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44 KiB
Raw Normal View History

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(xy 153.61475 151.47978)
(xy 153.674091 151.48616)
(xy 154.681908 151.486159)
(xy 154.74125 151.47978)
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(xy 154.990189 151.343849)
(xy 155.076051 151.229151)
(xy 155.12612 151.09491)
(xy 155.1325 151.035569)
(xy 155.132499 150.452752)
(xy 155.12612 150.39341)
(xy 155.076051 150.259169)
(xy 154.990189 150.144471)
(xy 154.875491 150.058609)
(xy 154.87549 150.058608)
(xy 154.741252 150.00854)
(xy 154.724295 150.006717)
(xy 154.681909 150.00216)
(xy 154.681904 150.00216)
(xy 153.674093 150.00216)
(xy 153.614748 150.00854)
(xy 153.480509 150.058608)
(xy 153.365811 150.144471)
(xy 153.279948 150.259169)
(xy 153.22988 150.393407)
(xy 153.22988 150.39341)
(xy 153.224593 150.442592)
(xy 153.2235 150.452755)
(xy 153.2235 151.035566)
(xy 150.622908 151.035566)
(xy 150.624 151.025409)
(xy 150.623999 150.442592)
(xy 150.61762 150.38325)
(xy 150.567551 150.249009)
(xy 150.481689 150.134311)
(xy 150.366991 150.048449)
(xy 150.36699 150.048448)
(xy 150.232752 149.99838)
(xy 150.215795 149.996557)
(xy 150.173409 149.992)
(xy 150.173404 149.992)
(xy 149.165593 149.992)
(xy 149.106248 149.99838)
(xy 148.972009 150.048448)
(xy 148.857311 150.134311)
(xy 148.771448 150.249009)
(xy 148.72138 150.383247)
(xy 148.715 150.442595)
(xy 148.715 151.025406)
(xy 147.843 151.025406)
(xy 147.842999 150.023934)
(xy 147.842999 150.023932)
(xy 147.828235 149.9497)
(xy 147.80957 149.921766)
(xy 147.771984 149.865516)
(xy 147.746356 149.848391)
(xy 147.71353 149.812172)
(xy 147.701651 149.76475)
(xy 147.71353 149.717328)
(xy 147.746356 149.681108)
(xy 147.771984 149.663984)
(xy 147.809049 149.608512)
(xy 153.654172 149.608512)
(xy 153.674142 149.610659)
(xy 154.68185 149.610659)
(xy 154.701825 149.608511)
(xy 154.178 149.084686)
(xy 153.654172 149.608512)
(xy 147.809049 149.608512)
(xy 147.815838 149.598352)
(xy 149.145672 149.598352)
(xy 149.165642 149.600499)
(xy 150.17335 149.600499)
(xy 150.193325 149.598351)
(xy 149.6695 149.074526)
(xy 149.145672 149.598352)
(xy 147.815838 149.598352)
(xy 147.828234 149.579801)
(xy 147.843 149.505567)
(xy 147.843 149.150351)
(xy 148.7155 149.150351)
(xy 148.721874 149.209643)
(xy 148.771893 149.34375)
(xy 148.856372 149.456599)
(xy 148.856373 149.456599)
(xy 149.453974 148.859)
(xy 149.885026 148.859)
(xy 150.482625 149.456599)
(xy 150.567107 149.343748)
(xy 150.617125 149.209644)
(xy 150.622407 149.160511)
(xy 153.224 149.160511)
(xy 153.230374 149.219803)
(xy 153.280393 149.35391)
(xy 153.364872 149.466759)
(xy 153.364873 149.466759)
(xy 153.962474 148.86916)
(xy 154.393526 148.86916)
(xy 154.991125 149.466759)
(xy 155.075607 149.353908)
(xy 155.125625 149.219804)
(xy 155.131999 149.160511)
(xy 155.131999 148.577808)
(xy 155.125625 148.518516)
(xy 155.075606 148.384411)
(xy 154.991125 148.271559)
(xy 154.393526 148.86916)
(xy 153.962474 148.86916)
(xy 153.364873 148.271559)
(xy 153.364872 148.271559)
(xy 153.280392 148.384411)
(xy 153.230374 148.518515)
(xy 153.224 148.577808)
(xy 153.224 149.160511)
(xy 150.622407 149.160511)
(xy 150.623499 149.150351)
(xy 150.623499 148.567648)
(xy 150.617125 148.508356)
(xy 150.567106 148.374251)
(xy 150.482625 148.261399)
(xy 149.885026 148.859)
(xy 149.453974 148.859)
(xy 148.856373 148.261399)
(xy 148.856372 148.261399)
(xy 148.771892 148.374251)
(xy 148.721874 148.508355)
(xy 148.7155 148.567648)
(xy 148.7155 149.150351)
(xy 147.843 149.150351)
(xy 147.842999 148.119647)
(xy 149.145673 148.119647)
(xy 149.669499 148.643473)
(xy 150.183165 148.129807)
(xy 153.654173 148.129807)
(xy 154.177999 148.653633)
(xy 154.701825 148.129807)
(xy 154.681851 148.12766)
(xy 153.674143 148.12766)
(xy 153.654173 148.129806)
(xy 153.654173 148.129807)
(xy 150.183165 148.129807)
(xy 150.193325 148.119647)
(xy 150.173351 148.1175)
(xy 149.165643 148.1175)
(xy 149.145673 148.119646)
(xy 149.145673 148.119647)
(xy 147.842999 148.119647)
(xy 147.842999 148.055434)
(xy 147.842999 148.055432)
(xy 147.828235 147.9812)
(xy 147.817015 147.964409)
(xy 147.771984 147.897016)
(xy 147.687801 147.840766)
(xy 147.613566 147.826)
(xy 146.613432 147.826)
(xy 146.5392 147.840764)
(xy 146.471805 147.885797)
(xy 146.455018 147.897015)
(xy 146.455015 147.897017)
(xy 146.398766 147.981198)
(xy 146.384 148.055433)
(xy 146.384 149.505567)
(xy 146.398764 149.579799)
(xy 146.41795 149.608512)
(xy 146.455016 149.663984)
(xy 146.48064 149.681106)
(xy 146.513469 149.717326)
(xy 146.525348 149.764747)
(xy 146.51347 149.81217)
(xy 146.480641 149.848393)
(xy 146.455016 149.865515)
(xy 146.398766 149.949698)
(xy 146.384 150.023933)
(xy 146.384 151.474067)
(xy 145.843 151.474067)
(xy 145.842999 150.023934)
(xy 145.842999 150.023932)
(xy 145.828235 149.9497)
(xy 145.80957 149.921766)
(xy 145.771984 149.865516)
(xy 145.746356 149.848391)
(xy 145.71353 149.812172)
(xy 145.701651 149.76475)
(xy 145.71353 149.717328)
(xy 145.746356 149.681108)
(xy 145.771984 149.663984)
(xy 145.828234 149.579801)
(xy 145.843 149.505567)
(xy 145.842999 148.055434)
(xy 145.842999 148.055432)
(xy 145.828235 147.9812)
(xy 145.817015 147.964409)
(xy 145.771984 147.897016)
(xy 145.687801 147.840766)
(xy 145.613566 147.826)
(xy 144.613432 147.826)
(xy 144.5392 147.840764)
(xy 144.471805 147.885797)
(xy 144.455018 147.897015)
(xy 144.455015 147.897017)
(xy 144.398766 147.981198)
(xy 144.384 148.055433)
(xy 144.384 149.505567)
(xy 144.398764 149.579799)
(xy 144.41795 149.608512)
(xy 144.455016 149.663984)
(xy 144.48064 149.681106)
(xy 144.513469 149.717326)
(xy 144.525348 149.764747)
(xy 144.51347 149.81217)
(xy 144.480641 149.848393)
(xy 144.455016 149.865515)
(xy 144.398766 149.949698)
(xy 144.384 150.023933)
(xy 144.384 151.474067)
(xy 143.457357 151.474067)
(xy 143.457357 145.317667)
(xy 143.470835 145.267367)
(xy 143.507657 145.230545)
(xy 143.557957 145.217067)
(xy 156.935008 145.217067)