Create footprint edgecuts differently than the board edge cuts

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Ian McInerney 2020-02-27 17:51:11 +00:00 committed by Ian McInerney
parent 78c43158f4
commit 0ac2803624
1 changed files with 212 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -821,3 +821,215 @@ bool BuildBoardPolygonOutlines( BOARD* aBoard, SHAPE_POLY_SET& aOutlines, wxStri
return success;
* Get the complete bounding box of the board (including all items)
void buildBoardBoundingBoxPoly( const BOARD* aBoard, SHAPE_POLY_SET& aOutline )
EDA_RECT bbbox = aBoard->GetBoundingBox();
// If null area, uses the global bounding box.
if( ( bbbox.GetWidth() ) == 0 || ( bbbox.GetHeight() == 0 ) )
bbbox = aBoard->ComputeBoundingBox();
// Ensure non null area. If happen, gives a minimal size.
if( ( bbbox.GetWidth() ) == 0 || ( bbbox.GetHeight() == 0 ) )
bbbox.Inflate( Millimeter2iu( 1.0 ) );
wxPoint corner;
aOutline.Append( bbbox.GetOrigin() );
corner.x = bbbox.GetOrigin().x;
corner.y = bbbox.GetEnd().y;
aOutline.Append( corner );
aOutline.Append( bbbox.GetEnd() );
corner.x = bbbox.GetEnd().x;
corner.y = bbbox.GetOrigin().y;
aOutline.Append( corner );
bool isCopperOutside( const MODULE* aMod, SHAPE_POLY_SET& aShape )
bool padOutside = false;
for( auto pad : aMod->Pads() )
pad->BuildPadShapePolygon( padPoly, wxSize( 0, 0 ) );
bool padOutsidePad = false;
for( auto it = padPoly.CIterateSegments( 0 ); it; it++ )
auto seg = it.Get();
padOutsidePad |= !aShape.Collide( seg );
wxPoint padPos = pad->GetPosition();
wxLogDebug( "Tested pad (%d, %d): %s", padPos.x, padPos.y, padOutsidePad ? "true" : "false" );
padOutside |= padOutsidePad;
return padOutside;
VECTOR2I projectPointOnSegment( const VECTOR2I& aEndPoint, const SHAPE_POLY_SET& aOutline,
int aOutlineNum = 0 )
int minDistance = -1;
VECTOR2I projPoint;
for( auto it = aOutline.CIterateSegments( aOutlineNum ); it; it++ )
auto seg = it.Get();
int dis = seg.Distance( aEndPoint );
if( minDistance < 0 || ( dis < minDistance ) )
minDistance = dis;
projPoint = seg.NearestPoint( aEndPoint );
return projPoint;
* This function is used to extract a board outline for a footprint view.
* Notes:
* * Incomplete outlines will be closed by joining the end of the outline
* onto the bounding box (by simply projecting the end points) and then take the
* area that contains the copper.
* * If all copper lies inside a closed outline, than that outline will be treated
* as an external board outline.
* * If copper is located outside a closed outline, then that outline will be treated
* as a hole, and the outer edge will be formed using the bounding box.
bool BuildFootprintPolygonOutlines( BOARD* aBoard, SHAPE_POLY_SET& aOutlines,
wxString* aErrorText, unsigned int aTolerance, wxPoint* aErrorLocation )
SHAPE_POLY_SET outlines;
// Get all the DRAWSEGMENTS and module graphics into 'items',
// then keep only those on layer == Edge_Cuts.
static const KICAD_T scan_graphics[] = { PCB_LINE_T, PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T, EOT };
items.Collect( aBoard, scan_graphics );
// Make a working copy of aSegList, because the list is modified during calculations
std::vector< DRAWSEGMENT* > segList;
for( int ii = 0; ii < items.GetCount(); ii++ )
if( items[ii]->GetLayer() == Edge_Cuts )
segList.push_back( static_cast< DRAWSEGMENT* >( items[ii] ) );
bool success = ConvertOutlineToPolygon( segList, outlines, aErrorText, aTolerance, aErrorLocation );
// A closed outline was found
if( success )
// If copper is outside a closed polygon, treat it as a hole
if( isCopperOutside( aBoard->GetFirstModule(), outlines ) )
buildBoardBoundingBoxPoly( aBoard, aOutlines );
// Copy all outlines from the conversion as holes into the new outline
for( int i = 0; i < outlines.OutlineCount(); i++ )
aOutlines.AddHole( outlines.Outline( i ), -1 );
for( int j = 0; j < outlines.HoleCount( i ); j++ )
aOutlines.AddHole( outlines.Hole( i, j ), -1 );
// If all copper is inside, then the computed outline is the board outline
aOutlines = outlines;
// No board outlines were found, so use the bounding box
else if( !outlines.OutlineCount() )
buildBoardBoundingBoxPoly( aBoard, aOutlines );
// There is an outline present, but it is not closed
SHAPE_POLY_SET closedPolys;
// Extract all polygons to top-level entities
for( int i = 0; i < outlines.OutlineCount(); i++ )
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN chain = outlines.Outline( i );
// Separate the open and closed polygons
if( chain.IsClosed() )
wxLogDebug( "Outline closed" );
closedPolys.AddOutline( chain );
wxLogDebug( "Outline open" );
chain.SetClosed( true );
openPolys.AddOutline( chain );
// The ConvertOutlineToPolygon function returns only one main
// outline and the rest as holes, so we promote the holes
for( int j = 0; j < outlines.HoleCount( i ); j++ )
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN hole = outlines.Hole( i, j );
if( hole.IsClosed() )
wxLogDebug( "Hole closed" );
closedPolys.AddOutline( hole );
wxLogDebug( "Hole open" );
hole.SetClosed( true );
openPolys.AddOutline( hole );
SHAPE_POLY_SET boardBoundingBox;
buildBoardBoundingBoxPoly( aBoard, boardBoundingBox );
for( int i = 0; i < openPolys.OutlineCount(); i++ )
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN chain = openPolys.Outline( i );
VECTOR2I startProj = projectPointOnSegment( chain.CPoint( 0 ), openPolys, i );
VECTOR2I endProj = projectPointOnSegment( chain.CLastPoint(), openPolys, i );
wxLogDebug( "Start project: (%d, %d)", startProj.x, startProj.y );
wxLogDebug( "end project: (%d, %d)", endProj.x, endProj.y );
return success;