2018-05-14 17:34:18 +00:00
// C++ code generated with wxFormBuilder (version Dec 30 2017)
// http://www.wxformbuilder.org/
# include "panel_pcbnew_settings_base.h"
PANEL_PCBNEW_SETTINGS_BASE : : PANEL_PCBNEW_SETTINGS_BASE ( wxWindow * parent , wxWindowID id , const wxPoint & pos , const wxSize & size , long style ) : wxPanel ( parent , id , pos , size , style )
wxBoxSizer * bPanelSizer ;
bPanelSizer = new wxBoxSizer ( wxHORIZONTAL ) ;
wxBoxSizer * bMargins ;
bMargins = new wxBoxSizer ( wxHORIZONTAL ) ;
wxBoxSizer * bMiddleLeftSizer ;
bMiddleLeftSizer = new wxBoxSizer ( wxVERTICAL ) ;
wxString m_PolarDisplayChoices [ ] = { _ ( " Cartesian coordinates " ) , _ ( " Polar coordinates " ) } ;
int m_PolarDisplayNChoices = sizeof ( m_PolarDisplayChoices ) / sizeof ( wxString ) ;
m_PolarDisplay = new wxRadioBox ( this , wxID_POLAR_CTRL , _ ( " Coordinates " ) , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , m_PolarDisplayNChoices , m_PolarDisplayChoices , 1 , wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS ) ;
m_PolarDisplay - > SetSelection ( 0 ) ;
m_PolarDisplay - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " Set display of relative (dx/dy) coordinates to Cartesian (rectangular) or polar (angle/distance). " ) ) ;
bMiddleLeftSizer - > Add ( m_PolarDisplay , 0 , wxALL | wxEXPAND , 5 ) ;
wxString m_UnitsSelectionChoices [ ] = { _ ( " Inches " ) , _ ( " Millimeters " ) } ;
int m_UnitsSelectionNChoices = sizeof ( m_UnitsSelectionChoices ) / sizeof ( wxString ) ;
m_UnitsSelection = new wxRadioBox ( this , wxID_UNITS , _ ( " Units " ) , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , m_UnitsSelectionNChoices , m_UnitsSelectionChoices , 1 , wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS ) ;
m_UnitsSelection - > SetSelection ( 0 ) ;
m_UnitsSelection - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " Set units used to display dimensions and positions. " ) ) ;
bMiddleLeftSizer - > Add ( m_UnitsSelection , 0 , wxALL | wxEXPAND , 5 ) ;
wxStaticBoxSizer * bOptionsSizer ;
bOptionsSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer ( new wxStaticBox ( this , wxID_ANY , _ ( " Editing Options " ) ) , wxVERTICAL ) ;
m_Show_Page_Limits = new wxCheckBox ( bOptionsSizer - > GetStaticBox ( ) , wxID_ANY , _ ( " Show page limits " ) , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , 0 ) ;
m_Show_Page_Limits - > SetValue ( true ) ;
bOptionsSizer - > Add ( m_Show_Page_Limits , 0 , wxBOTTOM | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT , 5 ) ;
m_Segments_45_Only_Ctrl = new wxCheckBox ( bOptionsSizer - > GetStaticBox ( ) , wxID_SEGMENTS45 , _ ( " L&imit graphic lines to H, V and 45 degrees " ) , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , 0 ) ;
m_Segments_45_Only_Ctrl - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " Force line segment directions to H, V or 45 degrees when drawing on technical layers. " ) ) ;
bOptionsSizer - > Add ( m_Segments_45_Only_Ctrl , 0 , wxBOTTOM | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT , 5 ) ;
m_UseEditKeyForWidth = new wxCheckBox ( bOptionsSizer - > GetStaticBox ( ) , wxID_ANY , _ ( " Edit action changes track width " ) , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , 0 ) ;
m_UseEditKeyForWidth - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " When active, hitting Edit hotkey or double-clicking on a track or via changes its width/diameter to the one selected in the main toolbar. " ) ) ;
bOptionsSizer - > Add ( m_UseEditKeyForWidth , 0 , wxBOTTOM | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT , 5 ) ;
m_dragSelects = new wxCheckBox ( bOptionsSizer - > GetStaticBox ( ) , wxID_ANY , _ ( " Prefer selection to dragging " ) , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , 0 ) ;
m_dragSelects - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " When enabled and nothing is selected, drag gesture will draw a selection box, even if there are items under the cursor that could be immediately dragged. " ) ) ;
bOptionsSizer - > Add ( m_dragSelects , 0 , wxBOTTOM | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT , 5 ) ;
wxFlexGridSizer * fgSizer12 ;
fgSizer12 = new wxFlexGridSizer ( 0 , 2 , 0 , 0 ) ;
fgSizer12 - > AddGrowableCol ( 1 ) ;
fgSizer12 - > SetFlexibleDirection ( wxBOTH ) ;
fgSizer12 - > SetNonFlexibleGrowMode ( wxFLEX_GROWMODE_SPECIFIED ) ;
m_staticTextRotationAngle = new wxStaticText ( bOptionsSizer - > GetStaticBox ( ) , wxID_ANY , _ ( " &Rotation angle: " ) , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , 0 ) ;
m_staticTextRotationAngle - > Wrap ( - 1 ) ;
fgSizer12 - > Add ( m_staticTextRotationAngle , 0 , wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL , 5 ) ;
m_RotationAngle = new wxTextCtrl ( bOptionsSizer - > GetStaticBox ( ) , wxID_ANY , wxEmptyString , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , 0 ) ;
m_RotationAngle - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " Set increment (in degrees) for context menu and hotkey rotation. " ) ) ;
fgSizer12 - > Add ( m_RotationAngle , 0 , wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL | wxEXPAND , 5 ) ;
bOptionsSizer - > Add ( fgSizer12 , 1 , wxEXPAND , 5 ) ;
bMiddleLeftSizer - > Add ( bOptionsSizer , 1 , wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxRIGHT | wxLEFT , 5 ) ;
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bMargins - > Add ( bMiddleLeftSizer , 1 , wxEXPAND | wxRIGHT , 5 ) ;
2018-05-14 17:34:18 +00:00
wxBoxSizer * bRightSizer ;
bRightSizer = new wxBoxSizer ( wxVERTICAL ) ;
wxString m_MagneticPadOptCtrlChoices [ ] = { _ ( " Never " ) , _ ( " When creating tracks " ) , _ ( " Always " ) } ;
int m_MagneticPadOptCtrlNChoices = sizeof ( m_MagneticPadOptCtrlChoices ) / sizeof ( wxString ) ;
m_MagneticPadOptCtrl = new wxRadioBox ( this , wxID_ANY , _ ( " Magnetic Pads " ) , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , m_MagneticPadOptCtrlNChoices , m_MagneticPadOptCtrlChoices , 1 , wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS ) ;
m_MagneticPadOptCtrl - > SetSelection ( 2 ) ;
m_MagneticPadOptCtrl - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " Control capture of the cursor when the mouse enters a pad area. " ) ) ;
bRightSizer - > Add ( m_MagneticPadOptCtrl , 0 , wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM | wxLEFT , 5 ) ;
wxString m_MagneticTrackOptCtrlChoices [ ] = { _ ( " Never " ) , _ ( " When creating tracks " ) , _ ( " Always " ) } ;
int m_MagneticTrackOptCtrlNChoices = sizeof ( m_MagneticTrackOptCtrlChoices ) / sizeof ( wxString ) ;
m_MagneticTrackOptCtrl = new wxRadioBox ( this , wxID_MAGNETIC_TRACKS , _ ( " Magnetic Tracks " ) , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , m_MagneticTrackOptCtrlNChoices , m_MagneticTrackOptCtrlChoices , 1 , wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS ) ;
m_MagneticTrackOptCtrl - > SetSelection ( 0 ) ;
m_MagneticTrackOptCtrl - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " Control capture of the cursor when the mouse approaches a track. " ) ) ;
bRightSizer - > Add ( m_MagneticTrackOptCtrl , 0 , wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM | wxLEFT , 5 ) ;
wxStaticBoxSizer * bLegacyOptionsSizer ;
bLegacyOptionsSizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer ( new wxStaticBox ( this , wxID_ANY , _ ( " Legacy Toolset Routing Options " ) ) , wxVERTICAL ) ;
m_DrcOn = new wxCheckBox ( bLegacyOptionsSizer - > GetStaticBox ( ) , wxID_DRC_ONOFF , _ ( " &Enforce design rules when routing " ) , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , 0 ) ;
m_DrcOn - > SetValue ( true ) ;
m_DrcOn - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " Enable DRC control. When DRC control is disabled, all connections are allowed. " ) ) ;
bLegacyOptionsSizer - > Add ( m_DrcOn , 0 , wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM | wxRIGHT | wxLEFT , 5 ) ;
m_TrackAutodel = new wxCheckBox ( bLegacyOptionsSizer - > GetStaticBox ( ) , wxID_TRACK_AUTODEL , _ ( " Auto-delete old tracks " ) , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , 0 ) ;
m_TrackAutodel - > SetValue ( true ) ;
m_TrackAutodel - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " Enable automatic track deletion when redrawing a track. " ) ) ;
bLegacyOptionsSizer - > Add ( m_TrackAutodel , 0 , wxBOTTOM | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT , 5 ) ;
m_Track_45_Only_Ctrl = new wxCheckBox ( bLegacyOptionsSizer - > GetStaticBox ( ) , wxID_TRACKS45 , _ ( " &Limit tracks to H, V and 45 degrees " ) , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , 0 ) ;
m_Track_45_Only_Ctrl - > SetValue ( true ) ;
m_Track_45_Only_Ctrl - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " Force track directions to H, V or 45 degrees when drawing a track. " ) ) ;
bLegacyOptionsSizer - > Add ( m_Track_45_Only_Ctrl , 0 , wxBOTTOM | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT , 5 ) ;
m_Track_DoubleSegm_Ctrl = new wxCheckBox ( bLegacyOptionsSizer - > GetStaticBox ( ) , wxID_ANY , _ ( " &Use double segmented tracks " ) , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , 0 ) ;
m_Track_DoubleSegm_Ctrl - > SetValue ( true ) ;
m_Track_DoubleSegm_Ctrl - > SetToolTip ( _ ( " Use two track segments, with 45 degrees angle between them, when drawing a new track " ) ) ;
bLegacyOptionsSizer - > Add ( m_Track_DoubleSegm_Ctrl , 0 , wxBOTTOM | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT , 5 ) ;
bRightSizer - > Add ( bLegacyOptionsSizer , 1 , wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxLEFT , 5 ) ;
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bMargins - > Add ( bRightSizer , 1 , wxEXPAND | wxRIGHT , 5 ) ;
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2018-07-16 06:25:27 +00:00
bPanelSizer - > Add ( bMargins , 1 , wxRIGHT , 5 ) ;
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this - > SetSizer ( bPanelSizer ) ;
this - > Layout ( ) ;
bPanelSizer - > Fit ( this ) ;