2007-12-29 19:27:58 +00:00
// DisplayList.h : header file for CDisplayList class
//#define DL_MAX_LAYERS 32
#define DL_MAGIC 2674
#define PCBU_PER_WU 25400 // conversion from PCB units to world units
// graphics element types
DL_NONE = 0,
DL_LINE, // line segment with round end-caps
DL_CIRC, // filled circle
DL_HOLLOW_CIRC, // circle outline
DL_DONUT, // annulus
DL_SQUARE, // filled square
DL_RECT, // filled rectangle
DL_RRECT, // filled rounded rectangle
DL_OVAL, // filled oval
DL_OCTAGON, // filled octagon
DL_HOLE, // hole, shown as circle
DL_HOLLOW_RECT, // rectangle outline
DL_RECT_X, // rectangle outline with X
DL_POINT, // shape to highlight a point
DL_ARC_CW, // arc with clockwise curve
DL_ARC_CCW, // arc with counter-clockwise curve
DL_X // X
// dragging line shapes
DS_NONE = 0,
DS_LINE_VERTEX, // vertex between two lines
DS_LINE, // line
DS_ARC_STRAIGHT, // straight line (used when drawing polylines)
DS_ARC_CW, // clockwise arc (used when drawing polylines)
DS_ARC_CCW // counterclockwise arc (used when drawing polylines)
// styles of line segment when dragging line or line vertex
DSS_STRAIGHT = 100, // straight line
DSS_ARC_CW, // clockwise arc
DSS_ARC_CCW // counterclockwise arc
// inflection modes for DS_LINE and DS_LINE_VERTEX
IM_NONE = 0,
class CDisplayList;
// this structure contains an element of the display list
class dl_element
friend class CDisplayList;
CDisplayList * dlist;
int magic;
dl_element * prev;
dl_element * next;
id m_id; // identifier (see ids.h)
void * ptr; // pointer to object drawing this element
int gtype; // type of primitive
int visible; // 0 to hide
int sel_vert; // for selection rectangles, 1 if part is vertical
int w; // width (for round or square shapes)
int holew; // hole width (for round holes)
int x_org, y_org; // x origin (for rotation, reflection, etc.)
int x, y; // starting or center position of element
int xf, yf; // opposite corner (for rectangle or line)
int radius; // radius of corners for DL_RRECT
int layer; // layer to draw on
int orig_layer; // for elements on highlight layer,
// the original layer, the highlight will
// only be drawn if this layer is visible
class CDisplayList
// display-list parameters for each layer
dl_element m_start[MAX_LAYERS], m_end[MAX_LAYERS];
int m_rgb[MAX_LAYERS][3]; // layer colors
BOOL m_vis[MAX_LAYERS]; // layer visibility flags
int m_layer_in_order[MAX_LAYERS]; // array of layers in draw order
int m_order_for_layer[MAX_LAYERS]; // draw order for each layer
// window parameters
int m_pcbu_per_wu; // i.e. nm per world unit
CRect m_client_r; // client rect (pixels)
CRect m_screen_r; // client rect (screen coords)
int m_pane_org_x; // left border of drawing pane (pixels)
int m_pane_org_y; // bottom border of drawing pane (pixels)
int m_bottom_pane_h; // height of bottom pane
CDC * memDC; // pointer to memory DC
double m_scale; // world units per pixel
int m_org_x; // world x-coord of left side of screen (world units)
int m_org_y; // world y-coord of bottom of screen (world units)
int m_max_x; // world x_coord of right side of screen (world units)
int m_max_y; // world y_coord of top of screen (world units)
int w_ext_x, w_ext_y; // window extents (world units)
int v_ext_x, v_ext_y; // viewport extents (pixels)
double m_wu_per_pixel_x; // ratio w_ext_x/v_ext_x (world units per pixel)
double m_wu_per_pixel_y; // ratio w_ext_y/v_ext_y (world units per pixel)
double m_pcbu_per_pixel_x;
double m_pcbu_per_pixel_y;
// general dragging parameters
int m_drag_angle; // angle of rotation of selection rectangle (starts at 0)
int m_drag_side; // 0 = no change, 1 = switch to opposite
int m_drag_vert; // 1 if item being dragged is a vertical part
// parameters for dragging polyline sides and trace segments
// that can be modified while dragging
int m_drag_flag; // 1 if dragging something
int m_drag_shape; // shape
int m_last_drag_shape; // last shape drawn
int m_drag_x; // last cursor position for dragged shape
int m_drag_y;
int m_drag_xi; // start of rubberband drag line
int m_drag_yi;
int m_drag_xf; // end of rubberband drag line
int m_drag_yf;
int m_drag_layer_1; // line layer
int m_drag_w1; // line width
int m_drag_style1; // line style
int m_inflection_mode; // inflection mode
int m_last_inflection_mode; // last mode drawn
// extra parameters when dragging vertex between 2 line segments
int m_drag_style2;
int m_drag_layer_2;
int m_drag_w2;
// parameters used to draw leading via if necessary
int m_drag_layer_no_via;
int m_drag_via_w;
int m_drag_via_holew;
int m_drag_via_drawn;
// arrays of lines and ratlines being dragged
// these can be rotated and flipped while being dragged
int m_drag_layer; // layer
int m_drag_max_lines; // max size of array for line segments
int m_drag_num_lines; // number of line segments to drag
CPoint * m_drag_line_pt; // array of relative coords for line endpoints
int m_drag_max_ratlines; // max size of ratline array
int m_drag_num_ratlines; // number of ratlines to drag
CPoint * m_drag_ratline_start_pt; // absolute coords for ratline start points
CPoint * m_drag_ratline_end_pt; // relative coords for ratline endpoints
int m_drag_ratline_width;
// cursor parameters
int m_cross_hairs; // 0 = none, 1 = cross-hairs, 2 = diagonals
CPoint m_cross_left, m_cross_right, m_cross_top, m_cross_bottom; // end-points
CPoint m_cross_topleft, m_cross_topright, m_cross_botleft, m_cross_botright;
// grid
int m_visual_grid_on;
double m_visual_grid_spacing; // in world units
CDisplayList( int pcbu_per_wu );
void SetVisibleGrid( BOOL on, double grid );
void SetMapping( CRect *client_r, CRect *screen_r, int pane_org_x, int pane_bottom_h, double scale, int org_x, int org_y );
void SetDCToWorldCoords( CDC * pDC, CDC * mDC, int pcbu_org_x, int pcbu_org_y );
void SetLayerRGB( int layer, int r, int g, int b );
void SetLayerVisible( int layer, BOOL vis );
void SetLayerDrawOrder( int layer, int order )
{ m_layer_in_order[order] = layer; m_order_for_layer[layer] = order; };
dl_element * Add( id id, void * ptr, int glayer, int gtype, int visible,
int w, int holew, int x, int y, int xf, int yf, int xo, int yo,
int radius=0, int orig_layer=LAY_SELECTION );
dl_element * AddSelector( id id, void * ptr, int glayer, int gtype, int visible,
int w, int holew, int x, int y, int xf, int yf, int xo, int yo, int radius=0 );
void RemoveAll();
void RemoveAllFromLayer( int layer );
id Remove( dl_element * element );
void Draw( CDC * pDC );
int HighLight( int gtype, int x, int y, int xf, int yf, int w, int orig_layer=LAY_SELECTION );
int CancelHighLight();
void * TestSelect( int x, int y, id * sel_id, int * layer,
id * exclude_id = NULL, void * exclude_ptr = NULL, id * include_id = NULL,
int n_include_ids=1 );
int StartDraggingArray( CDC * pDC, int x, int y, int vert, int layer, int crosshair = 1 );
int StartDraggingRatLine( CDC * pDC, int x, int y, int xf, int yf, int layer,
int w, int crosshair = 1 );
int StartDraggingRectangle( CDC * pDC, int x, int y, int xi, int yi,
int xf, int yf, int vert, int layer );
int StartDraggingLineVertex( CDC * pDC, int x, int y, int xi, int yi,
int xf, int yf,
int layer1, int layer2, int w1, int w2,
int style1, int style2,
int layer_no_via, int via_w, int via_holew, int dir,
int crosshair );
int StartDraggingLine( CDC * pDC, int x, int y, int xi, int yi, int layer1, int w,
int layer_no_via, int via_w, int via_holew,
int crosshair, int style, int inflection_mode );
int StartDraggingArc( CDC * pDC, int style, int x, int y, int xi, int yi,
int layer, int w, int crosshair );
void SetDragArcStyle( int style );
void Drag( CDC * pDC, int x, int y );
int StopDragging();
void ChangeRoutingLayer( CDC * pDC, int layer1, int layer2, int w );
void IncrementDragAngle( CDC * pDC );
int MakeDragLineArray( int num_lines );
int MakeDragRatlineArray( int num_ratlines, int width );
int AddDragLine( CPoint pi, CPoint pf );
int AddDragRatline( CPoint pi, CPoint pf );
int GetDragAngle();
void FlipDragSide( CDC * pDC );
int GetDragSide();
void SetUpCrosshairs( int type, int x, int y );
void SetInflectionMode( int mode ){ m_inflection_mode = mode; };
CPoint ScreenToPCB( CPoint point );
CPoint PCBToScreen( CPoint point );
CPoint WindowToPCB( CPoint point );
// set element parameters
void Set_gtype( dl_element * el, int gtype );
void Set_visible( dl_element * el, int visible );
void Set_sel_vert( dl_element * el, int sel_vert );
void Set_w( dl_element * el, int w );
void Set_holew( dl_element * el, int holew );
void Set_x_org( dl_element * el, int x_org );
void Set_y_org( dl_element * el, int y_org );
void Set_x( dl_element * el, int x );
void Set_y( dl_element * el, int y );
void Set_xf( dl_element * el, int xf );
void Set_yf( dl_element * el, int yf );
void Set_id( dl_element * el, id * id );
void Set_layer( dl_element * el, int layer );
void Set_radius( dl_element * el, int radius );
void Move( dl_element * el, int dx, int dy );
// get element parameters
void * Get_ptr( dl_element * el );
int Get_gtype( dl_element * el );
int Get_visible( dl_element * el );
int Get_sel_vert( dl_element * el );
int Get_w( dl_element * el );
int Get_holew( dl_element * el );
int Get_x_org( dl_element * el );
int Get_y_org( dl_element * el );
int Get_x( dl_element * el );
int Get_y( dl_element * el );
int Get_xf( dl_element * el );
int Get_yf( dl_element * el );
int Get_radius( dl_element * el );
int Get_layer( dl_element * el );
id Get_id( dl_element * el );
#endif // #ifndef FP_DISPLAY_LIST_H