
732 lines
21 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <wx/tooltip.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "class_drawpanel.h"
#include "confirm.h"
#include "program.h"
#include "libcmp.h"
#include "general.h"
#include "protos.h"
#include "dialog_edit_component_in_schematic.h"
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
wxSize DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_SCHEMATIC::s_LastSize = wxDefaultSize;
2009-01-29 08:58:48 +00:00
void InstallCmpeditFrame( WinEDA_SchematicFrame* parent, wxPoint& pos,
SCH_COMPONENT* aComponent )
if( aComponent == NULL ) // Null component not accepted
parent->DrawPanel->m_IgnoreMouseEvents = TRUE;
if( aComponent->Type() != TYPE_SCH_COMPONENT )
DisplayError( parent,
wxT( "InstallCmpeditFrame() error: This item is not a component" ) );
2009-01-29 08:58:48 +00:00
2009-01-29 08:58:48 +00:00
dialog->InitBuffers( aComponent );
wxSize sizeNow = dialog->GetSize();
// this relies on wxDefaultSize being -1,-1, be careful here.
if( sizeNow.GetWidth() < DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_SCHEMATIC::s_LastSize.GetWidth()
|| sizeNow.GetHeight() < DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_SCHEMATIC::s_LastSize.GetHeight() )
2009-01-29 08:58:48 +00:00
2009-01-29 08:58:48 +00:00
// make sure the chipnameTextCtrl is wide enough to hold any unusually long chip names:
EnsureTextCtrlWidth( dialog->chipnameTextCtrl );
2009-01-29 08:58:48 +00:00
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
// Some of the field values are long and are not always fully visible
// because the window comes up too narrow.
// Remember user's manual window resizing efforts here so it comes up wide enough next time.
2009-01-29 08:58:48 +00:00
parent->DrawPanel->m_IgnoreMouseEvents = FALSE;
m_Parent = (WinEDA_SchematicFrame*) parent;
m_LibEntry = NULL;
m_skipCopyFromPanel = false;
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
wxListItem columnLabel;
columnLabel.SetImage( -1 );
columnLabel.SetText( _( "Name" ) );
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
fieldListCtrl->InsertColumn( 0, columnLabel );
columnLabel.SetText( _( "Value" ) );
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
fieldListCtrl->InsertColumn( 1, columnLabel );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
wxString label = _( "Size" ) + ReturnUnitSymbol( g_UnitMetric );
textSizeLabel->SetLabel( label );
label = _( "Pos " );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
label += _( "X" );
label += ReturnUnitSymbol( g_UnitMetric );
posXLabel->SetLabel( label );
label = _( "Pos " );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
label += _( "Y" );
label += ReturnUnitSymbol( g_UnitMetric );
posYLabel->SetLabel( label );
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
wxToolTip::Enable( true );
if( GetSizer() )
GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_SCHEMATIC::reinitializeFieldsIdAndDefaultNames( )
for( unsigned new_id = FIELD1; new_id < m_FieldsBuf.size(); new_id++ )
unsigned old_id = m_FieldsBuf[new_id].m_FieldId;
if ( old_id != new_id )
if ( m_FieldsBuf[new_id].m_Name == ReturnDefaultFieldName( old_id ) )
m_FieldsBuf[new_id].m_Name = ReturnDefaultFieldName( new_id );
m_FieldsBuf[new_id].m_FieldId = new_id;
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_SCHEMATIC::OnListItemDeselected( wxListEvent& event )
D( printf( "OnListItemDeselected()\n" ); )
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
if( !m_skipCopyFromPanel )
if( !copyPanelToSelectedField() )
event.Skip(); // do not go to the next row
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_SCHEMATIC::OnListItemSelected( wxListEvent& event )
D( printf( "OnListItemSelected()\n" ); )
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
// remember the selected row, statically
s_SelectedRow = event.GetIndex();
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_SCHEMATIC::OnCancelButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
2008-03-20 01:50:21 +00:00
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
EndModal( 1 );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
wxString newname = chipnameTextCtrl->GetValue();
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
newname.Replace( wxT( " " ), wxT( "_" ) );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
if( newname.IsEmpty() )
DisplayError( this, _( "No Component Name!" ) );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
else if( newname.CmpNoCase( m_Cmp->m_ChipName ) )
if( FindLibPart( newname, wxEmptyString, ALIAS ) == NULL )
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
wxString message;
message.Printf( _( "Component [%s] not found!" ), newname.GetData() );
DisplayError( this, message );
else // Change component from lib!
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
m_Cmp->m_ChipName = newname;
// For components with multiple shapes (De Morgan representation) Set the selected shape:
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
if( convertCheckBox->IsEnabled() )
m_Cmp->m_Convert = convertCheckBox->GetValue() ? 2 : 1;
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
//Set the part selection in multiple part per pakcage
if( m_Cmp->m_Multi )
int unit_selection = unitChoice->GetCurrentSelection() + 1;
m_Cmp->SetUnitSelection( m_Parent->GetSheet(), unit_selection );
m_Cmp->m_Multi = unit_selection;
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
switch( orientationRadioBox->GetSelection() )
case 0:
m_Cmp->SetRotationMiroir( CMP_ORIENT_0 );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
case 1:
m_Cmp->SetRotationMiroir( CMP_ORIENT_90 );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
case 2:
m_Cmp->SetRotationMiroir( CMP_ORIENT_180 );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
case 3:
m_Cmp->SetRotationMiroir( CMP_ORIENT_270 );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
int mirror = mirrorRadioBox->GetSelection();
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
switch( mirror )
case 0:
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
case 1:
m_Cmp->SetRotationMiroir( CMP_MIROIR_X );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
case 2:
m_Cmp->SetRotationMiroir( CMP_MIROIR_Y );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_SCHEMATIC::OnOKButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( !copyPanelToSelectedField() )
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
/* save old cmp in undo list if not already in edit, or moving ... */
if( m_Cmp->m_Flags == 0 )
m_Parent->SaveCopyInUndoList( m_Cmp, UR_CHANGED );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
// change all field positions from relative to absolute
for( unsigned i = 0; i<m_FieldsBuf.size(); ++i )
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
m_FieldsBuf[i].m_Pos += m_Cmp->m_Pos;
// delete any fields with no name
for( unsigned i = FIELD1; i<m_FieldsBuf.size(); )
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
if( m_FieldsBuf[i].m_Name.IsEmpty() )
m_FieldsBuf.erase( m_FieldsBuf.begin() + i );
EDA_LibComponentStruct* entry =
( EDA_LibComponentStruct* ) FindLibPart( m_Cmp->m_ChipName );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
if( entry && entry->m_Options == ENTRY_POWER )
m_FieldsBuf[VALUE].m_Text = m_Cmp->m_ChipName;
// copy all the fields back, and change the length of m_Fields.
m_Cmp->SetFields( m_FieldsBuf );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
m_Parent->TestDanglingEnds( m_Parent->GetScreen()->EEDrawList, NULL );
m_Parent->DrawPanel->Refresh( TRUE );
EndModal( 0 );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_SCHEMATIC::addFieldButtonHandler( wxCommandEvent& event )
// in case m_FieldsBuf[REFERENCE].m_Orient has changed on screen only, grab
// screen contents.
if( !copyPanelToSelectedField() )
unsigned fieldNdx = m_FieldsBuf.size();
SCH_CMP_FIELD blank( wxPoint(), fieldNdx, m_Cmp );
blank.m_Orient = m_FieldsBuf[REFERENCE].m_Orient;
m_FieldsBuf.push_back( blank );
m_FieldsBuf[fieldNdx].m_Name = ReturnDefaultFieldName(fieldNdx);
m_skipCopyFromPanel = true;
setRowItem( fieldNdx, m_FieldsBuf[fieldNdx] );
setSelectedFieldNdx( fieldNdx );
m_skipCopyFromPanel = false;
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_SCHEMATIC::deleteFieldButtonHandler( wxCommandEvent& event )
unsigned fieldNdx = getSelectedFieldNdx();
if( fieldNdx >= m_FieldsBuf.size() ) // traps the -1 case too
if( fieldNdx < FIELD1 )
m_skipCopyFromPanel = true;
m_FieldsBuf.erase( m_FieldsBuf.begin() + fieldNdx );
fieldListCtrl->DeleteItem( fieldNdx );
if( fieldNdx >= m_FieldsBuf.size() )
// Reinitialize fields IDs and default names:
updateDisplay( );
setSelectedFieldNdx( fieldNdx );
m_skipCopyFromPanel = false;
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_SCHEMATIC:: moveUpButtonHandler( wxCommandEvent& event )
unsigned fieldNdx = getSelectedFieldNdx();
if( fieldNdx >= m_FieldsBuf.size() ) // traps the -1 case too
if( fieldNdx <= FIELD1 )
if( !copyPanelToSelectedField() )
// swap the fieldNdx field with the one before it, in both the vector
// and in the fieldListCtrl
SCH_CMP_FIELD tmp = m_FieldsBuf[fieldNdx - 1];
D( printf( "tmp.m_Text=\"%s\" tmp.m_Name=\"%s\"\n",
CONV_TO_UTF8( tmp.m_Text ), CONV_TO_UTF8( tmp.m_Name ) ); )
m_FieldsBuf[fieldNdx - 1] = m_FieldsBuf[fieldNdx];
setRowItem( fieldNdx - 1, m_FieldsBuf[fieldNdx] );
m_FieldsBuf[fieldNdx] = tmp;
setRowItem( fieldNdx, tmp );
// Reinitialize fields IDs and default names:
updateDisplay( );
m_skipCopyFromPanel = true;
setSelectedFieldNdx( fieldNdx - 1 );
m_skipCopyFromPanel = false;
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_SCHEMATIC::setSelectedFieldNdx( int aFieldNdx )
/* deselect old selection, but I think this is done by single selection flag within fieldListCtrl
* fieldListCtrl->SetItemState( s_SelectedRow, 0, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED|wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED);
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
if( aFieldNdx >= (int) m_FieldsBuf.size() )
aFieldNdx = m_FieldsBuf.size() - 1;
if( aFieldNdx < 0 )
aFieldNdx = 0;
fieldListCtrl->SetItemState( aFieldNdx, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED );
fieldListCtrl->EnsureVisible( aFieldNdx );
s_SelectedRow = aFieldNdx;
return s_SelectedRow;
static bool SortFieldsById(const SCH_CMP_FIELD& item1, const SCH_CMP_FIELD& item2)
return item1.m_FieldId < item2.m_FieldId;
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
m_Cmp = aComponent;
m_LibEntry = ( EDA_LibComponentStruct* ) FindLibPart( m_Cmp->m_ChipName );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
#if 0 && defined(DEBUG)
for( int i = 0; i<aComponent->GetFieldCount(); ++i )
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
printf( "Orig[%d] (x=%d, y=%d)\n", i, aComponent->m_Fields[i].m_Pos.x,
aComponent->m_Fields[i].m_Pos.y );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
// copy all the fields to a work area
m_FieldsBuf = aComponent->m_Fields;
// Sort files by field id,if they are not entered by id
sort(m_FieldsBuf.begin(), m_FieldsBuf.end(), SortFieldsById);
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
#if 0 && defined(DEBUG)
for( unsigned i = 0; i<m_FieldsBuf.size(); ++i )
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
printf( "m_FieldsBuf[%d] (x=%d, y=%d)\n", i, m_FieldsBuf[i].m_Pos.x,
m_FieldsBuf[i].m_Pos.y );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
m_FieldsBuf[REFERENCE].m_Text = m_Cmp->GetRef( m_Parent->GetSheet() );
for( unsigned i = 0; i<m_FieldsBuf.size(); ++i )
// make the editable field position relative to the component
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
m_FieldsBuf[i].m_Pos -= m_Cmp->m_Pos;
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
setRowItem( i, m_FieldsBuf[i] );
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
#if 0 && defined(DEBUG)
for( unsigned i = 0; i<m_FieldsBuf.size(); ++i )
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
printf( "after[%d] (x=%d, y=%d)\n", i, m_FieldsBuf[i].m_Pos.x,
m_FieldsBuf[i].m_Pos.y );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
// put focus on the list ctrl
// resume editing at the last row edited, last time dialog was up.
setSelectedFieldNdx( s_SelectedRow );
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_SCHEMATIC::setRowItem( int aFieldNdx, const SCH_CMP_FIELD& aField )
wxASSERT( aFieldNdx >= 0 );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
// insert blanks if aFieldNdx is referencing a "yet to be defined" row
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
while( aFieldNdx >= fieldListCtrl->GetItemCount() )
long ndx = fieldListCtrl->InsertItem( fieldListCtrl->GetItemCount(), wxEmptyString );
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
wxASSERT( ndx >= 0 );
fieldListCtrl->SetItem( ndx, 1, wxEmptyString );
fieldListCtrl->SetItem( aFieldNdx, 0, aField.m_Name );
fieldListCtrl->SetItem( aFieldNdx, 1, aField.m_Text );
// recompute the column widths here, after setting texts
fieldListCtrl->SetColumnWidth( 0, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE );
fieldListCtrl->SetColumnWidth( 1, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE );
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
unsigned fieldNdx = getSelectedFieldNdx();
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
if( fieldNdx >= m_FieldsBuf.size() ) // traps the -1 case too
SCH_CMP_FIELD& field = m_FieldsBuf[fieldNdx];
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
showCheckBox->SetValue( !(field.m_Attributs & TEXT_NO_VISIBLE) );
rotateCheckBox->SetValue( field.m_Orient == TEXT_ORIENT_VERT );
int style = 0;
if( field.m_Italic )
style = 1;
2009-05-28 17:39:40 +00:00
if( field.m_Bold )
style |= 2;
m_StyleRadioBox->SetSelection( style );
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
fieldNameTextCtrl->SetValue( field.m_Name );
// if fieldNdx == REFERENCE, VALUE, FOOTPRINT, or DATASHEET, then disable editing
fieldNameTextCtrl->Enable( fieldNdx >= FIELD1 );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
fieldNameTextCtrl->SetEditable( fieldNdx >= FIELD1 );
moveUpButton->Enable( fieldNdx >= FIELD1 ); // disable move up button for non moveable fields
// if fieldNdx == REFERENCE, VALUE, then disable delete button
deleteFieldButton->Enable( fieldNdx > VALUE );
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
fieldValueTextCtrl->SetValue( field.m_Text );
if( fieldNdx == VALUE && m_LibEntry && m_LibEntry->m_Options == ENTRY_POWER )
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
fieldValueTextCtrl->Enable( FALSE );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
WinEDA_GraphicTextCtrl::FormatSize( EESCHEMA_INTERNAL_UNIT, g_UnitMetric, field.m_Size.x ) );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
wxPoint coord = field.m_Pos;
wxPoint zero = -m_Cmp->m_Pos; // relative zero
// If the field value is empty and the position is at relative zero, we set the
// initial position as a small offset from the ref field, and orient
// it the same as the ref field. That is likely to put it at least
// close to the desired position.
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
if( coord == zero && field.m_Text.IsEmpty() )
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
rotateCheckBox->SetValue( m_FieldsBuf[REFERENCE].m_Orient == TEXT_ORIENT_VERT );
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
coord.x = m_FieldsBuf[REFERENCE].m_Pos.x + (fieldNdx - FIELD1 + 1) * 100;
coord.y = m_FieldsBuf[REFERENCE].m_Pos.y + (fieldNdx - FIELD1 + 1) * 100;
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
// coord can compute negative if field is < FIELD1, e.g. FOOTPRINT.
// That is ok, we basically don't want all the new empty fields on
// top of each other.
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
wxString coordText = ReturnStringFromValue( g_UnitMetric, coord.x, EESCHEMA_INTERNAL_UNIT );
posXTextCtrl->SetValue( coordText );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
coordText = ReturnStringFromValue( g_UnitMetric, coord.y, EESCHEMA_INTERNAL_UNIT );
posYTextCtrl->SetValue( coordText );
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
unsigned fieldNdx = getSelectedFieldNdx();
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
if( fieldNdx >= m_FieldsBuf.size() ) // traps the -1 case too
return true;
SCH_CMP_FIELD& field = m_FieldsBuf[fieldNdx];
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
if( showCheckBox->GetValue() )
field.m_Attributs &= ~TEXT_NO_VISIBLE;
field.m_Attributs |= TEXT_NO_VISIBLE;
if( rotateCheckBox->GetValue() )
field.m_Orient = TEXT_ORIENT_VERT;
field.m_Orient = TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ;
rotateCheckBox->SetValue( field.m_Orient == TEXT_ORIENT_VERT );
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
field.m_Name = fieldNameTextCtrl->GetValue();
/* Void fields texts for REFERENCE and VALUE (value is the name of the compinent in lib ! ) are not allowed
* change them only for a new non void value
* When woid, usually netlists are broken
if( !fieldValueTextCtrl->GetValue().IsEmpty() || fieldNdx > VALUE )
field.m_Text = fieldValueTextCtrl->GetValue();
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
setRowItem( fieldNdx, field ); // update fieldListCtrl
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
field.m_Size.x = WinEDA_GraphicTextCtrl::ParseSize(
textSizeTextCtrl->GetValue(), EESCHEMA_INTERNAL_UNIT, g_UnitMetric );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
field.m_Size.y = field.m_Size.x;
int style = m_StyleRadioBox->GetSelection();
if( (style & 1 ) != 0 )
field.m_Italic = true;
field.m_Italic = false;
if( (style & 2 ) != 0 )
2009-05-28 17:39:40 +00:00
field.m_Bold = true;
2009-05-28 17:39:40 +00:00
field.m_Bold = false;
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
double value;
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
posXTextCtrl->GetValue().ToDouble( &value );
field.m_Pos.x = From_User_Unit( g_UnitMetric, value, EESCHEMA_INTERNAL_UNIT );
2008-11-24 21:06:50 +00:00
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
posYTextCtrl->GetValue().ToDouble( &value );
field.m_Pos.y = From_User_Unit( g_UnitMetric, value, EESCHEMA_INTERNAL_UNIT );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
return true;
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
int choiceCount = unitChoice->GetCount();
// Remove non existing choices (choiceCount must be <= number for parts)
int unitcount = m_LibEntry ? m_LibEntry->m_UnitCount : 1;
if( unitcount < 1 )
unitcount = 1;
2009-01-29 08:58:48 +00:00
if( unitcount < choiceCount )
while( unitcount < choiceCount )
unitChoice->Delete( choiceCount );
// For components with multiple parts per package, set the unit selection
choiceCount = unitChoice->GetCount();
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
if( m_Cmp->m_Multi <= choiceCount )
unitChoice->SetSelection( m_Cmp->m_Multi - 1 );
// Disable unit selection if only one unit exists:
if( choiceCount <= 1 )
unitChoice->Enable( false );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
int orientation = m_Cmp->GetRotationMiroir() & ~(CMP_MIROIR_X | CMP_MIROIR_Y);
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
if( orientation == CMP_ORIENT_90 )
orientationRadioBox->SetSelection( 1 );
else if( orientation == CMP_ORIENT_180 )
orientationRadioBox->SetSelection( 2 );
else if( orientation == CMP_ORIENT_270 )
orientationRadioBox->SetSelection( 3 );
2008-11-26 05:08:37 +00:00
orientationRadioBox->SetSelection( 0 );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
int mirror = m_Cmp->GetRotationMiroir() & (CMP_MIROIR_X | CMP_MIROIR_Y);
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
if( mirror == CMP_MIROIR_X )
mirrorRadioBox->SetSelection( 1 );
D( printf( "mirror=X,1\n" ); )
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
else if( mirror == CMP_MIROIR_Y )
mirrorRadioBox->SetSelection( 2 );
D( printf( "mirror=Y,2\n" ); )
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
2008-11-26 05:08:37 +00:00
mirrorRadioBox->SetSelection( 0 );
// Activate/Desactivate the normal/convert option ? (activated only if the component has more than one shape)
if( m_Cmp->m_Convert > 1 )
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
convertCheckBox->SetValue( true );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
if( m_LibEntry == NULL || LookForConvertPart( m_LibEntry ) <= 1 )
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
convertCheckBox->Enable( false );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
// Show the "Parts Locked" option?
if( !m_LibEntry || !m_LibEntry->m_UnitSelectionLocked )
D( printf( "partsAreLocked->false\n" ); )
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
partsAreLockedLabel->Show( false );
// Positionnement de la reference en librairie
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
chipnameTextCtrl->SetValue( m_Cmp->m_ChipName );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_SCHEMATIC::SetInitCmp( wxCommandEvent& event )
/* reinitialise components parametres to default values found in lib
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
EDA_LibComponentStruct* entry;
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
if( m_Cmp == NULL )
entry = ( EDA_LibComponentStruct* ) FindLibPart( m_Cmp->m_ChipName );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
if( entry == NULL )
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
wxClientDC dc( m_Parent->DrawPanel );
m_Parent->DrawPanel->PrepareGraphicContext( &dc );
RedrawOneStruct( m_Parent->DrawPanel, &dc, m_Cmp, g_XorMode );
/* Initialise fields values to default values found in library: */
m_Cmp->GetField( REFERENCE )->m_Pos = entry->m_Prefix.m_Pos + m_Cmp->m_Pos;
m_Cmp->GetField( REFERENCE )->ImportValues( entry->m_Prefix );
m_Cmp->GetField( VALUE )->m_Pos = entry->m_Name.m_Pos + m_Cmp->m_Pos;
m_Cmp->GetField( VALUE )->ImportValues( entry->m_Name );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
m_Cmp->SetRotationMiroir( CMP_NORMAL );
RedrawOneStruct( m_Parent->DrawPanel, &dc, m_Cmp, GR_DEFAULT_DRAWMODE );
2008-11-26 00:20:16 +00:00
EndModal( 1 );