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Raw Normal View History

/* eeschema.cpp - module principal */
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "appl_wxstruct.h"
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
#include "common.h"
#include "class_drawpanel.h"
#include "confirm.h"
#include "gestfich.h"
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
#include "program.h"
#include "general.h"
#include "bitmaps.h"
#include "eda_dde.h"
#include "libcmp.h"
#include "protos.h"
#include <wx/snglinst.h>
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
// Global variables
LibraryStruct* g_LibraryList; // All part libs are saved here.
int g_OptNetListUseNames; /* TRUE pour utiliser les noms de net plutot que
* les numeros (netlist PSPICE seulement) */
SCH_ITEM* g_ItemToRepeat; /* pointeur sur la derniere structure
* dessinee pouvant etre dupliquee par la commande
* Repeat ( NULL si aucune struct existe ) */
wxSize g_RepeatStep;
int g_RepeatDeltaLabel;
SCH_ITEM* g_ItemToUndoCopy; /* copy of last modified schematic item
* before it is modified (used for undo managing
* to restore old values ) */
bool g_LastSearchIsMarker; /* True if last seach is a marker serach
* False for a schematic item search
* Used for hotkey next search */
/* Block operation (copy, paste) */
SCH_ITEM* g_BlockSaveDataList; // List of items to paste (Created by Block Save)
// Gestion d'options
int g_HVLines = 1; // Bool: force H or V directions (Wires, Bus ..)
int g_PlotPSColorOpt; // True = plot postcript color (see plotps.cpp)
struct EESchemaVariables g_EESchemaVar;
/* Variables globales pour Libview */
wxString g_CurrentViewLibraryName; /* nom de la librairie en cours d'examen */
wxString g_CurrentViewComponentName; /* nom du le composant en cours d'examen */
int g_ViewConvert; /* Vue normal / convert */
int g_ViewUnit; /* part a afficher (A, B ..) */
/* Variables globales pour Schematic Edit */
int g_DefaultTextLabelSize = DEFAULT_SIZE_TEXT;
/* Variables globales pour LibEdit */
int g_LastTextSize = DEFAULT_SIZE_TEXT;
int g_LastTextOrient = TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ;
bool g_FlDrawSpecificUnit = FALSE;
bool g_FlDrawSpecificConvert = TRUE;
int g_PlotFormat; /* flag = TYPE_HPGL, TYPE_PS... */
int g_PlotMargin; /* Marge pour traces du cartouche */
float g_PlotScaleX;
float g_PlotScaleY; /* coeff d'echelle de trace en unites table tracante */
HPGL_Pen_Descr_Struct g_HPGL_Pen_Descr;
//SCH_SCREEN * ScreenSch;
DrawSheetStruct* g_RootSheet = NULL;
SCH_SCREEN* g_ScreenLib = NULL;
wxString g_NetCmpExtBuffer( wxT( "cmp" ) );
wxString g_SymbolExtBuffer( wxT( "sym" ) );
const wxString CompLibFileExtension( wxT( "lib" ) );
const wxString CompLibFileWildcard( wxT( "Kicad component library file " \
"(*.lib)|*.lib" ) );
wxString g_SimulatorCommandLine; // ligne de commande pour l'appel au simulateur (gnucap, spice..)
wxString g_NetListerCommandLine; // ligne de commande pour l'appel au simulateur (gnucap, spice..)
LayerStruct g_LayerDescr; /* couleurs des couches */
/* bool: TRUE si edition des pins pin a pin au lieu */
bool g_EditPinByPinIsOn = FALSE;
int g_LibSymbolDefaultLineWidth; /* default line width (in EESCHEMA units) used when creating a new graphic item in libedit : 0 = default */
int g_DrawMinimunLineWidth; /* Minimum line (in EESCHEMA units) thickness used to draw items on screen; 0 = single pixel line width */
int g_PlotLine_Width; /* Minimum line (in EESCHEMA units) thickness used to Plot/Print items */
// Color to draw selected items
int g_ItemSelectetColor = BROWN;
// Color to draw items flagged invisible, in libedit (they are insisible in eeschema
int g_InvisibleItemColor = DARKGRAY;
/* Variables used by LibEdit */
LibEDA_BaseStruct* LibItemToRepeat = NULL; /* pointer on a graphic item than
* can be duplicated by the Ins key
* (usually the last created item */
LibraryStruct* CurrentLib = NULL; /* Current opened library */
EDA_LibComponentStruct* CurrentLibEntry = NULL; /* Current component */
LibEDA_BaseStruct* CurrentDrawItem = NULL; /* current edited item */
// Current selected alias (for components which have aliases)
wxString CurrentAliasName;
// True if the current component has a "De Morgan" representation
bool g_AsDeMorgan;
int CurrentUnit = 1;
int CurrentConvert = 1;
/* Library (name) containing the last component find by FindLibPart() */
wxString FindLibName;
int DefaultTransformMatrix[2][2] = { { 1, 0 }, { 0, -1 } };
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
/* Called to initialize the program */
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
// Create a new application object: this macro will allow wxWindows to create
// the application object during program execution (it's better than using a
// static object for many reasons) and also declares the accessor function
// wxGetApp() which will return the reference of the right type (i.e. MyApp and
// not wxApp)
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
2007-09-01 12:00:30 +00:00
bool WinEDA_App::OnInit()
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
wxFileName fn;
WinEDA_SchematicFrame* frame = NULL;
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
g_DebugLevel = 0; // Debug level */
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
2009-04-12 14:39:54 +00:00
InitEDA_Appl( wxT( "EESchema" ), APP_TYPE_EESCHEMA );
if( m_Checker && m_Checker->IsAnotherRunning() )
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
if( !IsOK( NULL, _( "Eeschema is already running, Continue?" ) ) )
return false;
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
if( argc > 1 )
fn = argv[1];
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
/* init EESCHEMA */
Read_Hotkey_Config( frame, false ); /* Must be called before creating
* the main frame in order to
* display the real hotkeys in menus
* or tool tips */
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
// Create main frame (schematic frame) :
frame = new WinEDA_SchematicFrame( NULL, wxT( "EESchema" ),
wxPoint( 0, 0 ), wxSize( 600, 400 ) );
SetTopWindow( frame );
frame->Show( TRUE );
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
if( CreateServer( frame, KICAD_SCH_PORT_SERVICE_NUMBER ) )
// RemoteCommand is in controle.cpp and is called when PCBNEW
// sends EESCHEMA a command
SetupServerFunction( RemoteCommand );
ActiveScreen = frame->GetScreen();
frame->Zoom_Automatique( TRUE );
/* Load file specified in the command line. */
if( fn.IsOk() )
if( fn.GetExt() != SchematicFileExtension )
fn.SetExt( SchematicFileExtension );
wxSetWorkingDirectory( fn.GetPath() );
if( frame->DrawPanel
&& frame->LoadOneEEProject( fn.GetFullPath(), false ) <= 0 )
frame->DrawPanel->Refresh( true );
// Read a default config file if no file to load.
frame->LoadProjectFile( wxEmptyString, TRUE );
if( frame->DrawPanel )
frame->DrawPanel->Refresh( TRUE );
return TRUE;
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00