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* @file libedit_plot_component.cpp
#include <fctsys.h>
#include <gr_basic.h>
#include <appl_wxstruct.h>
#include <class_drawpanel.h>
#include <confirm.h>
#include <gestfich.h>
#include <eeschema_id.h>
#include <class_sch_screen.h>
#include <general.h>
#include <libeditframe.h>
#include <class_library.h>
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnPlotCurrentComponent( wxCommandEvent& event )
LIB_COMPONENT* cmp = GetComponent();
2010-03-28 14:46:49 +00:00
wxString FullFileName;
wxString file_ext;
wxString mask;
if( cmp == NULL )
wxMessageBox( _( "No component" ) );
switch( event.GetId() )
bool fmt_is_jpeg = false; // could be selectable later. so keep this option.
file_ext = fmt_is_jpeg ? wxT( "jpg" ) : wxT( "png" );
mask = wxT( "*." ) + file_ext;
wxFileName fn( cmp->GetName() );
fn.SetExt( file_ext );
FullFileName = EDA_FileSelector( _( "Filename:" ), wxGetCwd(),
fn.GetFullName(), file_ext, mask, this,
wxFD_SAVE, true );
if( FullFileName.IsEmpty() )
// calling wxYield is mandatory under Linux, after closing the file selector dialog
// to refresh the screen before creating the PNG or JPEG image from screen
CreatePNGorJPEGFile( FullFileName, fmt_is_jpeg );
file_ext = wxT( "svg" );
mask = wxT( "*." ) + file_ext;
wxFileName fn( cmp->GetName() );
fn.SetExt( file_ext );
FullFileName = EDA_FileSelector( _( "Filename:" ), wxGetCwd(),
fn.GetFullName(), file_ext, mask, this,
wxFD_SAVE, true );
if( FullFileName.IsEmpty() )
#if 0 // would the PAGE_INFO margins work for this old code:
// Give a size to the SVG draw area = component size + margin
// the margin is 10% the size of the component size
wxSize pagesize = GetScreen()->ReturnPageSize( );
wxSize componentSize = m_component->GetBoundingBox( m_unit, m_convert ).GetSize();
// Add a small margin to the plot bounding box
componentSize.x = (int)(componentSize.x * 1.2);
componentSize.y = (int)(componentSize.y * 1.2);
GetScreen()->SetPageSize( componentSize );
SVG_Print_Component( FullFileName );
GetScreen()->SetPageSize( pagesize );
PAGE_INFO pageSave = GetScreen()->GetPageSettings();
PAGE_INFO pageTemp = pageSave;
wxSize componentSize = m_component->GetBoundingBox( m_unit, m_convert ).GetSize();
// Add a small margin to the plot bounding box
pageTemp.SetWidthMils( int( componentSize.x * 1.2 ) );
pageTemp.SetHeightMils( int( componentSize.y * 1.2 ) );
GetScreen()->SetPageSettings( pageTemp );
SVG_Print_Component( FullFileName );
GetScreen()->SetPageSettings( pageSave );
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::CreatePNGorJPEGFile( const wxString& aFileName, bool aFmt_jpeg )
wxSize image_size = m_canvas->GetClientSize();
wxClientDC dc( m_canvas );
wxBitmap bitmap( image_size.x, image_size.y );
wxMemoryDC memdc;
memdc.SelectObject( bitmap );
memdc.Blit( 0, 0, image_size.x, image_size.y, &dc, 0, 0 );
memdc.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
wxImage image = bitmap.ConvertToImage();
if( !image.SaveFile( aFileName, aFmt_jpeg ? wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG : wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG ) )
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( _( "Can't save file <%s>" ), GetChars( aFileName ) );
wxMessageBox( msg );
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::PrintPage( wxDC* aDC, int aPrintMask, bool aPrintMirrorMode, void* aData)
if( ! m_component )
wxSize pagesize = GetScreen()->GetPageSettings().GetSizeIU();
/* Plot item centered to the page
* In libedit, the component is centered at 0,0 coordinates.
* So we must plot it with an offset = pagesize/2.
wxPoint plot_offset;
plot_offset.x = pagesize.x/2;
plot_offset.y = pagesize.y/2;
m_component->Draw( m_canvas, aDC, plot_offset, m_unit, m_convert, GR_DEFAULT_DRAWMODE );