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// Copyright 2015 The Crashpad Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "util/file/file_io.h"
#include "util/file/file_reader.h"
#include "util/file/file_writer.h"
#include "util/file/scoped_remove_file.h"
#include "util/misc/metrics.h"
#include "util/misc/uuid.h"
namespace crashpad {
class Settings;
//! \brief An interface for managing a collection of crash report files and
//! metadata associated with the crash reports.
//! All Report objects that are returned by this class are logically const.
//! They are snapshots of the database at the time the query was run, and the
//! data returned is liable to change after the query is executed.
//! The lifecycle of a crash report has three stages:
//! 1. New: A crash report is created with PrepareNewCrashReport(), the
//! the client then writes the report, and then calls
//! FinishedWritingCrashReport() to make the report Pending.
//! 2. Pending: The report has been written but has not been locally
//! processed, or it was has been brought back from 'Completed' state by
//! user request.
//! 3. Completed: The report has been locally processed, either by uploading
//! it to a collection server and calling RecordUploadComplete(), or by
//! calling SkipReportUpload().
class CrashReportDatabase {
//! \brief A crash report record.
//! This represents the metadata for a crash report, as well as the location
//! of the report itself. A CrashReportDatabase maintains at least this
//! information.
struct Report {
//! A unique identifier by which this report will always be known to the
//! database.
UUID uuid;
//! The current location of the crash report on the clients filesystem.
//! The location of a crash report may change over time, so the UUID should
//! be used as the canonical identifier.
base::FilePath file_path;
//! An identifier issued to this crash report by a collection server.
std::string id;
//! The time at which the report was generated.
time_t creation_time;
//! Whether this crash report was successfully uploaded to a collection
//! server.
bool uploaded;
//! The last timestamp at which an attempt was made to submit this crash
//! report to a collection server. If this is zero, then the report has
//! never been uploaded. If #uploaded is true, then this timestamp is the
//! time at which the report was uploaded, and no other attempts to upload
//! this report will be made.
time_t last_upload_attempt_time;
//! The number of times an attempt was made to submit this report to
//! a collection server. If this is more than zero, then
//! #last_upload_attempt_time will be set to the timestamp of the most
//! recent attempt.
int upload_attempts;
//! Whether this crash report was explicitly requested by user to be
//! uploaded. This can be true only if report is in the 'pending' state.
bool upload_explicitly_requested;
//! The total size in bytes taken by the report, including any potential
//! attachments.
uint64_t total_size;
//! \brief A crash report that is in the process of being written.
//! An instance of this class should be created via PrepareNewCrashReport().
class NewReport {
NewReport(const NewReport&) = delete;
NewReport& operator=(const NewReport&) = delete;
//! \brief An open FileWriter with which to write the report.
FileWriter* Writer() const { return writer_.get(); }
//! \brief Returns a FileReaderInterface to the report, or `nullptr` with a
//! message logged.
FileReaderInterface* Reader();
//! A unique identifier by which this report will always be known to the
//! database.
const UUID& ReportID() const { return uuid_; }
//! \brief Adds an attachment to the report.
//! \param[in] name The key and name for the attachment, which will be
//! included in the http upload. The attachment will not appear in the
//! minidump report. \a name should only use characters from the set
//! `[a-zA-Z0-9._-]`.
//! \return A FileWriter that the caller should use to write the contents of
//! the attachment, or `nullptr` on failure with an error logged.
FileWriter* AddAttachment(const std::string& name);
friend class CrashReportDatabaseGeneric;
friend class CrashReportDatabaseMac;
friend class CrashReportDatabaseWin;
bool Initialize(CrashReportDatabase* database,
const base::FilePath& directory,
const base::FilePath::StringType& extension);
std::unique_ptr<FileWriter> writer_;
std::unique_ptr<FileReader> reader_;
ScopedRemoveFile file_remover_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FileWriter>> attachment_writers_;
std::vector<ScopedRemoveFile> attachment_removers_;
UUID uuid_;
CrashReportDatabase* database_;
//! \brief A crash report that is in the process of being uploaded.
//! An instance of this class should be created via GetReportForUploading().
class UploadReport : public Report {
UploadReport(const UploadReport&) = delete;
UploadReport& operator=(const UploadReport&) = delete;
virtual ~UploadReport();
//! \brief An open FileReader with which to read the report.
FileReader* Reader() const { return reader_.get(); }
//! \brief Obtains a mapping of names to file readers for any attachments
//! for the report.
std::map<std::string, FileReader*> GetAttachments() const {
return attachment_map_;
friend class CrashReportDatabase;
friend class CrashReportDatabaseGeneric;
friend class CrashReportDatabaseMac;
friend class CrashReportDatabaseWin;
bool Initialize(const base::FilePath& path, CrashReportDatabase* database);
void InitializeAttachments();
std::unique_ptr<FileReader> reader_;
CrashReportDatabase* database_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FileReader>> attachment_readers_;
std::map<std::string, FileReader*> attachment_map_;
bool report_metrics_;
//! \brief The result code for operations performed on a database.
enum OperationStatus {
//! \brief No error occurred.
kNoError = 0,
//! \brief The report that was requested could not be located.
//! This may occur when the report is present in the database but not in a
//! state appropriate for the requested operation, for example, if
//! GetReportForUploading() is called to obtain report thats already in the
//! completed state.
//! \brief An error occured while performing a file operation on a crash
//! report.
//! A database is responsible for managing both the metadata about a report
//! and the actual crash report itself. This error is returned when an
//! error occurred when managing the report file. Additional information
//! will be logged.
//! \brief An error occured while recording metadata for a crash report or
//! database-wide settings.
//! A database is responsible for managing both the metadata about a report
//! and the actual crash report itself. This error is returned when an
//! error occurred when managing the metadata about a crash report or
//! database-wide settings. Additional information will be logged.
//! \brief The operation could not be completed because a concurrent
//! operation affecting the report is occurring.
//! \brief The report cannot be uploaded by user request as it has already
//! been uploaded.
CrashReportDatabase(const CrashReportDatabase&) = delete;
CrashReportDatabase& operator=(const CrashReportDatabase&) = delete;
virtual ~CrashReportDatabase() {}
//! \brief Opens a database of crash reports, possibly creating it.
//! \param[in] path A path to the database to be created or opened. If the
//! database does not yet exist, it will be created if possible. Note that
//! for databases implemented as directory structures, existence refers
//! solely to the outermost directory.
//! \return A database object on success, `nullptr` on failure with an error
//! logged.
//! \sa InitializeWithoutCreating
static std::unique_ptr<CrashReportDatabase> Initialize(
const base::FilePath& path);
//! \brief Opens an existing database of crash reports.
//! \param[in] path A path to the database to be opened. If the database does
//! not yet exist, it will not be created. Note that for databases
//! implemented as directory structures, existence refers solely to the
//! outermost directory. On such databases, as long as the outermost
//! directory is present, this method will create the inner structure.
//! \return A database object on success, `nullptr` on failure with an error
//! logged.
//! \sa Initialize
static std::unique_ptr<CrashReportDatabase> InitializeWithoutCreating(
const base::FilePath& path);
//! \brief Returns the Settings object for this database.
//! \return A weak pointer to the Settings object, which is owned by the
//! database.
virtual Settings* GetSettings() = 0;
//! \brief Creates a record of a new crash report.
//! Callers should write the crash report using the FileWriter provided.
//! Callers should then call FinishedWritingCrashReport() to complete report
//! creation. If an error is encountered while writing the crash report, no
//! special action needs to be taken. If FinishedWritingCrashReport() is not
//! called, the report will be removed from the database when \a report is
//! destroyed.
//! \param[out] report A NewReport object containing a FileWriter with which
//! to write the report data. Only valid if this returns #kNoError.
//! \return The operation status code.
virtual OperationStatus PrepareNewCrashReport(
std::unique_ptr<NewReport>* report) = 0;
//! \brief Informs the database that a crash report has been successfully
//! written.
//! \param[in] report A NewReport obtained with PrepareNewCrashReport(). The
//! NewReport object will be invalidated as part of this call.
//! \param[out] uuid The UUID of this crash report.
//! \return The operation status code.
virtual OperationStatus FinishedWritingCrashReport(
std::unique_ptr<NewReport> report,
UUID* uuid) = 0;
//! \brief Returns the crash report record for the unique identifier.
//! \param[in] uuid The crash report record unique identifier.
//! \param[out] report A crash report record. Only valid if this returns
//! #kNoError.
//! \return The operation status code.
virtual OperationStatus LookUpCrashReport(const UUID& uuid,
Report* report) = 0;
//! \brief Returns a list of crash report records that have not been uploaded.
//! \param[out] reports A list of crash report record objects. This must be
//! empty on entry. Only valid if this returns #kNoError.
//! \return The operation status code.
virtual OperationStatus GetPendingReports(std::vector<Report>* reports) = 0;
//! \brief Returns a list of crash report records that have been completed,
//! either by being uploaded or by skipping upload.
//! \param[out] reports A list of crash report record objects. This must be
//! empty on entry. Only valid if this returns #kNoError.
//! \return The operation status code.
virtual OperationStatus GetCompletedReports(std::vector<Report>* reports) = 0;
//! \brief Obtains and locks a report object for uploading to a collection
//! server. On iOS the file lock is released and mutual-exclusion is kept
//! via a file attribute.
//! Callers should upload the crash report using the FileReader provided.
//! Callers should then call RecordUploadComplete() to record a successful
//! upload. If RecordUploadComplete() is not called, the upload attempt will
//! be recorded as unsuccessful and the report lock released when \a report is
//! destroyed.
//! On iOS, holding a lock during a slow upload can lead to watchdog kills if
//! the app is suspended mid-upload. Instead, if the client can obtain the
//! lock, the database sets a lock-time file attribute and releases the lock.
//! The attribute is cleared when the upload is completed. The lock-time
//! attribute can be used to prevent file access from other processes, or to
//! discard reports that likely were terminated mid-upload.
//! \param[in] uuid The unique identifier for the crash report record.
//! \param[out] report A crash report record for the report to be uploaded.
//! Only valid if this returns #kNoError.
//! \param[in] report_metrics If `false`, metrics will not be recorded for
//! this upload attempt when RecordUploadComplete() is called or \a report
//! is destroyed. Metadata for the upload attempt will still be recorded
//! in the database.
//! \return The operation status code.
virtual OperationStatus GetReportForUploading(
const UUID& uuid,
std::unique_ptr<const UploadReport>* report,
bool report_metrics = true) = 0;
//! \brief Records a successful upload for a report and updates the last
//! upload attempt time as returned by
//! Settings::GetLastUploadAttemptTime().
//! \param[in] report A UploadReport object obtained from
//! GetReportForUploading(). The UploadReport object will be invalidated
//! and the report unlocked as part of this call.
//! \param[in] id The possibly empty identifier assigned to this crash report
//! by the collection server.
//! \return The operation status code.
OperationStatus RecordUploadComplete(
std::unique_ptr<const UploadReport> report,
const std::string& id);
//! \brief Moves a report from the pending state to the completed state, but
//! without the report being uploaded.
//! This can be used if the user has disabled crash report collection, but
//! crash generation is still enabled in the product.
//! \param[in] uuid The unique identifier for the crash report record.
//! \param[in] reason The reason the report upload is being skipped for
//! metrics tracking purposes.
//! \return The operation status code.
virtual OperationStatus SkipReportUpload(
const UUID& uuid,
Metrics::CrashSkippedReason reason) = 0;
//! \brief Deletes a crash report file and its associated metadata.
//! \param[in] uuid The UUID of the report to delete.
//! \return The operation status code.
virtual OperationStatus DeleteReport(const UUID& uuid) = 0;
//! \brief Marks a crash report as explicitly requested to be uploaded by the
//! user and moves it to 'pending' state.
//! \param[in] uuid The unique identifier for the crash report record.
//! \return The operation status code.
virtual OperationStatus RequestUpload(const UUID& uuid) = 0;
//! \brief Cleans the database of expired lockfiles, metadata without report
//! files, report files without metadata, and attachments without report
//! files.
//! As the macOS implementation does not use lock or metadata files, the
//! cleaning is limited to attachments without report files.
//! \param[in] lockfile_ttl The number of seconds at which lockfiles or new
//! report files are considered expired.
//! \return The number of reports cleaned.
virtual int CleanDatabase(time_t lockfile_ttl) { return 0; }
CrashReportDatabase() {}
//! \brief The path to the database passed to Initialize.
//! \return The filepath of the database;
virtual base::FilePath DatabasePath() = 0;
//! \brief Build a filepath for the root attachments directory.
//! \return The filepath to the attachments directory.
base::FilePath AttachmentsRootPath();
//! \brief Build a filepath for the directory for the report to hold
//! attachments.
//! \param[in] uuid The unique identifier for the crash report record.
//! \return The filepath to the report attachments directory.
base::FilePath AttachmentsPath(const UUID& uuid);
//! \brief Attempts to remove any attachments associated with the given
//! report UUID. There may not be any, so failing is not an error.
//! \param[in] uuid The unique identifier for the crash report record.
void RemoveAttachmentsByUUID(const UUID& uuid);
//! \brief Adjusts a crash report records metadata to account for an upload
//! attempt, and updates the last upload attempt time as returned by
//! Settings::GetLastUploadAttemptTime().
//! \param[in] report The report object obtained from
//! GetReportForUploading().
//! \param[in] successful Whether the upload attempt was successful.
//! \param[in] id The identifier assigned to this crash report by the
//! collection server. Must be empty if \a successful is `false`; may be
//! empty if it is `true`.
//! \return The operation status code.
virtual OperationStatus RecordUploadAttempt(UploadReport* report,
bool successful,
const std::string& id) = 0;
} // namespace crashpad