2007-06-05 12:10:51 +00:00
/* Edition des pistes: Routines d'effacement */
/* Effacement de segment, piste, net et zone */
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "pcbnew.h"
#include "protos.h"
/* Routines Locales */
/* Variables locales */
TRACK * WinEDA_PcbFrame::Delete_Segment(wxDC * DC, TRACK *Track)
/* Supprime 1 segment de piste.
2 Cas possibles:
Si On est en trace de nouvelle piste: Effacement du segment en
cours de trace
Sinon : Effacment du segment sous le curseur.
int current_net_code;
if ( Track == NULL ) return NULL;
if(Track->m_Flags & IS_NEW) // Trace en cours, on peut effacer le dernier segment
if(g_TrackSegmentCount > 0 )
int previous_layer = GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer;
// effacement de la piste en cours
ShowNewTrackWhenMovingCursor(DrawPanel, DC, FALSE);
// modification du trace
Track = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
g_CurrentTrackSegment = (TRACK*) g_CurrentTrackSegment->Pback;
delete Track;
if ( g_TwoSegmentTrackBuild )
{ // g_CurrentTrackSegment->Pback must not be a via, or we want delete also the via
if ( (g_TrackSegmentCount >= 2) &&
(g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_StructType != TYPEVIA) &&
(g_CurrentTrackSegment->Pback->m_StructType == TYPEVIA) )
Track = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
g_CurrentTrackSegment = (TRACK*) g_CurrentTrackSegment->Pback;
delete Track;
while( g_TrackSegmentCount && g_CurrentTrackSegment &&
(g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_StructType == TYPEVIA) )
Track = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
g_CurrentTrackSegment = (TRACK*) g_CurrentTrackSegment->Pback;
delete Track;
if (g_CurrentTrackSegment && (g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_StructType != TYPEVIA) )
previous_layer = g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_Layer;
if( g_CurrentTrackSegment ) g_CurrentTrackSegment->Pnext = NULL;
// Rectification couche active qui a pu changer si une via
// a ete effacee
GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer = previous_layer;
if ( g_TwoSegmentTrackBuild ) // We must have 2 segments or more, or 0
if( ( g_TrackSegmentCount == 1 ) &&
(g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_StructType != TYPEVIA) )
delete g_CurrentTrackSegment;
g_TrackSegmentCount = 0;
if(g_TrackSegmentCount == 0 )
DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = NULL;
DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur = NULL;
if(g_HightLigt_Status) Hight_Light(DC);
g_CurrentTrackSegment = NULL;
g_FirstTrackSegment = NULL;
GetScreen()->m_CurrentItem = NULL;
return NULL;
DrawPanel->ManageCurseur(DrawPanel, DC, FALSE);
return g_CurrentTrackSegment;
return NULL;
} // Fin traitement si trace en cours
current_net_code = Track->m_NetCode;
Track->Draw(DrawPanel, DC, GR_XOR) ;
SaveItemEfface( Track, 1);
test_1_net_connexion(DC, current_net_code);
return NULL;
void WinEDA_PcbFrame::Delete_Track(wxDC * DC, TRACK *Track)
if( Track != NULL )
int current_net_code = Track->m_NetCode;
Supprime_Une_Piste(DC, Track) ;
test_1_net_connexion(DC, current_net_code);
void WinEDA_PcbFrame::Delete_net(wxDC * DC, TRACK *Track)
TRACK *pt_segm, * pt_start;
int ii ;
int net_code_delete;
pt_segm = Track;
if ( pt_segm == NULL ) return;
if ( IsOK(this, _("Delete NET ?") ) )
net_code_delete = pt_segm->m_NetCode;
/* Recherche du debut de la zone des pistes du net_code courant */
pt_start = m_Pcb->m_Track->GetStartNetCode(net_code_delete);
/* Decompte du nombre de segments de la sous-chaine */
pt_segm = pt_start;
for ( ii = 0 ; pt_segm != NULL; pt_segm = (TRACK*)pt_segm->Pnext )
if( pt_segm->m_NetCode != net_code_delete ) break;
Trace_Une_Piste(DrawPanel, DC, pt_start,ii,GR_XOR);
SaveItemEfface( pt_start, ii);
test_1_net_connexion(DC, net_code_delete);
void WinEDA_PcbFrame::Supprime_Une_Piste(wxDC * DC, TRACK* pt_segm)
/* Routine de suppression de 1 piste:
le segment pointe est supprime puis les segments adjacents
jusqu'a un pad ou un point de jonction de plus de 2 segments
TRACK * pt_track, * Struct;
int ii, nb_segm;
if (pt_segm == NULL ) return ;
pt_track = Marque_Une_Piste(this, DC, pt_segm,
& nb_segm, GR_OR | GR_SURBRILL);
if(nb_segm) /* Il y a nb_segm segments de piste a effacer */
Trace_Une_Piste(DrawPanel, DC, pt_track,nb_segm,GR_XOR | GR_SURBRILL);
/* Effacement flag BUSY */
Struct = pt_track; ii = 0;
for ( ; ii < nb_segm; ii++, Struct = (TRACK*) Struct->Pnext )
SaveItemEfface( pt_track, nb_segm);