
596 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* @file gpcb_exchange.cpp
* @brief Import functions to import footprints from a gpcb (Newlib) library.
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "wxstruct.h"
#include "kicad_string.h"
#include "trigo.h"
#include "richio.h"
#include "filter_reader.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "class_pad.h"
#include "class_module.h"
#include "class_edge_mod.h"
#include "pcbnew.h"
/* read parameters from a line, and return all params in a wxArrayString
* each param is in one wxString, and double quotes removed if exists
static void Extract_Parameters( wxArrayString& param_list, char* text );
static bool TestFlags( const wxString& flg_string, long flg_mask, const wxChar* flg_name );
* Function Read_GPCB_Descr
* Read a footprint description in GPCB (Newlib) format
* @param CmpFullFileName = Full file name (there is one footprint per file.
* this is also the footprint name
* @return bool - true if success reading else false.
/* a sample is
* Element["" "" "" "" 29000 44000 0 0 0 100 ""]
* (
* Pad[-5000 0 -4000 0 4999 0 4999 "" "1" "square"]
* Pad[4000 0 5000 0 4999 0 4999 "" "2" "square,edge2"]
* ElementLine [8000 3000 1000 3000 199]
* ElementLine [8000 -3000 8000 3000 199]
* ElementLine [-8000 3000 -1000 3000 199]
* ElementLine [-8000 -3000 -1000 -3000 199]
* ElementLine [8000 -3000 1000 -3000 199]
* ElementLine [-8000 -3000 -8000 3000 199]
* )
* Format
* Element [SFlags "Desc" "Name" "Value" MX MY TX TY TDir TScale TSFlags]
* Element (NFlags "Desc" "Name" "Value" MX MY TX TY TDir TScale TNFlags)
* Element (NFlags "Desc" "Name" "Value" TX TY TDir TScale TNFlags)
* Element (NFlags "Desc" "Name" TX TY TDir TScale TNFlags)
* Element ("Desc" "Name" TX TY TDir TScale TNFlags)
* (
* . . . contents . . . *
* )
* With:
* SFlags Symbolic or numeric flags, for the element as a whole.
* NFlags Numeric flags, for the element as a whole.
* Desc The description of the element. This is one of the three strings which can be
* displayed on the screen.
* Name The name of the element, usually the reference designator.
* Value The value of the element.
* MX MY The location of the element<EFBFBD>s mark. This is the reference point for placing the element and its pins and pads.
* TX TY The upper left corner of the text (one of the three strings).
* TDir The relative direction of the text. 0 means left to right for an unrotated element, 1 means up, 2 left, 3 down.
* TScale Size of the text, as a percentage of the <EFBFBD>default<EFBFBD> size of of the font (the default font is about 40 mils high). Default is 100 (40 mils).
* TSFlags Symbolic or numeric flags, for the text.
* TNFlags Numeric flags, for the text.
* Elements may contain pins, pads, element
* ElementLine [X1 Y1 X2 Y2 Thickness]
* ElementLine (X1 Y1 X2 Y2 Thickness)
* ElementArc [X Y Width Height StartAngle DeltaAngle Thickness]
* ElementArc (X Y Width Height StartAngle DeltaAngle Thickness)
* (rotation in clockwise)
2011-12-03 14:04:17 +00:00
* ( Note: Pad is a SMD Pad in Pcbnew, and Pin is a through hole Pad in Pcbnew )
* Pad [rX1 rY1 rX2 rY2 Thickness Clearance Mask "Name" "Number" SFlags]
* Pad (rX1 rY1 rX2 rY2 Thickness Clearance Mask "Name" "Number" NFlags)
* Pad (aX1 aY1 aX2 aY2 Thickness "Name" "Number" NFlags)
* Pad (aX1 aY1 aX2 aY2 Thickness "Name" NFlags)
* Pin [rX rY Thickness Clearance Mask Drill "Name" "Number" SFlags]
* Pin (rX rY Thickness Clearance Mask Drill "Name" "Number" NFlags)
* Pin (aX aY Thickness Drill "Name" "Number" NFlags)
* Pin (aX aY Thickness Drill "Name" NFlags)
* Pin (aX aY Thickness "Name" NFlags)
* Object Flags :
* Note that object flags can be given numerically (like 0x0147) or symbolically (like
* "found,showname,square". Some numeric values are reused for different object types.
* The table below lists the numeric value followed by the symbolic name.
* 0x0001 pin
* If set, this object is a pin. This flag is for internal use only.
* 0x0002 via
* Likewise, for vias.
* 0x0004 found
* If set, this object has been found by FindConnection().
* 0x0008 hole
* For pins and vias, this flag means that the pin or via is a hole without a copper
* annulus.
* 0x0010 rat
* If set for a line, indicates that this line is a rat line instead of a copper trace.
* 0x0010 pininpoly
* For pins and pads, this flag is used internally to indicate that the pin or pad
* overlaps a polygon on some layer.
* 0x0010 clearpoly
* For polygons, this flag means that pins and vias will normally clear these polygons
* (thus, thermals are required for electrical connection). When clear, polygons
* will solidly connect to pins and vias.
* 0x0010 hidename
* For elements, when set the name of the element is hidden.
* 0x0020 showname
* For elements, when set the names of pins are shown.
* 0x0020 clearline
* For lines and arcs, the line/arc will clear polygons instead of connecting to
* them.
* 0x0020 fullpoly
* For polygons, the full polygon is drawn (i.e. all parts instead of only the biggest
* one).
* 0x0040 selected
* Set when the object is selected.
* 0x0080 onsolder
* For elements and pads, indicates that they are on the solder side
* 0x0080 auto
* For lines and vias, indicates that these were created by the autorouter.
* 0x0100 square
* For pins and pads, indicates a square (vs round) pin/pad.
* 0x0200 rubberend
* For lines, used internally for rubber band moves.
* 0x0200 warn
* For pins, vias, and pads, set to indicate a warning.
* 0x0400 usetherm
* Obsolete, indicates that pins/vias should be drawn with thermal fingers.
* 0x0400 Obsolete, old files used this to indicate lines drawn on silk.
* 0x0800 octagon
* Draw pins and vias as octagons.
* 0x1000 drc
* Set for objects that fail DRC.
* 0x2000 lock
* Set for locked objects.
* 0x4000 edge2
* For pads, indicates that the second point is closer to the edge. For pins, indicates
* that the pin is closer to a horizontal edge and thus pinout text should be vertical.
* 0x8000 marker
* Marker used internally to avoid revisiting an object.
* 0x10000 nopaste
* For pads, set to prevent a solderpaste stencil opening for the pad. Primarily
* used for pads used as fiducials.
bool MODULE::Read_GPCB_Descr( const wxString& CmpFullFileName )
#define NEW_GPCB_UNIT_CONV 0.1
FILE* cmpfile;
double conv_unit = NEW_GPCB_UNIT_CONV; // GPCB unit = 0.01 mils and Pcbnew 0.1
// Old version unit = 1 mil, so conv_unit is 10 or 0.1
bool success = true;
char* Line;
long ibuf[100];
D_PAD* Pad;
wxArrayString params;
int iprmcnt, icnt_max, iflgidx;
if( ( cmpfile = wxFopen( CmpFullFileName, wxT( "rt" ) ) ) == NULL )
return false;
FILE_LINE_READER fileReader( cmpfile, CmpFullFileName );
FILTER_READER reader( fileReader );
Line = reader.Line();
Extract_Parameters( params, Line );
iprmcnt = 0;
icnt_max = params.GetCount();
if( params[iprmcnt].CmpNoCase( wxT( "Element" ) ) != 0 )
return false;
// Test symbol after "Element": if [ units = 0.01 mils, and if ( units = 1 mil
if( params[iprmcnt] == wxT( "(" ) )
conv_unit = OLD_GPCB_UNIT_CONV;
/* Analyse first line :
* Element [element_flags, description, pcb-name, value, mark_x, mark_y, text_x, text_y,
* text_direction, text_scale, text_flags]
// Read flags (unused)
// Read description
m_Doc = params[iprmcnt];
2008-03-12 11:49:16 +00:00
// Read pcb-name (reference )
2008-03-12 11:49:16 +00:00
m_Reference->m_Text = params[iprmcnt];
// Read value
m_Value->m_Text = params[iprmcnt];
// Read other infos
int idx = 2; // index of the first param of the ref text in ibuf
// can be 2 ( 0 and 1 = position of module (not handled by Pcbnew)
// or 0 if no module position
2008-03-12 11:49:16 +00:00
for( int ii = 0; ii < 20; ii++ )
ibuf[ii] = 0;
for( int ii = 0; ii <= 8; ii++, iprmcnt++ ) // upt to 6 params + terminal char.
if( iprmcnt >= icnt_max )
success = false;
if( params[iprmcnt] == wxT( ")" ) ||
params[iprmcnt] == wxT( "]" ) )
{ // Terminal character found
if( ii <= 5 ) // no module position
idx = 0;
params[iprmcnt].ToLong( &ibuf[ii] );
wxPoint pos;
pos.x = wxRound( ibuf[idx] * conv_unit );
pos.y = wxRound( ibuf[idx+1] * conv_unit );
m_Reference->SetPos( pos );
m_Reference->SetPos0( pos );
m_Reference->m_Orient = ibuf[idx+2] ? 900 : 0;
// Calculate size: default is 40 mils (400 pcb units)
// real size is: default * ibuf[idx+3] / 100 (size in gpcb is given in percent of default size
int tsize = ( ibuf[idx+3] * TEXT_DEFAULT_SIZE ) / 100;
int thickness = m_Reference->m_Size.x / 6;
m_Reference->m_Size.x = m_Reference->m_Size.y = MAX( 40, tsize );
m_Reference->m_Thickness = thickness;
m_Value->m_Orient = m_Reference->m_Orient;
m_Value->m_Size = m_Reference->m_Size;
m_Value->m_Thickness = m_Reference->m_Thickness;
pos.y += tsize + thickness;
m_Value->SetPos( pos );
m_Value->SetPos0( pos );
while( reader.ReadLine() )
Line = reader.Line();
Extract_Parameters( params, Line );
if( params.GetCount() > 3 ) // Test units value for a string line param (more than 3 params : ident [ xx ] )
if( params[1] == wxT( "(" ) )
conv_unit = OLD_GPCB_UNIT_CONV;
conv_unit = NEW_GPCB_UNIT_CONV;
if( params[0].CmpNoCase( wxT( "ElementLine" ) ) == 0 ) // line descr
{ // Format: ElementLine [X1 Y1 X2 Y2 Thickness]
DrawSegm = new EDGE_MODULE( this );
DrawSegm->SetLayer( SILKSCREEN_N_FRONT );
DrawSegm->m_Shape = S_SEGMENT;
m_Drawings.PushBack( DrawSegm );
int* list[5] = {
&DrawSegm->m_Start0.x, &DrawSegm->m_Start0.y,
&DrawSegm->m_End0.x, &DrawSegm->m_End0.y,
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < 5; ii++ )
long dim;
if( ii < (params.GetCount() - 2) )
if( params[ii + 2].ToLong( &dim ) )
*list[ii] = wxRound( dim * conv_unit );
if( params[0].CmpNoCase( wxT( "ElementArc" ) ) == 0 ) // Arc descr
{ // format: ElementArc [X Y Width Height StartAngle DeltaAngle Thickness]
// Pcbnew does know ellipse so we must have Width = Height
DrawSegm = new EDGE_MODULE( this );
DrawSegm->SetLayer( SILKSCREEN_N_FRONT );
DrawSegm->m_Shape = S_ARC;
m_Drawings.PushBack( DrawSegm );
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < 7; ii++ )
long dim;
if( ii < (params.GetCount() - 2) )
if( params[ii + 2].ToLong( &dim ) )
ibuf[ii] = dim;
ibuf[ii] = 0;
ibuf[ii] = 0;
int radius = (ibuf[2] + ibuf[3]) / 4; // for and arc: ibuf[3] = ibuf[4]. Pcbnew does not know ellipses
wxPoint centre;
centre.x = wxRound( ibuf[0] * conv_unit );
centre.y = wxRound( ibuf[1] * conv_unit );
DrawSegm->m_Start0 = centre;
int start_angle = ibuf[4] * 10; // Pcbnew uses 0.1 degrees as units
start_angle -= 1800; // Use normal X axis as reference
DrawSegm->m_Angle = ibuf[5] * 10; // Angle value is clockwise in gpcb and Pcbnew
DrawSegm->m_End0.x = wxRound( radius * conv_unit );
DrawSegm->m_End0.y = 0;
RotatePoint( &DrawSegm->m_End0, -start_angle );// Calculate start point coordinate of arc
DrawSegm->m_End0 += centre;
DrawSegm->m_Width = wxRound( ibuf[6] * conv_unit );
if( params[0].CmpNoCase( wxT( "Pad" ) ) == 0 ) // Pad with no hole (smd pad)
{ // format: Pad [x1 y1 x2 y2 thickness clearance mask "name" "pad_number" flags]
Pad = new D_PAD( this );
2011-12-03 14:04:17 +00:00
Pad->m_PadShape = PAD_RECT;
// Set shape from flags
iflgidx = params.GetCount() - 2;
if( TestFlags( params[iflgidx], 0x0080, wxT( "onsolder" ) ) )
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < 5; ii++ )
if( ii < params.GetCount() - 2 )
long dim;
if( params[ii + 2].ToLong( &dim ) )
ibuf[ii] = wxRound( dim * conv_unit );
ibuf[ii] = 0;
// Read name:
// Currently unused
// Read pad number:
if( params[1] == wxT( "(" ) )
Pad->SetPadName( params[8] );
Pad->SetPadName( params[10] );
2011-12-03 14:04:17 +00:00
// Calculate the Pad parameters.
// In Pcb the shape is a segment
// ibuf[0], ibuf[1] is the start point of the segment
// ibuf[2], ibuf[3] is the end point of the segment
// and me must convert the segment to an oval ( or rectangular) pad
// Pad pos = middle of the segment
// Pad Orientation = angle of the segment
// Pad size = lenght and thickness of the segment
wxPoint delta;
delta.x = ibuf[2] - ibuf[0];
delta.y = ibuf[3] - ibuf[1];
double angle = atan2( (double)delta.y, (double)delta.x );
// Negate angle (due to Y reversed axis) and convert it to internal units
angle = - angle * 1800.0 / M_PI;
Pad->SetOrientation( wxRound( angle ) );
Pad->m_Pos.x = (ibuf[0] + ibuf[2]) / 2;
Pad->m_Pos.y = (ibuf[1] + ibuf[3]) / 2;
Pad->m_Size.x = wxRound( hypot( (double)delta.x, (double)delta.y ) ) + ibuf[4];
2011-12-03 14:04:17 +00:00
Pad->m_Size.y = ibuf[4];
Pad->m_Pos += m_Pos;
if( !TestFlags( params[iflgidx], 0x0100, wxT( "square" ) ) )
if( Pad->m_Size.x == Pad->m_Size.y )
Pad->m_PadShape = PAD_ROUND;
Pad->m_PadShape = PAD_OVAL;
m_Pads.PushBack( Pad );
if( params[0].CmpNoCase( wxT( "Pin" ) ) == 0 ) // Pad with hole (trough pad)
{ // format: Pin[x y Thickness Clearance Mask DrillHole Name Number Flags]
Pad = new D_PAD( this );
Pad->m_PadShape = PAD_ROUND;
Pad->m_layerMask = ALL_CU_LAYERS |
iflgidx = params.GetCount() - 2;
if( TestFlags( params[iflgidx], 0x0100, wxT( "square" ) ) )
Pad->m_PadShape = PAD_RECT;
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++ )
if( ii < params.GetCount() - 2 )
long dim;
if( params[ii + 2].ToLong( &dim ) )
ibuf[ii] = wxRound( dim * conv_unit );
ibuf[ii] = 0;
// Read name:
// Currently unused
// Read pad number:
if( params[1] == wxT( "(" ) )
Pad->SetPadName( params[7] );
Pad->SetPadName( params[9] );
Pad->m_Pos.x = ibuf[0];
Pad->m_Pos.y = ibuf[1];
Pad->m_Drill.x = Pad->m_Drill.y = ibuf[5];
Pad->m_Size.x = Pad->m_Size.y = ibuf[3] + Pad->m_Drill.x;
Pad->m_Pos.x += m_Pos.x;
Pad->m_Pos.y += m_Pos.y;
if( (Pad->m_PadShape == PAD_ROUND) && (Pad->m_Size.x != Pad->m_Size.y) )
Pad->m_PadShape = PAD_OVAL;
m_Pads.PushBack( Pad );
if( m_Value->m_Text.IsEmpty() )
m_Value->m_Text = wxT( "Val**" );
if( m_Reference->m_Text.IsEmpty() )
wxFileName filename( CmpFullFileName );
m_Reference->m_Text = filename.GetName();
/* Recalculate the bounding box */
return success;
/* Read a text line and extract params and tokens.
* special chars are:
* [ ] ( ) Begin and end of parameter list and units indicator
* " is a string delimiter
* space is the param separator
* The first word is the keyword
* the second item is one of ( ot [
* other are parameters (number or delimited string)
* last parameter is ) or ]
static void Extract_Parameters( wxArrayString& param_list, char* text )
char key;
wxString tmp;
while( *text != 0 )
key = *text;
switch( key )
case '[':
case ']':
case '(':
case ')':
if( !tmp.IsEmpty() )
param_list.Add( tmp );
tmp.Append( key );
param_list.Add( tmp );
case '\n':
case '\r':
case '\t':
case ' ':
if( !tmp.IsEmpty() )
param_list.Add( tmp );
case '"':
while( *text != 0 )
key = *text;
if( key == '"' )
param_list.Add( tmp );
tmp.Append( key );
tmp.Append( key );
* Function TestFlags
* Test flag flg_mask or flg_name.
* @param flg_string = flsg list to test: can be a bit field flag or a list name flsg
* a bit field flag is an hexadecimal value: Ox00020000
* a list name flag is a string list of flags, comma separated like square,option1
* @param flg_mask = flag list to test
* @param flg_name = flag name to find in list
* @return true if found
bool TestFlags( const wxString& flg_string, long flg_mask, const wxChar* flg_name )
wxString strnumber;
if( flg_string.StartsWith( wxT( "0x" ), &strnumber )
|| flg_string.StartsWith( wxT( "0X" ), &strnumber ) )
long lflags;
if( strnumber.ToLong( &lflags, 16 ) )
if( lflags & flg_mask )
return true;
else if( flg_string.Contains( flg_name ) )
return true;
return false;