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// Copyright 2014 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "snapshot/annotation_snapshot.h"
#include "snapshot/memory_snapshot.h"
#include "util/misc/uuid.h"
#include "util/numeric/checked_range.h"
namespace crashpad {
class MemorySnapshot;
//! \brief Information describing a custom user data stream in a minidump.
class UserMinidumpStream {
//! \brief Constructs a UserMinidumpStream, takes ownership of \a memory.
UserMinidumpStream(uint32_t stream_type, MemorySnapshot* memory)
: memory_(memory), stream_type_(stream_type) {}
UserMinidumpStream(const UserMinidumpStream&) = delete;
UserMinidumpStream& operator=(const UserMinidumpStream&) = delete;
const MemorySnapshot* memory() const { return memory_.get(); }
uint32_t stream_type() const { return stream_type_; }
//! \brief The memory representing the custom minidump stream.
std::unique_ptr<MemorySnapshot> memory_;
//! \brief The stream type that the minidump stream will be tagged with.
uint32_t stream_type_;
//! \brief An abstract interface to a snapshot representing a code module
//! (binary image) loaded into a snapshot process.
class ModuleSnapshot {
virtual ~ModuleSnapshot() {}
//! \brief A modules type.
enum ModuleType {
//! \brief The modules type is unknown.
kModuleTypeUnknown = 0,
//! \brief The module is a main executable.
//! \brief The module is a shared library.
//! \sa kModuleTypeLoadableModule
//! \brief The module is a loadable module.
//! On some platforms, loadable modules are distinguished from shared
//! libraries. On these platforms, a shared library is a module that another
//! module links against directly, and a loadable module is not. Loadable
//! modules tend to be binary plug-ins.
//! \brief The module is a dynamic loader.
//! This is the module responsible for loading other modules. This is
//! normally `dyld` for macOS and `` for Linux and other systems using
//! ELF.
//! \brief Returns the modules pathname.
virtual std::string Name() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns the base address that the module is loaded at in the
//! snapshot process.
virtual uint64_t Address() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns the size that the module occupies in the snapshot process
//! address space, starting at its base address.
//! For macOS snapshots, this method only reports the size of the `__TEXT`
//! segment, because segments may not be loaded contiguously.
virtual uint64_t Size() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns the modules timestamp, if known.
//! The timestamp is typically the modification time of the file that provided
//! the module in `time_t` format, seconds since the POSIX epoch. If the
//! modules timestamp is unknown, this method returns `0`.
virtual time_t Timestamp() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns the modules file version in the \a version_* parameters.
//! If no file version can be determined, the \a version_* parameters are set
//! to `0`.
//! For macOS snapshots, this is taken from the modules `LC_ID_DYLIB` load
//! command for shared libraries, and is `0` for other module types.
virtual void FileVersion(uint16_t* version_0,
uint16_t* version_1,
uint16_t* version_2,
uint16_t* version_3) const = 0;
//! \brief Returns the modules source version in the \a version_* parameters.
//! If no source version can be determined, the \a version_* parameters are
//! set to `0`.
//! For macOS snapshots, this is taken from the modules `LC_SOURCE_VERSION`
//! load command.
virtual void SourceVersion(uint16_t* version_0,
uint16_t* version_1,
uint16_t* version_2,
uint16_t* version_3) const = 0;
//! \brief Returns the modules type.
virtual ModuleType GetModuleType() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns the modules UUID in the \a uuid parameter, and the age of
//! that UUID in \a age.
//! A snapshot modules UUID is taken directly from the module itself. If the
//! module does not have a UUID, the \a uuid parameter will be zeroed out.
//! \a age is the number of times the UUID has been reused. This occurs on
//! Windows with incremental linking. On other platforms \a age will always be
//! `0`.
//! \sa BuildID()
//! \sa DebugFileName()
virtual void UUIDAndAge(crashpad::UUID* uuid, uint32_t* age) const = 0;
//! \brief Returns the modules debug file info name.
//! On Windows, this references the PDB file, which contains symbol
//! information held separately from the module itself. On other platforms,
//! this is normally the basename of the module, because the debug info files
//! name is not relevant even in split-debug scenarios.
//! \sa UUIDAndAge()
virtual std::string DebugFileName() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns the modules build ID.
//! On ELF platforms, the build ID is a variable-length byte stream that
//! identifies a library uniquely, and is usually used to look up its debug
//! symbols when stored separately. This will return an empty vector if it is
//! unsupported.
//! BuildID() and UUIDAndAge() are never available in the same place. When
//! UUIDAndAge() is unavailable, it will be filled out with the contents of
//! BuildID() (either 0-padded or truncated) and age will be zero.
//! \sa UUIDAndAge()
virtual std::vector<uint8_t> BuildID() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns string annotations recorded in the module.
//! This method retrieves annotations recorded in a module. These annotations
//! are intended for diagnostic use, including crash analysis. A module may
//! contain multiple annotations, so they are returned in a vector.
//! For macOS snapshots, these annotations are found by interpreting the
//! modules `__DATA,__crash_info` section as `crashreporter_annotations_t`.
//! System libraries using the crash reporter client interface may reference
//! annotations in this structure. Additional annotations messages may be
//! found in other locations, which may be module-specific. The dynamic linker
//! (`dyld`) can provide an annotation at its `_error_string` symbol.
//! The annotations returned by this method do not duplicate those returned by
//! AnnotationsSimpleMap() or AnnotationObjects().
virtual std::vector<std::string> AnnotationsVector() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns key-value string annotations recorded in the module.
//! This method retrieves annotations recorded in a module. These annotations
//! are intended for diagnostic use, including crash analysis. “Simple
//! annotations” are structured as a sequence of key-value pairs, where all
//! keys and values are strings. These are referred to in Chrome as “crash
//! keys.”
//! For macOS snapshots, these annotations are found by interpreting the
//! `__DATA,crashpad_info` section as `CrashpadInfo`. Clients can use the
//! Crashpad client interface to store annotations in this structure. Most
//! annotations under the clients direct control will be retrievable by this
//! method. For clients such as Chrome, this includes the process type.
//! The annotations returned by this method do not duplicate those returned by
//! AnnotationsVector() or AnnotationObjects(). Additional annotations related
//! to the process, system, or snapshot producer may be obtained by calling
//! ProcessSnapshot::AnnotationsSimpleMap().
virtual std::map<std::string, std::string> AnnotationsSimpleMap() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns the typed annotation objects recorded in the module.
//! This method retrieves annotations recorded in a module. These annotations
//! are intended for diagnostic use, including crash analysis. Annotation
//! objects are strongly-typed name-value pairs. The names are not unique.
//! For macOS snapshots, these annotations are found by interpreting the
//! `__DATA,crashpad_info` section as `CrashpadInfo`. Clients can use the
//! Crashpad client interface to store annotations in this structure. Most
//! annotations under the clients direct control will be retrievable by this
//! method. For clients such as Chrome, this includes the process type.
//! The annotations returned by this method do not duplicate those returned by
//! AnnotationsVector() or AnnotationsSimpleMap().
virtual std::vector<AnnotationSnapshot> AnnotationObjects() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns a set of extra memory ranges specified in the module as
//! being desirable to include in the crash dump.
virtual std::set<CheckedRange<uint64_t>> ExtraMemoryRanges() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns a list of custom minidump stream specified in the module to
//! be included in the crash dump.
//! \return The caller does not take ownership of the returned objects, they
//! are scoped to the lifetime of the ModuleSnapshot object that they were
//! obtained from.
virtual std::vector<const UserMinidumpStream*> CustomMinidumpStreams()
const = 0;
} // namespace crashpad