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* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2016-2018 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file hotkey_store.h
#include <hotkeys_basic.h>
* Class that manages a hotkey that can be changed, reset to its
* old value, a default or saved.
CHANGED_HOTKEY( EDA_HOTKEY& aHotkey, const wxString& aTag ):
m_orig( aHotkey ),
m_changed( aHotkey ),
m_tag( aTag )
m_isValid = false;
m_validMessage = _( "Hotkey never verified" );
EDA_HOTKEY& GetCurrentValue()
return m_changed;
const EDA_HOTKEY& GetCurrentValue() const
return m_changed;
* Gets the original value of the hotkey. This is what the hotkey used
* to be, and what it would be set to if reset.
* @return reference to the original hotkey.
const EDA_HOTKEY& GetOriginalValue() const
return m_orig;
* Save changed hotkey to the original location.
void SaveHotkey()
m_orig = m_changed;
* @brief Return true if the hotkey doesn't match the original (i.e. it
* has been changed)
bool HasUnsavedChange() const
return m_orig.m_KeyCode != m_changed.m_KeyCode;
const wxString& GetSectionTag() const
return m_tag;
* Return whether this hotkey has been flagged as invalid
* @param aMessage - If invalid, contains a string giving the reason for being invalid
* @return - true if valid, false otherwise
bool IsValid( wxString& aMessage ) const
aMessage = m_validMessage;
return m_isValid;
* Return whether this hotkey has been flagged as invalid
* @return - true if valid, false otherwise
bool IsValid() const
return m_isValid;
* Set if this hotkey is valid
* @param aValid - Flag giving true if valid, false otherwise
* @param amessage - Reason for being invalid (empty if hotkey is valid)
void SetValidity( bool aValid, wxString& aMessage )
m_isValid = aValid;
m_validMessage = aMessage;
// Reference to an "original" hotkey config
EDA_HOTKEY& m_orig;
// A separate changeable config
EDA_HOTKEY m_changed;
// The hotkey section tag, used to spot conflicts
const wxString& m_tag;
// True if the key is a valid hotkey (has no invalid combinations)
bool m_isValid;
// Reason for being invalid
wxString m_validMessage;
* Associates a set of hotkeys (a section) with a display name and the hotkeys
// The displayed, translated, name of the section
wxString m_name;
// List of update-able hotkey data for this section
std::vector<CHANGED_HOTKEY> m_hotkeys;
// Back reference to the underlying hotkey data of this section
* A class that contains a set of hotkeys, arranged into "sections"
* and provides some book-keeping functions for them.
using SECTION_LIST = std::vector<HOTKEY_SECTION>;
* Construct a HOTKEY_STORE from a list of hotkey sections
* @param aHotkeys the hotkey configs that will be managed by this store.
* Get the list of sections managed by this store
SECTION_LIST& GetSections();
* Find a hotkey with the given command ID and in the given section
* @return pointer to the hotkey if found.
CHANGED_HOTKEY* FindHotkey( const wxString& aTag, int aCmdId );
* Persist all changes to hotkeys in the store to the underlying
* data structures.
void SaveAllHotkeys();
* Reset every hotkey in the store to the default values
void ResetAllHotkeysToDefault();
* Resets every hotkey to the original values.
void ResetAllHotkeysToOriginal();
* Check whether the given key conflicts with anything in this store. If a command ID is
* specified, then the conflict will only trigger if the conflicting hotkey is for
* a different command ID.
* @param aKey - key to check
* @param aSectionTag - section tag into which the key is proposed to be installed
* @param aConfKey - if not NULL, outparam getting the key this one conflicts with
* @param aConfSect - if not NULL, outparam getting the section this one conflicts with
* @param aIdCommand - Optional command ID for the key being tested
bool CheckKeyConflicts( long aKey, const wxString& aSectionTag, EDA_HOTKEY** aConfKey,
EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG** aConfSect, const int aIdCommand = -1 );
* Check if a given key contains only valid key combinations
* @param aKey - The key to check
* @param aMessage - If invalid, the outparam containing the message explaining the invalidity
* @return - true if valid, false if invalid
static bool CheckKeyValidity( long aKey, wxString& aMessage );
* Test all hotkeys in the hotkey store for validity and conflicts with other keys
bool TestStoreValidity();
* Get a string containing all the errors detected during the validity test
* It is formatted as:
* Action name 1: Reason key is invalid
* Action name 2: Reason key is invalid
* ...
* @param aMessage - outparam to store the message in
* @return true if no errors detected
bool GetStoreValidityMessage( wxString& aMessage )
aMessage = m_invalidityCauses;
return m_isValid;
* Generate a HOTKEY_SECTION for a single section
* described by an EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG
// Internal data for every hotkey passed in
SECTION_LIST m_hk_sections;
// String containing information on the causes of invalidity for the entire store
wxString m_invalidityCauses;
// Is the store valid
bool m_isValid;
#endif // HOTKEY_STORE__H