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* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
2024-01-04 11:49:06 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2022-2024 KiCad Developers.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 3 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <deque>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <wx/debug.h>
#include <board.h>
#include <board_connected_item.h>
#include <board_design_settings.h>
#include <drc/drc_rule.h>
#include <drc/drc_item.h>
#include <drc/drc_test_provider.h>
#include <drc/drc_rtree.h>
#include <drc/drc_rule_condition.h>
#include <footprint.h>
#include <geometry/seg.h>
#include <geometry/shape_poly_set.h>
#include <geometry/vertex_set.h>
#include <math/box2.h>
#include <math/vector2d.h>
#include <pcb_shape.h>
#include <progress_reporter.h>
2023-09-06 21:19:38 +00:00
#include <core/thread_pool.h>
#include <pcb_track.h>
#include <pad.h>
#include <zone.h>
Checks for copper connections that are less than the specified minimum width
Errors generated:
int Netcode;
bool operator==(const NETCODE_LAYER_CACHE_KEY& other) const
return Netcode == other.Netcode && Layer == other.Layer;
namespace std
template <>
std::size_t operator()( const NETCODE_LAYER_CACHE_KEY& k ) const
constexpr std::size_t prime = 19937;
return hash<int>()( k.Netcode ) ^ ( hash<int>()( k.Layer ) * prime );
virtual bool Run() override;
virtual const wxString GetName() const override
return wxT( "copper width" );
virtual const wxString GetDescription() const override
return wxT( "Checks copper nets for connections less than a specified minimum" );
wxString layerDesc( PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer );
POLYGON_TEST( int aLimit ) :
m_limit( aLimit )
bool FindPairs( const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& aPoly )
m_bbox = aPoly.BBox();
createList( aPoly );
VERTEX* p = m_vertices.front().next;
std::set<VERTEX*> all_hits;
while( p != &m_vertices.front() )
VERTEX* match = nullptr;
// Only run the expensive search if we don't already have a match for the point
2023-04-11 08:53:35 +00:00
if( ( all_hits.empty() || all_hits.count( p ) == 0 ) && ( match = getKink( p ) ) != nullptr )
if( !all_hits.count( match ) && m_hits.emplace( p->i, match->i ).second )
all_hits.emplace( p );
all_hits.emplace( match );
all_hits.emplace( p->next );
all_hits.emplace( p->prev );
all_hits.emplace( match->next );
all_hits.emplace( match->prev );
p = p->next;
return !m_hits.empty();
std::set<std::pair<int, int>>& GetVertices()
return m_hits;
* Checks to see if there is a "substantial" protrusion in each polygon produced by the cut from
* aA to aB. Substantial in this case means that the polygon bulges out to a wider cross-section
* than the distance from aA to aB
* @param aA Starting point in the polygon
* @param aB Ending point in the polygon
* @return True if the two polygons are both "substantial"
bool isSubstantial( const VERTEX* aA, const VERTEX* aB ) const
bool x_change = false;
bool y_change = false;
// This is a failsafe in case of invalid lists. Never check
// more than the total number of points in m_vertices
size_t checked = 0;
size_t total_pts = m_vertices.size();
const VERTEX* p0 = aA;
const VERTEX* p = getNextOutlineVertex( p0 );
while( !same_point( p, aB ) // We've reached the other inflection point
&& !same_point( p, aA ) // We've gone around in a circle
&& checked < total_pts // Fail-safe for invalid lists
&& !( x_change && y_change ) ) // We've found a substantial change in both directions
double diff_x = std::abs( p->x - p0->x );
double diff_y = std::abs( p->y - p0->y );
// Check for a substantial change in the x or y direction
// This is measured by the set value of the minimum connection width
if( diff_x > m_limit )
x_change = true;
if( diff_y > m_limit )
y_change = true;
p = getNextOutlineVertex( p );
wxCHECK_MSG( checked < total_pts, false, wxT( "Invalid polygon detected. Missing points to check" ) );
if( !same_point( p, aA ) && ( !x_change || !y_change ) )
return false;
p = getPrevOutlineVertex( p0 );
x_change = false;
y_change = false;
checked = 0;
while( !same_point( p, aB ) // We've reached the other inflection point
&& !same_point( p, aA ) // We've gone around in a circle
&& checked < total_pts // Fail-safe for invalid lists
&& !( x_change && y_change ) ) // We've found a substantial change in both directions
double diff_x = std::abs( p->x - p0->x );
double diff_y = std::abs( p->y - p0->y );
// Floating point zeros can have a negative sign, so we need to
// ensure that only substantive diversions count for a direction
// change
if( diff_x > m_limit )
x_change = true;
if( diff_y > m_limit )
y_change = true;
p = getPrevOutlineVertex( p );
wxCHECK_MSG( checked < total_pts, false, wxT( "Invalid polygon detected. Missing points to check" ) );
return ( same_point( p, aA ) || ( x_change && y_change ) );
VERTEX* getKink( VERTEX* aPt ) const
// The point needs to be at a concave surface
if( locallyInside( aPt->prev, aPt->next ) )
return nullptr;
// z-order range for the current point ± limit bounding box
const int32_t maxZ = zOrder( aPt->x + m_limit, aPt->y + m_limit );
const int32_t minZ = zOrder( aPt->x - m_limit, aPt->y - m_limit );
const SEG::ecoord limit2 = SEG::Square( m_limit );
// first look for points in increasing z-order
VERTEX* p = aPt->nextZ;
SEG::ecoord min_dist = std::numeric_limits<SEG::ecoord>::max();
VERTEX* retval = nullptr;
while( p && p->z <= maxZ )
int delta_i = std::abs( p->i - aPt->i );
VECTOR2D diff( p->x - aPt->x, p->y - aPt->y );
SEG::ecoord dist2 = diff.SquaredEuclideanNorm();
if( delta_i > 1 && dist2 < limit2 && dist2 < min_dist && dist2 > 0
&& locallyInside( p, aPt ) && isSubstantial( p, aPt ) && isSubstantial( aPt, p ) )
min_dist = dist2;
retval = p;
p = p->nextZ;
p = aPt->prevZ;
while( p && p->z >= minZ )
int delta_i = std::abs( p->i - aPt->i );
VECTOR2D diff( p->x - aPt->x, p->y - aPt->y );
SEG::ecoord dist2 = diff.SquaredEuclideanNorm();
if( delta_i > 1 && dist2 < limit2 && dist2 < min_dist && dist2 > 0
&& locallyInside( p, aPt ) && isSubstantial( p, aPt ) && isSubstantial( aPt, p ) )
min_dist = dist2;
retval = p;
p = p->prevZ;
return retval;
int m_limit;
std::set<std::pair<int, int>> m_hits;
return wxString::Format( wxT( "(%s)" ), m_drcEngine->GetBoard()->GetLayerName( aLayer ) );
if( m_drcEngine->IsErrorLimitExceeded( DRCE_CONNECTION_WIDTH ) )
return true; // Continue with other tests
if( !reportPhase( _( "Checking nets for minimum connection width..." ) ) )
return false; // DRC cancelled
LSET copperLayerSet = m_drcEngine->GetBoard()->GetEnabledLayers() & LSET::AllCuMask();
LSEQ copperLayers = copperLayerSet.Seq();
BOARD* board = m_drcEngine->GetBoard();
* Build a set of distinct minWidths specified by various DRC rules. We'll run a test for
* each distinct minWidth, and then decide if any copper which failed that minWidth actually
* was required to abide by it or not.
std::set<int> distinctMinWidths
= m_drcEngine->QueryDistinctConstraints( CONNECTION_WIDTH_CONSTRAINT );
if( m_drcEngine->IsCancelled() )
return false; // DRC cancelled
std::set<BOARD_ITEM*> Items;
std::unordered_map<NETCODE_LAYER_CACHE_KEY, ITEMS_POLY> dataset;
std::atomic<size_t> done( 1 );
auto calc_effort =
[&]( const std::set<BOARD_ITEM*>& items, PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer ) -> size_t
size_t effort = 0;
for( BOARD_ITEM* item : items )
if( item->Type() == PCB_ZONE_T )
ZONE* zone = static_cast<ZONE*>( item );
effort += zone->GetFilledPolysList( aLayer )->FullPointCount();
effort += 4;
return effort;
* For each net, on each layer, build a polygonSet which contains all the copper associated
* with that net on that layer.
auto build_netlayer_polys =
[&]( int aNetcode, const PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer ) -> size_t
if( m_drcEngine->IsCancelled() )
return 0;
ITEMS_POLY& itemsPoly = dataset[ { aNetcode, aLayer } ];
for( BOARD_ITEM* item : itemsPoly.Items )
item->TransformShapeToPolygon( itemsPoly.Poly, aLayer, 0, ARC_HIGH_DEF,
itemsPoly.Poly.Fracture( SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_FAST );
done.fetch_add( calc_effort( itemsPoly.Items, aLayer ) );
return 1;
* Examine all necks in a given polygonSet which fail a given minWidth.
auto min_checker =
[&]( const ITEMS_POLY& aItemsPoly, const PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer, int aMinWidth ) -> size_t
if( m_drcEngine->IsCancelled() )
return 0;
POLYGON_TEST test( aMinWidth );
for( int ii = 0; ii < aItemsPoly.Poly.OutlineCount(); ++ii )
const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& chain = aItemsPoly.Poly.COutline( ii );
test.FindPairs( chain );
auto& ret = test.GetVertices();
for( const std::pair<int, int>& pt : ret )
* We've found a neck that fails the given aMinWidth. We now need to know
* if the objects the produced the copper at this location are required to
* abide by said aMinWidth or not. (If so, we have a violation.)
* We find the contributingItems by hit-testing at the choke point (the
* centre point of the neck), and then run the rules engine on those
* contributingItems. If the reported constraint matches aMinWidth, then
* we've got a violation.
SEG span( chain.CPoint( pt.first ), chain.CPoint( pt.second ) );
VECTOR2I location = ( span.A + span.B ) / 2;
int dist = ( span.A - span.B ).EuclideanNorm();
std::vector<BOARD_ITEM*> contributingItems;
for( auto* item : board->m_CopperItemRTreeCache->GetObjectsAt( location,
aMinWidth ) )
if( item->HitTest( location, aMinWidth ) )
contributingItems.push_back( item );
for( auto& [ zone, rtree ] : board->m_CopperZoneRTreeCache )
if( !rtree.get() )
auto obj_list = rtree->GetObjectsAt( location, aLayer, aMinWidth );
if( !obj_list.empty() && zone->HitTestFilledArea( aLayer, location, aMinWidth ) )
contributingItems.push_back( zone );
if( !contributingItems.empty() )
BOARD_ITEM* item1 = contributingItems[0];
BOARD_ITEM* item2 = contributingItems.size() > 1 ? contributingItems[1]
: nullptr;
item1, item2, aLayer );
if( c.Value().Min() == aMinWidth + board->GetDesignSettings().GetDRCEpsilon() )
auto drce = DRC_ITEM::Create( DRCE_CONNECTION_WIDTH );
wxString msg;
msg = formatMsg( _( "(%s minimum connection width %s; actual %s)" ),
dist );
msg += wxS( " " ) + layerDesc( aLayer );
drce->SetErrorMessage( drce->GetErrorText() + wxS( " " ) + msg );
drce->SetViolatingRule( c.GetParentRule() );
for( BOARD_ITEM* item : contributingItems )
drce->AddItem( item );
reportViolation( drce, location, aLayer );
done.fetch_add( calc_effort( aItemsPoly.Items, aLayer ) );
return 1;
for( PCB_LAYER_ID layer : copperLayers )
for( ZONE* zone : board->m_DRCCopperZones )
if( !zone->GetIsRuleArea() && zone->IsOnLayer( layer ) )
dataset[ { zone->GetNetCode(), layer } ].Items.emplace( zone );
for( PCB_TRACK* track : board->Tracks() )
if( PCB_VIA* via = dynamic_cast<PCB_VIA*>( track ) )
if( via->FlashLayer( static_cast<int>( layer ) ) )
dataset[ { via->GetNetCode(), layer } ].Items.emplace( via );
else if( track->IsOnLayer( layer ) )
dataset[ { track->GetNetCode(), layer } ].Items.emplace( track );
for( FOOTPRINT* fp : board->Footprints() )
for( PAD* pad : fp->Pads() )
if( pad->FlashLayer( static_cast<int>( layer ) ) )
dataset[ { pad->GetNetCode(), layer } ].Items.emplace( pad );
// Footprint zones are also in the m_DRCCopperZones cache
thread_pool& tp = GetKiCadThreadPool();
std::vector<std::future<size_t>> returns;
size_t total_effort = 0;
for( const auto& [ netLayer, itemsPoly ] : dataset )
total_effort += calc_effort( itemsPoly.Items, netLayer.Layer );
total_effort += std::max( (size_t) 1, total_effort ) * distinctMinWidths.size();
returns.reserve( dataset.size() );
for( const auto& [ netLayer, itemsPoly ] : dataset )
returns.emplace_back( tp.submit( build_netlayer_polys, netLayer.Netcode, netLayer.Layer ) );
for( std::future<size_t>& ret : returns )
std::future_status status = ret.wait_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 250 ) );
while( status != std::future_status::ready )
2024-01-04 11:49:06 +00:00
reportProgress( done, total_effort );
status = ret.wait_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 250 ) );
returns.reserve( dataset.size() * distinctMinWidths.size() );
int epsilon = board->GetDesignSettings().GetDRCEpsilon();
for( const auto& [ netLayer, itemsPoly ] : dataset )
for( int minWidth : distinctMinWidths )
if( ( minWidth -= epsilon ) <= 0 )
returns.emplace_back( tp.submit( min_checker, itemsPoly, netLayer.Layer, minWidth ) );
for( std::future<size_t>& ret : returns )
std::future_status status = ret.wait_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 250 ) );
while( status != std::future_status::ready )
2024-01-04 11:49:06 +00:00
reportProgress( done, total_effort );
status = ret.wait_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( 250 ) );
return true;
namespace detail