
253 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2017-2020 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <pcb_edit_frame.h>
#include <panel_setup_layers.h>
#include <panel_setup_text_and_graphics.h>
#include <panel_setup_feature_constraints.h>
#include <panel_setup_netclasses.h>
#include <panel_setup_tracks_and_vias.h>
#include <panel_setup_mask_and_paste.h>
#include <../board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.h>
#include <confirm.h>
#include <kiface_i.h>
#include <drc/drc_item.h>
#include <dialog_import_settings.h>
#include <io_mgr.h>
#include <dialogs/panel_setup_severities.h>
#include <panel_text_variables.h>
#include <project.h>
#include <project/project_file.h>
#include <settings/settings_manager.h>
#include <widgets/infobar.h>
#include <wildcards_and_files_ext.h>
#include "dialog_board_setup.h"
2020-05-16 22:30:30 +00:00
#include "panel_setup_rules.h"
PAGED_DIALOG( aFrame, _( "Board Setup" ), false,
_( "Import Settings from Another Board..." ) ),
m_frame( aFrame )
BOARD* board = aFrame->GetBoard();
BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS& bds = board->GetDesignSettings();
m_layers = new PANEL_SETUP_LAYERS( this, aFrame );
m_textAndGraphics = new PANEL_SETUP_TEXT_AND_GRAPHICS( this, aFrame );
m_constraints = new PANEL_SETUP_FEATURE_CONSTRAINTS( this, aFrame );
2020-05-16 22:30:30 +00:00
m_rules = new PANEL_SETUP_RULES( this, aFrame );
m_tracksAndVias = new PANEL_SETUP_TRACKS_AND_VIAS( this, aFrame, m_constraints );
m_maskAndPaste = new PANEL_SETUP_MASK_AND_PASTE( this, aFrame );
m_physicalStackup = new PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP( this, aFrame, m_layers );
m_severities = new PANEL_SETUP_SEVERITIES( this, DRC_ITEM::GetItemsWithSeverities(),
bds.m_DRCSeverities );
m_netclasses = new PANEL_SETUP_NETCLASSES( this, &bds.GetNetClasses(),
board->GetNetClassAssignmentCandidates(), false );
m_textVars = new PANEL_TEXT_VARIABLES( m_treebook, &Prj() );
* WARNING: If you change page names you MUST update calls to ShowBoardSetupDialog().
m_treebook->AddPage( new wxPanel( this ), _( "Board Stackup" ) );
m_treebook->AddSubPage( m_layers, _( "Board Editor Layers" ) );
m_treebook->AddSubPage( m_physicalStackup, _( "Physical Stackup" ) );
// Change this value if m_physicalStackup is not the page 2 of m_treebook
m_physicalStackupPage = 2; // The page number (from 0) to select the m_physicalStackup panel
m_treebook->AddPage( new wxPanel( this ), _( "Defaults" ) );
m_treebook->AddSubPage( m_textAndGraphics, _( "Text & Graphics" ) );
m_treebook->AddSubPage( m_tracksAndVias, _( "Tracks & Vias" ) );
m_treebook->AddSubPage( m_maskAndPaste, _( "Solder Mask/Paste" ) );
m_treebook->AddPage( new wxPanel( this ), _( "Design Rules" ) );
m_treebook->AddSubPage( m_constraints, _( "Constraints" ) );
2020-05-16 22:30:30 +00:00
m_treebook->AddSubPage( m_rules, _( "Rules" ) );
m_treebook->AddSubPage( m_severities, _( "Violation Severity" ) );
m_treebook->AddPage( new wxPanel( this ), _( "Project" ) );
m_treebook->AddSubPage( m_netclasses, _( "Net Classes" ) );
m_treebook->AddSubPage( m_textVars, _( "Text Variables" ) );
for( size_t i = 0; i < m_treebook->GetPageCount(); ++i )
m_macHack.push_back( true );
// Connect Events
m_treebook->Connect( wxEVT_TREEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED,
wxBookCtrlEventHandler( DIALOG_BOARD_SETUP::OnPageChange ), NULL, this );
if( Prj().IsReadOnly() )
m_infoBar->ShowMessage( _( "Project is missing or read-only. Changes will not be saved." ) );
2020-11-16 11:16:44 +00:00
m_treebook->Disconnect( wxEVT_TREEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED,
wxBookCtrlEventHandler( DIALOG_BOARD_SETUP::OnPageChange ), NULL, this );
void DIALOG_BOARD_SETUP::OnPageChange( wxBookCtrlEvent& event )
if( event.GetSelection() == m_physicalStackupPage )
m_physicalStackup->OnLayersOptionsChanged( m_layers->GetUILayerMask() );
#ifdef __WXMAC__
// Work around an OSX bug where the wxGrid children don't get placed correctly until
// the first resize event
int page = event.GetSelection();
if( m_macHack[ page ] )
wxSize pageSize = m_treebook->GetPage( page )->GetSize();
pageSize.x -= 1;
pageSize.y += 2;
m_treebook->GetPage( page )->SetSize( pageSize );
m_macHack[ page ] = false;
// Run Import Settings... action
void DIALOG_BOARD_SETUP::OnAuxiliaryAction( wxCommandEvent& event )
DIALOG_IMPORT_SETTINGS importDlg( this, m_frame );
if( importDlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
wxFileName boardFn( importDlg.GetFilePath() );
wxFileName projectFn( boardFn );
projectFn.SetExt( ProjectFileExtension );
if( !m_frame->GetSettingsManager()->LoadProject( projectFn.GetFullPath(), false ) )
wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Error importing settings from board:\n"
"Associated project file %s could not be loaded" ),
projectFn.GetFullPath() );
DisplayErrorMessage( this, msg );
// Flag so user can stop work if it will result in deleted inner copper layers
// and still clean up this function properly.
bool okToProceed = true;
PROJECT* otherPrj = m_frame->GetSettingsManager()->GetProject( projectFn.GetFullPath() );
BOARD* otherBoard = new BOARD();
otherBoard = pi->Load( boardFn.GetFullPath(), nullptr, nullptr );
if( importDlg.m_LayersOpt->GetValue() )
BOARD* loadedBoard = m_frame->GetBoard();
// Check if "Import Settings" board has more layers than the current board.
okToProceed = m_layers->CheckCopperLayerCount( loadedBoard, otherBoard );
catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
// You wouldn't think boardFn.GetFullPath() would throw, but we get a stack buffer
// underflow from ASAN. While it's probably an ASAN error, a second try/catch doesn't
// cost us much.
if( ioe.Problem() != wxT( "CANCEL" ) )
wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Error loading board file:\n%s" ),
boardFn.GetFullPath() );
DisplayErrorMessage( this, msg, ioe.What() );
if( otherPrj != &m_frame->Prj() )
m_frame->GetSettingsManager()->UnloadProject( otherPrj, false );
// That was already our best-efforts
if( okToProceed )
otherBoard->SetProject( otherPrj );
if( importDlg.m_LayersOpt->GetValue() )
m_layers->ImportSettingsFrom( otherBoard );
if( importDlg.m_TextAndGraphicsOpt->GetValue() )
m_textAndGraphics->ImportSettingsFrom( otherBoard );
if( importDlg.m_ConstraintsOpt->GetValue() )
m_constraints->ImportSettingsFrom( otherBoard );
if( importDlg.m_NetclassesOpt->GetValue() )
m_netclasses->ImportSettingsFrom( &otherBoard->GetDesignSettings().GetNetClasses() );
if( importDlg.m_TracksAndViasOpt->GetValue() )
m_tracksAndVias->ImportSettingsFrom( otherBoard );
if( importDlg.m_MaskAndPasteOpt->GetValue() )
m_maskAndPaste->ImportSettingsFrom( otherBoard );
// If layers options are imported, import also the stackup
// layers options and stackup are linked, so they cannot be imported
// separately, and stackup can be imported only after layers options
// Note also currently only the list of enabled layers can be imported, because
// we import settings from a .pro project file, not the settings inside
// a board, and info only living in the board is not imported.
// TODO: Add import of physical settings now that we are actually loading the board here
if( importDlg.m_LayersOpt->GetValue() )
m_physicalStackup->ImportSettingsFrom( otherBoard );
if( importDlg.m_SeveritiesOpt->GetValue() )
m_severities->ImportSettingsFrom( otherBoard->GetDesignSettings().m_DRCSeverities );
if( otherPrj != &m_frame->Prj() )
// Clean up and free memory before leaving
if( otherPrj != &m_frame->Prj() )
m_frame->GetSettingsManager()->UnloadProject( otherPrj, false );
delete otherBoard;