
510 lines
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* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2016 Jean-Pierre Charras, jp.charras at
* Copyright (C) 2004-2017 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file eda_text.cpp
* @brief Implementation of base KiCad text object.
#include <eda_text.h>
#include <gr_text.h>
2018-01-29 10:37:29 +00:00
#include <eda_rect.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include <trigo.h> // RotatePoint
#include <basic_gal.h>
#include <base_units.h>
#include <convert_to_biu.h>
EDA_TEXT::EDA_TEXT( const wxString& text ) :
m_Text( text ),
m_e( 1<<TE_VISIBLE )
int sz = Mils2iu( DEFAULT_SIZE_TEXT );
SetTextSize( wxSize( sz, sz ) );
m_shown_text = UnescapeString( text );
2019-05-08 18:56:03 +00:00
EDA_TEXT::EDA_TEXT( const EDA_TEXT& aText ) :
m_Text( aText.m_Text ),
m_e( aText.m_e )
m_shown_text = UnescapeString( m_Text );
void EDA_TEXT::SetText( const wxString& aText )
m_Text = aText;
m_shown_text = UnescapeString( aText );
void EDA_TEXT::SetEffects( const EDA_TEXT& aSrc )
m_e = aSrc.m_e;
void EDA_TEXT::SwapEffects( EDA_TEXT& aTradingPartner )
std::swap( m_e, aTradingPartner.m_e );
int EDA_TEXT::LenSize( const wxString& aLine, int aThickness ) const
basic_gal.SetFontItalic( IsItalic() );
basic_gal.SetFontBold( IsBold() );
basic_gal.SetLineWidth( aThickness );
basic_gal.SetGlyphSize( VECTOR2D( GetTextSize() ) );
VECTOR2D tsize = basic_gal.GetTextLineSize( aLine );
return KiROUND( tsize.x );
wxString EDA_TEXT::ShortenedShownText() const
wxString tmp = GetShownText();
tmp.Replace( wxT( "\n" ), wxT( " " ) );
tmp.Replace( wxT( "\r" ), wxT( " " ) );
tmp.Replace( wxT( "\t" ), wxT( " " ) );
if( tmp.Length() > 15 )
tmp = tmp.Left( 12 ) + wxT( "..." );
return tmp;
int EDA_TEXT::GetInterline( int aTextThickness ) const
int thickness = aTextThickness <= 0 ? GetThickness() : aTextThickness;
return KiROUND( KIGFX::STROKE_FONT::GetInterline( GetTextHeight(), thickness ) );
EDA_RECT EDA_TEXT::GetTextBox( int aLine, int aThickness, bool aInvertY ) const
EDA_RECT rect;
wxArrayString strings;
wxString text = GetShownText();
int thickness = ( aThickness < 0 ) ? GetThickness() : aThickness;
int linecount = 1;
bool hasOverBar = false; // true if the first line of text as an overbar
if( IsMultilineAllowed() )
wxStringSplit( text, strings, '\n' );
if( strings.GetCount() ) // GetCount() == 0 for void strings
if( aLine >= 0 && (aLine < (int)strings.GetCount()) )
text = strings.Item( aLine );
text = strings.Item( 0 );
linecount = strings.GetCount();
// Search for overbar symbol. Only text is scanned,
// because only this line can change the bounding box
for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < text.size(); ii++ )
if( text[ii-1] == '~' && text[ii] != '~' )
hasOverBar = true;
// calculate the H and V size
int dx = KiROUND( basic_gal.GetStrokeFont().ComputeStringBoundaryLimits(
text, VECTOR2D( GetTextSize() ), double( thickness ) ).x );
int dy = GetInterline( thickness );
// Creates bounding box (rectangle) for an horizontal
// and left and top justified text. the bounding box will be moved later
// according to the actual text options
wxSize textsize = wxSize( dx, dy );
wxPoint pos = GetTextPos();
if( aInvertY )
pos.y = -pos.y;
rect.SetOrigin( pos );
// The bbox vertical size returned by GetInterline( aThickness )
// includes letters like j and y and ] + interval between lines.
// The interval below the last line is not usefull, and we can use its half value
// as vertical margin above the text
// the full interval is roughly GetTextHeight() * 0.4 - aThickness/2
rect.Move( wxPoint( 0, thickness/4 - KiROUND( GetTextHeight() * 0.22 ) ) );
if( hasOverBar )
{ // A overbar adds an extra size to the text
// Height from the base line text of chars like [ or {
double curr_height = GetTextHeight() * 1.15;
int extra_height = KiROUND(
basic_gal.GetStrokeFont().ComputeOverbarVerticalPosition( GetTextHeight(), thickness ) - curr_height );
extra_height += thickness/2;
textsize.y += extra_height;
rect.Move( wxPoint( 0, -extra_height ) );
// for multiline texts and aLine < 0, merge all rectangles
// ( if aLine < 0, we want the full text bounding box )
if( IsMultilineAllowed() && aLine < 0 )
for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < strings.GetCount(); ii++ )
text = strings.Item( ii );
dx = KiROUND( basic_gal.GetStrokeFont().ComputeStringBoundaryLimits(
text, VECTOR2D( GetTextSize() ), double( thickness ) ).x );
textsize.x = std::max( textsize.x, dx );
textsize.y += dy;
rect.SetSize( textsize );
/* Now, calculate the rect origin, according to text justification
* At this point the rectangle origin is the text origin (m_Pos).
* This is true only for left and top text justified texts (using top to bottom Y axis
* orientation). and must be recalculated for others justifications
* also, note the V justification is relative to the first line
switch( GetHorizJustify() )
if( IsMirrored() )
rect.SetX( rect.GetX() - rect.GetWidth() );
rect.SetX( rect.GetX() - (rect.GetWidth() / 2) );
if( !IsMirrored() )
rect.SetX( rect.GetX() - rect.GetWidth() );
dy = GetTextHeight() + thickness;
switch( GetVertJustify() )
rect.SetY( rect.GetY() - ( dy / 2) );
rect.SetY( rect.GetY() - dy );
if( linecount > 1 )
int yoffset;
linecount -= 1;
switch( GetVertJustify() )
yoffset = linecount * GetInterline() / 2;
rect.SetY( rect.GetY() - yoffset );
yoffset = linecount * GetInterline( aThickness );
rect.SetY( rect.GetY() - yoffset );
rect.Normalize(); // Make h and v sizes always >= 0
return rect;
bool EDA_TEXT::TextHitTest( const wxPoint& aPoint, int aAccuracy ) const
EDA_RECT rect = GetTextBox( -1 ); // Get the full text area.
wxPoint location = aPoint;
rect.Inflate( aAccuracy );
RotatePoint( &location, GetTextPos(), -GetTextAngle() );
return rect.Contains( location );
bool EDA_TEXT::TextHitTest( const EDA_RECT& aRect, bool aContains, int aAccuracy ) const
EDA_RECT rect = aRect;
rect.Inflate( aAccuracy );
if( aContains )
return rect.Contains( GetTextBox( -1 ) );
2017-05-06 07:05:05 +00:00
return rect.Intersects( GetTextBox( -1 ), GetTextAngle() );
void EDA_TEXT::Print( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aOffset, COLOR4D aColor, EDA_DRAW_MODE_T aFillMode )
if( IsMultilineAllowed() )
std::vector<wxPoint> positions;
wxArrayString strings;
wxStringSplit( GetShownText(), strings, '\n' );
positions.reserve( strings.Count() );
GetPositionsOfLinesOfMultilineText( positions, strings.Count() );
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < strings.Count(); ii++ )
wxString& txt = strings.Item( ii );
printOneLineOfText( aDC, aOffset, aColor, aFillMode, txt, positions[ii] );
printOneLineOfText( aDC, aOffset, aColor, aFillMode, GetShownText(), GetTextPos() );
void EDA_TEXT::GetPositionsOfLinesOfMultilineText(
std::vector<wxPoint>& aPositions, int aLineCount ) const
wxPoint pos = GetTextPos(); // Position of first line of the
// multiline text according to
// the center of the multiline text block
wxPoint offset; // Offset to next line.
offset.y = GetInterline();
if( aLineCount > 1 )
switch( GetVertJustify() )
pos.y -= ( aLineCount - 1 ) * offset.y / 2;
pos.y -= ( aLineCount - 1 ) * offset.y;
// Rotate the position of the first line
// around the center of the multiline text block
RotatePoint( &pos, GetTextPos(), GetTextAngle() );
// Rotate the offset lines to increase happened in the right direction
RotatePoint( &offset, GetTextAngle() );
for( int ii = 0; ii < aLineCount; ii++ )
aPositions.push_back( pos );
pos += offset;
void EDA_TEXT::printOneLineOfText( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aOffset, COLOR4D aColor,
EDA_DRAW_MODE_T aFillMode, const wxString& aText,
const wxPoint &aPos )
int width = GetThickness();
if( aFillMode == SKETCH )
width = -width;
wxSize size = GetTextSize();
if( IsMirrored() )
size.x = -size.x;
GRText( aDC, aOffset + aPos, aColor, aText, GetTextAngle(), size, GetHorizJustify(),
GetVertJustify(), width, IsItalic(), IsBold() );
wxString EDA_TEXT::GetTextStyleName()
int style = 0;
if( IsItalic() )
style = 1;
if( IsBold() )
style += 2;
wxString stylemsg[4] = {
return stylemsg[style];
bool EDA_TEXT::IsDefaultFormatting() const
return ( IsVisible()
&& !IsMirrored()
&& GetHorizJustify() == GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER
&& GetVertJustify() == GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER
&& GetThickness() == 0
&& !IsItalic()
&& !IsBold()
&& !IsMultilineAllowed()
void EDA_TEXT::Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* aFormatter, int aNestLevel, int aControlBits ) const
#ifndef GERBVIEW // Gerbview does not use EDA_TEXT::Format
// and does not define FormatInternalUnits, used here
// however this function should exist
aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel + 1, "(effects" );
// Text size
aFormatter->Print( 0, " (font" );
aFormatter->Print( 0, " (size %s %s)",
FormatInternalUnits( GetTextHeight() ).c_str(),
FormatInternalUnits( GetTextWidth() ).c_str() );
if( GetThickness() )
aFormatter->Print( 0, " (thickness %s)", FormatInternalUnits( GetThickness() ).c_str() );
if( IsBold() )
aFormatter->Print( 0, " bold" );
if( IsItalic() )
aFormatter->Print( 0, " italic" );
aFormatter->Print( 0, ")"); // (font
if( IsMirrored() ||
GetHorizJustify() != GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER ||
aFormatter->Print( 0, " (justify");
if( GetHorizJustify() != GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER )
aFormatter->Print( 0, (GetHorizJustify() == GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT) ? " left" : " right" );
if( GetVertJustify() != GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER )
aFormatter->Print( 0, (GetVertJustify() == GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP) ? " top" : " bottom" );
if( IsMirrored() )
aFormatter->Print( 0, " mirror" );
aFormatter->Print( 0, ")" ); // (justify
if( !(aControlBits & CTL_OMIT_HIDE) && !IsVisible() )
aFormatter->Print( 0, " hide" );
aFormatter->Print( 0, ")\n" ); // (justify
// Convert the text shape to a list of segment
// each segment is stored as 2 wxPoints: its starting point and its ending point
// we are using GRText to create the segments and therefore a call-back function is needed
// This is a call back function, used by GRText to put each segment in buffer
static void addTextSegmToBuffer( int x0, int y0, int xf, int yf, void* aData )
std::vector<wxPoint>* cornerBuffer = static_cast<std::vector<wxPoint>*>( aData );
cornerBuffer->push_back( wxPoint( x0, y0 ) );
cornerBuffer->push_back( wxPoint( xf, yf ) );
void EDA_TEXT::TransformTextShapeToSegmentList( std::vector<wxPoint>& aCornerBuffer ) const
wxSize size = GetTextSize();
if( IsMirrored() )
size.x = -size.x;
COLOR4D color = COLOR4D::BLACK; // not actually used, but needed by GRText
if( IsMultilineAllowed() )
wxArrayString strings_list;
wxStringSplit( GetShownText(), strings_list, wxChar('\n') );
std::vector<wxPoint> positions;
positions.reserve( strings_list.Count() );
GetPositionsOfLinesOfMultilineText( positions,strings_list.Count() );
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < strings_list.Count(); ii++ )
wxString txt = strings_list.Item( ii );
GRText( NULL, positions[ii], color, txt, GetTextAngle(), size, GetHorizJustify(),
GetVertJustify(), GetThickness(), IsItalic(), true, addTextSegmToBuffer,
&aCornerBuffer );
GRText( NULL, GetTextPos(), color, GetText(), GetTextAngle(), size, GetHorizJustify(),
GetVertJustify(), GetThickness(), IsItalic(), true, addTextSegmToBuffer,
&aCornerBuffer );