306 lines
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306 lines
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* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2024 Jon Evans <jon@craftyjon.com>
* Copyright (C) 2024 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <api/api_handler_sch.h>
#include <api/api_sch_utils.h>
#include <api/api_utils.h>
#include <magic_enum.hpp>
#include <sch_commit.h>
#include <sch_edit_frame.h>
#include <wx/filename.h>
#include <api/common/types/base_types.pb.h>
using namespace kiapi::common::commands;
using kiapi::common::types::CommandStatus;
using kiapi::common::types::DocumentType;
using kiapi::common::types::ItemRequestStatus;
m_frame( aFrame )
registerHandler<GetOpenDocuments, GetOpenDocumentsResponse>(
&API_HANDLER_SCH::handleGetOpenDocuments );
std::unique_ptr<COMMIT> API_HANDLER_SCH::createCommit()
return std::make_unique<SCH_COMMIT>( m_frame );
bool API_HANDLER_SCH::validateDocumentInternal( const DocumentSpecifier& aDocument ) const
if( aDocument.type() != DocumentType::DOCTYPE_SCHEMATIC )
return false;
// TODO(JE) need serdes for SCH_SHEET_PATH <> SheetPath
return true;
//wxString currentPath = m_frame->GetCurrentSheet().PathAsString();
//return 0 == aDocument.sheet_path().compare( currentPath.ToStdString() );
HANDLER_RESULT<GetOpenDocumentsResponse> API_HANDLER_SCH::handleGetOpenDocuments(
GetOpenDocuments& aMsg, const HANDLER_CONTEXT& )
if( aMsg.type() != DocumentType::DOCTYPE_SCHEMATIC )
ApiResponseStatus e;
// No message needed for AS_UNHANDLED; this is an internal flag for the API server
e.set_status( ApiStatusCode::AS_UNHANDLED );
return tl::unexpected( e );
GetOpenDocumentsResponse response;
common::types::DocumentSpecifier doc;
wxFileName fn( m_frame->GetCurrentFileName() );
doc.set_type( DocumentType::DOCTYPE_SCHEMATIC );
doc.set_board_filename( fn.GetFullName() );
response.mutable_documents()->Add( std::move( doc ) );
return response;
HANDLER_RESULT<std::unique_ptr<EDA_ITEM>> API_HANDLER_SCH::createItemForType( KICAD_T aType,
EDA_ITEM* aContainer )
if( !aContainer )
ApiResponseStatus e;
e.set_status( ApiStatusCode::AS_BAD_REQUEST );
e.set_error_message( "Tried to create an item in a null container" );
return tl::unexpected( e );
if( aType == SCH_PIN_T && !dynamic_cast<SCH_SYMBOL*>( aContainer ) )
ApiResponseStatus e;
e.set_status( ApiStatusCode::AS_BAD_REQUEST );
e.set_error_message( fmt::format( "Tried to create a pin in {}, which is not a symbol",
aContainer->GetFriendlyName().ToStdString() ) );
return tl::unexpected( e );
else if( aType == SCH_SYMBOL_T && !dynamic_cast<SCHEMATIC*>( aContainer ) )
ApiResponseStatus e;
e.set_status( ApiStatusCode::AS_BAD_REQUEST );
e.set_error_message( fmt::format( "Tried to create a symbol in {}, which is not a schematic",
aContainer->GetFriendlyName().ToStdString() ) );
return tl::unexpected( e );
std::unique_ptr<EDA_ITEM> created = CreateItemForType( aType, aContainer );
if( !created )
ApiResponseStatus e;
e.set_status( ApiStatusCode::AS_BAD_REQUEST );
e.set_error_message( fmt::format( "Tried to create an item of type {}, which is unhandled",
magic_enum::enum_name( aType ) ) );
return tl::unexpected( e );
return created;
HANDLER_RESULT<ItemRequestStatus> API_HANDLER_SCH::handleCreateUpdateItemsInternal( bool aCreate,
const types::ItemHeader &aHeader,
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<google::protobuf::Any>& aItems,
std::function<void( ItemStatus, google::protobuf::Any )> aItemHandler )
ApiResponseStatus e;
auto containerResult = validateItemHeaderDocument( aHeader );
if( !containerResult && containerResult.error().status() == ApiStatusCode::AS_UNHANDLED )
// No message needed for AS_UNHANDLED; this is an internal flag for the API server
e.set_status( ApiStatusCode::AS_UNHANDLED );
return tl::unexpected( e );
else if( !containerResult )
e.CopyFrom( containerResult.error() );
return tl::unexpected( e );
SCH_SCREEN* screen = m_frame->GetScreen();
EE_RTREE& screenItems = screen->Items();
std::map<KIID, EDA_ITEM*> itemUuidMap;
std::for_each( screenItems.begin(), screenItems.end(),
[&]( EDA_ITEM* aItem )
itemUuidMap[aItem->m_Uuid] = aItem;
} );
EDA_ITEM* container = nullptr;
if( containerResult->has_value() )
const KIID& containerId = **containerResult;
if( itemUuidMap.count( containerId ) )
container = itemUuidMap.at( containerId );
if( !container )
e.set_status( ApiStatusCode::AS_BAD_REQUEST );
e.set_error_message( fmt::format(
"The requested container {} is not a valid schematic item container",
containerId.AsStdString() ) );
return tl::unexpected( e );
e.set_status( ApiStatusCode::AS_BAD_REQUEST );
e.set_error_message( fmt::format(
"The requested container {} does not exist in this document",
containerId.AsStdString() ) );
return tl::unexpected( e );
COMMIT* commit = getCurrentCommit( aCtx );
for( const google::protobuf::Any& anyItem : aItems )
ItemStatus status;
std::optional<KICAD_T> type = TypeNameFromAny( anyItem );
if( !type )
status.set_code( ItemStatusCode::ISC_INVALID_TYPE );
status.set_error_message( fmt::format( "Could not decode a valid type from {}",
anyItem.type_url() ) );
aItemHandler( status, anyItem );
HANDLER_RESULT<std::unique_ptr<EDA_ITEM>> creationResult =
createItemForType( *type, container );
if( !creationResult )
status.set_code( ItemStatusCode::ISC_INVALID_TYPE );
status.set_error_message( creationResult.error().error_message() );
aItemHandler( status, anyItem );
std::unique_ptr<EDA_ITEM> item( std::move( *creationResult ) );
if( !item->Deserialize( anyItem ) )
e.set_status( ApiStatusCode::AS_BAD_REQUEST );
e.set_error_message( fmt::format( "could not unpack {} from request",
item->GetClass().ToStdString() ) );
return tl::unexpected( e );
if( aCreate && itemUuidMap.count( item->m_Uuid ) )
status.set_code( ItemStatusCode::ISC_EXISTING );
status.set_error_message( fmt::format( "an item with UUID {} already exists",
item->m_Uuid.AsStdString() ) );
aItemHandler( status, anyItem );
else if( !aCreate && !itemUuidMap.count( item->m_Uuid ) )
status.set_code( ItemStatusCode::ISC_NONEXISTENT );
status.set_error_message( fmt::format( "an item with UUID {} does not exist",
item->m_Uuid.AsStdString() ) );
aItemHandler( status, anyItem );
status.set_code( ItemStatusCode::ISC_OK );
google::protobuf::Any newItem;
if( aCreate )
item->Serialize( newItem );
commit->Add( item.release() );
if( !m_activeClients.count( aCtx.ClientName ) )
pushCurrentCommit( aCtx, _( "Added items via API" ) );
EDA_ITEM* edaItem = itemUuidMap[item->m_Uuid];
if( SCH_ITEM* schItem = dynamic_cast<SCH_ITEM*>( edaItem ) )
schItem->SwapData( static_cast<SCH_ITEM*>( item.get() ) );
schItem->Serialize( newItem );
commit->Modify( schItem );
else if( LIB_ITEM* libItem = dynamic_cast<LIB_ITEM*>( edaItem ) )
// TODO: there is not currently a way to do this, haha
wxASSERT( false );
if( !m_activeClients.count( aCtx.ClientName ) )
pushCurrentCommit( aCtx, _( "Created items via API" ) );
aItemHandler( status, newItem );
return ItemRequestStatus::IRS_OK;
void API_HANDLER_SCH::deleteItemsInternal( std::map<KIID, ItemDeletionStatus>& aItemsToDelete,
std::optional<EDA_ITEM*> API_HANDLER_SCH::getItemFromDocument( const DocumentSpecifier& aDocument,
const KIID& aId )
if( !validateDocument( aDocument ) )
return std::nullopt;
return std::nullopt;