( DrawList->Type() == TYPE_SCH_COMPONENT )
2008-03-20 01:50:21 +00:00
pSch = (SCH_COMPONENT*) DrawList;
if( component_reference.CmpNoCase( pSch->GetRef(sheet) ) == 0 )
Component = pSch;
SheetWithComponentFound = sheet;
switch( SearchType )
case 0: // Find component only
NotFound = FALSE;
pos = pSch->m_Pos;
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
case 1: // find a pin
pos = pSch->m_Pos; // temporary: will be changed if the pin is found
pin = LocatePinByNumber( text_to_find, pSch );
if( pin == NULL )
NotFound = FALSE;
pos += pin->m_Pos;
case 2: // find reference
NotFound = FALSE;
pos = pSch->GetField( REFERENCE )->m_Pos;
case 3: // find value
pos = pSch->m_Pos;
if( text_to_find.CmpNoCase( pSch->GetField( VALUE )->m_Text ) != 0 )
NotFound = FALSE;
pos = pSch->GetField( VALUE )->m_Pos;
if( (Find_in_hierarchy == FALSE) || (NotFound == FALSE) )
if( Component )
sheet = SheetWithComponentFound;
if( sheet != GetSheet() )
sheet->LastScreen()->SetZoom( GetScreen()->GetZoom() );
*m_CurrentSheet = *sheet;
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
ActiveScreen = m_CurrentSheet->LastScreen();
DoCenterAndRedraw = TRUE;
wxPoint delta;
pos -= Component->m_Pos;
2009-01-02 13:19:34 +00:00
delta = TransformCoordinate( Component->m_Transform, pos);
pos = delta + Component->m_Pos;
wxPoint old_cursor_position = sheet->LastScreen()->m_Curseur;
sheet->LastScreen()->m_Curseur = pos;
curpos = DrawPanel->CursorScreenPosition();
&( GetScreen()->m_StartVisu.x ),
&( GetScreen()->m_StartVisu.y ));
// calcul des coord curseur avec origine = screen
2009-01-02 13:19:34 +00:00
curpos -= GetScreen()->m_StartVisu;
/* Il y a peut-etre necessite de recadrer le dessin: */
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
#define MARGIN 30
if( (curpos.x <= MARGIN) || (curpos.x >= DrawAreaSize.x - MARGIN)
|| (curpos.y <= MARGIN) || (curpos.y >= DrawAreaSize.y - MARGIN) )
DoCenterAndRedraw = true;;
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
#undef MARGIN
if ( DoCenterAndRedraw )
Recadre_Trace( mouseWarp );
wxClientDC dc( DrawPanel );
DrawPanel->PrepareGraphicContext( &dc );
EXCHG( old_cursor_position, sheet->LastScreen()->m_Curseur );
DrawPanel->CursorOff( &dc );
if( mouseWarp )
GRMouseWarp( DrawPanel, curpos );
EXCHG( old_cursor_position, sheet->LastScreen()->m_Curseur );
DrawPanel->CursorOn( &dc );
/* Print diaq */
wxString msg_item;
msg = component_reference;
switch( SearchType )
case 0:
break; // Find component only
case 1: // find a pin
msg_item = _( "Pin " ) + text_to_find;
case 2: // find reference
msg_item = _( "Ref " ) + text_to_find;
case 3: // find value
msg_item = _( "Value " ) + text_to_find;
case 4: // find field. todo
msg_item = _( "Field " ) + text_to_find;
if( Component )
if( !NotFound )
if( !msg_item.IsEmpty() )
msg += wxT( " " ) + msg_item;
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
msg += _( " found" );
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
msg += _( " found" );
if( !msg_item.IsEmpty() )
msg += wxT( " but " ) + msg_item + _( " not found" );
if( !msg_item.IsEmpty() )
msg += wxT( " " ) + msg_item;
msg += _( " not found" );
Affiche_Message( msg );
return DrawList;
SCH_ITEM * WinEDA_SchematicFrame::FindMarker( int SearchType )
/* Search markers in whole the hierarchy.
* Mouse cursor is put on the marker
* SearchType = 0: search the first marker, else search next marker
DrawSheetPath* sheet, * FirstSheet = NULL;
SCH_ITEM* DrawList, * FirstStruct = NULL, * Struct = NULL;
DrawMarkerStruct * Marker = NULL;
int StartCount;
bool NotFound;
wxPoint firstpos, pos;
wxSize DrawAreaSize = DrawPanel->GetClientSize();
wxPoint curpos, old_cursor_position;
bool DoCenterAndRedraw = FALSE;
wxString msg, WildText;
g_LastSearchIsMarker = TRUE;
/* Set s_MarkerCount to 0 if we are look for the first marker */
if( SearchType == 0 )
s_MarkerCount = 0;
EDA_SheetList SheetList;
NotFound = TRUE; StartCount = 0;
/* Search for s_MarkerCount markers */
for( sheet = SheetList.GetFirst(); sheet != NULL; sheet = SheetList.GetNext() )
DrawList = (SCH_ITEM*) sheet->LastDrawList();
while( DrawList && NotFound )
2007-09-01 12:00:30 +00:00
if( DrawList->Type() == DRAW_MARKER_STRUCT_TYPE )
Marker = (DrawMarkerStruct*) DrawList;
NotFound = FALSE;
pos = Marker->m_Pos;
if( FirstSheet == NULL ) /* First item found */
FirstSheet = sheet; firstpos = pos;
FirstStruct = DrawList;
if( s_MarkerCount >= StartCount )
NotFound = TRUE; /* Search for other markers */
else /* We have found s_MarkerCount markers -> Ok */
Struct = DrawList; s_MarkerCount++; break;
DrawList = DrawList->Next();
if( NotFound == FALSE )
if( NotFound && FirstSheet ) // markers are found, but we have reach the last marker */
{ // After the last marker, the first marker is used */
NotFound = FALSE; sheet = FirstSheet;
Struct = FirstStruct;
pos = firstpos; s_MarkerCount = 1;
if( NotFound == FALSE )
if( sheet != GetSheet() )
sheet->LastScreen()->SetZoom( GetScreen()->GetZoom() );
*m_CurrentSheet = *sheet;
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
ActiveScreen = m_CurrentSheet->LastScreen();
DoCenterAndRedraw = TRUE;
old_cursor_position = sheet->LastScreen()->m_Curseur;
sheet->LastScreen()->m_Curseur = pos;
curpos = DrawPanel->CursorScreenPosition();
// calcul des coord curseur avec origine = screen
DrawPanel->GetViewStart( &m_CurrentSheet->LastScreen()->m_StartVisu.x,
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
&m_CurrentSheet->LastScreen()->m_StartVisu.y );
curpos.x -= m_CurrentSheet->LastScreen()->m_StartVisu.x;
curpos.y -= m_CurrentSheet->LastScreen()->m_StartVisu.y;
// reposition the window if the chosen marker is off screen.
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
#define MARGIN 30
if( (curpos.x <= MARGIN) || (curpos.x >= DrawAreaSize.x - MARGIN)
|| (curpos.y <= MARGIN) || (curpos.y >= DrawAreaSize.y - MARGIN) )
DoCenterAndRedraw = true;;
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
#undef MARGIN
if( DoCenterAndRedraw )
Recadre_Trace( TRUE );
wxClientDC dc( DrawPanel );
DrawPanel->PrepareGraphicContext( &dc );
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
EXCHG( old_cursor_position, sheet->LastScreen()->m_Curseur );
DrawPanel->CursorOff( &dc );
GRMouseWarp( DrawPanel, curpos );
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
EXCHG( old_cursor_position, sheet->LastScreen()->m_Curseur );
DrawPanel->CursorOn( &dc );
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
wxString path = sheet->Path();
msg.Printf( _( "Marker %d found in %s" ), s_MarkerCount, path.GetData() );
Affiche_Message( msg );
Affiche_Message( wxEmptyString );
msg = _( "Marker Not Found" );
DisplayError( this, msg, 10 );
return Marker;
void WinEDA_FindFrame::FindSchematicItem( wxCommandEvent& event )
/* Find a string in schematic.
* Call to WinEDA_SchematicFrame::FindSchematicItem()
int id = event.GetId();
if( id == FIND_SHEET )
m_Parent->FindSchematicItem( m_NewTextCtrl->GetValue(), 0 );
else if( id == FIND_HIERARCHY )
m_Parent->FindSchematicItem( m_NewTextCtrl->GetValue(), 1 );
else if( id == FIND_NEXT )
m_Parent->FindSchematicItem( wxEmptyString, 2 );
SCH_ITEM* WinEDA_SchematicFrame::FindSchematicItem(
const wxString& pattern, int SearchType, bool mouseWarp )
* Function FindSchematicItem
* finds a string in the schematic.
* @param pattern The text to search for, either in value, reference or elsewhere.
* @param SearchType: 0 => Search is made in current sheet
* 1 => the whole hierarchy
* 2 => or for the next item
* @param mouseWarp If true, then move the mouse cursor to the item.
DrawSheetPath* Sheet, * FirstSheet = NULL;
SCH_ITEM* DrawList = NULL, * FirstStruct = NULL, * Struct = NULL;
2009-01-02 13:19:34 +00:00
int StartCount;
bool NotFound;
wxPoint firstpos, pos, old_cursor_position;
static int Find_in_hierarchy;
wxSize DrawAreaSize = DrawPanel->GetClientSize();
wxPoint curpos;
bool DoCenterAndRedraw = FALSE;
wxString msg, WildText;
g_LastSearchIsMarker = FALSE;
if( SearchType == 0 )
s_OldStringFound = pattern;
Find_in_hierarchy = FALSE;
if( SearchType == 1 )
s_OldStringFound = pattern;
Find_in_hierarchy = TRUE;
if( SearchType != 2 )
s_ItemsCount = 0;
WildText = s_OldStringFound;
NotFound = TRUE;
StartCount = 0;
EDA_SheetList SheetList;
Sheet = SheetList.GetFirst();
if( !Find_in_hierarchy )
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
Sheet = m_CurrentSheet;
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
for( ; Sheet != NULL; Sheet = SheetList.GetNext() )
DrawList = (SCH_ITEM*)Sheet->LastDrawList();
while( DrawList )
2007-09-01 12:00:30 +00:00
switch( DrawList->Type() )
2008-03-20 01:50:21 +00:00
pSch = (SCH_COMPONENT*) DrawList;
if( WildCompareString( WildText, pSch->GetRef(Sheet), FALSE ) )
NotFound = FALSE;
pos = pSch->GetField( REFERENCE )->m_Pos;
if( WildCompareString( WildText, pSch->GetField( VALUE )->m_Text, FALSE ) )
NotFound = FALSE;
pos = pSch->GetField( VALUE )->m_Pos;
2008-03-20 01:50:21 +00:00
SCH_TEXT * pDraw;
pDraw = (SCH_TEXT*) DrawList;
if( WildCompareString( WildText, pDraw->m_Text, FALSE ) )
NotFound = FALSE;
pos = pDraw->m_Pos;
if( NotFound == FALSE ) /* Item found ! */
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
if( FirstSheet == NULL ) /* First Item found */
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
FirstSheet = Sheet;
firstpos = pos;
FirstStruct = DrawList;
if( s_ItemsCount >= StartCount )
NotFound = TRUE; /* Continue recherche de l'element suivant */
Struct = DrawList;
if( NotFound == FALSE )
DrawList = DrawList->Next();
if( NotFound == FALSE )
if( Find_in_hierarchy == FALSE )
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
if( NotFound && FirstSheet )
NotFound = FALSE;
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
Sheet = FirstSheet;
Struct = FirstStruct;
pos = firstpos;
s_ItemsCount = 1;
if( NotFound == FALSE )
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
if( Sheet != GetSheet() )
Sheet->LastScreen()->SetZoom( GetScreen()->GetZoom() );
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
*m_CurrentSheet = *Sheet;
ActiveScreen = m_CurrentSheet->LastScreen();
DoCenterAndRedraw = TRUE;
2008-03-20 01:50:21 +00:00
/* the struct is a TYPE_SCH_COMPONENT type,
2007-09-15 04:25:54 +00:00
* coordinates must be computed according to its orientation matrix
2007-08-20 10:55:09 +00:00
2008-03-20 01:50:21 +00:00
if( Struct->Type() == TYPE_SCH_COMPONENT )
2008-03-20 01:50:21 +00:00
2009-01-02 13:19:34 +00:00
pos -= pSch->m_Pos;
pos = TransformCoordinate( pSch->m_Transform, pos );
pos += pSch->m_Pos;
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
old_cursor_position = Sheet->LastScreen()->m_Curseur;
Sheet->LastScreen()->m_Curseur = pos;
curpos = DrawPanel->CursorScreenPosition();
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
&( GetScreen()->m_StartVisu.x ),
&( GetScreen()->m_StartVisu.y ));
// calcul des coord curseur avec origine = screen
2009-01-02 13:19:34 +00:00
curpos -= m_CurrentSheet->LastScreen()->m_StartVisu;
/* Il y a peut-etre necessite de recadrer le dessin: */
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
#define MARGIN 30
if( (curpos.x <= MARGIN) || (curpos.x >= DrawAreaSize.x - MARGIN)
|| (curpos.y <= MARGIN) || (curpos.y >= DrawAreaSize.y - MARGIN) )
DoCenterAndRedraw = true;
if ( DoCenterAndRedraw )
Recadre_Trace( mouseWarp );
wxClientDC dc( DrawPanel );
DrawPanel->PrepareGraphicContext( &dc );
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
EXCHG( old_cursor_position, Sheet->LastScreen()->m_Curseur );
DrawPanel->CursorOff( &dc );
if( mouseWarp )
GRMouseWarp( DrawPanel, curpos );
EXCHG( old_cursor_position, Sheet->LastScreen()->m_Curseur );
DrawPanel->CursorOn( &dc );
2008-02-19 07:06:58 +00:00
msg = WildText + _( " Found in " ) + Sheet->Last()->m_SheetName;
Affiche_Message( msg );
Affiche_Message( wxEmptyString );
if( !mouseWarp )
// if called from RemoteCommand() don't popup the dialog which
// needs to be dismissed, user is in PCBNEW, and does'nt want to
// bother with dismissing the dialog in EESCHEMA.
msg = WildText + _( " Not Found" );
DisplayError( this, msg, 10 );
return DrawList;
void WinEDA_FindFrame::LocatePartInLibs( wxCommandEvent& event )
/* Recherche exhaustive d'un composant en librairies, meme non chargees
wxString Text, FindList;
const wxChar** ListNames;
LibraryStruct* Lib = NULL;
EDA_LibComponentStruct* LibEntry;
bool FoundInLib = FALSE; // True si reference trouvee ailleurs qu'en cache
Text = m_NewTextCtrl->GetValue();
if( Text.IsEmpty() )
Close(); return;
s_OldStringFound = Text;
int ii, nbitems, NumOfLibs = NumOfLibraries();
if( NumOfLibs == 0 )
DisplayError( this, _( "No libraries are loaded" ) );
Close(); return;
ListNames = GetLibNames();
nbitems = 0;
for( ii = 0; ii < NumOfLibs; ii++ ) /* Recherche de la librairie */
bool IsLibCache;
Lib = FindLibrary( ListNames[ii] );
if( Lib == NULL )
if( Lib->m_Name.Contains( wxT( ".cache" ) ) )
IsLibCache = TRUE;
IsLibCache = FALSE;
LibEntry = (EDA_LibComponentStruct*) PQFirst( &Lib->m_Entries, FALSE );
while( LibEntry )
if( WildCompareString( Text, LibEntry->m_Name.m_Text, FALSE ) )
if( !IsLibCache )
FoundInLib = TRUE;
if( !FindList.IsEmpty() )
FindList += wxT( "\n" );
FindList << _( "Found " )
+ LibEntry->m_Name.m_Text
+ _( " in lib " ) + Lib->m_Name;
LibEntry = (EDA_LibComponentStruct*) PQNext( Lib->m_Entries, LibEntry, NULL );
free( ListNames );
if( !FoundInLib )
if( nbitems )
FindList = wxT( "\n" ) + Text + _( " found only in cache" );
FindList = Text + _( " not found" );
FindList += _( "\nExplore All Libraries?" );
if( IsOK( this, FindList ) )
ExploreAllLibraries( Text, FindList );
if( FindList.IsEmpty() )
DisplayInfo( this, _( "Nothing found" ) );
DisplayInfo( this, FindList );
DisplayInfo( this, FindList );
int WinEDA_FindFrame::ExploreAllLibraries( const wxString& wildmask, wxString& FindList )
wxString FullFileName;
FILE* file;
int nbitems = 0, LineNum = 0;
char Line[2048], * name;
FullFileName = MakeFileName( g_RealLibDirBuffer, wxT( "*" ), g_LibExtBuffer );
FullFileName = wxFindFirstFile( FullFileName );
while( !FullFileName.IsEmpty() )
file = wxFopen( FullFileName, wxT( "rt" ) );
if( file == NULL )
while( GetLine( file, Line, &LineNum, sizeof(Line) ) )
if( strnicmp( Line, "DEF", 3 ) == 0 )
2007-09-15 04:25:54 +00:00
/* Read one DEF part from library: DEF 74LS00 U 0 30 Y Y 4 0 N */
strtok( Line, " \t\r\n" );
name = strtok( NULL, " \t\r\n" );
wxString st_name = CONV_FROM_UTF8( name );
if( WildCompareString( wildmask, st_name, FALSE ) )
if( !FindList.IsEmpty() )
FindList += wxT( "\n" );
FindList << _( "Found " ) << CONV_FROM_UTF8( name )
<< _( " in lib " ) << FullFileName;
else if( strnicmp( Line, "ALIAS", 5 ) == 0 )
2007-09-15 04:25:54 +00:00
/* Read one ALIAS part from library: ALIAS 74HC00 74HCT00 7400 74LS37 */
strtok( Line, " \t\r\n" );
while( ( name = strtok( NULL, " \t\r\n" ) ) != NULL )
wxString st_name = CONV_FROM_UTF8( name );
if( WildCompareString( wildmask, st_name, FALSE ) )
if( !FindList.IsEmpty() )
FindList += wxT( "\n" );
FindList << _( "Found " ) << CONV_FROM_UTF8( name )
<< _( " in lib " ) << FullFileName;
fclose( file );
FullFileName = wxFindNextFile();
return nbitems;